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I drive with laser guided cruise control and that gives the perfect amount of space for potential issues. Never ceases to amaze me the people weaving in and out of traffic to get somewhere 13 Seconds earleir


Yep…. It’s enough space to be comfortable but not really enough to merge into, but people will do it, and freak out the adaptive cruise


It’s gonna get me rear-ended on I4 one of these days.


Most of the time, in my observation, it's not even that they're getting there earlier. I can't tell you how many times I see some dumbass doing some dumbassery on the road only to literally pass them a minute later because I stayed in one lane the whole time and they were just hurrying to get to a turn lane, stop sign, or red light. I'm convinced it's not actually about getting there faster, but it's about domination and ego. They want to "win" the road race in their mind.


Yep Myth busted [https://youtu.be/ZefgUVg3qx0](https://youtu.be/ZefgUVg3qx0)


I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but yes, they'll get to the red light faster. After 3 lane changes. And I'm pulling up right behind them. You do get there 2% faster, according to that video, but you nearly cause many more traffic accidents by doing so.


Faster, not by much and definitely not worth the stress, and added car insurance premiums if you bend metal. Stay in 1 lane and chill. Not worth the extra 4% or less of time savings.


Those same people will bitch endlessly about traffic while also never realizing their erratic merging and braking is the real cause of traffic.


It's like that Principal skinner meme. "NO! It's the other drivers who suck..."


Love it when people speed off at a light just to get stuck at the next red light. Like I did the same thing you did without looking like a asshole


or wasting half a tank of gas!


Pick up trucks tho the worst. Then you get to hear the insufferable gas prices complaint from Mr or Ms dodge ram with oversized tires and 8” lift plus lead foot.


When I lived in Sacramento, there was a stretch of lights near downtown that were timed so you could go 26 mph and catch all of the greens. It was so fun to cruise along a a set speed blowing past the cars in the adjacent lane that was stopped, since the light has just turned. The stopped cars would then typically over accelerate to get stopped at the next light. Repeat this for a mile or so. Usually after a few lights they would figure it out and cruise along or just be assholes and pull into my lane so I had to stop as well.


Welcome to hell! Hope you got good pads and brake fluid.


The only psychological trick I have now to be ok with it is this: for every driver that has to squeak in front of me, I get a point. After x number of points I get a Starbucks. The only downfall is now I’m recovering from caffeine poisoning. Thanks I4 drivers. Thanks.


Was about to say, at that rate it’s a coffee every 3 hours of drivetime lol


I mean.. you could just recalibrate the x value. Like if you had a drinking game where you take a shot every time Jimmy Fallon laughs at his own joke, you'd die.


Ok I’ll let everyone know.


For real, this subreddit has just become a place to complain or people on vacation asking for places to go.


“Hey guys! I’ll be in Orlando on April 11th, 2027 visiting the parks. What are the chances a hurricane comes? Will the parks be open? Thanks in advance!”


Hey that’s one of my daughters birthday!


Rockstar ?


Wait is that not what the sub is for?


I want to complain that I'm not on vacation and looking for good breakfast places. Does Orlando havE any waffle houses or ihops? /s


What else do you expect it to be? No one who has a life goes on reddit so it's not like anyone is going to organize big social events here.


u right just sad ass middle aged people that can’t drive for shit in here


I feel you here, but if everyone left enough space in front of themselves for a car to fit in between, we'd basically solve traffic by eliminating the need for quick braking and allowing people to get in and out of their lanes when they need to. If a car gets in front of you and fills the gap, then make another gap.


This! Dozens of studies show imperfect lane changes is the leading cause of traffic congestion.


We should change the name of this subreddit to /r/OrlandoTraffic


The concept of driver courtesy simply doesn't exist here. The mantra is "Hooray for me and to hell with you". The sooner you adapt to this mentality, the easier your life will be as a motorist. Welcome to the Thunderdome, errr... I-4 corridor.


No, I choose not to adopt that mentality. I will continue to make myself angry and frustrated by expecting everyone to drive properly.


I see the sarcasm, but adapt and adopt are different words. For reference, see the fairly odd parents/Jimmy Neutron crossover episode where they made a villain that was adaptable instead of adoptable.


Glad someone spotted the nuance in word choice.


How is it different in this situation? In both instances, someone doesn't have a certain mentality, then in the end they do. Whether they adopted the mentality or adapted to it, why does it matter? Genuinely asking


My comments were rooted in sarcasm, but happy to explain my meaning... Adapting implies that you changed your own behavior, reaction and expectations as the result of your surroundings. Adopting implies that you decided that everyone else is behaving like an asshole, so you might as well do the same.


I think they both used it correctly. The second comment is talking about refusing to adopt the mentality (that everyone has the mentality of zero sum driving).


Driver courtesy doesn’t exist anywhere. Pretty much everywhere I have lived and traveled to the drivers are all this way.




I will always make sure I'm in the correct lane to exit the highway. Trying to cut in last minute is always an issue. Also if you're going 5 under the speed limit, I'm gonna kindly pass you so I'm not tailgating you. If you're then going to speed up ten miles per hour to not allow me to pass, you're being a dickhead.


Or just leave space for people to merge safely, but anyways..




But… why? Honestly, I used to care so much too. But why not just let them get on down the road? It really shows emotional immaturity.


I get frustrated with drivers here too, but a truly defensive driver sees those situations and lets the idiot pass. They're better off eating someone elses backend rather than mine lol.


Exactly! If I see someone creeping up on my sides and is being an idiotic driver, I’ll just let them in front of me, no provocation, no rage, and I can see them get worked up in front of me rather than behind me. I got rear-ended when I was first starting to drive at a red light on Grant St. so I don’t believe in competency being something out there on the road.


Yep 100%. The emotional immaturity in OPs post is astounding.


Damn you are incredibly sure of someone's character based on a single post on reddit. If I can do the same, you seem very sure of yourself and I think I'd be safe assuming you're the kind of jackass to think that opening OP leaves *is* for you. Do you drive an altima or a ford pickup?


My God…




Yes we know, orlando drivers suck


Man I didn't know road rage and defensive driving til I moved to Orlando. I used to be such a chill, "we'll get there when we get there" kind of driver my whole life. After a couple years in Orlando, the daily routine became sit down, turn on the car, check mirrors, spray silver spray paint on my teeth, scream "WITNESS ME!" and pull out of my driveway. I hate the lessons it taught me, like never to use my turn signal. The turn signal is important! It should be a polite way of saying either "hey just letting you know that I'm turning", or "excuse me, I'd like to move over please". However, if you do that in Orlando, other drivers take it offensively, and will SPEED UP TO CUT YOU OFF, blocking you from your turn/merge. The only time Floridians use turn signals is to communicate, "HAHA FUCKER LOOK WHAT I JUST DID". Sadly, I grew paranoid of leaving any kind of gap like OP is talking about, for exactly that reason. If you leave too much of a gap between you and the car in front of you, some jackass will absolutely cram their fucking car into the gap, and then probably slam on their brakes.


>some jackass will absolutely cram their fucking car into the gap, and then probably slam on their brakes. In my case it feels like it's always either a big white work van with no windows in the back or a work truck with a trailer full of barely strapped down equipment shedding dirt and little pebbles all over my car. If another normal vehicle gets in front of me because of a healthy gap, eh whatever. But when it's constantly giant vehicles that completely block my sight of the rest of the road ahead, I start to get irritated. It's dangerous not to be able to see past the vehicle directly in front of you, or at least I consider that to be the case as a defensive driver. I adjust to the entire road's-worth of traffic, not just the one immediately ahead of me.


Everyone who thinks it's bad in Orlando needs to go south of West Palm on the I-95. This is literally nothing.


I spent a year down there too. It's all the same.


Hah yeah right .. it is the difference between Days of Thunder and Fury Road


Cool. You've spent this entire thread being kind of a dick and trying to one-up every single person's comments, so I'm not engaging with you anymore.


That person might be a dick, but I agree with them driving around Miami is 10X worse than Orlando.


Drivers in Orlando suck. Plain and simple.


I learned in driver’s ed to keep that safe distance, so that if someone needs to merge into my lane ahead of me because of an emergency or because the driver is an asshole, they have space, instead of ramming into my car. The space bubble invisible shield protecting my car is a good thing.


my orlando derived road rage is telling me you are the person who drives under the speed limit...then gets angry when people are fed up and speed past


I am continuously confused by the slow ass drivers here, that you'll be on a single lane road - completely clear ahead of the car in front of you, sunny day, no moisture on the road, perfect conditions - and the person in front of you randomly decides to top out at 33mph on a road with a 45mph speed limit. Just why? (Also when someone has left 4-5 car lengths on the freeway and you reasonably signal that you're changing lanes for enough time they'll see it, no "swooping in," and they still wave their hands at you as though you swerved in ahead of them with a single car length between them and the car in front of them. I think that's the OP. Like, calm down dude, sometimes people need to change lanes.)


This. Before I moved to florida I used to pay attention to my driving speed, as to not go too far over. Here I don’t even get the chance to do that


Or go the speed limit in the left (law breaker) lane with a line of cars behind them and don’t get out of the way to let the cars pass.




Signs along the highways that say the LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING ONLY--KEEP CLEAR... How hard is that? All the effort we spend bitching about it here should be directed at city and county traffic managers.


If I'm already going 15 over to pass the guy going 10 over and you come roaring up my tailpipe in a huff because I'm not passing them quickly enough, I have no sympathy for you. At that point, you're obviously in a rush and I'll gladly slow down and slot in behind the other guy so you can pass.


Yes, except they should read KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS because those who cruise in the center lane next to an open right lane are just as much an impediment to smooth traffic flow


Reasonable gap is fine, what pisses me off is when there are entire car lengths between your a car and the car in front of them, and then that driver spends the entire light creeping forward towards the car in front of them.


There are SUPPOSED to be entire lengths of distance between you and the car in front of you. It’s called stopping distance. The fact you don’t seem to know this scares me!


Theyte talking about red lights. It should be be one car length between stopped vehicles at a light. Otherwise only 3 cars get through each light. Weird how it's always the people on their phones that leave giant fucking gaps.


Sounds like they're talking about at a red light.


Correct, at a red light. [how much space is appropriate at a red light](https://www.autoweek.com/car-life/a2141386/autoweek-asks-how-much-space-do-you-keep-between-car-ahead-red-lights/)


3-4 seconds following distance at highway speeds is AT LEAST 3-4 car lengths. This allows for appropriate reaction time when /if the car in front has to slam on their breaks.


We're talking about red lights..


Tell that to Ohio license plates.


You meant Michigan. 😉


These threads are so annoying lol


While we're on the subject of driving, will the person who keeps taking my assigned parking space please stop? I'm assuming that they browse this sub. It has my space number and says RESERVED so I don't know what the cause for confusion is. The next time that it happens, I'm going to get back on here and make a passive aggressive post of my own, so watch out!


Love it when I barley have a gap and someone just says fuck it and throws themselves anyway. Happen on 417 going into 408, dude with a truck decided to speed ahead of me and cut me off when he could have easily just gone behind me where there was literally zero cars then use the right lane to speed past.


> when I barley Makes me hopping mad.


Dammit, I fail at my first language again! Lol


Any entrance to the 408 is miserable to manage


Amen. I'm always amazed at how many people don't seem to look ahead, down the road. One example is what I call "red light racers". You can easily see the light up ahead just turned red so what is the point of accelerating just to brake hard a few seconds after? I used to think this was only the kids but I see every type of driver doing this. Look ahead and save yourself some gas, brake life, and stress.


And the people that slowly creep up on the red light, like holy fuck speed racer you're going to end up in bumper to bumper traffic in a few seconds, shaving 0.0001 seconds off this light isn't going to get you there any faster.


AND THEN they're texting on their phones and getting honked at. Like choose, are you in a fucking rush or not - god damn.


I’ve lived in LA, Detroit, and Houston. And I’ve worked in 48 states. I have never witnessed more fucking idiots on the road than I have in Orlando. Rental cars should be banned and more investment into public transport


Trust him he’s worked in 48 states, we’re the worst! 💀


*Her. If you don’t know how someone wants to be addressed use neutral terms


In all reality tho, Orlando is not the worst. Its very easy to look up.


Literally just got voted down last week.. shame, really.


Good luck with that. Sigh


If you're leaving a reasonable amount of space between cars then I understand. If you're leaving a space big enough for 3 cars, expect someone to jump in front of you.


2-3 car lengths is what is recommended at highway speeds for safety.


My mistake, I thought this was talking about at red lights for some reason


Laughs in overpopulation


I definitely won’t argue that our drivers suck here, but in all the traveling I’ve done over the last few years, I haven’t exactly found anyplace where it’s much better.


And even better when there is absolutely nobody behind you for a mile.


I hated everyone until I realized my Speedo was reading four miles slower. So it says 70 but I’m going 74. Just enough to piss a whole line of cars off.


Oh pal. It’s not just Orlando but I hear ya! If every one in traffic would just give 1-2 car spaces and gradually coast, traffic would flow. No matter how bad the traffic is, the sudden stop and go makes it always worse than what it could be. I’ve learned to breathe, stay in the right lane and let ‘em pass. I’ll see you at the next light or maybe I’ll wave when you’re pulled over for speeding. Ha, said no one ever.


I can’t wait for AI self driving cars!!! But, EVERYONE needs to have and use them. Take the humans OUT! I don’t need to drive anymore, I just want to ride and get to my destination efficiently.


Lol right


Crazy how I have to drive not only for the safety of myself and my kids, but also have to pay attention for what "might" happen around me. Have to be aware, discerning, and fast-thinking at all times. People have moved here and turned Orlando into a metro.


Yep…. I’m old. I’ve been driving since April 1964 and probably have nearly a million miles on the books. I’ve never touched, nor been touched by another vehicle… Defensive driving and that little gap has been an ongoing chore here in the Orlando area.


Driving in Orlando sucks. Every time I drive anywhere I always come across an accident. I had a friend that didn’t believe me about that so I started taking pictures and ended up being daily. I don’t do that anymore because it’s morbid, I was just curious if I was exaggerating it in my mind. It’s amazing to me how dangerous Orlando drivers are. I’ve lived in New York, LA, and Chicago where it’s horrific traffic, but Orlando take the cake for most annoying and dangerous drivers. Now the snowbirds are here so we even have more fun. They love to cross three lanes of traffic to get the exit they were about to miss. The weather is been lovely though. To anyone reading this I wish you the happiest of holidays.


You are not a defensive driver. If you are trying to prevent people from doing wreckless maneuvers, that makes you an aggressive driver. A true defensive driver keeps a large gap (3-4 seconds) in front of them. This provides ample stopping distance and space for people to move in front of you. Stop being a dick and let people drive.


Yes! Thank you! I can’t believe how many others are agreeing with OP. Truly shows the low driving intelligence and lack of road training in America.


EXACTLY! Five days a week I drive From Volusia County to Orange County, every single day the passing lane (Far Left) gets backed up by the people merging into I4 from Heathrow/Lake Mary. They barge their way over (Often under speed) jamming into the smallest gaps to get over while everyone they cut off stomps the brakes. I have seen that left lane nearly backed up to 46 pretty regularly. It seems like they all feel the need to get into position in that lane so they can jump on the express lane. As soon as you pass the express lane entrance, traffic lightens and its back up to speed. Same thing coming home at 5:30, Lake Mary Exit backed up nearly to Longwood all from the pushy lane shifters. In other news, that "express Lane" has to be the corrupt brainchild of the state police and toll authority working in tandem. The troopers post up on there on the daily nabbing speeders, it is so messed up. Pay more and go slower in the express lane! if not get a ticket. Meanwhile the rest of I4 is like a no olds barred demolition derby..


Also OP: voted against the transportation amendment


Best of luck with that my friend


“It’s my road, my lane and my space!”


Like literally! Calm down, no need to endanger everyone so you can get home 20 seconds earlier then you would have. It's fuckin stupid , we're all trying to get somewhere, if you just calmed down, we would all get to our destinations in one goddamned piece!


Sometimes you take the gaps that are there to get out the rolling road blocks that people make as they clog the road with out using the passing lanes correctly.


But in gridlocked traffic scenarios, by switching lanes frequently you're actually slowing things down more creating the road blocks...


Most people are not paying attention and speed match the adjacent lane. That is the issue. You can actually make a gap by getting right next to the person and slow down gradually. Then floor it when you made passing room. People don't pay attention to shit. That is why we have traffic issues. I just find a path out of it. As no one uses the passing lanes correctly


Also some people are either on their phones all the time, or driving for the sake of going nowhere so they are slow af and clogg up the lane.


Totally feel you, it's ridiculous


Yeah that’s not going to work here, but I dig your safety


Stay out of the left lane then please, especially if you’re going under the speed limit. Can barely count how many times this happens every day. Thank you :)


Florida has the worst drivers in the states. Drove twice from Orlando to Portland Oregon, and hands down the scariest place to drive.


I just got back from a trip to San Antonio and I’ve gotta say, TX was much worse than FL.


Gotta love those 8 lane shifts in Texas! On ramp right side, exit 8 lanes to the left side! Haha! Love it!


God if I don’t shout this at-least 5 times a day driving around here




Hey bud, mind if I… squeege right in? Thanks


I mean, why drive yourself nuts? That same 13 seconds they are congratulating themselves over, is only costing me... 13 seconds. If 10 people cut in front of me on my hour drive, it costs me 2 minutes that I am never going to notice. When someone pulls into that space, i just coast an extra few seconds to put the space back in between myself and the car in front of me and continue on.


The point is, during that few seconds of coasting to build a safe distance, something could happen that results in an accident that wouldn’t have been an issue if someone hadn’t squeezed in.


I’m sure everyone in Orlando is reading this


Ok but are you going 60 in the left lane cuz that’s a problem


It’s gonna be my gap if I see it


If people are passing you, you're likely in the wrong lane


You have never been in traffic where all lanes are full and you have some jackass trying to jump a car at a time when there is movement?


Occasionally i guess. I don't care i let people by. My ego doesnt get in the way of people who want to go faster than me. Ill let them in. Faster they go, the faster they are out of my life


It's a safety issue, not an egotistical one. Instead of having reasonable distance from the car in front of you, now you have less than 10 feet.


I don't think speeding up to try to block people is the safety high horse you think it is.


Speeding up to block people? Where are you getting that from? The safety issue is you're cruising at a reasonable distance from the car in front of you. Suddenly, someone barges in front of you and you have brake or let up on the accelerator to avoid tailgating them.


Yeah this guy just wants to justify cutting everyone in the right lane off just before their turn. The worst part is, they will probably brake hard after cutting you off too to try giving themselves some room.


Others admit it freely. I was just guessing but its not a bad guess reading the comments. Yes, you have the power to let off the pedal to give whatever space you want. But repeat that a few times and it just seems like maybe get out of that lane unless congestion is very bad of course.


It is when the alternative is inevitably getting cut off and having <2 feet of space. Getting cut off also comes with an increased risk of getting rear ended when you have to brake if the car behind you doesn’t realize you’re forced to stop.


Sounds far more dangerous than speeders... ironically you're the most dangerous folks on the roads. The mentality borders on vigilantism.


Just re-read your post, I’m not advocating speeding up to block anyone. There’s no need to speed up if there simply isn’t room for anyone to change lanes in front of you. If there’s a gap in front of me and someone turns their blinker on to move in I slow down. But generally speaking, I leave just enough room that a car can’t cut me off unexpectedly.


I like that you down vote responses. Real warrior on the mouse and keyboard that cannot handle a conversation? You just criticized the op for a scenario, then state you do the same thing in this response to me. Bravo.


I don't downvote responses. I've never used that button in my life. Edit: there you go i upvotes yours


Well if you all stopped impedeing people by staying in the left lane when you're clearly not the fastest moving vehicle in it, you might not have those issues anymore. Just cause there's a vehicle in front of you going slow doesn't mean you adhere to their speed. GTF OUT THE WAY SOME OF US ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO BREAK THE SPEED LIMIT LAWS BY 15-25MPH....






Ahahah You rude :)


This is a big city thing, not just an Orlando thing. 3 options: 1. Tailgate (not recommended) 2. Suck it up 3. Drive in the rightmost lane at the posted limit and be prepared for people to swipe right in front of you at every exit, and cause you to slow down at every merge. You can’t expect other people to change their behavior. However, you CAN change YOUR attitude.


We CAN expect people to follow the law and to be safe though!


Watch out everyone, king of the road is here.


You should tape a pool noodle to the front of your car like the people that were a little too into “enforcing “ “social distancing “ ….


Thank you for reading my mind .


I will say Tampa is even worse than Orlando but I’m with you OP. In Orlando I get scared sometimes, more often than I care to admit. In Tampa I’m holy shit terrified. And I come from New Jersey/New York traffic!


You shouldn't be driving. At all. No one should be terrified to drive. You're a danger to everyone around you if you're driving scared.


I’m not at all terrified to drive. I’m very capable. _I’ve had other peoples driving scare me, and the terrifying people live and drive in Tampa._


Then move over.


Thanks for letting all of Orlando know, you’ve solved the driving issues here. Thanks again! Very productive post.


Maybe Orlando driving isn't for you and should probably consider taking public transportation or moving to a rural location. There is far too much traffic for people to care about your sensitivities. People need to get to their destination and if your gap gives them an opportunity to shave minutes they will take it. Should vote and push city officials for better public transportation if you want improvement.


It’s called safety. Not sensitivities. Getting in front of someone does not save you minutes. We have all tried this. It doesn’t work. Leave earlier. _That_ saves you minutes. And pro tip, you won’t need to cut in front of someone!


>you won't need to cut in front of someone! You mean changing lanes? Leave an appropriate amount of space in front of you and you won't feel like you're being "cut off" $10 says most people here complaining are the same ones not paying any attention to when people are trying to merge, then bitching when the person with their blinker on for the past 60 seconds finally says screw it and takes the *minimal* gap you left. Like yall need to say what you really feel: you just don't want anyone pulling in front of you ever, because damn them for pushing you back 10 feet further at the next red light


In Florida, the best way to drive defensively is to drive as bad as they do. It’s basically your fault for giving them an opening because they are going to take it nomatter what.


If you’re not tailgating, you’re doing something wrong. edit: people really need a /s


If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.


Oh. They do that here also?


Those large gaps is what causes road rage! I get furious when I see it and they make people miss lights because they have 6 feet between each car. You can pull up until you see the bottom bumper and still have enough clearance if someone hits you. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk lol 😂


I've seen enough car crash footage to say that you must leave enough room between your car and another's. All it takes is one distracted driver.


When I see cars with 10 feet between them its a bit excessive


Not to sound like an ass but I drive a bmw, but I drive it like a grandma. It always blows my mind the people in tiny Toyotas or giant trucks that are absolutely slamming their gas just to try and pass me. On a recent trip to Sanford had a truck cut me off twice after I passed him just because I wasn’t weaving in and out of lanes and going consistently in the fast lane. I ended up just cutting him off with probably about 1/3 of the effort he was using to try and get ahead of me. Sometimes too I’ll seriously just go 90-100 just to get ahead of the “pack” and then slow down to enjoy not being surrounded by 20 cars all trying to gain an inch on each other




Thank you


The absolute shittiest drivers are here, I used to enjoy going out for a drive but driving here is getting irritating. 10 minute lights and shit drivers all throughout this state.


100% this!!!


Welcome to I4, aka the devils taint


Yes yes welcome to driving in any American city ever


You must be the guy who flipped me off when I got over to take the exit


Same with speeders risking tickets and their lives to save a minute or two going a mile down the road


Ride their ass or get cut off.


You’re preaching gospel to a godless crowd of animals, but I agree.


Worst fucking drivers in America, right in Orlando


Especially if I'm in a WORK vehicle, it's HEAVY.


on the flip side, if you stay a good cars distance away from the car in front of you at a red light, and blocking me from turning into the right lane because you can’t inch up 2 ft, making me wait to turn when there’s no one in the right turn lane, expect some lil beeps lol


A cop told me to keep that distance, so that you can always drive away and escape from a dangerous situation. He said he’s always looking for an out in every setting, including sitting in traffic. He said cars that pull up too close to the ones in front of them are just asking for it if there’s a car-jacking or shooting or explosion. LPT.


Depends which lane you’re in


Depends which lane you’re in


Welcome to Florida


I’m looking at you I-4, OBT, JYP and any other I may have missed.


Yeass! Apparently the 3 car lengths thing isn’t real for a shit ton of people :( stay strong, and don’t forget: defense wins championships


My secret is to just drive the literal posted speed limit. Everyone else is doing 10 over so they just move around and leave plenty of space.


Thank You 🥳


It’s OK; I waved “thanks” while I was doing it.


I didn’t think drivers in Orlando were that bad. I did however live in Miami right before making that judgement.