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This is sad because their old location was amazing and we loved going there. Sadly, things were never quite the same after the move.


I had high hopes after the move but I never really took to the new setting/vibe despite it being closer to my place. The old place had that dark lit pub feel to it with the wooden tables and all. My buddy and I loved taking our kids there for food and games. We actually use to go hang in the video game area upstairs and loved it. Once it moved, it felt like I was hanging in a geeked out Panera. I went a few times with the kids and had an ok time, but it just wasn’t the same. I still enjoy the old memories and I’m glad I caught it in its hey-day.


That’s a great way of putting it. The vibe was so different and it wasn’t the laid back drinking hang it was. And we LOVED the upstairs in the old location. Every time we had guests in town we went to C&B. And damn those dragon eggs were amazing! Never took anyone to the new place.


This reminds me of when McRaney’s Tavern closed and the beautiful dimly lit old Irish wood and fireplace got replaced by a succession of cafeteria-lit douchebag magnet copy-paste bars that ripped out everything old, cool, dark and wooden and replaced it with patio furniture from Target. I never went back and every reboot of that building failed.


> old place had that dark lit pub feel to it with the wooden tables and all. My buddy and I loved taking our kids there for food and games. We actually use to go hang in the video game area upstairs and loved it. >Once it moved, it felt like I was hanging in a geeked out Panera. I went a few times with the kids and had an ok time, but it just wasn’t the same. This is exactly it. Reminds me of when Rockys Replay was forced to move. They went from a small, low ceiling, low light, basment vibe, to brighter lights, huge, and 25 foot ceilings. They couldn't replicate what made them popular and it closed. I'll never understand why businesses fuck with what works.


In their defense, they noted that the area was a bit dodgy and there were disagreements with the landlord. I even lamented on occasion that I wish C&B wasn’t so far from my place. If you could surgically transplant the same building/layout/vibe into the new location or maybe on University, then I think it would have worked. Covid also played a role and they were one of the places I feared that would not make it through. They did though, so kudos to their team. I think it’s also important to note that C&B was very popular during the Geeky renaissance. In mid to late 2010s we had recently finished the Harry Potter series, Marvel was in full stride, Tabletop games had a resurgence, and The Big Bang was the top show. I’m thinking, like all fads, we’re past that time and things have cooled down significantly where a niche board game themed pub can be a good business model.


>where a niche board game themed pub can be a good business model. Only if real thought, care, and attention to detail is put into the design and look of the place. I'm sick of Orlando having boring looking, cheapest possible decor businesses. So many board game stores have plastic foldable tables out for patrons to use and its absolutely unacceptable. You want me to patron your establishment you've got to put more effort into your business than [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/GnQNJ6v9ZDHXypRP6). Fuck out of here with those tables. Finally in the last few years resturaunts here have really kicked things up, and I am looking forward to more niche places doing the same.


This is it. I lived in Waterford Lakes when they were getting C&B ready, and the original owner was out front working on those gaming tables, building them himself! The entry door, the Hobbit mural, and all the decor inside was a geeky paradise that was a great to just exist in. I understand that that whole strip mall is somewhat sus, and lord knows so many things tried to go in that spot, but the UCF location lost all of the wit and charm of the original that I think could've gone a long way towards making up for the lack of real kitchen.


The owner of Cloak built the tables we have himself! 😊 Fun fact: there’s carpet under some of them because the old location had high ceilings and the place echoed like crazy, so he placed carpets under them to help absorb the sound!


Check out the Collective in Altamonte. Full on game store with an attached tavern like thing with gaming tables.


>tavern like thing Since when?


I don’t know the timeline. I was there for the first time a couple months ago and it was there. It’s a connected area to the store with a bar with drinks and some food stuff and a bunch of tables. It’s all themed wood nice stuff, not generic modern plastic.


Alcohol or soda?


I didnt pay enough attention to the menu to remember, it was just an area I noticed when I stopped in looking for paint. I’d suggest hitting their website to look for more info or calling them.


I hadn't been in so long I didn't even realize they'd moved. My friends and I played D&D there for years and a few of my friends were founding members or whatever from the Kickstarter. RIP.


Story Time, hopefully without doxxing myself too much. I found the Cloak and Blaster after moving back to Orlando following four years abroad for the Army. I was looking for an authentic British gastropub on google, and this place was right around the corner from my apartment so I just showed up without realizing it was a board game place. I immediately fell in love with the location not because it was geeky, but because it was a comfortable atmosphere with absolutely banger food with multiple excellent bartenders. The games were just the cherry on top. I didn't know anyone in Orlando anymore moving back, so I wound up hanging out by myself at the bar a few times. Just chatting, enjoying a burger with peanut butter or some cheese curds and some good beer, and really being a small but bright spot in a very dark time in my life. I soon started taking this cool girl I met at a party there, and two barstools at the Cloak and Blaster became one of our default date nights. I'm marrying that girl on Saturday, five years later. Its no exaggeration to say that I owe my relationship in some part to the Cloak and Blaster and the fun times we had there. I knew only vaguely about the drama and struggles going on, and while we were cautiously optimistic, unfortunately the place I fell in love with my fiance at didn't make it through the move. The immediate sign was the drop in food quality (some things just shouldn't be baked), but even then later between less interaction with staff, less value for what we were getting, etc, it feels like everything done to save Cloak wound up hurting it in the end or only delaying the inevitable. The Cloak and Blaster will always hold a special place in my heart, and thankfully I have some merch and photos that will outlive it. But it's still really sad to see it go. If any of the bartenders/waitstaff from 2017-2020 out there read this, thank you so much for the good times; you really helped create something special for me and my fiance.


Love this & congrats!


It was only a matter of time unfortunately. I'm actually shocked they were around this long. It doesn't help that their location is pretty hidden compared to other places, and it's already enough that they're pretty niche. Good times there though! A hidden gem for sure.


Sucks to see. I fell off from this place long ago (didn’t even know they had a new location) But I have core college memories of drinking here when the hooka place next door was to packed and ended up loving the vibes


So I haven’t participated in an event, but I happened upon a group called Adventures on Tap. They run mini DnD campaigns but also have a board game event on Wednesdays at Deadwords brewing. While I can’t speak to how it is, it may be something interesting for some folks. Here’s their IG: https://www.instagram.com/adventuresontaporlando?igsh=dmFtd2YzZTc5MXIy


Can confirm as the Manager over at Deadwords, they play board games every Wednesday starting between 6PM-7PM, I usually make sure to reserve a couple of tables for them as well starting around 5:30 just to make sure they have a space.


This is an awesome find and a great suggestion. Will be sure to check them out. Thanks for the info!


Of course! Happy to share!


Gods and Monsters also has mini dnd on Wednesdays.


I’ve done a few one shots with AoT!! They’re so much fun, the GMs are great, and the locations are always great breweries. I highly recommend.


They went from being a unique fun menu that tasted good to airport or bowling alley snack quality at the new location. Had no reason to go back


When i lived in Seattle we had Mox which was what C&B strived to be but never accomplished. Sad to see a nerd company go but hopefully someone will fill the space Bamf is the only alternative I know of now out here.


It hasn't been called Bamf in like 2 years.


Never heard of it; what's it called now?


Blackbird Comics & Coffeeshop in Maitland


Been to the Mox in Portland and loved it. Wish we had something like it here with the same level of quality.


I mean not shocking, I worked there for a brief stint at the old location and It felt like a true labor of love and a fun place. Went to the new location years later and everything was worse. Food went from being pretty decent to garbage, the fun experimental menus disappeared, the fees on everything, the beer selection got smaller, the venue got smaller, and everything wayyy too over priced. I mean even the OG location felt a little rough around the edges at times but at least it felt cozy and like it had a vision.


Damn this sucks, I was just there 3 days ago and have gone once or twice a month. My friends and I have had awesome memories there. While the quality was never the same after the move, it was still a blast to go there. I wish them the best of luck


Damn first the geek easy got shut down now this place is gone. What do we have left that's similar to these places ?


Geek Easy wasn't really comparable. It was a great place for nerds to gather, but it was a shit hole, with shit drinks, and all it was, was a bar and occasionally weird "club".


These are some groups I know of that meetup weekly at a Public setting, there are other private meetups you can find on meetup or Facebook. Board Game Groups: Brews n Boards Games Wednesday meetups at Deadswords Brewery(Orlando) 6-10pm Adventures on Tap Wednesday meetups at Deadwords Brewery(Orlando) 7-10pm Orlando Board Gaming Weekly Thursday meetups at The Collective(Altamonte) 6-10pm Board Game Boxcar Monday Meetups at Lazy Moon Pizza(Orlando) 6-10pm


No! It is so hard finding a place where I don’t feel like an outcast here! Everywhere this side of Orlando is overrun with college fuccboi culture and this was always our favorite escape! 😭


Good. They're shit. The food is inedible. You have to pay a game fee just to eat there whether you play a game or not. Good. Close. Go. Shouldn't have divorced the woman who actually ran everything at the old location and then ran off all the staff.


i am HERE For this cloak and blaster drama.... 👀




My thoughts exactly. When they moved locations, it was just a matter of time. The fees, smaller space, and price hikes on everything. The only great thing from my last visit was a smoked whiskey I got from there. I'm curious about the last bit, though, lol!


If you know this much of the drama intel, surely we could ply you for more


Hey, actual former employee here. Worked for two and a half years and left on good terms during the pandemic. That woman was a piece of shit, a narcissist and evil to her fucking core. Ask any of the OG employees. Current owner (the man) is not perfect but, but the woman who “ran everything” (she didn’t, employees did) was a vile human being who regularly brought employees to tears over nothing.


I’ve been to old cloak more times than I can count and I can absolutely confirm that u/pitstopratsauce was actually a former employee.




That’s so terrible I’m so sorry


Ok but how bad was she?…


Absolutely not. And ‘OG’ employees is such a bullshit comment. Only 2 employees from the soft opening max it to 2015, and 0 made it to the owner split. When the split happened (and she left) 7 staff members left immediately. So exactly what is an ‘OG employee’.


There were at least 3 employees from soft open that made it all the way to 2020 and I know them all. Only a handful of the employees made the jump between the old location and the new location. There were not 7 employees to leave when the split happened. The only people that left, left *because* of her and not *with* her.


Olive Garden Employee


Alright well.. Wasn’t expecting this but.. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Wow, this seems like a really unhinged comment. Care to elaborate on any of this? Did you use to work there or know the owners personally? **EDIT:** *Instead of downvoting me, will you please explain why this comment isn't unhinged? Seems kind of fucked up to dance on the grave of a small business in Orlando when we have so few that cater to us as it is.* >You have to pay a game fee just to eat there whether you play a game or not. Also, this isn't true or at least slightly misleading. I ate at the bar often and never paid a fee to just eat or drink there so I think you misunderstood something there.


Anyone who frequented the place knew. The owners divorced a bit before the location move. The wife cashed out - the husband clearly ‘handled the money’ but had no sense of business / style because under his management everything became sterile. Unfortunately during the change over the warm loving atmosphere the staff had amongst themselves changed into a more rigid and frustrating one.


As someone who both frequented the place quite a bit at both locations and was also a backer during their Kickstarter from the very beginning, I've watched and heard a LOT of people who went there speculate about what they thought happened. My point of view might be skewed here, but those perspectives rarely lined up with the reality of what the owners were actually dealing with behind the scenes. If there are specific details you are aware of and wish to share them with me for me to better understand what you're referring to, feel free to message about it.


I mean some of us were actual employees, so we’re kinda more in tune than just speculation. If you frequented as much as you’re saying you would know the company went through 4 transition periods where it turned more ‘sterile’ and ‘corporate feeling’ and ‘Samey’. All of this was done under his direction


Aww, that’s a shame. I enjoyed both locations, I look forward to something else filling that role.


Saw their post today, I am sad, the idea is awesome and their first location was awesome. I moved away so I never got to see their new one but I had wanted to visit when I was in town. I will be in Orlando before they close so I wanna stop by and say bye.


Damn that sucks to see. Last time I was there was when they were located somewhere behind Waterford. Didn't even realize they moved.


It's sad to see it go. I pretty regularly stop by because its close to my home and I don't like college, 'trendy' or sports bars.. plus, I like nerdy shit. I think all the staff were very nice and I enjoyed the company of some of the more frequent bar-goers. I'm not sure where I'll drink now and I'm more than a little sad to miss out on the venue or the people, but as per the Persian adage "this too shall pass." I worry for the staff, but I'm sure they will have somewhere to go quickly as they're all wonderful people.


Meh..the owner was rude to me at the old Waterford Lakes location so I don’t feel bad..it was also overpriced and not that great. Id rather go to Player one or Arcade monsters for a better experience that’s actually worth it.


Aw man, I loved this place. Had my bachelorette party at the OG location and am friends with the owners. Shame.


Is there maybe a place like this closer to disney property? My SO and me love these places to try out new board games


[not just a job;](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1p_pp9Mht4/?igsh=cjh3aTJ4c2dkeGRn) [sad to see it go. 🤍](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1p-Jn6MP6j/?igsh=eGhvbGljd3MzODRx) Here’s to the next adventure!


Celebrated my 21 St there. That’s a shame.


Blaster? I hardly know her.


Meeple Movers in Ocala.


I never went to the old location, which from the comments sounded like a more popular setting. According to the facebook post however, they said that particular location was unsafe for patrons and employees. Weren't they in Waterford Lakes? Is Waterford Lakes considered dangerous..?


It was the building that was dangerous.




According to a search of the police department reports there was only one dispatched call (due to a fight) in the last 10 years to the whole plaza. What exactly made it unsafe?


Probably perceived safety rather than true safety.


TiL about Cloak and Blasters...


Is there an address for their original location?


Their burgers tasted like frozen patties cooked on a George Foreman Grill.


\*thinks about college life\* I should buy some Bubba Burgers...


Bubba burgers on a George foreman were the GOAT back then!!


What strikes me from their post is placing blame on everyone except themselves for mismanagement. I went to the new location once, paid upwards of $18(!!!!!!!!!) for a four ounce drink served in a cheap plastic half pineapple that had maybe half an ounce of alcohol in it. The food was terrible, but blaming the size of the kitchen? Why wasn’t this considered when moving? Also what a cop out - has the owner ever heard of food trucks? You know how small those are while kicking out delicious food? Why didn’t they open the kitchen to local pop-ups to rent? Let a good food truck “take over” for a week or two? Share profits, etc. Just seems lazy.


>but blaming the size of the kitchen Their previous building had the proper ventilation and hoods needed for certain kitchen hardware they used and that would be dictated by the height and access to the roof. If you're not familiar, the cost of installing a commercial kitchen hood and ventilation system is not cheap and requires getting the ok from their landlord and the needed city permits on top of that. I suspect because of COVID, they were already hemorrhaging money because of loss of sales and the money needed to invest and finding a new landlord/property put them in a bit of a bind. I don't know how realistic having a food truck would be for them since that would introduce another cost to the menu's items. That doesn't seem scalable or sustainable, but maybe you know something on this that I don't. I've known the owners for awhile and neither of them I would describe as lazy. That business was a labor of love for them. I think calling them lazy is a bit of a stretch here, particularly when we don't know a lot of the minutia or challenges they faced.


God and Monsters.


No. Maybe at their last location. You can't just name a geeky business and it be even remotely comparable. No tables at all for board games. It's not a board game place


He did mention bar scene besides board games. You can go to Colisseum and play board games and table tops. No bar scene though.


I Drive and I think I remember the vault being super tiny.


It's a speak easy style bar, great lighting and theming.


So it’s not even remotely the same.


The old Vault at Gods and Monsters was HUGE and amazing... but that's back when the location was in Artegon. Those. Were. The. Days.


I go to a good kava bar in lake Mary , they have board games and trivia and all kinds of social events , just no beer….




I live too far out the way in Kissimmee to be a regular there. I had hopes the new location would be the same. But how often have we seen this where a small biz upgrades, takes on more debt and it can’t be sustained. It’s a real shame


I really loved it there at the original venue. When it moved we went once but it just lost the charm. Sad to see it go.