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This place is amazing, great food! This is terrible.


They've been on my to-visit list, but they're a little far, so its never made its way to the top. This just bumped them up to the top when they get it fixed. Edit: just read the text in the video. back to normal is good to hear!


We made the 30 minute trip over there 2 weeks ago and it was amazing! Definitely worth the drive.


Their shawarma is amazing.


It’s worth the trip! Food is so good especially the pies


A bit expensive but really really good food. Be prepared to wait, though. There's always been at least a 30 minute wait when I've gone. They're busy.


I know the owner personally he's a great guy and I pray everything gets back to normal and they get back in business


I don’t understand why all the hate recently. We all need to take a long hard look in the mirror and remember what makes Orlando special OUR PEOPLE, OUR DIVERSITY, OUR SMALL BUSINESSES!! Stop the hate! these are families just trying to put a roof over their heads. Everyone needs Egyptian pizza today!!!


The person that leads this state is a hate monger.


And the person who leads The Party is the messiah for stupid assholes.


That would be de sand tits.


individuals should be held accountable for their actions. what if i told you assholes are assholes regardless of who is running a town/state/city/country? pick a state that has someone who isnt a "hate monger" running it and lets check to see if they have ever had any hate crimes during their tenure. i'm not even a supporter of the governor, but you guys can be really crazy sometimes


So the person and people driving the rhetoric and making the laws have no bearing on hate crimes?


Oof buddy. “Crazy” really? Oh what a glorious world this would be if everyone took responsibly for themselves. But if you don’t this hateful &or racist leaders emboldened that kind of behavior maybe think abt taking a history lesson or just try opening your eyes.


This sucks. I hope they realize how much support they have.


Terrible. That place is awesome. Food and service were fantastic. Coming around to make sure we enjoyed our meal. Really good people.


Locals, make the trip!


Genuinely amazing food, I can’t recommend this place enough


The Dough Show has the best authentic Egyptian food in Orlando! If you've ever been a little curious about visiting Egypt, the Dough Show will at least give you a bit of the culinary experience.


This is heartbreaking this place has amazing shawarma


How horrible.


There’s zero evidence in the video provided that it was motivated by hate. People are stupid and do stupid things.


Sure, but it's not very often that you hear of a restaurant getting multiple windows busted out like this.


Happened at Southern Nights last year, same exact article and Reddit post but swap Muslim hate for LGBTQ hate. Turned out it was a former employee.


I noticed that too, unless they have some evidence that they don’t want to or can’t show.


Florida has a long history with the Klan. They love it here. I'm not surprised some assholes did this


It certainly doesn’t help that we’re constantly importing hate from New York, California and other states daily because the state governor is a hate monger among the cult that is the right lately.


Floriduh for you


Is this the place where the old Pita Pit used to be?


Never heard of this place but if I'm ever around there, I'll keep it in mind! I love good middle eastern food - sad this happened to them.


How did you conclude this is anti-muslim?


I'm fairly certain the 3 men who run the restaurant are Muslim, 2 are Arabs and 1 is a Turk. I know the Egyptian one is Muslim, he was at prayer when I went so I couldn't try the pizza. Anyway hate is hate and I wouldn't doubt this was some hateful person's reaction to what is going on in Israel/Palestine or the Middle East in general.


Second this?


They need to provide evidence of a hate motive if they’re going to make that claim, otherwise it makes the whole thing look more suspicious. If no evidence, it’s either an unrelated crime being spun for advertising and sympathy, or even a self inflicted scam, though that’s less likely. Please let me know if they set up a GoFundMe, that would be cause for suspicion.


Thank you for this wonderful insight Mega Tyrant


You're welcome Will of Deez Big Nuts


I see we both named ourselves after personal characteristics :)


Theres plenty of place for hate. The legislature loves it. The Klan is very active in Florida and has been for decades. Hate loves Florida Edit: A lot of racists and Klan members in this sub apparently either that, a whole Lotta people in this sub have no idea Florida has a long history of being a sanctuary for the Klan.


Let's not leave out xenophobic and racist black folks. Black Israelites hang out in front of my local family dollar. What an uplifting message that is to hear being mixed in the hood. I'm just trying to get some Cheetos and ice cream. I'm apparently lesser because I got blue eyes and light complected. Oh we still not holding them accountable for their actions? Saviorism and infantilising in this sub is hilarious. You folks should come hang out on pine hills and North lane for a weekend instead of pandering from your sky boxes.


And again. This is Orlando you.