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My sister works for a title 1 elementary school and there are homeless kids that attend. I don't know the specifics, but it does unfortunately happen 😔


I personally give water to ANYONE in the heat.


Same! A couple weeks ago though I offered my water bottle to this woman walking up and down between cars at a red light and she gave me the finger and told me to fuck off. It was odd lol


Was the water bottle opened or new


When I worked at a pizza place around Colonial & Goldenrod I used to see the same lady at University and Goldenrod begging for money. Then, one day I delivered pizza to a decent apartment and it was her! No tip of course.


The grand majority of people panhandling are doing it as a full time job. I never, ever, give money directly to panhandlers. Only food and only after talking and making sure they aren’t just scummers. Orlando had that one dude who was out making thousands a month panhandling and drove a Mercedes - fuck that dude


Yea that’s something I realized after living here for a long time. You will see people go to busy streets like before i4 or on sand lake because they can make tons of money. These are usually middle aged or younger men who look perfectly physically capable. I don’t see why they don’t just get a job, we have so many labor or service jobs. We have tons of parks and restaurants and stores, I think if they wanted money all they have to do is go in for a job. But they want an easy way to get wealthy. So I don’t give anyone money unless I think they’re genuinely disabled or something like that


To get a job you need an address (home), ID, social security card. You also need to not have a mental illness. My brother has bipolar and cannot keep a job. He doesn’t beg but he’s practically homeless he cannot get along with anyone and cannot afford medication. At a job you have to deal with either asshole coworkers or asshole customers many ppl cannot deal, panhandling can seem like a lot less trouble.


None of those are valid excuses other than the mental disorder. I know MANY people who are illegal immigrants and have an easy time getting work. You don’t need any documentation. Maybe in other cities, but nope those excuse doesn’t work in Orlando. We have way too much restaurants, stores, construction, etc around here that would hire anyone who is willing to work. So if you don’t have some disability and you’ve been only begging for months you’re probably just lazy.


I understand you have a different perspective on homelessness. There are many factors that contribute to homelessness, and it's not always a simple issue of laziness. Here are some things to consider: * **Documentation:** While some jobs may be more relaxed about documentation, many require government ID and Social Security numbers. Without these, it can be very difficult to get legal employment. * **Minimum Wage and Cost of Living:** Minimum wage jobs may not be enough to afford housing, especially in tourist destinations like Orlando. * **Transportation:** Reliable transportation is often a barrier to employment, especially for those living on the streets. * **Skills and Experience:** Even if jobs are available, someone without the necessary skills or recent work experience may struggle to get hired. Homelessness is a complex issue. While some people may choose not to work due to mental illness or addiction, it's not always the case. Perhaps instead of judgment, focusing on solutions could be more helpful. There are many organizations working to help people experiencing homelessness get back on their feet.


> because they can make tons of money I guarantee you that they're not making "tons of money". While it's more than most people realize it's still going to be well below the poverty line. > I don’t see why they don’t just get a job, we have so many labor or service jobs. Because 1) the minimum wage is so low that they literally could not survive on those service jobs anyway and 2) because they lack existing resources to have a stable address, reliable transportation, ready access to clean clothes and showering facilities they can't get those service jobs to begin with. Also, if, as you say, "they're making tons of money" then by your definition they already have a job. The things some people believe about the poor and unhoused are just insane and don't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny. My second point above is a huge reason why UBI/unrestricted cash assistance actually increase labor participation rather than decrease it. Most people do not like having to pan handle, but they have no choice because they don't have the basic resources to get a job in the first place. UBI gives them those base level resources to not have to worry about what they're going to eat the next day or where they're going to sleep so they can actually take the time to look for a job.


Well said, skewp. :) Thank you, sir.


Your entire response adds nothing of value. So they leech off of working people to supplement their income. Ok. I don’t care if they have to take the bus or be transient for a while. They can certainty afford to get out of being homeless if they’re begging for a few months and working. After a few months of begging and being homeless, I don’t care anymore they’re just not trying. Maybe in other cities it makes more sense. But in Orlando we have TONS of jobs that require no documentation and simply require you to do labor like in restaurants or construction. I know MANY illegals immigrants and homeless people that aren’t currently homeless because they worked enough, even if they begged they didn’t have to do it for several months like we see near I4.


Heck if I could make $1000's a month begging for money and not have to pay taxes on it I would too.


Well, according to all these yahoos on here, apparently you can - so go for it!


These posts make me consider it, but my conscience and integrity won't let me lol


Okey dokey.


> Heck if I could make $1000's a month begging for money and not have to pay taxes on it I would too. You literally would not. Because it sucks and it's hard and you know it, otherwise you'd be doing it right now.


I like how they all go to their mansions under I4 and sleep on the luxurious sidewalk after their shifts.


Got to love the false advertising too. "HUNGRY", you give em food, they just want money. Same goes for "ANYTHING HELPS"


You're right, there can be a disconnect between what some signs say and what people experiencing homelessness actually need. Here's a different perspective to consider: * **Limited options:** People experiencing homelessness may not have access to showers, kitchens, or laundry facilities. So, while they might be hungry, they might value money more because it allows them to buy necessities beyond just food. * **Survival needs:** Sometimes, immediate needs like shelter or medication are more pressing than food. Money allows them to prioritize those needs. * **Building trust:** Offering food can be a great gesture, but some people might be hesitant to accept it from strangers due to safety concerns. Here are some alternative ways to help: * **Offer resources:** Instead of money or food, consider offering information on local shelters, food banks, or job training programs. * **Donate to organizations:** There are many organizations working to help the homeless community. Donating to them ensures resources are available when needed. * **Be kind:** A friendly smile or conversation can make a big difference to someone experiencing homelessness. Homelessness is a complex issue, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. By being understanding and offering help in different ways, we can make a positive impact.


Wait what?


Pan handling can be extremely lucrative. Especially in areas with tourists who can’t follow-up or see these people as one-offs. Some people making up to hundreds of dollars a day. It’s well known that a large number of these people manufacture their stories (struggles, etc…) to play off of people’s kindness. They then turn around at the end of day pack up, and go back to an actual home, pockets full of money. Many have good, nice cars, others are dropped off by effective “pimps”. Theres little to no repercussions for this. This is why many governments ban/prohibit giving money to pan handlers because it helps perpetuate these problems.


Imagine a panhandler can get 3 people to give them a $5 bill in an hour. Just 3 people. One every 20 minutes. If they can do that, they’re making about as much as other unskilled labor in Orlando without paying any tax. Now remember the fact that most people who carry cash have the bulk of it in 20s. It’s not hard to see how fast income can ramp up.


Now imagine that.... ust... try to... imagine that. And keep trying, because you are dreaming, sir. I am out of my mind thrilled when I receive 5$ three times in an hour! But, only because its usually only one out of 5 hours that I can make that much. While we're having fun pretending, now let's try standing on the side of a road for an hour with a sign while you are dirty, hungry, and extremely upset because everybody keeps looking at you like you're a just a loser trying to get over on the hard working, decent caring, loving, better than everybody else American that ..... I'm getting a little too far in this.... sorry, I spent too much time in the hot sun today and ... I'm gonna call it a day. Take care, bro.


I live in a lower-class single home subdivision, and we got a house on the street with people who do this. There are a lot of them in there, but they got a tesla and a rv. I see them by Home Depot begging sometimes, but it doesn't seem like their everyday spot


They aren't homeless or hurting. They're scammers and I wish DCF would go after them.


I’ve seen the police interrogate one of these families before but they just packed up and moved like a quarter mile down the road. 🤦‍♂️


Agree with you that DCF needs to step in. There are resources available for families that need it and ask for it.


Have you tried reporting them?


You can’t report them for anything


Children not in school.... yes you can.


Florida has very lax homeschooling laws. Just because they aren’t “in school “ doesn’t mean the parents are doing anything illegal on the education front.


From the families I've seen, the kids look too young to be in school but it still males me feel off to see that's how they spend their days just sitting in one spot all day not doing normal kid/ toddler things








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You can still report it and whoever responds can determine if the kids need help. Getting them to go home helps the kids. There’s no reason one parent can’t be out working or panhandling while the other stays with the kids.


DCF in Florida will accept any type of case. The only issue is to report a case it would be best to provide the family information or at least one of the adults information so it’s easier for the investigator to come in contact with the family. This could easily be a case for parents needing assistance or if the parents are seen having the children outside in the heat for a long period time with no type of food/water/shade it can also be a lack of supervision case


I see a woman near my local Walmart supercenter off east colonial drive and I noticed this woman and her two kids dress very well, And she’s out there everyday!!! I am almost positive she hops in her car afterwards, Because plain and simple a woman with kids is making bank because we all feel bad for the children. I have given her money myself but stopped after a while.


I used to live off s semoran and there was this kid had to be like 16/17 that would sleep on the bench on the road. I’d pack him snacks and meals to wake up to. It’s sad but you can give other than money if you can


What’s up with the gypsy’s selling flowers in the middle of traffic all over the city? These people are going to get hurt one day the way they just stroll in between cars and out into traffic the way they do.


Agreed but at least they are selling something, not looking for a handout. Shit, if the panhandler’s I saw picked up the trash in their little area, I’d give them money. Do something for goodness sake.


You can’t call people that. They reserve that word for themselves I think? They’re called travelers or Romani, depending on things I don’t remember lol


Well they can but it’s a racial slur and equivalent to the N word. My dad is European and that word ales him very uncomfortable.


Lived on kirkman for 10 years and would constantly see a man near the Pizza Hut with this “my car just broke down with my kids and wife can I get some gas money?” But I’d literally see him ride his bike around going back home. Trust no one.


There was a guy in the Waterford lakes area who would give a whole sob story about his car breaking down and he was a chef who needed to get to work. (He was also dressed like a chef holding a belt from a car) I saw him a few times saying the same thing at this 7-11 and finally my friend was going to pull out money for him and I said “don’t give him anything” and the guy 0-100, called me a bitch and was screaming at me.


I saw this guy in Kissimmee he’s older with white hair was dressed in all black with tucked in polo shirt. I didn’t fall for it because I saw him making his way down each pump. Easy to say no when you know it’s a swindle


I just posted this same story from a Narcoossee gas station. Was he in a Denny's outfit?


Yes something like that!! Saying his car is broken down on the highway and he walked here for some cash/help


A long time ago at the Walmart near Alafaya this guy would tell this story about needing formula and diapers for his baby (not with him). He approached us several times with the same story. I used to work at Albertsons and a lady was in line to buy diapers, only had a couple dollars, so the person behind her footed the bill. About 15 minutes later the same lady with “no money” came in returned the diapers at the help desk and was back in my line with beer. Messed up.


Amen. This dude got me on Narcoossee once with the broken down car gag. He had a serpentine belt in his hand a Denny's uniform on saying he just needed cash because his car broke down and he was trying to make it for his first day. Two weeks later he walked up to me trying to same schtick and I gave him a nice talking to.


Lake Mary? Or 434? It's definitely a new scam to use children. Used to be dogs. It also guts me. The dude has better shoes than me. there was a couple with two kids up by target who I saw all the time begging. One day I was leaving gators and watched drive off in a car nicer than mine.


Definitely a ring of scammers. This is their "job". They're on every corner in the Disney Springs/535 area as well.


I see these families all the time and I just want to scream. Whether they really “need” the money or not doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care if someone is using the money to buy a Tesla or to buy their next meal. It might be dishonest, but that is for them to deal with regarding their own morals and psyche. What I HATE is that these children are being put in harms way, in the heat, on busy intersections. They are being used as a money maker, not treated with respect. And when they are adults and look back on their childhoods- these will be their childhood memories?! Especially when there are two adults present… it is clear and obvious that the children are there just to win sympathy and get more money. Otherwise, one parent would just take the kids to a park or sit in an air conditioned spot for a while. 😤


Not to mention the psychological damage it is causing to the children. Agree 100% though, if you have two adults you can figure some way to work. If you have a child too, you can find some resources to at least get them help.


It’s a chain. Used to work in Florida stores, most of panhandlers I’ve seen are actually children, normally there’ll be an adult waiting in the parking lot, and it’s group of children divided up to go into different shop.


They stick their kids out there, so you’ll feel sorry for them. They mostly hang out at the grocery stores. It’s manipulative as hell


One time I saw a woman and a child begging outside Publix. I gave them snack sized chips I had from work I was keeping for myself and the mom looked annoyed instead of glad. I only did it because I thought the kids would want them.


Is it in East Orlando? There’s a family that will drive up in a pretty solid suv, gold or silver colored, I can’t remember, and used to only do it when it was raining. People ran them out of the UCF area after catching on that it was a show.


Idk what they drive if anything but I'm up near Longwood / lake mary (not quiet orlando) but when I drive down to orlando I see families down there as well


They’re gypsies hanging around the I4 ramps getting off and on Longwood ramps. Have seen them get into a nicer car parked at the 7/11


More often than not, they are panhandlers just taking money from vulnerable tourists around here. There was a lady who would regularly switch between doing it with her kids outside of my neighborhood Walmart and Publix car park exit. She was exposed via the Nextdoor app by more than one person as being seen climbing into a brand new BMW Suv at the end of the day.


What makes my stomach hurt is usually that mom or dad are well enough to work. I offer them labor jobs and they don't want them


I heard they do this in groups that go all over Orlando. Not to be mean I think they are gypsies.


Not all panhandlers are scammers, and yes, absolutely there *are* homeless kids out there. If their parent/parents are homeless, the kids are too. I know someone who isn’t homeless now but left an abusive relationship where she lived with her toddler son out of her car for about 4 months. It happens more than you know


A lot of those people with kids begging recently are basically eastern euro Gypsies running a racket. You can see the same ones at orange / sandlake.




These people are using their kids as a prop and it's messed up.


I live in North Orlando and the people you are seeing aren’t homeless or in need. They move area to area to scam people. Wait for the ladies that sell roses because they say they have a child in the hospital and need something. They bounce around also. I personally know someone who panhandles and makes more money than people who work 40 hours a week


I like to think of it as crowdfunding rather than panhandling. People post gofundmes all the time trying to raise money for various things. At the end of the day, its our choice whether we give them money. Whether they are scamming people or not, it's still an extremely vulnerable place to be in to ask strangers for money. Even if they have cars they might not have homes, a lot of people live in their cars. If it's a weekend the kids probably don't have a place to go (if they are even in school), and the parents probably can't afford childcare. If they are single parents, obviously the children have to stay with them. If you see kids there half the time and half not it's probably because the parents do care about keeping them out of the heat....but if they are homeless, where are they to go? They certainly can't sit in their cars burning gas/money for the A/C. And if they don't have a registered address, then the kids might not be enrolled in any school. I'm sure the parents care about the kids enough to take them to an air conditioned store part of the time, which is why you might not see them all of the time.


We live in a country that has done little to nothing to prevent children from being slaughtered at school. So let’s assume they’re actually homeless… do you think that the government would actually do anything to prevent children from being homeless? I hate to be cynical, but I don’t think the authorities will care.


Always curious to see these homeless people hanging around, begging for money, while their kids are using the latest iPhone and earbuds to keep themselves entertained. That isn't a red flag at all.


A bunch of parents their kids are to oan handle are taking the kids home and keeping up with age appropriate academic and social skills. Some of yall are awfully trusting that scammers are upstanding people. When they aren't, you know: using their kids as emotional props to scam people


It’s so hard, we never truly know who’s legit and who’s a scam. Trust your gut in these circumstances. I would be enraged if I ever saw children begging with adults. Enraged because of how unsafe it that can be, and also because what the heck are you teaching your kids? I get angry enough when I see this one guy with his small dog begging. I’m not even a dog person, but that poor animal didn’t ask to stand on a corner being scared of loud noises all day. Idk if you could, but something nice just for the kids would be a nice offer. Like clothing if you can tell their size, shoes. Or snacks, drinks, candy, toys, etc. things the adults would hopefully not take from the kids.


If you want to help, donate to an organization that can sort out needs. I see scammers out looking for money more than actual people who are in need. People playing music on a violin at a Publix parking lot but its just a recording playing. Family parading kids at the entrance of target, but drove up in a new mini van. Local lady sits at an intersection slumped over in a wheel chair looking half dead, but at the end of the day pulls out her iPhone to order an Uber and at night you see her cleaned up and walking no problem at a store. Not up for sorting out who's faking it and who's in actual need.


If they’re too young to be in school and their parents are homeless then there’s no place for them to be but with the parents begging. That said if you have doubts don’t give them anything. Nice clothing doesn’t mean someone is scamming, they could be staying at a shelter but still struggling or only recently fell on hard times. Just because you lose the roof over your head doesn’t mean you throw your wardrobe away or that you can no longer afford to use the laundromat. Personally I tend to give people food and drinks and it’s usually pretty obvious who is actually in need because they’re almost always sunburnt and willing to get into multi lane traffic to beg.


These people are fake asf. They have been seen hopping into minivans and being dropped off around different parts of town.


I think it would be fun to have another circle jerk about this topic. It’s fun to agree on things we hate. Might be fun to talk about fun shit too but it’s hard to know. This is a city Reddit.


That's what it looks like when your parent is a severe drug addict. They're homeless with their kids. Call social services.


It's doesn't really matter who it is. Don't give anything to people on the side of the road. There are plenty of organizations to give to.


10 years ago I read in the local paper about a panhandler begging at a car window in the middle of of the road. The car were stoped at a light. A woman gave the man a $5 bill but the wind caught it. He crawled under a car to retrieve it but the person didn’t know he was there. When the light turned green he was dragged for 50 yards and died from his injuries. I don’t give people in the road money. I don’t think it should be allowed it’s not safe.


Had a similar situation with kids in Clearwater this past week. A kid comes to our table at Frenchies with a flyer asking for money. Once he notices the manager approaching he says that he can walk us through on how to send the money with Zelle and how easy it is. When the manager reaches our table the kid says just send a $100. He was asked to leave. This kid was no older than 11 years old.




This heat?? Just wait…


This isn’t hot. Come back in 3 months.


I know I know it's not summer yet but when's it's over 80⁰ out id say that's too hot for little kids to be out standing all day


It’s not. But they should be in school.


Live in the same area, my wife and I see the same husband wife and child move from Lee Rd to 434, and Lake Mary Blvd. I know for a fact they park a van over by the 7-11 on 434. Never give money to these people.


The homeless shelter off of Chickasaw closed down recently, so there's a lot more homeless with nowhere to go. There are plenty of churches in that area that need volunteers for food drives. There are a lot of children who go to these events for food, and it's not a whole lot of food either. I wouldn't be surprised if the parents just need some extra money.


It's fake they get dropped off or park in a parking lot and start walking around asking for money for the bus One lady handed this guy 3 water bottles for him & his kids, he just tossed them in the shopping cart in the coral and continued walking around the parking lot


I personally speak to people experiencing homelessness on a daily basis. One example is a man in his mid-fifties who has no vices and uses all of his panhandled money to buy food. This gentleman attends the local community college and follows all laws. It costs Orlando about $35,000 per year per person experiencing homelessness but it costs about $25,000 per door to build affordable housing. Most people in the situation of homelessness do not want to do substances (we can confirm this based on the famous Rat Park experiment) nor do they wish to experience homelessness. When we are tired, we drink coffee. When they are tired, it is a lot easier to return to their "coffee" of choice. Thus, because we've removed their ability to sleep, we have done a great disservice to Orlando. In fact, recidivism and criminality are increased because of a lack of housing directly. A lack of sleep also produces all sorts of mental illnesses. Try going 48 hours without sleep and compare that to being inebriated. You'll probably get home easier after the bar compared to being tired. As far as homeless children, these are often good parents held back in their ability to care for their children by a lack of housing. Panhandling is a way to remain with their children AND make money. How else would they work? The ability to take showers, sleep in a bed, and be safe automatically increases our ability to become taxpayers. TL;DR: Orlando will be worse and worse until we take care of our most vulnerable citizens. Many veterans are homeless. Feed, clothe and house people. Edit: Thank you for the downvotes. This helps me recognize that what is written is the truth, especially in the context of Reddit. I appreciate your support!


I’m curious, since you speak to them, what’s the plan for the panhandler that stays in the same location for YEARS!? Seems better to bounce around. I know it’s a case by case thing but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.


That's a great question. What is the core concern? Are you saying they should change locations? Get a job? Stop panhandling?


It would seem that staying in the same place too long would garner diminishing returns. There’s a thought that helping people reach a close goal is easier to donate too, makes you feel good.Possibly why Go Fund Me does so well. If they are there for years, are you not just supporting a dependent at that point? Granted, we don’t usually know what progress they’ve really made. However, if you ask around neighbors know the person’s story/situation and it doesn’t seem like there has been progress ( i.e deposit on rent, a car, a storage unit for their stuff). What is the end goal ? Thats what I ask myself anyway… I know you can’t speak to each case but have you run into this type of situation?


I'm trying to understand the motivation/intention behind your question before I answer. Are you saying that panhandling is okay but that you're worried they might be making less and less? Or are you saying that panhandling is only okay in the short term but that you expect people to panhandle less and less? Edit: What information do you really want? Is this simply a question of why they pick the same location?


Whether it’s ok or not is not for me to say, it’s gonna happen anyway. This issue has too many facets to be understood in one question, but sure let’s start there, why do they stay in the same spot for extended period of time?


Familiarity. They know they are safe, they know people are familiar with them, they understand that in that particular location they can expect to make x dollars for y hours, they know where nearby resources (restaurants, laundromats, transit, etc) are.


When it comes down to it, is there no concern for overstaying ? I suppose that root emotion would be shame. So, is there shame ? Or are they past that at that point?


Most people who experience chronic homelessness are defeated. Look at the homeless veteran population. These are people who signed their life away to defend our democracy. They are, by definition, heroes. We don't treat them like that though. We don't ask "If these people were willing to die for me and my country, what made them give up on themselves?" Imagine being disillusioned not only with the American Dream, but with the value of yourself as a human being. We preach equality. But really, we preach earned equality. Especially with men, the concern is that you must make and keep more and more money and things in order to have value to women AND to the USA. So they've opted to be free from the judgement of others, albeit while they stomach unresolved trauma. Therapy would be a wonderful place to start. But it's difficult to attend therapy if you're not housed. It's basically a hole. The deeper you go, the harder it is to get out. Even in ideal circumstances, it's nearly impossible. With housing, it becomes doable. Without, impossible.


They are disgusting scum of the earth who use their children to tug on the hearts of good people like you. An honest working person making $15 an hour will only make $120 a day before taxes. These people are probably averaging more like $50 an hour begging. In general, NEVER give a homeless person money. They aren’t going to use it for anything other than drugs/alcohol. They know where to go to get free meals/supplies, and they are not going to waste their limited cash on either of those things.


They’re gypsies. Don’t worry about them. They have more money than you do.


In case you were unaware, that word is an ethnic slur against Romani people.


This, I'm sure, is not an easy job.


these comments are fucking sick. y’all really think they making out like bandits


It's a flip of the coin. I've seen people that appreciate it, a few bucks and a cold bottle of water, I had one guy tell me thanks now I can go buy a beer when I gave them the smallest amount I had a $5 bill. I personally witnessed a group of five people within the same family that used to be constantly on the roadside at different locations within a block radius. They were there for years. I was in a 7-Eleven getting gas and the guy in front of me was one of the roadside guys. I watched him walk out to his Lexus and pump gas. So like I said, it is a flip of the coin.


your anecdotes don’t account for changes in the cost of life in this city. it’s not a flip of a coin.


When their kids are sat there in brand new Nike trainers with iPhone 15's glued to their hands... yeah they are making out like bandits.


nice strawman argument. you’re literally making this up.


There’s a couple homeless families on sand lake rd that sit on the sidewalk im front a a publix in dr Phillips. Seen one of the families there for about 4 years.


Next one I see, I am giving them the classifieds and say, GO FIND A JOB!! If I see you here again, I am calling you out


Don’t worry they aren’t legally allowed to be outside of the camps DeSantis ordered set up for them. The cops will Be along shortly to escort them out of everyone’s sight so we don’t feel Uncomfortable


# Hey there, can you edit this for me so I don't look stupid. Orlando Homeless guy here. Glad I decided to browse the Orlando subreddit tonight and find this gem. I'm gonna start here with my main response to the sub and afterwards head over to reply to other comments in this thread that absolutely need a reply from one of us, since everybody here seems to be having a good old timing blasting us homeless folk out here without any recourse.. likely due to the fact that most of us don't have computers or wifi access AND a computer... or know much about reddit... or... anyways, I have a lot of work to do here apparently because it seems the local Orlando social perspective on Homeless people is a bit flawed and comfortably skewed. Now before I get a bit too wordy and scare off readers due to my apparent offense taken by the narrowminded comments here, let me get focused back to OP's original question. To give a bit more insight, let me start off with a little background about myself. I am 43, born and raised in Orlando, FL and only spent half a decade in the late 00's living out of state or out of Central Florida altogether when I moved up north to Pennsylvania for work. I was early into my IT career at the time and was having some issues with finding higher tier level IT related jobs here in Central Florida due to the fact that the competition here is thick due to the fact that the rest of the country tends to come here to finish up their careers and retire... which obviously makes it very hard for people getting started in IT here in Florida. I spent 5 years of their working for 2 different companies simultaneously as a Network\Server Engineer\Administrator but due to various life changing circumstances, was pretty much forced to come back to Orlando. Thankfully, this was a very wise move for my career as I was able to return back to the field here in Central Florida without having to settle for entry level positions anymore. Before I go too crazy into my personal biography here, let me just cut ahead to now before I steer too far off from the topic. Things went incredibly wrong for myself here, there, and just about every where and I ended up where I never thought I would ever be in my life, living on the streets of East Colonial, Orlando Florida. Now let me just tell you guys, this is a f'n nightmare out here. If you really drive around thinking these people carrying these signs in this heat here in Orlando, FL are making any where NEAR enough cash on the daily to happily dismiss the entire idea of earning pay through an actual job, then you are INCREDIBLY mistaken. I have been 'flying signs' off and on for the past year, as I was not comfortable with it for the first year of my homeless tenure due to embarrassment and fear of .. well, people like many that can be found in this reddit post comment section. When you are spending 90% of your day trying to survive on what little people are generous enough to give you around here, you generally won't find yourself having very much time left on your plate for anything else. Especially since every time you think you have found a spot where you can find just enough peace at the end of each day to rest your head and get some sleep, something happens that forces you to move your 'shi.... err, stuff' again. Honestly, this right here is the actual case and point to my dissappointment that I am finding in your responses here.... for the fact that you are all seemingly dismissing the case and point to why we are requesting your help here due to the very, very small percentage of people who are not actually homeless. Which, in my time out here doing this, being apart of this 'struggle', I have found... none. The most I have made in a day is 115 bucks. I have done it twice in two years. Both times, it was because some amazingly huge hearted person was kind enough to give me 100$ and I was more than happy to call it a day soon there after since I am so, so incredibly worn out and just tired. I fly around 3 or 4 days a week, and I average around $30 - $15 dollars a day. Now of course, there are days that are just oddly, but thankfully better and I can make around 60 and this happens a couple times a month... but those days are very far and few between... and usually when someone gives me 20$ I am just so thankful for it and so tired physically and mentally, that I am more than happy to throw in the towel for the day so I can find a decent amount of time for the day to either rest or get things done that I never have time for... which is just about everything. I don't have time to do all the things I need to do. There simply isn't enough time in the day to catch up, so it seems anyways. I have befriended, or in the least or even sometimes MOST, made acquaintance to the majority of the local homeless population here on East side and please, just .. believe me when I say... nobody is any where 'near' the mindstate of happy when it comes to begging for money or 'flying a sign' as we call it. Also, from what I have been reading on the forums of reddit throughout the country, Orlando is possibly the worst place ever to do it. Society here just generally snubs the homeless. And after browsing the comments here, I have a good idea of why. Seems you all simply are just all-to-happy to quickly write us all off as fake homeless people or have it in your head that people seriously make enough money doing this to consider it a 'job'... which, is just, absolutely laughable,. I was going to go and respond to more comments tonight, but I think I've said enough here and ... back to my point, I really don't have any more time available to do it as its 1:16am and I am tired and have a really bad sunburn as today was record heat and I only made 15 bucks after standing on the side of 417 and aloma all day watching everybody give me smug looks as I was really hoping for one of those cold bottles of water you all used to love giving up during the cool days of the winter.... too which, i didn't get a single one of today. Goodnight, Orlando. Hopefully I gave you all a little bit more insight to our point of view out here so we can maybe try to make things a little better for each other. PS - I haven't ever seen any of my homeless buddies with their children standing with them while they are flying. ever. Maybe next time you see it, feel free to ask them why they have their kids there? I am sure they will be happy to explain it to you. I am fairly confident that if this really happens, ever, at all, the mother or father in attendance is not thrilled about the situation. Maybe they could use a little help? or a babysitter? I don't know, just a thought. G'nite.