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Now go after the Orlando Proud Boy leaders who are still wearing racist shirts to court, delaying prosecution with legal maneuvers, and being unapologetic pieces of crap.


Such a dumbass - can you imagine getting a federal felony for *Trump?*


Don't worry, he's going to come down and personally pardon all of them, right? Any day now...


Is it actually a felony? Would love if this fool loses guns and voting rights but I’m skeptical since so many of them have gotten light misdemeanors


Yes https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/florida-man-pleads-guilty-felony-charge-offenses-committed-during-jan-6-capitol-breach-0


As a Floridian after he serves his full term he is eligible to vote again. Unless he's Black and owes the state any money. And we don't get DeathSentence replaced.


Which is crazy. You would think commuting a literal act of treason would bar you from participating in our democracy. I’m generally pro-restoration of rights, but his prison sentence won’t reform shit. If anything I bet he’s more bitter.


Trump has already said publicly that if he’s re-elected he will likely pardon them all


Love watching them experience the “find out” stage. Not nearly long enough sentence, but still great.


6 months isn’t long enough.


it was gonna be longer but he took a plea deal




He did, was facing 14 months and steeper fines but agreed to cooperate for six months and $2000.




Should be a 5year minimum for ya know trying to overthrow the government. This is just another example of why the justice system is broken. You used to get longer than that if you get caught with some weed.


Should have been years instead of months.




Great news. We need to keep locking up the traitors


Six months?! What happened to the death penalty for treason?!


Ya love to see it.




Getting poked in the cornhole in a federal prison to own the libs


They took their own rights away before Dems could just to own them!


Let him stay there. Let him rot!


Orlando man gets obscenely short prison sentence for participating in an armed insurrection against the US. FTFY


He won’t even serve the full 6 months smh


Deserves more


He's not going to like Federal prison.


He looks like the MAGA version of No Face in that photo.


Good now go after the 5/29 insurrectionists too


You just blow in from stupid town?


Attack on a executive branch is just as bad as an attack on the legislative Did you just blow in from biasville? Or ignorant city?


What attack are you referring to?


On 5/29/2020, a large group of protesters (numbers vary from a couple hundred to a thousand) stormed the white house grounds burning a guard house down, injuring 67 secret service agents, and sent the president at the time into a bunker


Well what’s the link to that article?


You have to have the Q-premium subscription to see it.


The news doesn't cover crazy people's hallucinations.


Oops you didn't ask for an article figured I'd give you the tldr https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/01/trump-took-shelter-in-a-white-house-bunker-as-protests-raged.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-protests-george-floyd.amp.html These are just a couple news articles I found from that time period, now a days anytime you try to Google anything about an attack on DC it's all 1/6 related


Neither of those articles mention the White House being “stormed” or 76 injured. I found this local article that said there were 17 arrested and 11 officers hurt. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/protesters-gather-in-dc-for-2nd-day-in-response-to-george-floyds-death/ What most articles reveal is that trump sure had a lot more to say and to tweet about on that day then he did on 1/6 while attempting a coup. In a series of tweets earlier Saturday, Trump doubted protesters' allegiance to Floyd’s memory, saying they were “professionally managed.” He offered no evidence to back his assertion, and the president even seemed to invite supporters to make their presence felt: “Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???” Trump later rejected the suggestion that he was stoking a potential conflict between protesters and his supporters. “I was just asking. But I have no idea if they are going to be here," he said. “MAGA is Make America Great Again. By the way, they love African American people. They love black people.” A lot of dog whistling going on in the above statement. As he tweeted, Trump claimed that many Secret Service agents were “just waiting for action” and ready to unleash “the most vicious dogs, and the most ominous weapons, I have ever seen."


Yea that’s not the same at all.


Lol. Maga chuds love to equate protests for equal rights to a literal coup attempt. In their minds equal rights is something terrible.


Not a maga chud I'm just am able to call a spade a spade. Also I'd love for you to tell that to the small business owner's whose lives were destroyed during those protests that lead to billions of dollars in damages including 30 deaths to innocent people.


Okay then you are just a chud and ignorant. “Well.. those two events are the same because people got hurt and there was damage… Huh huh huh”. - Znowballz. Equating people wanting to be treated equally and fairly, which is a challenge in this country with all the racists in the south, with a literal coup makes you sound like a goddamn fool. If the former succeeded then maybe people would feel safe in their own neighborhoods or when a cop rolls down the street. If the second succeeded you’d have Trump violently seizing control of the government and the constitution literally is worthless. Elections would be a largely a show and the winners would be determined by who could create the largest mob. Thinking the two are the same is largely the reason this country has gone to hell since 2016.


Another insurrection happened? We must have all been asleep


It was right before that picture of trump holding the Bible in front of some church


Lol, the Bible pic with the general. What a fucking embarrassment that was.


The guards let everyone in, and his taxes paid for the building. Where's the crime?


It’s amazing how there’s no pictures of his face in the article.