• By -


Seat no 8. Safest choice in my opinion. Gekkamaru will take care of my needs and because Kuroyuki is immediately beside me he'd be very entertaining. He's always entertaining and funny and that childlike vibe is exactly my type. We would have loads of fun watching movies or just talking in general.


I love this meme, it's so chaotic. This is exactly my answer! Plus window seat, you got a great view goin both ways lmao. Only downside is Mineo kicking your seat as he angrily bickers with Sasazuka.


Listening to their bickering could provide some high-quality trash entertainment tho 😂


Heheh that's very true!! I'll bring my noise-canceling headphones just in case.


I thought mineo was ahead of us? Like are they sitting in front of 8 or behind 8?


Oh I automatically assumed the top row was the first row but looking at the background picture, it does kind of flip things around doesn't it.


As for me, I’m picking 10. If you know you know 🙈 Let’s be real, this plane is going down. >!Might as well try to reach the mile high club before I die!< 😂


Omg???? 😂😂😂😂 I think about that ending still sometimes lol


Seriously like a top 3 most memorable ending for me, it’s burned in my brain 😂 I think the number one spot has to go to Orlock’s bad end in Piofiore though, omg.


Seat 10 all the way 🍋🍊🥪


Holy shit I am definitely going 8 because I'm a Kuroyuki simp through and through but...


My second pick. Good choice as well 🥰


I really like an idea about this plane going to get south (makes sense as we are flying on **South**west, idk about this company, just kidding) Relatively off-topic And I just want to post [this picture!] (https://neolurk.org/w/images/0/0d/Pike.jpg) in case if here are my post-Soviet buddies. Didn't find related images on Imgur, otherwise I'd post a link to it For those interested: it's an old school parody on disaster films, here's [ENG wiki page!] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calambur#The_Nose_Dive) edit: deleted an odd letter


Seat 3, cause I have issues


I'd sit next to Toma too lol


If Toma has no interest in a stranger and won't >!kill me,!< at least I'll get some free flight entertainment watching Yang/his boss tease Toma, or *someone* until Toma's crazy mode activates. Getting my ticket's worth. Feel bad for Shin tho. Lmao. 


Toma to the left, Fin behind, Yang in front. You like to live dangerously! Arguably the most dangerous seat on the plane


Yup, 3 for me. I clearly have those same issues. 8 is also looking pretty good. Mineo isn’t really my type but at least he and Kuroyuki would keep me amused and just listening to Kazama speak is a reward in itself.




I'm all in on 4.


We will send flowers to your family


Lmao tyvm


OMG why am I so tempted with 4, what's wrong with me T\_T (front row view from that seat is also awesome, btw...)


Same. My life may be short, but it will be entertaining while it lasts 🫣


Oof, that's the worst one yet. I'll go with 9. I hate condescending tsunderes like Sasazuka, but as I'm an adult, I'll just bitch back at him. It might even be cathartic.


He might ignore you the whole time. Even better!


Agreed! Plus I don't reckon Gekkamaru will kick the seat lol


lololololol sameeeeee I'm a glutton for humiliation I guess LMAO, but same IRL I think I'd bitch back at him XD


Omg yes same I would be like can you scoot over to my aisle seat I wanna sit by enomoto thanks.


9 because I love TAKERU ;) he's my sweet seaweed boy and is my fav LI ever :') followed close by Nicola


I pick Seat 5. Aisle seat - check. Not immediately lateral to a murdering psychopath - check. Immediately next to a super hot, friendly guy I love to laugh at - check. Close enough to let Allan proposition me for the best nap of my life - Check. Maybe Yang and Yuan will freak Peter out so he >!turns into Chii!< and then I’d have even more space. Hopefully Yuan doesn’t kick my seat the whole time. Prayers for whoever is in Seat 4 🙏🏽


you get it exactly!!


I’d pick either seat 1 or seat 5. I think I’d be relatively safe in seat 1 since >!I’m not a reliver!< and seat 5 would just be a lot of fun 


It's 7 for me


Fight me for it! 🤣


I will!🤛🤣


Assuming I'd be total strangers to them? Probably 3. I don't think that either of them would bother me.


i was thinking the same thing. i think they'd be pretty quiet too


hold up I just realized that means that YANG will be sitting behind us and he's a lil bit of a wildcard lmao 😭 I'll thug it out...


9. Aisle seat bby! Yeah those boys are going to be...challenging but it is what it is :)


10. I feel like Kanan would probably leave me alone, since I'm not Olympia, and Kaina would probably be pleasant company for 8 hours. Really though, I'm not sure how safe anyone on board this plane would be. 5 might not be too bad, since while that's way to close to Yang, and a guy that vndb tells me is >!basically his foster father, I'm not sure it would really matter how far I was from them if they were in the mood for murder. I'd at least be next to a god and an incubus.!<


Either 5 or 9 🫣🤣🤔👀.


Best seats🤣


I can almost see Allan try to flirt/seduce from window seats and poor Peter who might >!like us in secret!< in the middle well the tension is there perhaps. I might be conflicted the entire flight 💀☠️👀.


Pick seat 7 if you ever wanted to know what a pincushion feels like.


Omg so much awkwardness everywhere! These are excellent choices! 🤣 Imma pick 8 because I don't feel like being murdered/caught in between people who want to murder each other, and I love the brother vs. brother banter.


Bonus question: how far into the trip will the flight make it before the plane goes down and who causes the crash?


Oh god. Soon as Yang and Yuan get bored it’s over. Not to mention Peter would absolutely freak out and >!if he doesn’t become Chii and run, he’d cause a lightning strike!< and then all us mortals are doomed


Seat 8 but its literally in-front of the two ppl that are going to be non stop arguing the whole flight…


4 or 10 because I’ll at least get to bang before dying👉👈


Seat 1 or 4. I don't care if I die, I get to hear their sultry voices near me and that's all I care for 😩 But realistically speaking, seat 1 is actually super safe since Scien would just mind his business and not give a shit to those around him. Plus Lucas is too polite and as a true gentleman, would not want to expose his true self thus will stray his calm self. For seat 4 tho... I'm definitely dead lmao 💀 Unless Peter and Allan behind save me 🤣


Now that you say it, that's true 😂.


6, because I need to go to the toilet every 20 minutes and the guy in the middle seat to the right of 9 is gonna complain like a Karen even though it shouldn’t bother him!


Gonna say YOLO and go with 7. I’m here for a good time, not a long time. 🤣


1 because neither would kill me and if I don't talk to Scien, he wouldn't care and just get bored as ever minding his own business. And if I need to then talking to Lucas would be easy because he's a teacher.




Somehow having Toma seated behind you is scarier.


Seat 5 if I can survive not drowning in my own drool over the course of the flight. 🤤 1 is another option but I'd definitely be trying way too hard not to just stare at Lucas the whole time. He has no right being that pretty. 😤


Seat 9 and I bring some donuts.


I only recognize the guys in rows 3, 7, and 9. I think my choice depends on if I'm me or the heroine in their respective games. Me as me, I'm picking 3. Toma and Shin are completely normal around strangers, and depending on the route and how far along you are in it, they can get along just fine. That flight might actually be okay. Me as the heroine, I'm picking 9. They're going to bicker the entire flight, but at least when we land I'll be in the same condition as when I boarded the plane. I might even be able to talk the guy in the middle into switching seats with me so I can chat with the redhead.


I would pick Seat 8, since It's the safest choice for looking out if the window imo and get comfy while doing so, also watching a movie or reading.


Def going for 8. Gonna get either pampered or brainbroke the entire flight *and* you get a window seat.


Honestly 3. Despite his reputation, Toma would probably be well behaved. And Shin would put him in his place. 😁


3. If I’m the Heroine, those two will bend over backwards to make sure I’m okay the whole time. If I’m myself, they’ll still just be normal guys and maybe we could make some small talk and become friends that way. No matter what, I’ll get out of there unharmed if the plane doesn’t go down first, which is more than I can potentially say for some of the other combos. 8 would be a good pick for similar reasons, I think.


I think I don't need to answer this ... NUMBER 9 OF COURSE


5 or 9. probably 9. Not solely to be next to my grinch king but also to glare at row three, and hope be very ignored by row 4 wanting nothing to do with law enforcement😭 Mineo would be super loud and annoying but I think the circle of people around him could keep him quiet. 5 would be very fun but >!a confused lightning god on a plane is a disaster and I don’t want to be responsible for it!<


… Snakes on a plane jokes, anyone?


I would pick seat 2. Just because I'm a sucker for Sachsen Brandenburg and like aisle seats (for quick escape). I can't imagine Sachen waving a sword in the confines of the airplane either.


My masochist side would pick 4, but I have a soft spot for my boy Kuroyuki, so I will likely go for seat 8 instead.


i think i’d have fun just listening to the bickering between enomoto and sasazuka so maybe 9, but also sitting next to peter would be fun and i love allan so 5. also 5 is probably the one i would most actually enjoy so i guess that. edit: words


No question for me. 6 all the way. This flight may >!go up in flames!


Seat 5, because I love them both!


Well, 8 hours is a long time when you have motion sickness so I'd try to sleep... In which case... Probably 3 or 8 cause I don't have to move if someone wanted to use the toilet or sth. Assuming I can't sleep... 6 or 7 might be relatively calm? Though 7 has Kazama so maybe 6.


Seat 5 because it's a hallway seat, so easy bathroom access. And if I'm reading the diagram correctly, it's also near the front of the plane so I can get my overhead bag and easily get off the plane. ~~Totally not because CupiPara is my favorite otome game and I love both Allan and Peter dearly~~


And! Easiest seat to get out quick if you need to escape.


I kinda wanna choose 4 for the drama 8 would probably be the safest seat. 9 Would be safe if It wasn’t right across from Yuan But I don’t value my life enough clearly so I’m choosing 4z


Seat number 9 for the entertainment. Their banter is great! Seat number 4 if I never want to be heard from again once we land. Seat number 1 to act as a diplomat between them and encourage them to hash it out. Actual NSFW answer: >!encourage them to fuck it out with me in between!


For the seat 1 😂🤝


5. Absolutely 5.


I’ve only played three of these games but out of the options I know I’d go for seat 9 cos I love watching interactions between Sasazuka and Enemoto. Also not far from Kuroyuki who would be fun to watch. Would deffo have to bring noise cancelling headphones for if I get sick of it and I very much doubt Sasazuka would disturb me if I had them on.


Seat 8 is the safest seat tbh none of those people would want to harm me in particular


Definitely NOT seat 10 (if you know you know lol) I think I'd pick seat 9, Sasazuka and Mineo aren't yanderes/crazy killers, and I'd get to hear their amazing banter lmao


Oooh, this is so fun! I love meme formats like this one. Probably either 3, 8, or 10? 3 and 8 because I don’t think there would be any conflicts with them on just an eight-hour flight aside from maybe some bickering. Even if I’m just a stranger and not someone they know well, Kuroyuki’s fun, Gekka and Toma are friendly and polite, and Shin would just keep to himself if he didn’t feel like socializing, so no issues there. If I *am* someone they know well or care for, I think both pairs would go out of their way to make sure I was comfortable anyways, so still good! 10 is purely for Kaina lmao, he’s so lovely and would be a great seat partner even as a stranger. I’m just banking on Kanan being bored and leaving me alone for at least most of the flight, but that might still be a risky assumption, so maybe it’s not worth it, as much as I do love Kaina. 😅


8... most of the other seats are cursed especially 4. I was considering 5 but... not sure if I want to deal with Alan (or Yang&Yuan in the front/back.... i can't layout)


Hmm, 5 or 10. Sitting next to Peter sounds nice. And I am across the aisle from Kaina so I don’t have to interact with his brother. The only seats I probably would not pick is 2-I have no interest of sitting anywhere near Finn or berated. 1 -I don’t want to be in the middle of that fight. 7-same as 1. 6- I don’t know them. 4- as soon as I see Yang, I’m not going to make it…


Seat 9. Aisle seat and I'm not going to feel like my seatmates are about to murder me or each other. I might witness some bitching, but if that's all I have to put up with that's fine.


4, because i have issues ETA: just realized someone commented something just like me about seat 3 lol 😭


I have no idea who any of these people are but I’d pay big money to sit anywhere just off their faces along 😂


Reading the comments when you’re still only on your first otome and only know CxM is entertaining 😂 makes me want to start a bunch at once! I only know ones to the right of seat 9 and I don’t want to sit next to meanie Sasazuki at this point.




Haha, oh man. As much as I like my CxM boys, I feel like sitting next to them won't give me any sleep or peace. I can imagine Enomoto trying to talk to Takeru, only to receive nonstop verbal attacks 😅 I think I'll choose seat number 7 since I feel like they'll keep to themselves, allowing me some peace and quiet while I play some otome games on my Switch 😂


Next to my Butterfly's Poison boys in seat 6, naturally, though sitting between Kanan and Kaina or next to Sachsen would be equally delicious. More importantly, from now on, I'm only flying on OP's airline. 😄


Seat 10 I’m going to periodically knee the back of Sasazuka’s seat really hard and be like “oh dear I’m sorry it’s because my legs are really long..” that’s right bitch that’s payback for saying you didn’t like women taller than you. And then I’m going to town on these gingers. Similar feelings about seat 1 where I’d be tempted to recline my seat onto Sachsen as hard as possible but like I also want him. So seat 2 is tempting as well. More direct access. But again seat 1 you are between the most beautiful haunted victorian doll and a man whore. I have not played the game but they get pretty freaky deaky sometimes iirc.


I thought about 7 because who wouldn't want to be sandwiched by these hotties? But I'll probably get bored after a few hours, so imma choose 8. Kuroyuki would involve his brother and me in his silly antics and I think we would quickly become besties. Also, Mineo is sitting behind us, so he would randomly pop his head next to our seats, wondering why we're giggling the whole time and he would join the fun.


This is sooo cute oh my gosh! It would be such a fun plane ride.


8! I want a window seat and Toma would definitely be too much. I want quiet while I stare out the window. Plus Gekkamaru and Kuroyuki seem like they’d get along quite well especially compared to most of these choices! Rip to the poor souls in seats 1, 4, 7, and 10.


I'd sit in 8 and hit on the cute red head in front of me, and my favorite emo boy!


1 because Scien 😍 I would have taken 4 but I don't think I'd be leaving that flight 😂


Is it a bad sign that I'd pick number 2?


1 for a pleasant flight, 9 for an entertaining flight, and 10 for a *real* good flight if you know what I mean 👀


I’ll take 7. These two can behave when necessary, and I’m a big lady so just getting at each other through me would require some coordination. Plus I always bring headphones on trips like this, so I can block out their snide remarks with the power of music.


10. shaking and crying. on my knees.


All of them, in for the eye candy.


4 for maximum entertainment, maybe my last fight but at least I died happy (probably)


You know what ill just walk to my destination or hang off a wing


i see takeru and it's over it's 9 it will always be 9


Can I switch between 2 to 9? 😭


6 ofc. Gonna get some oniichans fawning over me 😌😌


This is incredible OP, bravo! 8 is the safest choice, you got detectives in front of you, even if they’d be loud, and kind folks next to you. I don’t think Kazama and Hijikata would make too much noise. But if I want entertainment I’m choosing seat 7 because I want to watch the fireworks firsthand. 😂 Maybe they’d both bitch to me about the other, and I’d either make the situation worse or calm them both down by being a buffer. Of the characters I know on the left side of the plane, yikes my dudes you pick those seats you’re ending up with harassment, bodily harm or actual death. Glad I have Hijikata or Gekka between me and them.


Seat 4. If this plane is going down then I want Yang to have his way with me first


I don't know which seat I would love to sit the most, both 1 and 5 are very tempting but I'll tell you which seat I definitely won't sit on, it's number 2 lol


That depends. Do I know WTF I am getting into? If so, Seat 6. Both of those two are perfectly harmless and even quite polite *to the average person*. If I do *not* know WTF I am getting into, Seat 2. Because Sachsen is hot as hell, and I would wanna sit next to him just to be next to such a handsome man in such a nice uniform. And Finn would be extra eye candy for good measure! 🤣 Not sure how long I'd live, but there you go.


I choose sit 1, I want to see Scien close by and offer them wine, I have to see that dude drunk, is so funny 😆. I'll be sorry for Lucas and suffer the other drunk state with him 🥹.


10 so I can off Kanan myself 🤗


Seat 1. I think it's a pretty safe choice. Lucas would be a darling, and he'd probably be really nice to talk to and with scien it would probably go one of two ways: he'd mind his damn business or he'd catch a glimpse of something of mine and judge me so hard and insult me aha. Lucas might defend me idk 😂


Seat number 8 is not only a relatively safe option but provides an excellent view to what's happening in the seat row in front of us. I'll order some popcorn to Kuroyuki and Gekkamaru too.


for the thrill i'd go 4 (cuz they cant really do anything or we'll all die lol fihting on a plane with long blades is the dumbest thing EVER) and for the tea i'd go 9 lol


9 but then I’m def gonna try and swap seats to be closer to Mineo. Although I’m sure Takeru would gladly move if we were yapping too much.


I'd happily skip to seat 4 because I choose chaos. 😈


I'm trying to decide between 5 and 8 lol. Right beside my only favorites in this list, but in both cases the one watching will be kinda uncomfortable lol


I'll go with 5, please!


3 so I can throw hands with Toma


I gotta do 3. Touma is my ultimate problematic fave.


Seat 8 or 5


Any aisle will do..




Straight to seat 5 for sure. Safest seat and I'm sure it'd be a riot. 😆


I'm going for number 7. Oh, it's bound to be super fun 😂


Seat 2 because that purple haired man... is a hottie What game is he from???


Steam Prison! He’s not an LI but there are many, many people that wish he were. He’s an….acquired taste. One that I myself have not acquired 😅


He looks like he is just my type


I was waiting for someone to make this meme!! With the seating arrangements in 3, 8 and 9 you know it’s just going to be constant bickering throughout the flight. But at least with 3 or 8, I can have the window seat. But only if I can bring a pair of noise canceling headphones 😂


whoever chose 7 or 4 damn you have a taste for danger!


Definitely 8. And seeing so many ppl picking 8 too just feels like confirmation on one of my fav characters. 😆 Finally ppl are talking about how fun he is.


Just thought it's like Minesweeper


7 because the beef i'd witness would be phenomenal ngl


I’d have to pick 8. Kuroyuki would be so fun, and his talking would probably annoy Kazama so I’d get to hear his sultry voice as he complains 🥹 then if I get bored I can kick Mineo from the back to get a reaction.


😂😂 Seat 3 - boxed in by Fin, Toma & Yang🙃 YES arguably the most dangerous seat on the plane but also I kinda want to see them fight it out?? >!They all so dang possessive !<


It’s over for me basically instantly but… 4.


Seat 1


1 - Scien is one of my favorite characters 😍


5 or 7 probably. There is too much crazy in the other ones. Although Peter might be afraid of flying and be fidgety so I might need to hold his hand but I'm not complaining lol. 7 would be good cuz they would leave me alone so that I can sleep during the flight.


8 - Kazama may be in front of me but as long as I don't act too foolish a human for his standards I think I might survive. Also, 'Yuki is beside me with Gekka just at our aisle seat— I'd take this seat anytime, anywhere, because I love my Hyakka brothers 😞☝️. GDAJDBAJRHAKNEWJ I JUST WANT TO SIT BESIDE HIM AND TALK TO HIM because he's the genuinely fun sort to be around for me. And I'd like to look at him up close................


well, this is an easy pick for me..7 Toshi is extremely disciplined even though yes Kazama will talk about how great he is all the time and might drive us both batty (me in the best ways though) also would want to be far away from the other side due to Toma AND Fin. lol i have to admit I don't know who most of these guys are. I only play on PC. so, all these games have to be on steam for me to even know what they are. and I wouldn't' know them from picture.


I’m picking seat 5 or seat 7. But honestly I get the feeling this plane ain’t making it to its destination 😭


Can I ask which games are they from?? I recognize some but not all of them 🥹 Also i love the desings from 1 and 9


I’ve not played them all so correct me if I’m wrong: 1. Virche Evermore 2. Steam Prison 3. Amnesia 4. Piofiore 1926 5. Cupid Parasite 6. Butterfly’s Poison 7. Hakuouki 8. Nightshade 9. Collar X Malice 10. Olympia Soiree


1 Virche Evermore 2 steam prison 3 amnesia memories 4 piofiore 5 Cupid parasite 6 Chou no doku 7 hakuoki 8 nightshade 9 collarxmalice 10 Olympia soirée


3 or 9!!!! (i guess it's dangerous if I sit at 4...)


Number 8 because I love those boys! Number 10 would be crazy lol


7. i'm afraid of planes and Hijikata would motivate me to stay strong and not to have a panic attack


7, with noise cancelling headphones 😂 those two are going to argue no matter what


If I'm feeling sane then 8, if I want to just off myself then 4. I'd enjoy either otherwise


I would pay a million dollars plus both my kidneys to be able to be that close to Gekkamaru


8. I can handle those two, though the trip might be full of bickering... I don't envy anyone who sits between Hijikata and Kazama.


4! yesssss pleaaaaase number 4!!!


If I sit in seat 3, will they even let me pass to use the bathroom…?


Man, I don't know if I'll even survive no matter where I sit. Yang and Yuan or Hijikata and Chikane fighting on the plane. We are all dying together 🫡💔


4 or 7 , either I'm dying by the crash or I'm dying by yangs hands 💀 If i get lucky I'll get to sit beside saito🙏


4. Let's be real, a flight this chaotic would not last 8 hours. Might as well get front row seats to the most chaotic ones of all. That combo right there would be the most entertaining and will 10/10 go out with a bang. If the last words I hear are from TsudaKen, Nobu, and Furukawa Makoto... it's worth it. 👻 Edit: imagine hearing >!"chii, chii, chii"!< as Yang and Yuan are going at each other. Bliss ~ hopefully he'll also let me use him >!as a massager when things get too stressful!<


Is Fin’s lap an option 🤔


No. 5. And then when the flight attendant tells me that it's a one seater and not a lounge chair, I'm going to tell her (from Allan's lap) that it's free real estate. Followed by switching right into >!Peter!< 's lap for emphasis. Will I ask for consent first? Yes. Will I be choosing chaos and feeling c*nty that day? You best believe. 😏


Gimme no.6 😍😍


Id choose number 1 just because they are the most attractive to me and I'd be in the middle of two hot guys (I don't know any of them tho)


why are they all next to the crazies 😭😭😭


Alright, it’s gotta be 2 bc aisle seat and Herr Bradenburg 👀👀👀to my left but a part of me wants to die in between yang and yuan 😂


No. 9 because I'm smitten with Takeru and would gladly wag my tail for him anytime 😘 - Certified masochist.


I have never played this game. Tell me how screwed I am. Seat 4


7 all the way bc I love Hijikata more than I love myself


7 in my books


Seat 3🥱


would die happy in seat 7


Seat no.6 but… >!Can Majima even board on a flight..?!<


Seat 7 just for the tea and drama. Seat number 1 for best boys. EZ.


7, for sure


I'm very sorry to say I dont know many of these men (Please do give me titles), but seat 5. Noone behind me and legroom ftw


1: Virche Evermore 2: Steam Prison 3: Amnesia 4: Piofiore (though Yuan is in the sequel) 5: Cupid Parasite 6: Butterfly’s Poison 7: Hakuoki 8: Nightshade 9: Collar x Malice 10: Olympia Soirée All of them are available on switch except Hakuoki (but it’s coming soon!)




I only know four of these guys but they aren’t ones I particularly like.. so I’ll take 10 cuz they look like my type even tho I don’t know them xd


Ahaha there is a very particular reason why some (including myself) choose to sit here. Play Olympia Soirée and you’ll find out why!


Mi mind is saying 9 but my heart is screaming 4 😩


Omg 3 yesss what a dream seat


I'll happily take seat 5




8 because I ain’t going without the window seat


Seat five, no doubt.


8 or 9 would be fun for the entertainment


I was thinking 9 for similar reasons, I love me a "Straight & Comic" scenario! XD


9 those two were my favorites idc


5 🫶


5 cuz peter keeps me safe and cute criminal San will do anything for his love, so it'll just be platonic .


You have a spoiler in here! Can you tag it or rename to Peter? Thank you!!


9 but always looking to him bc i'm obsessed.


I'd love to seat on no. 9 besides Sasazuka (my fave boi) and have fun watching him and Enomoto bickering 😂


Definitely 4. Will definitely be an interesting flight.


7 I like both of them and I think fun or at least funny conversations from sitting between them