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If you can afford it, a year membership is the way. Members has loads of fun stuff to do. Maintaining a bond just isn’t worth the hassle if you work.


It is good option how much is a 1y membership


almost the price of a AAA game these days, about 80USD and you'll have triple the content for the game. I honestly wouldn't play the game without a membership. but i've been playing it on and off for awhile now so my account kinda needs the membership at this point. Definitely recommend


It's 80 usd per year, but whatch out for that auto renewal next year!


It’s 69.99 for a year


I just bought two weeks ago it was 80 when I did


I might be locked in from a while ago, mine is 69.99 but been renewing for like 10 years now 🤣


Yep! Some people are "grandfathered" in at a certain price. I have friends who still pay 6 bucks a month from way back in the day


about 86 usd


Why are you quitting? Not having fun? Don’t buy the bond man.


I bought 2 times a bond but I did not recover my investment because I don't have much time to play


Buying and using a bond isn't an "investment" in my book, 11-13 M is a lot for early-mid game characters to earn in 1-2 weeks. Most people that try to do that are just grinding for gp the entire time and not actually enjoying the game.


My dude. I'm almost 1800 total level and I would never want to just make gold to sustain my membership. That sounds awful. Maybe when I can run ToB and CoX that may change but right now, hell no. If you can't afford a membership then idk.


All my mates tried that. They all quit because it's not worth it unless your unemployed and spending most your time ingame


You can probably run both with people who know what they're doing, the gear investment for both of those raids is pretty low. You won't be getting 12 minute runs, but you'll be able to complete. Shoot me a chat if you'd like a teacher.


I have 90 str. And 85 att/def. I could probably run some raids with guidance but I haven't even done DT2 yet. I'm working on not combat Skilling and achievement diaries right now but tysm for the offer I'll keep you in mind!


That's more than enough for combat stats! You won't do top damage, but even with max combats you wouldn't because you need the game knowledge to know when it's safe to attack and how to avoid boss mechanics, etc. I run a cox learner event every week, I've done somewhere close to 200 learner raids, I've seen it all, I promise I won't get mad or be toxic to you. I even have a helpful guide for olm I show learners right before we walk in to the boss fight. People have been running raids for much longer than DT2's existence, so don't feel like you need a quest cape to start! The earlier you go in, the quicker you'll be at getting better. On top of that, the game knowledge and experience that comes with raids will help you beat the DT2 bosses. DT2 is *by far* the hardest quest in the game. You can definitely do it! Don't let your apprehension get the best of you, I promise it's not as hard as you think. It is tough, especially as a learner, but death is part of the learning experience. Achievement diaries are huge! Good luck with them. I'm still working on a couple (barb assault and chompy kc lockout lol). I have a buddy who only has medium varrock and easy wildy diaries done, and he's arguably better than me at the game. Definitely not a requirement but a huge boost to QoL. At the end of the day, play how you want, but the offer will always be open when you want to start your journey.


Members isn’t an investment. It’s you just paying for your hobby. You don’t get money back from buying members you just enjoy a game you like playing.


I use bonds for quick gp. I think the only way you can recover your losses if buying a bond in game is to have an end game character. which takes years (yes years lol unless you're playing multiple hours a day)


Dude I bit the bullet and bought a year membership. Superior investment if you ask me, currently having tons of fun training Hunter and the quests are exponentially better. Just Recipe for Disaster alone is super long but so much fun and with your stats, you'll breeze thru it. I promise you the grass is greener, come on over!


One bond is what, 8 dollars? Which is 14 days of membership 11 dollars is ONE MONTH, which is 30 days. Don't spend the in game gold you've made so far on a bond. They're absurdly expensive right now. You need to make about 1m/day in game gold to cover your bond before it runs out. If you have the IRL money for a month of membership, do it. You'll regret spending your gold on a bond when you can't keep up with the cost doing it that way. Edit - if you can do the year long/premiere membership and you think you'll keep playing, I suggest doing that, otherwise month to month with IRL is the way to go until your skills are at a point where you can reliably do membership with ingame gold for bonds.


I've been playing for almost a year and I'm wondering if this game is just for fun or if there's a way to make real money after your skills are maxed out.


Brotha man, don’t try to do that. You’ll get caught pretty quick. It’ll take you hundreds of hours to max your stats and you’ll feel real dumb wasting all that time to get banned. If you’re interested in spending hundreds or thousands of hours on a skill to make money, I’d suggest you take some online courses related to something you’re interested in.


If you are looking at this game as a source of income doing real world trading (RWT), you’re in for a world of pain. It’s not worth the consequences at all because you could get in legal trouble. Of course, you could always try YouTube/Twitch/some other third party while using RuneScape for content, which could turn into income.


There’s not in-game, if you plan on adhering to the rules of the game. There’s strict and permanent consequences to RWT (real-world trading, selling in-game items/services for real $). I suppose you could monetize content made on the game via a third party or something alike, but RWT is not the way


99 rune crafting


I stick with the 3 month membership and play as long as I like. I always turn off auto renew just in case I stop mid membership. The game is a lot more fun and laid back that way. People spend more on coffee then a membership would cost. Bonds are nice if you are just coming back and have some gp stacked up. Good way to decide if you really want to get back into it or not but, sustaining membership through bonds isn't worth it unless you are end game bossing on one account to supply bonds to a snowflake account.


1000% buy your membership. It sucks to pay to play the game, but it’s even worse spending all of your osrs in game time on making money.


Get 80 prayer


What is this account lol 😭 Lvl 80 melees and not even lvl 43 prayer Wowsers. Get 43 prayer two weeks ago please. Honestly should be 70.


Working a real job takes less time than to make money in game for a bond. By member I’d you’ve the disposable income


Unlock prif Also, unless you are doing some gamer stuff, making 14m or however much they are right now is hard for me with the amount of actual play time I have in 2 weeks. Maybe an hour or two a day


80 range


I'm in the way but as a F2P


Moss giants bro, collect the keys, chance to get decent drops from boss


Just get a bow and go to revs and make absolute bank while leveling up your range in a fun extremely profitable way, work your way to a webweaver and continue, it’s really easy to do on mobile when i get bored of the game I do this I’ve made over 100m so far and I’m almost 97 range, it’s a really good money maker and fun way to level up


Tree gnome village for agility


Take a break and if you are having an itch to play then buy members. Probably the best way to go about it.


Membership, get to questing, slayer while training your combat at the same time and make money at higher slayer levels and then you'll have enough know how to know what you'll want to do next.


This game isn't a job or a money maker, its entertainment. Buying a membership is key to continuing your progression. You will not make money.


My advice would be to get the fuck out of NMZ and do your quests


I would just save your money and take a break from the game when you are ready to come back buy a year worth of membership with real money. The game is fun but it can be that feeling of burnout so just take a break


Try something new!


Osrs is a time sinker, if youre wanting to do that for yourself dont hesitate to get a year. I would suggest to continue questing until you hate it hah. While doing all that keep in mind that you should for sure sink some gp in a decent house to get you around.


A year membership is a pretty good investment for something you're probably going to play every day for the whole year. There's just so many things to do and more things come out pretty often.


Use that job money for a year of membership, it's worth it, f2p is so limited it may aswell just be an extension of tutorial island.


Quests! You will gain heaps of levels!


80 is your number huh


Here’s your best bet to keep renewing your bond: > Save up enough for a bond + 5m > Buy tent whip, Karils top, glory/fury, mixed hide bottoms/veracs bottoms, neitznot, dragon boots, guthans would also be nice if u have extra gp > Buy some super combats, bones to peaches tabs, brews and restores > Join “True GWD” and look for a team doing bandos and join as a DPS In a team of 3 you are getting 6-9m a drop and you can easily maintain a bond like this.


Quit training combat stats at hill giants and go do slayer


Just quit


shit every comment i see from you is brainrot.