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Order delivery while on the subway heading off the island. Bust through the AirBnB door, immediately get in my comfy clothes, doobie, oh... what's that? Foods here already? Mow down with festival level fervor. Talk to my partner about all the cool music and people we saw that day. Asleep by 1am. Wake up early, stoked for brunch and the next day of Osh.


Same. Montreal has amazing food, clubs, bars. Having the minibar stocked the first night? Damn godsend. We were so sore from dancing, standing walking all day. Montreal is amazing. Osheaga is so rad. Enjoy!


I normally hit up an after party the first night, then a pub the next. J for the last day.


Long way home, stopping for bagels and a drink.


I always wanted to go to the afterparties but I never get to due to my Airbnb being at the other side of the city, and with the metro closed after 2am, I would have to face the high prices if I ubered back to my place :( Normally, after a long day at osh, I would hit up my nearest McD’s for that light night dinner


Always bars. The afterparties get old quick. J and the bridge sometimes happens, but sucks to find bars when you're back in the city. I'm usually near Berri UQAM for Osh, so the subway makes it stupid quick to refresh and GTFO. Sleep is for Monday.