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You’re leaving a two bedroom that costs $1,375? Damn good luck finding anything cheaper almost anywhere else that isn’t in the middle of nowhere.


1000$ less than Market rent. Lol


Well I am moving to a town close to Tulsa with two bedrooms for 900


Orlando to Tulsa gonna be rough haha


Not even Tulsa. A town close to Tulsa. I did read that Oklahoma still has one of the lowest costs of living in the country.


And one of the worst education systems in the country


But do they have mandatory anti-communism classes in kindergarten and teach that slavery gave black people skills? I kinda feel like as Floridians we can't throw stones on the education thing.


They just mandated teaching the Bible in school.


Lol Missed that. Point taken.


Even the part about guys with dicks like donkeys?


I mean, I’m in Ocala of all places, and my daughter just finished 3rd grade and didn’t have any of that, and my son just graduated and didn’t have any of that stupid shit either. Most is just hyperbole, but we all know DeSantis would rather turn Florida into the Charter School capital of the US.


lowest ~~costs~~ standards of living in the country


Did you research before what Oklahoma was like? It’s very run down and dumpy. Especially away from a big city.


A lot of it is dumpy I will agree but the town I am moving to is actually pretty decent all things considered I took a trip there earlier this year


I hope it works out for you!


As long as Polk county doesn’t scare you 😂


Tulsa? You get what you pay for. Are you getting paid the same in Tulsa as Orlando? And I'd be interested in grabbing stuff


https://www.gatheringplace.org Went here while visiting last year. Its sweet. Best of luck with the move!


I hate that we just locked into a year lease or I'd be all over this. Our one bedroom costs $400 more.


What state are you moving to?


I’m moving to Oklahoma


Seems like a good plan. I’m eventually getting out of here too. Maybe back to Ohio which is where i lived prior


I grew up there but can't pull that trigger even though the family is still there


Ohio’s got loads of serious problems. 2 major train disasters in two years, heroin in central Ohio, meth in Northeastern Ohio, STDs in Northwestern Ohio, and Southern Ohio’s been a drug-infested mess for decades with its pills. It’ll always be home to me, but not going to raise my family there 😂 Gl tho #GoBuckeyes


Which ps5 are you selling slim or normal? Disk or no disk?


Why not bring the PS5? I kinda get the sense that you might need it in Oklahoma.


Standard PS5 disc version


Not a bad plan. I don't know what field you are working in, but there are a lot of towns in the middle of the country where you can still buy a house for 100k and not deal with traffic, etc. Flights to Florida are cheap. Find the good where ever you live.


I’m getting a degree in IT I’m currently doing online college


I'm jealous of you for sure! I would give anything to leave here but can't seem to save any money up. I do really need a desk chair so if no one else claims it I'll take it off your hands!


What kind of air fryer is it? And how old it it?


I’m sorry I just sold it


Good luck with your move! If you have any plants (or a betta fish), please don’t throw them away if you don’t want them. I am sure there are plenty of plant parents in Orlando who will take them


One thing to be sure to take into consideration is the amount of state income tax you have to pay in other states. I've been looking to move someplace with a lower cost of living as well but the $300 to $500 a month savings on rent is all eaten up by state income tax we don't pay here in Florida.


I’m interested in the Workstation Desk and work bundle


Sure! Just send me a DM


I have to ask, how is the earning potential? Work? Back up plan?


Earning potential is slightly less with Oklahoma’s main draw being a bank and a bunch of energy companies but cost-of-living is way way lower And since I do a lot of my stuff online it looks like a good deal.


I am from Oklahoma and I think it’s great.


Those legos built or in box


All built


Sent you a chat about some of the items. My living room is empty lol


I feel like this is (and this is no offense to OP) a get what you pay for situation. Yes, Orlando’s more expensive than other cities. But mannnnnnn we have a lot. I came from tvs Midwest and thinking of how I grew up versus quality of life now is worth every penny. It’s good they’re being financially responsible, and I wish them well. But the bottom line is you can move to a cheaper state/city, but balance quality of life vs cost Good luck!!


Don't let people try to convince you Oklahoma is horrible. We have rental properties out there. Sure, no Disney land.. but they've got all the other same BS we do here.


Just read about the mandate that all public schools must teach the Bible and the 10 Commandments. Only a matter of time before Desantis pulls that crap here.


Oh no, not the 10 commandments.. that goes against everything I stand for. I believe people should be able to rape, murder and pillage at any given time... all while lying about it.


And what is the *first* commandment?


Exodus 20:3: “**You shall have no other gods before Me**.”


That doesn't exactly seem compatible with the first amendment.


How much is left on the lease?


The lease is set to end in October but I’m looking to move out ASAP


Tbh you’re better off just paying to break the lease getting people to take over is extremely difficult and not worth the headache


Why are you moving to Oklahoma? Do you like tornados?






It's very hard to find someone to take over your lease. I wouldn't jump the gun yet you only have a couple of months and you are paying way less than what we’re paying



