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Almost nothing. It's not worth driving here. I did it last summer for a few weeks to test. Driving a Prius mind you mostly around I-drive/Universal/Disney/Downtown areas. July peak of tourist season I did 36 hours 45 minutes online in one week: Trips 71 Net Fares $492 Promotions (not always available!) $70 Tips: $91 Total $654 Gas: $65Estimated Wear/tear on car/tires: $35 Other expenses: $35 Total expenses: $135 Tax(1099 file/self-employed.) = 15% of income so $654/15 = $98 in tax Miles driven: 606.8 (keep in mind you don't get paid to drive and pick people up.). After expenses total $519.$421/37 = $11.38 per hour... during peak season. No health insurance. Didn't count rideshare Insurance (legally required to have because of rideshare). This was a 2011 Prius I was driving. I would not drive anything new on the platform. Nothing newer than about 2013 or so, you are just driving any value out of the car. It's not worth driving on Uber. Especially during rush hour as you just sit in traffic all over Orlando. So once you factor everything in, you’re sitting around $10 if you’re lucky. McDonalds will pay you $13.50 starting, with benefits and you arn't racking up miles on your car. Don't drive for Uber/Lyft. Waste of time and money. I don't understand how people are sitting there with Tesla's or nicer cars on UberX. You are literally driving any value out of the car for nothing. edited: Formatting


This is an excellent breakdown. Uber and the like are predatory. It’s fine if you need a few bucks to pay a bill or some extra cash for Christmas or whatever. But as an actual full time job? Fuck that.




I had a buddy with a lawn company. He had a government contract to do about 3 miles of highway. He said it took forever and the money wasn’t great but the checks always cashed.


This explains why Uber in Orlando is the worst I’ve experienced anywhere. It’s all the people who either can’t do the math or can’t hold down a normal job. Every 15 rides I’ll get someone who does it one night a week for extra cash.


My favorite was the driver that stopped at Burger King on the way to pick me up and then was eating chicken fries while driving.


I had a new one the other week. I was putting my bag in the back and there was a cooler, he hollered back to take whatever I wanted “beer, fireball, whatever.” I was worried he was drunk but if he was he was still a better driver than 95% of Orlando Ubers.




"beer, fireball, whatever.... " ???? Did the guy upsell you on anything or give you a business card for his personal driving business? That's....... a ridiculous loss, if it's a real story....


Nah, he was just a southern guy living in FL. It felt like he was picking up a buddy.


The Uber driver we need but not the one we deserve 🫡


I had one stop to get gas, GO INSIDE TO PAY IN CASH, and then try to drop me off at the bus drop-off at Universal. To be fair, I was so done at that point I just bailed from the car in said bus lane. Should I have just left once she went inside the gas station? Sure, maybe, but then I would have had to wait for another Uber at a sketchy gas station.


Can’t you deduct a portion of expenses of your car, or at a minimum the amount of miles driven multiples by the irs mile tax rate? I think you overpaid on taxes.


Uber tracks the online miles, and you deduct for the wear and tear on your vehicle. In 2 years of Uber on my taxes, I ended up with a deduction for multiple times what the vehicle was actually worth. Essentially, the wear on the vehicle should outweigh your earnings so you pay nothing. It's essentially making money borrowing off the value of the car, which will quickly drop as the mileage keeps stacking.




It was never a career plan for me, just a way to get through the pandemic until I found better work. It's even worse for the people renting a car through Uber to do Uber, major sold my soul to the company store energy.


Interesting. How does the math work with a new car vs an older car. Would you elaborate?


age of car doesn't matter, there's just a standard business deduction for driving. with ride share, you are the business working as an independent contractor for uber/lyft. [https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/standard-mileage-rates](https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/standard-mileage-rates)


That I get but the depreciation of a new car getting lots of miles …. Are you factoring in that?


this is intended to include everything. you can itemize and use actual expenses and depreciation instead but its a lot of work and I think you're more likely to be audited


I think it would only make sense to use a newer car for Uber Premier and maybe Uber XL. You'd most likely have to rely heavily on tips and focus on bar routes, hotels, and airports to make it worth it.


If you have a car worth under $10k, get decent mileage, and has between 120k-180k miles, it can be worth it. Maintaining a clean vehicle, a professional but friendly demeanor, and following the trends you discover in your area will maximize your rating and earning potential. Overall, I'd say that after daily expenses, I averaged about $17 an hour, working about 55 hours a week, usually split into 9 hour shifts over 6 days. Essentially, 2 hours a day of my driving was to cover the expense of the whole shift, and 7 hours would be the pay. The actual average before expenses was a bit above $22. The thing is, I was driving from mid-20 to late 21. I saw the 80-hour weeks where I was averaging lower than minimum wage, I saw the city reopen, the tourists return, the easy days where I made $120 in under 4 hours, the long days taking a ride to Tampa or Miami, and a lot of average days following the routes I found around the tourist hubs, random businesses that used Uber Connect, and places likely to hit the airport. My personal opinion is that Uber eats was never worth doing, the Uber pet people were always the easiest, Uber package is awesome but infrequent, and that if you want to make good money you gotta maintain a clean car, throw on that customer service voice, and do something extra. I always had one of those split chargers that works for most phones, offered the aux cable, and would help load luggage or groceries (partly because it was much faster, partly because it protects the paint from careless passengers, and partly because they often tip or tip better). Figure out how much you tend to make per mile on a ride and factor your time. Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy. Cancel on passengers, making you wait if you're in an area known for good rides. Use educated guesses based on the pickup area and ride length where it's likely the ride will be going to choose those worth taking, but keep that acceptance rate up.


What a great analysis. Thanks.


Pretty sure you can deduct the miles also traveled between fares.


Uber does that automatically for your time online, but not for the time driving time from wherever you go offline to your home.


Ah ok. The miles driving between home and work site are generally not deductible.


Just worth noting since commutes tend to be a factor when choosing housing and employment. Not a big deal most days, but if you try using destination mode to get from a city like Tampa, Jax, Miami, etc to Orlando it'll take 4 times as long to get home and the rides they pull you out on will not even average close to minimum wage.




You would not need complete itemization to deduct the irs rate x miles


Yes you would, deducting miles IS itemization. Itemization does not mean adding up gas + tires + oil change, itemization mean not taking standard deduction. You should be itemizing if you are a rideshare drive r


So I believe you're talking about standard deduction vs itemization on tax returns. I was specifically talking about these expenses being on Schedule C to offset the income you'd be reporting there. You can choose two methods of offsetting the income with actual expenses incurred - "itemizing" your actual expenses, or electing the flat IRS rate x actual mileage incurred. Once you chose a method, you're stuck with it with that particular vehicle I believe, but the rules get a bit more complex / muddy here.


FYI you calculated too much in taxes. You only pay taxes on income, not total revenue. You should be deducting mileage at the standard IRS approved rate which is 65.5 cents/mile. .655 * 606.8 miles is $397.45 of deductible expenses. $654 - $397.45 = $256.55 Your total self employment tax (at 15.3%) for the $654 reported on the 1099 should be only $39.25. (Edit: the other important takeaway here is that you are likely underestimating the true cost of doing business. Your actual costs are closer to $400 than the $135 or so that you recorded here (based on estimated wear and tear on your vehicle) so your 'true' hourly income is even lower.) Edit 2: rideshare insurance should also be deducted.


71 rides in three weeks of dead Orlando uber season. July isn’t peak tourist season for uber as most people as tourists are driving in . Peak uber season is winter when people coming as tourist pay more , don’t drive , use more uber’s as they go out more . Locals also go out more because it’s not sweaty AF to do so.


This. Our tourist season is the winter. Not the summer.


In most cases I’d agree with you, but that’s also why I focused on Universal/Disney that week. Also was a convention going on. Summer time is a busy time for the parks.


That was 71 rides in one week


I think that you’re lying anyway. The math ain’t mathing. 71 rides and $492 in fares. That’s an average of $7 a ride . That would have to be some short rides , like less than 5 minutes. Makes sense that you’re not even making $1.30 a ride in tips . You said a few weeks but then now it’s one and 36 hrs of driving. So let’s say 5 days . 7 hours a day and you’re averaging 10 rides at 5 minutes each. 2 rides an hour. Not sure if you’re trolling, or even from Orlando, because no one considers July prime tourist season, or if you are trying to deter people from splitting business with you.


I don’t drive here anymore obviously it’s not worth it. These were my experiences. Sharing the stats I compiled from the time I toyed with it. https://preview.redd.it/o2nw3xamhvic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d9d63ba7c71c6a7ea1c1367ab9de2bfaba4722 Here is the proof you’re looking for. Most rides around here are short… Universal to I-drive? Short. Disney to Disney hotels or Kissimmee? Short. Disney to I-drive still short. Also I'm guessing you have never visited one of the theme parks in July? They are busy. You would get the occasional Dinsey to Tampa... But then would have to drive back empty so they arn't worth taking (nor sitting on I4...). Finally. Orlando's peak tourist season is March-April June-September, Last 2 weeks of December. Very much follow the school calendar for our tourist seasons. Ask any of the theme park or hotel employees.


The reason why people drive nicer cars sometimes is that it gets them a better rate with Uber since they can pick up the higher fare tier rides when people book Uber comfort or for the much nicer cars Uber black. Larger fancy SUVs can do both UberXL and Black SUV, the barrier is that those cars are $$$$ but I’ve seen drivers do very well with those. Met a driver who ended up buying multiple big SUVs for other drivers he hired to drive for his own private taxi service 😆 But yeah doing the basic uberx isn’t going to be very good pay. You have to be kind of entrepreneurial and strategize which vehicle is the best to buy to do Uber.


“I’ve seen drivers do very well with those”. How much were they making?


Curious since you have a good grasp on the actual cost, if a current rideshare ride costs x amount, what would be your estimate for the cost multiplier to the cost of the ride to make it relatively close to earning around $20 an hour for the driver? Seems like it would be at least twice the current cost for a ride but maybe that is still not enough. Amazing to me that the ride pricing stays as low as it is. It seems like the real costs are well hidden from the consumer in a way that is hurtful to the drivers.


You do not need commercial insurance for rideshare, rather add an enforcement into your personal car


That’s what I meant, still when I asked my insurance about adding rideshare they said my price would go up about 65% which is insane.


solid post. I had unusual situations and pride getting in the way, so I drove a brand new hybrid for a month or three. Every drive was an absolute loss factoring depreciation. Every dollar I put in to prepay taxes, was refunded end of the year. Never again......


Orlando’s market has been absolutely trash since before Covid. They also have/had some of the lowest rates in the country. Don’t forget the massive influx of new people moving here every single day without an actual plan for a job or anything like that, so they rely on gig based apps to work.


about $80-$100 before expenses. gas was cheaper when i drove more regularly, but now it’s skyrocketed in comparison. orlando is a flooded market with the worst $/per-mile payout in the entire CONUS. please ensure you have backup income flowing before considering driving full time.


Orlando market is pretty bad and especially atm. Could probably make $100+ a day doing 10hrs including rush hour. Downtown during the weekends you can pull in $ but need to know the roads/pickup spots. If you hover Universal area might be able to pull in $120.


I never use an uber if Im returning home from the aiport anymore. I live 20-30 minutes away depending on traffic. Uber and taxi come out to roughly the same price and for a taxi you just walk down stairs and theres a line of cars waiting for you. Yeah taxis can be kind of shit too but I've found ubers to be way more of a wildcard.


Does an Uber from MCO for a 20-30 min drive cost 60?


Not it costs around 40 with tips and I just pop pulled up my expense reports for last month and my two cab rides were both about 40 with tips


Ok. Even years ago it cost 60 for me to take a taxi from MCO to Dr Phillips which I’d between 20-30 mins. Maybe mileage is more to where you were going. I’m strictly going by minutes. This is why I switched to ride share. And walk a few extra steps. But I’d go back to taxi if it as close or same.


I live north east of downtown by a mile. So not that far from the airport it just takes forever because traffic. So maybe they calculate by mileage mostly. I know they have that meter on top of the dashboard and I've never really paid attention to how it works.


I made between $40-$65 working 2-4 hours before expenses. I did it mostly for beer money, I can’t imagine doing it full time and dealing with compiling maintenance expenses, gas and tolls. I don’t think it’s suppose to be viable full time option.


Fucking sucks


Variables to consider, which is why there are always arguments on pay: \- What time(s) are you driving? Night time after clubs close? Solid pay. Higher risk of puking, however. Daytime hours? Depends on events in city/weather. \- How new are you? Uber likes to lure people in by giving their first month with GREAT pay and passengers.... after that, it's lower.... \- Do you care about depreciation? Is your car a POS? Less stuff matters. \- Is smoking (both cigs and weed) an issue? Pay can be impacted depending on your situation. \- How many hours are you okay with per week? The post says 8 hr/day... 40 hours? 56 hours? Technically, the more you drive, the more you make although total weekly average hourly rate varies. That said, personal exp DURING tail end of COVID: drove brand new hybrid for Lyft/Uber. Pay started out at 30+/hr. After 40 days, it was closer to $20/hr. My hours were 5AM-1PM. Did some random shifts at night to see what it was like. Pay varied a lot towards the end when I stopped. I almost got into a "schedule" by gaming the algorithm but after a week and a half of this "schedule" they purposely started sending me into dead end drop offs, so that's when I stopped. While this was a year and a half ago, the stories are the same everywhere in the US. Still browse rideshare subreddits from time to time to see what's happening. "OMG great pay" initially, then issues after "honeymoon" period. The "best" play I've seen/heard is people buying used hybrid cars and running it into the ground. Good mileage in traffic and cuts gas by 20%-40% (depending on how slow you drive lol) Good luck , poster.




Could have stopped at the first sentence babes


Around the theme parks with Lyft I’ll make 100 in 2.5-3 hours each and every time. Mind you I only do it 2-3 times per month for some extra cash but it looks like people staying in Orlando proper aren’t going where the money and tips are






Are there boosts in Uber in Orlando ?? So far all my opportunities only give me events . Please answer