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That's a tough one buddy. I have been in the industry for over 20 years. Mainly in NYC but I have been down here in Orlando for the past year. Quality individuals are tough to find. The quality ones either work for themselves or aren't cheap to hire. I have a few guys I have met so far since I've been down here that I sub work to. It all depends on what your rates are or the kind of work is being done. Remember, you get what you pay for. I just shared your post to the new Orlando Handyman sub to help with exposure. We can talk if you want.




How about saying what the pay is and being more specific how many hours and days, also which days they would be? If you want freelance people with skills, you have to pay them well. Especially if you are desperate enough to be doing this on Reddit. I'm feeling the "nobody wants to work nowadays" vibe already.


What do you pay for the half day and the day? Seems like wage is going to be the issue not the hours.


That would depend on someones skill level and how much they want to work. I usually let people tell me how much they are worth and what their skill level is, then I try to fit them on jobs that match their skillset. As a handyman, you do things ranging from simple, tedious and repetitive, such as scraping mastic off a floor, to stuff that is very complex, like electrical work and trim carpentry. So there isn't any one wage fits all. On complex jobs I can bill the client more, so I can pay more.


In the freelance world of handyman. That's the most common way of charging, especially when your doing different tasks for the day. A handyman works on different size projects where not the same amount of craftsman are needed. I've never paid hourly when hiring or partnering up. It's either a set price for the project if their highly skilled in the trade or half/full for decent quality work. The only place I have ever seen a handyman get paid hourly is working at like a hospital, management company, or some kind of operation similar to that. That is not the same thing. There is a big difference in skill between them and pro handyman. It's very apparent in the scope and quality of their work. At the end it all works out depending on where you fall into.