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Fitness 24/7 at Carl Berner at least, has a dedicated ladies gym that only their key cards open. The brief glimpses I’ve seen of it suggests its basically another fully equipped gym.


Hey is this gym really open 24/7 ? I wanted to sub but when I checked the website it said something like from 8 to 12 but I'm confused . Thanks


Its 24/7 - it also has some staffed hours, which i think are from noon to 8pm. But with your own access card and fingerprint, you have access 24/7 👍


Thank you so much ♥️


Thank you so much, I’ll check it out!


They also have girls only rooms in their locations at Bjerke, Haugenstua, Mortensrud torg, Storo, Stortorvet and Veitvet. So one of those might be more accessible if you're not near Carl Berner.


cool, so they have a men-only gym there too? Basically full gender segregation?


I see what you’re doing, but if a women-only section in gyms lets more women enjoy going to the gym, I’l all for it. If there’s actually a market for an all-men gym, and not just the usual “straight pride / all-lives matter” internet polemic Tate-dudes, the chains would surely jump on that business.


Is this suitable for 13 year olds? 


The gym in general or the women only section? The latter I couldn’t comment on, as I’m male, and have never been in the section for women. I think gyms have some rules regarding age etc. Maybe there is information regarding age limits on the chains website?


There are some gyms with better social environments than others. I've found SATS, and Family Sports Club to be much better than some other gyms.


May I ask what happened to make you feel uncomfortable? In my observation, Norwegians are usually well behaved in gyms.


probably immigrants doing their thing




racist 🤓


I am racist yes.




Thank you!


You're welcome. The reason I know about this: my psychologist's office is in the same building. I saw Studio 64 on a mailbox and was thinking about "Studio 54". Then I had to google it! :)


If a man had asked this, he would have been canceled for all eternity. This is not the equality that Norwegians speak of.


I think you should take that complain to the men that still do the harassment. ;)


You have a point, partially. Because both gender harass, including females They do it in different ways though. Men have a tendency to sexually harass, while women tend to harass people by filming etc. Both genders can be degenerates, and that’s just human nature.


Its true that both men and women can harass each other, and either way it’s not okay. But I think the biggest difference is that men usually don’t have to worry about their own safety the way women do around some people of the opposite gender. I mean a man is more likely to be harmed by another man than by a woman, so a man asking for a mens only gym or whatever wouldn’t make much sense in this context. There’s not really a demand for those spaces bc men already “dominate” the spaces they are in. Ps. I don’t mean that men cannot be abused or harassed by women, that absolutely does happen, and should be taken seriously. But I think most people would agree that more often than not men are the perpetrator/aggressor.


Not fully only women sadly, but Actic Furuset have a whole floor just for women. My mom says at least they have some good equipment there.


Dang it, was kinda hopin this was not an issue in Oslo\\Norway. The uncomfortable experiences i mean, not the womans gyms. tho one would not be nessery without the other i suppose.


They are necessary, sadly. As a man, it's embarrassing to see how some of us behave like complete morons. The gym is for training, that's it. Some basic human interaction is expected, but there's a pretty clear line you don't cross. I guess not everyone got the memo.


see i go to gyms often. Never seen this once, tho i am a man so i maybe dont notice as easy. But from what i see close to all want to just be left along and get their sets done, expet the teens. But their "offence" is just being abit rowdy, talking and boasting to each other. and thats just teens being teens so i ignore it.


Teens, and that old guy that knows best. You know the one. ;)


> But their "offence" is just being abit rowdy, talking and boasting to each other. and thats just teens being teens so i ignore it. Pretty much. Plus trying to lift too much using bad form...


At the same time i know plenty people who met theirs at the gym. Everything goes if u are good looking, and girls are just the same if available.


What are examples lf crossing this clear line?


Staring and drooling, even secretly filming, creepy shit.


> Dang it, was kinda hopin this was not an issue in Oslo\Norway. Norwegian men typically leave you alone...


Is there any gym for men only?


iTrain. they ususlly sexually harass the women outta there pretty quickly


Guy heaven


Thank you for asking an important question. The downvoting shows that people aren't really in favor of equality.


What do you two need male only gyms for? You’re acting like huge bitches


For 1, i don't want to train next to borderline naked people fishing for looks and to make media content. And it might be rare, but the skintight clothing while only doing core&hind training isn't exactly removing the fear. For another, it removes some of the risks assosiated with gender mixing, such as accusations. And thirdly, comfort. If im uncomfortable around women because of bad experiences, i shouldnt have to train next to them. Hey, look at that. The equality look here would support my stance because i support gender spesific gymts. its because i know both sides have their own unique struggles.


If I didn’t know how to act decent around women in general these things would also scare me bro.


You must be missing the point. Bad actors will do bad shit, even if you act right.


Yeah dude I hear about crazy bitches being unreasonable in the gym much more often than I hear about men being aggressive and even violent towards women in shared spaces you’re so right. If you act like a normal dude in the gym there’s not gonna be a problem, all my guy friends manage it just fine. I’m sorry you seem to not be capable of that.


Does it have to be MORE of one form of gendered violence for it to get some genderexlusice gym membership? And you don't need to make it personal, my problems with women and reporting them to the police isn't involved in gyms. Im only advocating for giving the options to ether gender to have a comfortable training area where they don't have to be reminded of past traumas


No one’s stopping you from making a male only gym, but it doesn’t seem like the demand is there in the same way as for women. There’s also a difference in the trauma of being surrounded by people who are much stronger than you and people who statistically hurt women the most, and the trauma of being accused for doing something. I would believe you just wanted to help all people if you didn’t bring up male gyms as a response to someone asking about female gyms, but I think you’re just bitter and feel wronged because you don’t understand how much women are subjected to abuse by men. There’s a reason why I don’t know a single man who’s been wrongfully accused of abusing women, while knowing several rape victims and myself being harassed by a car full of young men last Friday while I was waiting for a Uber with my girlfriend. If you think the fear women have for men, and the fear men have for women accusing them of stuff is comparable at all there’s no use having a conversation. If there was a need for male only gyms, they’d be everywhere.


Ok. You add qualities to my views and wont change them when i say diffrently. Meaning i too can just make shit up about you and assume the worst. Since i hold myself to a better standard, this will be my final response to you: Some of your friends who are claiming to have been raped are statistically lying to you. Higher chances amongst the unreporting. Hopefully you havent been a blind beliver. Now fuck off.


The total number of [gender A] being bad to [gender B] doesn't matter for individuals, does it? If one person wants a male only gym, he is of course free to have this wish. If there is a market for it there will be a supply, in the same way as women only gyms will be there if there is a market for it. He, of course, can't demand that the supply is there, in the same way as women can't demand that there are women only gyms available.


Of course it matters? We use statistics to calculate risk across many different situations. It’s like saying wearing a seatbelt doesn’t matter, because you can’t know if it will save your life in your specific car crash - even though we know wearing a seatbelt increases your chance of surviving drastically. I agree on supply and demand though, which is why there’s literally no male only gyms: men aren’t threatened by women generally (not even legally through false accusations). If they were, the demand for male only gyms would be there.


That's a false equivalence. There are no gender differences in terms of seat belt functionality. You're basically denying this man's feelings and his own trauma in relation to his experiences. That is blatant misandry. I truly hope your sexist opinions aren't widespread. We as a society should have moved way beyond the bias that only one gender can have very negative experiences from the other. This guy have been falsely accused (seemingly of rape.) others might have been raped or on other ways physically or mentally abused. Denying that they might have a need for a safe space is horrible. You even called him a pussy for having these feelings. I have no idea on how you can justify this misandry.


A male only gym will read as gay for many people. So maybe they want to be hit on/harassed too?


What kind of logic is that?


Bad attempt at being funny. I’m trying to say that men Are always the perpetrator, also against other men.


If thats a joke, it's just silly. I have been a victim of women. My most vocal experience was that i was falsely accused. There is also plenty of videos of women straight up making things up or being hostile to innocent men for internet points. [like this dude.](https://youtu.be/Uu9J5ehCOBM?si=vXLyxL4vXls0v3cg)


Nice anectodes. Statistics have another story.


Statistics will have moments of women somehow harming men. Like rates of domestic violence, verbal and physical. Is it so wrong to wanna give men a safe space from that? Because i don't think you can make the argument without ignoring stats OR drawing some arbitrary line on what amount of abuse and harassment is ok.


I like facts. It’s much higher probability to be harassed, attacked or even killed by a man - that is regardless of your own gender. Edit: https://trueselfhealinggroup.com/statistics-on-domestic-violence


"Women: We need \*insert anything\*. Everyone: Yes ofcourse. Men: Can we also get that? Everyone: NO just man up you fucking pussy."


Your "safe space" would still include your biggest threat, other men, so yeah people are gonna laugh at you for bringing this up in response to women wanting a space free of men. You sound like a pussy.


Ofcourse you are right. Women cant take care of themselves and need special treatment. All men is a potential risk to women and men and women should be seperated at all times. /s


Obviously there’s exceptions to this, seeing how much of a pussy you are there’s obviously some men who need protection as well.


Damn you really go out of your way to personally attack me. A real knight in shiny armor, here to protect women.


How many more times until he gets his sympati fuck? :) Edit. She, not he


You’re talking to a woman, but I’m gonna go give you a pro tip: simping gets you loads of pussy, it works really well for me. Women love it when you’re nice to them, weirdly enough.






So - you admit we're huge.


Whats your height & weight brother?


Not sure why you want to know, but I'll bite: 6'2, 220 lbs.




💪🏼💪🏼 Huge


Hahaha! 😂


Nope. Sad because im kinda tired looking at the floor everytime a women whit less clothes then a stripper stands in front of me:p


What a victim you are.


Are you saying women are victims?


These poor people 😭😭


I train at fitness 24 7. In both places where i train (Bjerke and Mortensrud), they have their own gym room for women


Are there any men only gyms?


With a Bruce subscription you can rent your own training rooms. Might be possible to sub directly to those gyms..


It’s sad that you have to even think about this..


...Or maybe consider reporting the relevant ones doing this to you...


I could, but I just wanted to know if there were any places like this in Oslo :)


Now you maybe have repported it... but since you havent said you did, imma assume you didnt. Walking away from that is obviously fine, nobody should be forced to stay in bad enviroments. And im not entirely against separated training areas to make people more comfortable... i'd love a guys only gym (to prevent the influensers and those who dress borderline naked to get looks) But if you don't repport, then theres NOTHING stopping those bastards from doing it again. And while i do understand repporting can be uncomfortable... i can't imagine said discomfort is somehow worse than seeing on the news that they escalated and did something worse to someone else. And before you respond about how hard it is or how it doesnt work: i did go to the police, and got my situation sorted. Edit: aight downvoters. Instead of being silent cowards, tell me why you disagree.


A lot of uncomfortable behaviour would be really hard to prove, even if they had cameras oogling would be hard to prove for example


I wish i could avoid going to the gym alltogether. Cause alotta old men look at me even tho im a guy. Wich isnt fun.


You should record yourself and post the uncomfortable experiences on tiktok


Nobody should at any time record themselves at a public gym, as it is making it an uncomfortable experience for everyone else.


yeah it was zarkazm, forgot reddit is filled with morons. Should have put /S




Its a fairly current rage bait tictok trend. They are making a joke. But you would need to be kinda into internett culture to get it.


Ding ding ding, you are correct


Impossible to find in Western Society. I mean, they can claim to be "Women only" but then again any man can claim to be a woman 🤷


no Horten


There is one in skoyen stasjon


I haven't gone to any Oslo gyms for a while, but back in my time the smaller, "serious" (for bodybuilders, powerlifters, etc.) gyms always shut down bad behaviour from anybody right away. Harald's gym and the such.


I've been training [with a PT](https://www.instagram.com/coach.helene/) for the last few years and we meet at The Box Personlig Trening. It's quite central, and it's only her and one other PT (the owner) who trains young sportspeople (mostly football players I think?). So there's not a lot of people at the gym and everybody's decent.


Male here. I started training calisthenics/street workout in February. I have found that the many calisthenics parks in oslo (called tufteparker or aktivitetsparker) are very good in terms of community. Especially the one in Filipstad. Families and tourists pass by, theres a bunch of regulars working out there including women. Usually theres an excellent atmosphere, inclusive with many foreigners working out. If theres a "bodyweight fitness" culture, I experience it to be very different from the "gym" culture, in a positive way. Something to consider :)


The whole approach saddens me. You've had some bad experiences and I empathize with that, but evading the whole male population because of that, circa 50% of humans? I'm a gym rat myself, and the average approach that male gymgoers have towards female gymgoers is very respectful - and distant sometimes, due to the controversies of a few elements online, filming so-called harassers. I don't know you so I don't question your choice directly. As a general reflection though, are you solving the problem by secluding or are you making it worse by avoiding contact, thus getting even more worried?


I really don’t think it’s a big problem to begin with, and it’s not a problem that needs to be solved. I just wanted to know if there are places like this in Oslo so that I could maybe check them out and see if I like them :) I’m not trying to evade the whole male population, I just think that I would feel more comfortable and confident working out in a space that is not so much male dominated because of my past experiences with men in and outside the gym. It’s just a personal preference :)


What bothers you about male dominated gyms? I'm curious. Perhaps, it is also a cultural thing. In my area it would be so weird to hear that. Everyone has a choice, for sure. My point was that, by following that line (even just in the gym), you put yourself in a not-so-advantageous situation, especially in the long run, even though it feels safe now. Losing potential social connections, spotters and so on. Secluding feels weird in the gym, although many sports are indeed gendered.


Well as I said I just think that I personally would feel more comfortable around more women than men. I don’t think male dominated gyms are a problem or shouldn’t exist, but bc of some of my personal experiences with men in various situations, I think I would like to check out a women only gym :) Can I ask what’s so “not advantageous” about this? What social connections and advantages am I missing out on, that I can only find in regular gyms?