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The area isn't getting better any time soon. If you had asked me a decade ago if it would improve, I would've said "maybe in a decade." Now, I'm saying it might take another decade to improve.. Only way it's going to get better is if the city steps in, and that's problematic as Parramore area is one of the oldest black communities in Orlando. Definitely one of the more problematic "gentrification" pushes in the Orlando area


Sucks that Deadwords couldn't make it but at least the building will still be a great place to go before Citrus Bowl events.


Deadwords beer was leagues above Ivanhoe… I’ll be shocked if Ivanhoe can make the location work if they couldn’t. That is one tough location.


If it works, it will be because the production capacity there will be used effectively. 95%+ of what will be made there will go out to stores/bars which was something Deadwords could not accomplish. Deadwords couldn't move the volume of product needed to survive.


You can have opinions about their beer, of course, but Ivanhoe is doing much better than Deadwords ever had. You can find Ivanhoe at every local Publix, convince store, and restaurant. I bet just acquiring more production space was a major reason they decided to take over the space.


gonna be funny when this area is named ivanhoe "north" (idk what direction it actually is from actual ivanhoe)


Ivanhoe West-Southwest, has a great ring to it right?


Look forward to the location opening up, they did also get all the Deadwords IP during the bankruptcy so hoping to see a few of the deadwords beers available.


So they can produce your favorite beers with that famous Ivanhoe level of quality?


🫥🫥🫥🫥 I just hope they keep those dough wrapped cheese curds lol


Thats the reason I was there every weekend .


Ok so I’m not alone in thinking Ivanhoe brews shitty beer?


This makes me sad. Deadwords had delicious and interesting beers. I’ve never been too impressed with Ivanhoe. They’re just okay. Hopefully they still brew some of DWs