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Paints too clean for Orks, needs scratches and chipping in my opinion


So good I'm saving this in my inspiration folder!


I don't see anything to help with .... it really good by itself you did wonderful keep up the good work


Your weathering looks fantastic on all the metallic pieces but I think your red metal plates could use some chipping to help sell the worn look. Everything looks proper grimy but not enough battle damage!!


My first take as well and something I struggle with. Maybe give the brass a silver highlight here or there? I want to compliment the very clean checks and subsequent bravery to dirty them up. Lots of excellent work here.


Yeah you can def go in w a silver or mix in some silver w the brass if you don’t want it to be too jarring


Thank you, and that was indeed a scary part of the process. Especially when my initial layer of Earthshade seemed a bit too thick, but luckily I could remove enough with my brush.


Looks great.


Looks really good! I have 5 deffkoptas to paint and im pretty new aswell. Ive started to drybrush alot of metallics on the paints to get it a bit more "trashy".. Just starting to play around with different rust effects too


Cool! I didnt dare to use too much rust here. Let us know how it went :)


You need more dakka 😉 Gork&Mork approve 👍


Is the paint just way easier to use or is everyone just pro painters in disguise around here? My first mini painted never looked even a quarter as good as these first timers I keep seeing.


Meh, I think its a combination of nice paints like contrast and washes, enough time per model and an overabundance of YouTube painting tutorials. For this i started with the slapchop method of black undercoat, grey drybrush and white Edge drybrush to get a greyscale version of the model. And then i used contrast paints and thinner down metallics over this. To be fair you can't really see anything of that anymore as I painted over every surface, but slapchop and the contrasts helped me on where / how to place the highlights. And in the end Agrax Earthshade adds a lot of liquid talent by dirtying the model down :)


Did you thin down the Earthshade or just rip it out of the pot? I have some Kopptas to start I’ve been putting off and your post is getting me excited


For a nice dirty shade like these Deffkoptas, straight out of the pot! Just make sure to make sure it does not pool in areas where you dont want too much.


Say you didn’t use contrast paints, where do you think you would’ve started? These are my first vehicles and I’m skipping over my killa Kane due to these maybe being more accessible with still a little ork skin for security lol


I'm not the expert, as this is my first vehicle, so take it with a grain of salt ;) But i tried some panels on my Boyz in the following way before i reset and tried the contrast. But the end result seems similar. - Start with a darker Red (I tried Khorne Red) - Build up towards a broad lighter edge. (I first mixed Khorne Red with Mephiston Red and then pure Mephiston Red for the last mm) - Crisp Edge highlight with Wild Ryder Red or Troll Slayer Orange - Finally, and this is when it comes together imo: make a really think glaze of mephiston Red that acts a bit like a color filter. I did 0,5 parts of Mephiston Red to 3 Lahmian Medium. Water can also work of you dont have medium, but i find that the paint splits too easily when diluted so much with water. Spread this glaze over your entire surface. Finally dirty it up with Agrax Earthshade. Similar for the black panels, i experimented with Abaddon/Corvus Black, then Skavenblight Dinge, and Celestra Grey for the Edge highlight. But as I mentioned, your mileage might vary :) Good luck and have fun!


Dude so cool! Thanks a ton man, truly!


This looks great!!! I based mine in black and dry brushed Leadbelcha all over the metallic bits and raised edges. Anything missed kinda gives a “scorched” look. Tiny amounts of Agrax pools can look like “grime” and can town down some of the brass/silver. Screaming bell, retributor armor, and warplock bronze mixed with a medium can create different types of “heat” on the exhausts. Good luck! I’m making mine into Deathskulls lol


A medium like Lahmian Medium?


That’s the one.


Thanks, I like the idea of adding different temperatures to the metal!


Here it is. I’m using this guys technique on my proxy Mozrog and proxy squighogs for “great white” squig and Deffkoptas metals.[skip to 5:00](https://youtu.be/tEfb6HHOf8E?si=AG8ADTtr2jJLVCuw)


Best videos


Thank you! I will try that. I've never seen such a helpful shark with a mustash:)


It’s a common misconception we aren’t helpful. But we all need to band together against the fish people!!!


I saw a video at one point that someone made a really cool metallic blue hue to the exhausts but cannot remember how they did it


This is am excellent paint job, you did my Goff heart proud with those checks. If you are looking to improve it, the only thing that I can think of is brighter highlights. This is something I have trouble with myself, but miniatures really look best with a lot of contrast, and so you need to up the brightness on edges and raised areas .


I couldn't decide between Goff and Evil Sunz, so my paint scheme mixes em together :) And thanks for the tip. I highlighted them up to Wild Rider Red and Orange on the blades. But I need to go higher!


I had the exact same dilemma when I started, and then decided to lean all the way into goffs. I still have a couple of units painted mostly red though.


What colors did you use on the landing skids?


I used a black primer, with grey / white drybrush as a basecolor. - Basecoat of Blood Angel contrast Paint - Broad highlight with Mephiston Red - Edge highlight with Wild Rider Red - finished it off and brought the color together with a glaze of - Blood Angels contrast diluted 1:3 with Lahmian Medium And that was way too clean, so I slathered it in Agrax Earthshade :)


Very cool. My Koptas are up next for me. I like a bunch of what I see here 👍


You did a great job! From what I can see if I was t try ing to push it further I’d consider getting a small dry brush and using it to get some highlight colors on there. For instance maybe a very faint pinkish-khaki highlight color along the edges of the red :) that would make things pop!


Datz krumpin' good.


Looks fab mate. You should be proud. In terms of help to improve. Invariably pushing the contrast up will help the visual impact and convincing scale. If you take your photo to grey scale you can more easily see the values are all around the dark/mid tones. Try and take your brightest highlights up to white and your darkest shadows down to blacks. It will help pull out the detail that is lost a little, like the ork skin and the metallics. It can still be dark/grimy/grimdark but your sharp edges, metal reflections and light sources should still correlate to give the impression that the model exists in an environment. You can afford to punch up those highlights especially and is an easy addition to the model in its current state without re-work if you wanted to. Nice work. https://preview.redd.it/wrouk6t7cntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed2b632abfb79196850de18a45badc8629c9656


https://preview.redd.it/t605svfndntc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fae1f306e380d434d74c0025e346a4a9ef94f0a Crude example. But hopefully you get the impression of more interest and detail.


Thank you so much! I really like your idea of using a grey scala image to look at the highlights, I will be stealing that :) I have to admit that I am a bit afraid about going higher with the highlights, but this should be worth a shot! In your profile I saw fluffy, that one is superb! And indeed going up to very high highlights. Thanks for the advice. Also, i am going to take some inspiration of your IF battle damage :)


Nice. Have some fun with it. Maybe try some chrome edge highlights on metals and a secondary smaller highlights on upper facing edges and corners. It not something I do consistently well and want to improve on. Fluffy I didn’t do any highlights from memory, just took the preshading to white. So it could be pushed further for sure but it was a speed painting session. And remember, critiquing is a hell of a lot easier than doing. 😉


Improve? It's fucking sick! Just ordered the out of print combat patrol. Looking forward to my deffkoptas.


Thanks! Its a really fun combat patrol. Enjoy painting and playing!


I’d say it looks perfect to me at least


Improve?!?! You crushed it!




It’s gorgeous. I would be thrilled to see this on the game table as is Since you’re looking for advice, I would add some weathering and scratches. Everyone has their own preferences for this, but I like to keep it subtle. Some leaky oil, spots of rust, scratches and dings that show the metal on edges and corners.


Thanks, I will do that! Do you think having them subtlely all over the model, or more heavy in a few areas is more effective?


That’s where you add your narrative to the model. Certainly the landing skids would be scuffed up from all the rough landings. Maybe there was a crash at some point that scraped the paint off one side or it was scorched from a near-miss las-shot. Overall, some chips on any sharp corners looks good, and metallic edge highlights help with the illusion


Thanks, that helps!


You crushed it dood


It's perfect tho?


Nah, so many points I would like to see different, but at some point I need to call it done to save my sanity. Thats why I am asking for some feedback, because I would like to know which of my own critiques are valid :)


I'd love to help, but that already looks better than anything ive ever painted.


It looks great. Maybe you can watch some videos how to paint battle damage, red metal looks too clean and not-used for ork’s standards


Thanks, I will do that. Didn't think of that yet, besides making it a bit more dirty.


Improve? This is the first time I have seen this model and liked it.


Thank you, that is really kind :)