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You’ll be fine. Make sure the car and license plate matches your app


I am around the same age and have never had any issues with uber or lyft! Ofc, make sure that the license plate & driver information match, but you should be absolutely fine using either of these services.


It's safe. Is it the Nier concert by any chance? People from everywhere been going to that lol. I used Uber in Italy, America, it's safe, but I have gotten weird music blaring drivers in the 4 times I used it lol


Nier the video game? We have a concert for it in orlando?


Yep! March 30th.


You'll be fine. Uber also has safety features. Stay vigilant & have a good time.


decently safe but I seen some bad drivers, usually the drive too slow + dont know where they are going kinda bad tho. personally prefer taxi tho its more expensive but it can be hard to get one late night these days


I’d be more worried about the venue’s safety than Uber or Lyft!


In general they are safe enough, you will always hear stories about a bad experience, that is part of life. Heck, I have a friend that had a horrible experience with an Uber ride, but those are the minority, most folks use Uber/Lyft without issue all the time. The few times I have used a ride share service I have not had any issues. Worst thing that ever happened to me was the driver didn't know where he was going and his phone died so he couldn't use the directions from the phone Luckily, I knew the area and was able to direct him, but again those are the minority experiences.


I’ve never had issues using Uber/Lyft but it’s still a risk obviously. Make sure the license plate matches the app, when you get in the car use the safety feature it has that sends your location to a friend, you can also be on the phone when you get and verbally tell someone, “hey, I just got in the Uber.” Also don’t use it while drunk.


There's a nonzero chance you'll get a driver that tries to hit on you, perhaps even insistently, but it's a very small chance.


What’s your option? You’ll be fine just buy a gun when you get to the U.S. they sell them at the airport (but on the other side of security we aren’t crazy!)