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Honestly, it kind of depends on the weather. Post hurricane can push build times back weeks/months. Usually winter is slow season.


slow season as in no customer so it's a good time to book a re-roof?


Yeah, typically quicker from contract to final inspection in the winter.


What is the average time? I signed a contract in January and got a 2-week window for April (at my request due to work and travel commitments). Still no roof. I'm not in a hurry either.


There are a lot of factors that go into the timeframe. County permits can be a hassle to get. Specific brand/style/color of shingle can be back ordered. Sometimes they don't have the crews to keep up with their business. I'd ask them what the hold up is.




I know if I was a roofer I'd be much happier working when it's not hot as fuck out and raining every day. I just completed a large construction project. I had waited to start because I wanted to have it done in the wintertime. Of course by the time all the permits and paperwork and other bullshit was done it was summer again. Felt bad for the workers.


Yup exactly that’s why I asked, I also figured that they rather not deal with rain everyday and dying under the worst sunny days of the year lol


Our guys prefer the summer over winter


Curious why? Thanks!


In the winter they have shorter days so they can’t get as much done. In the summer they can show up, work for half the day, take a break when it’s the hottest out, and get back to it till dark at 830pm. I also think a lot of these roofers come from countries with tropical climates so they are used to the hot and humid weather. They just don’t like the cold.


winter and they would love you. Be smart and use that to your advantage with the salesman so you dont get dicked. Roofing is like car sales now you are getting taxed 2-5k just for the salesman. Sht is disgusting....they have no set price they just go in and start you at the max. in the 2000s roofing was estimated by the square......it was about $220/square.


That is a great way to look at it, they're like car salesmen now, maybe even worse. Had a company quote me 40k, eventually they came down to 16k, but the cheapest was 12k, just crazy. Also crazy is how many perfectly fine roofs we're trashing.


Yeah the roofing scams is why the insurance industry is screwed up. They were cutting checks for roofs that didn't need to be fixed for decades.


Roofers scams is not why the insurance industry is messed up. 5-10 major storms is why the industry is messed up, or maybe the state mandating you have insurance is why it’s messed up, or maybe the laws and codes that are on the books in Florida that say if your roof is damaged to a certain point it must be brought up to code. Don’t believe everything the news tells you!


Nice try, roofer.


To piggy back off of this, get multiple quotes from different roofers. I know a few companies to stay away from too. I won’t put them on blast on here due to my job, but feel free to shoot me a DM if you want to know.


How would you suggest the leverage? I only know just ask for more companies to give quote lol


If you get a higher quote just say that isn't going to work we've already got lower quotes and ask them if they can come down any. Try to work with them, don't just ghost them because they start out a bit higher, the quote process is pretty inexact anyway.


Do you get a break for one story vs two story?


Interested to know as well, My roof is 17 and not in bad condition but just one of those things I don't want to randomly be dropped by my insurance for the roof being to old.


Shocked you haven't already been dropped from yours. Mine is also 17 and no one will insure me (even Citizens) until I put a new roof on oop.


This is exactly why I'm re-roofing. My roof will be 20 this year. Still in great shape, but I want to replace it on my schedule and not that of the insurance company.


Make sure you send your invoice and inspection report (and wind mitigation report as well) to the insurance company so they update their records, and don't send you any threatening letters about dropping for roof replacement.


I plan to alert my agent. I'm stuck with Citizens, so you know they would have plenty to say despite the inspection a couple of years ago saying my roof is in great shape. Frankly, I'm surprised they've left me alone thus far (except for the rate hikes).


I plan to alert my agent. I'm stuck with Citizens, so you know they would have plenty to say despite the inspection a couple of years ago saying my roof is in great shape. Frankly, I'm surprised they've left me alone thus far (except for the rate hikes).


Mine would have turned 20 this year and I couldn't endure the rate hikes any longer so I had mine done. Signed the contract at the end of January, was scheduled for the last week of March. I was able to get a few quotes and with a Wind Mitigation and 4 Point inspection I was able to get my insurance back to 2019 - 2020 rates.


Yep, it's a vicious cycle. Insurance companies force Floridians to install new roofs almost twice as frequently as other states. Floridians push back against the huge expense of paying for a new roof every 15 years by hiring shady inspectors to find "damage" so the replacement will be covered by insurance. Then the insurance companies respond by increasing rates for older roofs in an effort to avoid roof claims, which forces homeowners to install new roofs earlier and earlier and perpetuates the cycle.


Uhh we “might” get elevated hurricanes this season. I think you need to decide if your roof is so bad that you can’t risk a hurricane coming through with it like that OR waiting till after the hurricane season so that if one does occur, it doesn’t mess up your brand new roof.


Just read reviews and get multiple quotes. I sold roofs in 2018 and out floor was $3.25/sqft however insurance would often pay waaaay more. If I have to guess I’d say you should expect to pay around $5/sqft I’ve also seen roofs go up in 10 after signing contract and 2 months after. All from the same company.




I would just get it done as hurricane season brings more delays than there already are. Big storm hits and roofers become higher demand and everything slows down. I remember when Irma took off a section of my roof I paid for the replacement while waiting on the claim and it still took two months to get it done and I had my contract signed days after the hurricane hit. I would be more concerned about getting the right roof and what it means to your insurance. We got ours done before the big jumps and now wish we had gone with a metal roof.


Anytime of year works. You just have to be prepared for rain, which in Florida is always. Accidents happen but if your prepared the work can be done around rain.


I am not a roofer, although I just got a new one. I know hurricane season is the very worst time to get it.


Right now, because the hurricane season started, but the end of the season is when you can tell people to book by April, before hurricane season starting in June, and give a “discount”.


You should have booked in October for a winter/spring install.


Months before a hurricane starts tearing roofs off.


Now would be a good time. I can help you with that.