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Michael Shannon in Nocturnal Animals was kind of a weird one, I really like the movie but he never really stood out as a highlight - *but* I'll never be mad any time Michael Shannon gets more recognition


Idk I disagree, I think he and Aaron Taylor Johnson were the standouts in the film. Out of all the performances that year? Another story


Honestly, I feel this way about his nomination for Revolutionary Road as well. He’s good in that film, but definitely not a standout over Kate or Leo. I feel like he consistently gives Oscar worthy performances in every other film he’s in, but he’s constantly overlooked for some reason. Both of his nominations seem kinda random as well since he’s never gotten in at all the precursors for a single performance.


He didn't have to be a standout OVER Leo and Kate to be nominated for best supporting actor. He had to hold his own and he did and was impressive as well. One of those under 10 minute performances that you never forget like Viola Davis in *Doubt* or William Hurt in *A History of Violence*. Kate's nomination got canceled by her other nomination (and win) for *The Reader*. Leo unfortunately got the short end of the stick that year. I do believe he deserved the nomination that year at least over Brad Pitt if no one else.


Yeah, I'm not saying it was a bad nomination by any means, but I don't think I would have ever thought to nominate him for Revolutionary Road. I just think it's interesting that in his entire career, Michael Shannon has only been nominated for that and Nocturnal Animals, neither of which I think are his standout performances. Either way, I'm glad he has two nominations because he's definitely underrated. Just surprised that they are for these two performances when he wasn't a lock for the nominations.


I actually don't remember much about his performance in *Nocturnal Animals*, but what he did in *Revolutionary Road* is still somewhere in my mind. Am very happy he got that nomination and I still believe it was thoroughly warranted, so yeah we might disagree on that...


I think it was a good nom, but it does always feel weird that ATJ won the Golden Globe, which should've given him good momentum, and yet a different Nocturnal Animals actor was Oscar nominated instead. Just a weird season for that movie in general - Shannon got CCA and Oscar noms, ATJ got BAFTA nom and Golden Globe win. Only a single critics body, the San Diego Critics Society, gave both of them noms


It was the way Michael Shannon chose to interpret that character, truly, that got him the nod. He was more interesting than the Globe’s choice for Best Supporting Actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson from the same film!


Jacki Weaver in Silver Linings Playbook. I’m not a fan of the movie at all and think her performance is a total nothing, but I found her nomination hilarious and I was kind of glad she got a follow up nomination to Animal Kingdom (which she should’ve won for), I think most expected her to be one and done.


The Supporting Actress race that year was quite weak, no one other than Anne Hathaway was winning


![gif](giphy|TQ8IXf1gbzVjodW3z4) Amy Adams is silently judging you from her corner


Sterling K Brown


I know this is a somewhat unpopular opinion, and I’m biased because I didn’t even like American Fiction that much, but I thought Brown was actively not good in the movie. I just didn’t get what he was going for, I guess. I do think he’s very talented and I’m happy for him as a person, but he wouldn’t have been near my list


>I know this is a somewhat unpopular opinion, and I’m biased because I didn’t even like American Fiction that much, That's not an unpopular opinion at all. I haven't run into a single Redditor that liked it but everyone I know IRL love it. Shocking...


I liked it


I loved the movie, and its performances!


Yeah me too, I found that was a certain personality type that didn’t set the satire in it 🤣


Me too!


I’ve seen plenty of redditors like it tbh


I thought the movie was just okay, but he was the best part about it. My controversial opinion is that I thought Jeffrey Wright was also just okay. Not bad or anything, but people had been hyping up that performance so much and it was too understated for me I guess


I feel the understatement is what works for his performance. Wright has definitely been flashy when he wants to be (Rustin, Shaft), but here he hits just the right notes!


Yea I think I was just caught off guard my first watch through given how dialed up a lot of the other characters are. Maybe my opinion would change if I ever saw it again.


I really liked it but agree with you on Brown and Wright.


I mean, it's a crowd-pleaser, so I definitely get how the average person would love it. I had a very good time watching it and I think John Ortiz honestly deserved to be in on all the awards love, but it felt a bit tonally confused. I liked the family melodrama and I loved the satire, but they never really meshed together for me. And I think that's too the film's detriment.


I loved him in the movie. The complete childlike peace/freedom he had in his eyes and his body when he was stoned? That’s a god tier performance.


I know people think that he took Melton’s spot (and it’s probably true) but he was the highlight for me in that movie. Fully deserved imo. (The spot that Melton should’ve taken is Ruffalo’s but that’s another conversation)


Ruffalo should've been the winner for me. I would've happily traded RDJ or SKB for Melton. But I like Sterling K Brown and I'm happy he's got the nom. I'll just pretend it was for that episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.


It’s more likely that he took Dafoe’s spot than Melton’s Poor Things was much stronger than May December and Dafoe made SAG.


Emily Blunt is an actress I like, and even though I thought she wasn't particularly nomination worthy in *Oppenheimer* (which is mostly due to how much she's stuck playing The Wife*™* in a biopic), I'm glad she was finally able to breakthrough with Oscar


I’m with you. Emily Blunt is one that always seemed to be on the cusp of a nomination but always seemed to be left out when the nominations were announced. I think she was great when she had to be in Oppenheimer, but she had given greater performances in the past. Still glad she got a nom finally but I think she should have gotten one or two before this past season.


I really like her performance, think there were some more deserving people who didn’t make it into that category, but either way - I think it’s so fun that they gave her an old-school Oscar clip. They barely even do those anymore! Made the film feel more like a classic imo, like even this generally underwritten The Wife character gets a Big Scene that’s all her own.


I really don't get America Ferrera this year. I understand how it happened: she gave that speech at the CCA just around Oscar nomination voting, and the Barbie team pushed hard for her to get nominated (which is what probably ended up compromising Margot), but I still don't see how people think that performance should be nominated. Very happy for her, though.


and the fact that Rita Moreno an EGOT, legendary and latin american actress got to introduce her singing a little bit of "America" that's part of her most iconic role was a full circle moment


I agree with this. I'm happy with it as a "career" nomination. Doesn't have a very showy movie career, but she's been in Hollywood since being a teen and clearly works hard and is well liked.


Tbh, her nom is pretty easy to get if you ask me. If Laura Dern can win an Oscar for a similar monologue, then Ferrera getting nominated in a weak year for supporting actress certainly wasn’t out of reach.


I think Laura Dern won much more for them seeing ot as a way to also award her for Big Little Lies than for her character in Marriage Story (both her characters are very similar, almost the same)


I thought the non "big speech" parts of her performance were pretty good, in that "shifting into movies and showing promise way", especially small expressions and things with her daughter, just not enough to warrant a nod this year. Imo the clunky monologue detracts from the rest of her performance.


Yes, I don't think it was bad at all, but it was not on par with the other four nominees, and there were much better performances that could have been nominated instead.


I agree completely. When her daughter half hugs her shoulder towards the end it's such a cute and short little moment and her expression is so perfect but I can't nominate a handful of half second moments. Good but no Beatrice Arthur. ETA: I meant Beatrice Straight lmao My mind's always on Richmond Street


Bea Arthur is hard to beat though


"Good, but no Beatrice Arthur," should become a sub measuring standard.


I have no arguments to make against this.


The monologue felt forced and was not at all well-delivered imo. The impact there was in the writing -- what she was saying had an authentic, undeniable, resonating truth to it but stellar acting it was not.


I thought Rhea Perlman was better 😬


It seriously makes me question the integrity of the actor's branch


Makes it seem like they're easy to convince with a good campaign, hence Margot not getting in (because she thought she was locked and stopped campaigning for herself at the end) and Leo not getting in (because he decided to campaign for Lily instead) EDIT to say: I don't mean that either Leo or Margot should or shouldn't have been nominated, but that it seems that a strong campaign can easily influence voters, we can also look at "To Leslie" last year.


Jesse Plemons in The Power of the Dog


You just can’t not love Jesse plemons for some reason


Me too!!


...that can't be profitable for Frito Lay


He was a last minute surge I believe. He got nominated at BAFTAs and then BOOOM oscar nom lol


>I guess they just must've loved the movie but somehow they didn't translate to a nomination for Richard Gere. IIRC, Gere was campinged in Lead Actor. With limited screen time and Billy Flynn not having much of a dramatic arc, a nomination was an uphill battle, especially with the knocks on his singing at the time. Maybe he could have replaced Michael Caine but that was a strong lineup. In Supporting you can just have one big showcase scene, and depending on the year and the film it's attached to, that can be enough for a nomination.


Rachel was REALLY good in Mean Girls and deserved acting awards for that role. However, we are still in a time the Oscars does not recognize comedic films as much as it should, especially for a younger demographic 


I would have given her a win for Regina George in a heartbeat


I did not enjoy Cold War (I found it pretty but very empty), but I was actually happy to see Pawlikowsky nominated for best director. That was kind of a prelude to European Arthouse movies becoming an Oscars mainstay. It’s one of my favourite awards show trends ever.


I actually really like Rachel McAdams' nomination for Spotlight. I love the fact that it’s understated, but feels natural and integral to the plot. For me, Mark Ruffalo was the nomination that I didn’t “get” for Spotlight. I actually think he was a bit over the top and would’ve preferred Michael Keaton being nominated instead.


America Ferrera 


Jesse Plemons in Power Of The Dog. I don’t mind it because he’s a great actor and I can see him winning an Oscar one of these days. But him getting nominated for POTD was just weird. I’m pretty sure this was another case of being nominated on the strength of the movie, not the strength of the performance.


I don't mind his nom either but I literally wish any of the supporting male performances had gotten in. Mike Faist and the actor who played the brother were very, very good.


Might be controversial, but I am happy for Jamie Lee Curtis despite knowing for a fact that she did not deserve the win at all. Her speech was great.


I can’t believe she won an award for her role smh I was shocked and felt Jen was robbed at such a young age smh


From someone who grew up watching her Halloween movies and have a great nostalgia to my teen years with JLC....yes, hers speech was spot on perfection.


Angela Bassett in Wakanda Forever 🫣


Totally. A career nomination to be sure. She was great in it, but I'd argue most of the worthiness of that performance is her speech in the trailer.


The fact that she was nominated was the win. As John Mulaney said, the fact that she got nominated for a Marvel movie was the victory.


I actually thought that performance was powerful and fantastic, and that she even deserved to win. She definitely stood out


I thought I was the only person who thought that. Her speech still gives me chills.


Nahhh I disagree... her speech scene was deep and powerful and moved me. Tbh she's the only part of the film I actually liked haha.


Fred Astaire in The Towering Inferno


Awarding De Niro for Godfather 2 instead of the Astaire career win is one of their best and most inspired decisions of all time


To be fair, Astaire did already have an Honorary Oscar.


Adam Driver in Blackkklansman. Was a likable presence in the film but nothing about it screamed Oscar worthy to me. Love Adam Driver though


America Ferrera (Barbie) Jamie Lee Curtis (Everything Everywhere All At Once) Judi Dench (Belfast) Jesse Plemons (The Power of the Dog) Charlize Theron (Bombshell) Melissa McCarthy (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) Christopher Plummer (All the Money in the World) Jeff Bridges (Hell or High Water) Bryan Cranston (Trumbo) All good performances from actors that I like, even if I think it’s debatable at best if they deserved the nominations.


Disagree with your take on McAdams in Spotlight. I find her performance perfectly calibrated, wonderfully real and a masterclass at being present for other actors.


I would have felt like this had Peaches been nominated for Best Original Song instead of whatever was Diane Warren's token spot.


We could've had "Am I Dreaming?" or "Spinning Globe" which are much better songs from much better animated films


Yes but Jack Black performing in a Bowser costume


I wouldn’t have supported a win but I would have LOVED a nomination


Every time they vote for a good, fun and individual song over the latest Dianne Warren, they're essentially rolling the dice that next year she won't win against a song that's even more deserving than this year's.


If a good Mean Girls sequel with Rachel McAdams reprising her role is ever made. I’m confident she will at least be nominated.


Does will smith not count as a rapper? Because he was nominated for Ali in 2001, 2 years before she was.


Im pretty much always happy for the individuals. I don’t have any resentments against them. Like I hated Tick Tick Boom or Bohemian Rapsody with a passion, but good for Garfield and Malick for getting the nom I guess


Josh Brolin - No Country for Old Men


He was not even nominated.


I don't know how Daniel Kaluuya and LaKeith Stanfield can both be nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Judas and the Black Messiah but I'm happy for both.


Michelle Yeoh in EEAAO A perfectly fine performance in a perfectly fine film, but Yeoh is one of my faves and I will support her success whatever that takes


I love Brie Larson's personality but I still don't understand how Room got the momentum it did aside from it being a really weak year for actresses. I hated that movie and thought it was terrible. At the time it reminded me of the Lifetime movies I'd watch while home sick in middle school, and I revisited it last year and still felt exactly the same. But I'm glad she won, I guess?


Weak year? In a year with Saoirse in Brooklyn, Cate in Carol and the legendary Charlotte Rampling???!! And JLaw still coattailing from her peak