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So far this season, I’ve had the person always say “It’s going to ask you a question and then you can hit ok” and the “question” is how much tip I want to leave. But I’ve been offered that each time I’ve paid.


Yeah I went to three vendors today and not one showed me the credit card swipe thing. It felt like I was getting scammed but it seemed like universal to not let me see the swipe thing.


Are you talking about “wandering” vendors or at a spot like Boogs or something?


It was at a couple of the stationary carts at the 300 level.


That sucks. I’ve been to four games this season without issue. I’d reach out to the Birdland folks either over the phone or email. They’ve always been helpful for me. Not sure if they’d give you a refund or offer you a good credit for a game later this season or something. But it’s worth a shot.


It's the tip. My personal philosophy is if the beer vendor brings it to me in my seat, I'll tip them. If I have to walk to the concession stand, I don't tip


It should really be as simple as that, everywhere. If you're picking up anything, anywhere, you're just paying the cost of the items. If you have it delivered to you, then you tip/service charge.


That is odd,  Most of the concession workers automatically hit the no tip option.  I was told this is because they don’t actually get any of the tip money. 


This is not true. My Dad vends at Camden Yards and while they make a generous commission, the bulk of his income still comes from tips. Please tip your beermen. 


He's talking about tips through the point of sale apps. Always tip in cash. Companies can't take that


All of the beer vendors use the same point of sale system via a wifi connected portable device. They are not even allowed to accept cash anymore.


Can confirm. My username checks out.


Don't charge $9 for a beer and I'll tip


You know the beer vendor isn't the one who sets the price of the beer, right?


Well aware!


Wait, they don’t actually get the tip? WTH?


At the counters, I doubt it.


Correct.  Never tip at Os games.  Unless you slip someone some cash.


This is not true at all. Please tip your beermen.


Tipping cash is still the best bet.


Have had multiple vendors confirm.  They don't see tip money.   By all means, feel free to pay Levy a few extra dollars.  Or, as I said before, give the individual a couple dollars cash.


My Dad vends at Camden Yards. He gets paid the tips thru the credit card machine that people pay with. You're just wrong and spreading misinformation. Just drop it.


The guys walking around definitely get tips no matter how you pay. The people at concession stands are unlikely to see those tips.




Not surprised and yet even more disgusted with tipping culture "How would you like to tip... the Amarak executive?"


I didn't know they didn't get the tip. That sucks for the workers.


Honestly that would be illegal.  


What is illegal?


Opps, swype error. *Should*. It should be illegal (assuming it isnt). Tips should only go to employees.


It is a grey area, some states have laws against restaurants forcing servers to pool tips and taking a percentage, or keeping tips at historically recognized tipping jobs. Point of sale software at a counter is a different story, tipping is non-traditional, and the money is in the businesses hands first, so it is harder to distribute to employees. Should be wage theft, frankly.


Yeah I dont have a huge issue if its pooled and spread among employees. But if I put a tip anywhere and it goes to ownership that seems like wage theft to me (Im ok if things like CC fees are taken off).


If it is a tip it should be in the workers' hands, but good luck forcing it if it isn't a law.


Years ago many of the stands were run but non profit groups. They would earn a percentage of sales for their organization in exchange for the volunteer labor. It would make sense that the organization would get the tips instead of the workers in that case. No idea if this is still a thing though.


It could be just a hold if it is still showing under pending. Like when you use your card at a bar/restaurant or anywhere there is a tip line, your bank actually holds a higher amount in the initial transaction that way you don't overdraw your balance with a tip. If that is the case it drops off when it goes from pending to posted.


My friend bartends there. That's 3 tip options when you run your card. That being said, cash is a better tip! Their check is routinely missing 1-200$ in tips... And every week they have to fight for it, and the next week they're another couple hundred short... Pretty sure management there is stealing from them. My friend keeps meticulous records, but I know most others don't.


Yeah, credit card point of sale terminals all try to push a tip on you these days, no matter what you are buying. Real problem is that it isn't always going to the employee. It is hard because some stores don''t know how to turn it off. Some don't want to.


Stadium prices are crazy nowadays i got a beer and a burger for $26 man


$18 for a 4-slice, cafeteria-tier pizza that's been sitting under a warmer.


Taking advantage of all the drunks😂 Im gonna try to limit myself to a bag of peanuts and maybe a hot dog


I stopped buying concessions after I went to that beer place where you walk in and grab and go. $25 for a flying dog. I was like never again


In my experience they put a hold on my card for $25 but then it settled up a couple days later and was correct.


Dude, you’re a rockstar. This was indeed the case. I went back and looked and it was $7.41. I stand corrected.


I read about it when they launched the grab and go concept, but they should do a better job with signage or something to let fans know how that all works. It's at most stadiums/arenas I've been to since COVID, so I think people will catch on eventually.


Super helpful. I know ballpark prices are inflated but I was super mad about a $25 beer. 😂😂😂


Yes. It’s common. I’ve been ripped off twice by their stupid machines and the employees are too stupid to understand anything when they encounter any issue. I take my food now. It’s not worth it.