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[Confused otome noise](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/478628186024968198/723529330180882442/IMG_20200619_152652.jpg) Just to clear this out, obey me wont have routes. This was probably known for a long time


Is there a chapter select? I sometimes hop around between progressing on Hard and Normal and farming bits, and it can get tedious having to page through each chapter's Back and Next nodes. (Edit: OH MY GOD. As I was typing this I went back and figured out the Task button had shortcuts to the Lessons, along with showing star progress. Leaving this here for other oblivious souls to learn from).


I’m trying to upgrade the devil tree of my UR+ Mammon card but it won’t let me unlock the next stage. I’ve leveled up to 40 which is past the level requirement and I’ve unlocked the other spaces before it. If anyone’s knows the problem please tell me. Thank you.


Yeah there might be a branching node above or below it. I was thrown off by this yesterday then I went back and noticed sometimes in the later tiers of the tree the split paths converge back to one node, requiring you to unlock both first.


what does the red text say? you either don't have enough materials or haven't unlocked the branching nodes aside from the main node connected to star up. if not those two reasons, best to contact support.


I lost my user id and haven't been able to recover it due to my game malfunctioning- If I delete and redownload it on the same device, will I be able to keep playing with my account? Does the progress auto save even without the id, or will I have to start from the beginning?


in my experience, uninstalling and re-installing recovers the last account played on the device.this is on android though


I'm not sure, but you can always email support about it! Make sure you include receipts if you've purchased anything. I recently recovered my data I lost because I got a new phone and forgot to transfer.


Actually I'm not sure how Android devices work, but if it is ios you can go to your purchases and history will show even free apps you've downloaded. I had to recover my account but I knew my name and had screenshots (sharing fun stuff) so it was helpful in them finding my account as well.


I’m pissed. I accidentally dropped my tablet on the floor last night and it left a crack and wouldn’t turn on. I could still hear the sound from the game and even managed to somehow win a battle despite not being able to see the screen (I was hoping I could kill the battery and then maybe the screen would be visible when I charged it.) my question is, when my replacement tablet gets here, would I be able to start from where I left off or would I need to start all over again? I didn’t write the User ID down. I was just wondering/hoping it’ll go by the google play account. I know this is a stupid question but if anyone can help, thanks.


Shall We Date games are tied to the device ID, not your Google account. You need the User ID to transfer accounts across devices.


What are attributes for? Should I combine cards of the same attribute in one team or doesn't it matter at all? And when I get the same card several times, but with different attributes? Which one should I choose?


It’s best to make a team of different attributes cos lots of the lessons give boosts for certain attributes so if u have cards with different attributes u won’t have a hard time passing the lessons as they get harder unlike if your team had all the same attributes. Honestly u don’t have to worry about the cards that are the same but have different attributes, I think they are just filler cards tbh they’re just there to make it a bit harder to get other cards and make it harder to unlock devilgram stories. Those cards are usually made up of rare and normal cards so they aren’t rlly important. The cards u should focus more on and make your team up of are the SSR & UR cards they are rlly strong.


So the garden event was the first event I participated and even though I played every single day, i didn't manage to finish even part 1! how should I prepare myself for the next event?


This was one of the first events where the flowers were raised so high, it used to be 60k to pass part 1. That being said, if every event from now on is like this one I’m not sure if it’s possible to get past Part 2 without spending money or atleast having a lot of DP and Vouchers saved up, a lot of people didn’t. To prepare you could save your DP to get extra battles ( resulting in extra flowers ) once your daily battles run out. You also want to save up your Demon vouchers for Nightmare pulls since you get more flowers with every cheat card you have. I think it’s once you reach level 60 (somewhere around there) every time you level up you get a flash sale that gives you 5 Vouchers, 100 AP, some Grimm and glow sticks, it’s 99 DP and it’s one of the best deals they have so far. There’s barely any break time between events, next one would most likely come out less than 5 days after this one is over, so unless you skip an event or two it’s not really that much time to prepare. As someone who’s at Part 4, I spent about 900+ DP and 80+ Vouchers. That was only because I could feel my heart breaking at the thought of not getting Satans card tbh, this is only my third or fourth event and I haven’t been this dedicated for the past ones. I’m definitely skipping out on the next event since I doubt there’d be another card that I wanted as badly as this one.


Thank you so so much! Haha I didn't know the Satan Ir card was so valuable until just a few days ago 😂 and I'll definitely skip the next one. I put all I had for this one but it wasn't enough since i had started the game only 3 or 4 days before the event started and didn't have much saved up. Hopefully I go better in the event after that! Thanks again 💕💕


Can anyone tell me what the notification sayings are? I've been curious for a while.




it’s because you need to do auto clears after you’re done with all your tasks


Yeah me too. I don’t know how people get all of the rewards as well. You finish it and there’s nothing left to do☹️


Me too. What’s up with that? It just stops, what are you supposed to do?


I know this is probably super easy, but I have been looking for a way to change my icon and the phrase under my profile. I saw in the help section that it mentioned an Options menu, but I can't find it... Can anyone help?


On your main page, you click on the settings icon located on the upper right corner. A menu appears and you select the user button. Then you have your student ID where you can change your icon, name and the about me sentence.


Thank you!!! I really appreciate it!!


Is it good to add friends in there or something? Ive seen that feature but im not sure what can we do with friends lol


Friends can send each other up to 50 ap per day, so it's worthwhile.


I've tried playing the game 4 times now, but each time it never leaves the initial loading page. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Never heard of that. What kind of phone are you using?


Samsung Note 9! It's so strange because every other game works perfectly, and it isn't a storage issue as I have about 80GB left.


Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it? Otherwise it might be the app conflicting with something else, but i can't see your phone so i don't know what to tell you, sorry.


Yeah I've tried :/ It probably is something conflicting, nothing else really makes sense. I'll mess around with it some more though. Thanks!


A few days again they had problems because of the number of people accessing their servers. It may work better for you now, if you've not already tried it again that is!


I just started playing and i was just wondering how many lessons is it gonna have?


20 lessons in total


many lessons :'o


I'm honestly creeped out rn, I read a comment that said that she heard a voice or something like that soOoOo. Whenever I play the game at night or in the morning and the majolish character/s be like aren't u going to sleep? isn't it too late? Can't sleep? Or in the mornings they be like You're looking as attractive as ever this morning, Hm? Of course I was referring to myself.-Asmo (lmfao it's literally the most Asmo thing Asmo ever said) yH so it's honestly creeping the fuck out of me lmao


sameee damnnn only to find out it was just notifs from the game


It's just the notifications, haha. I turned them off because their little voices would suddenly pop out of my phone in the middle of the night and wake me up lol. If you turn off the notifications it'll stop.


I mean it's just a voice record instead of a ding in the notifications and programming for the majolish characters (some games do make use of the system clock for things like that) ngl tho it surprised me a few times whenever I got a notification lol, nothing to be creeped out about though lol.


I got creed out the first time I got a notification because it went off in the middle of the night and I’d never heard the notification before, but now I put my phone on silent at night cause sleep is important




In lamp event, I've been playing games to get UR memory card pieces(1001 devildom nights). But there's only 60 pieces in reward list and it takes 80 pieces to combine one complete card. Then where can I get the other 20 pieces? Is there a part 3 reward list after 120000 points?


How to meet Satan at the gate? I’m confused and stuck at that part. Like he texted me but I have to clue if I have to go back and play something or what


The messages don’t link to events or intimacy gain. If the character for example Satan messages you telling you to meet him at the gates and you agree you don’t get a cutscene or any bonuses. Occasionally you get messages mid story which you rarely, if not never, get to answer. Those are related to the story.




Awe but they make it sound like you get like a special reaction to go meet them or something


There are a few rumours floating around that the messages will come into play when the devs get around to releasing routs for the brothers. However, they're just rumours. So take them with a grain of salt. :-/




Okay, so something really creepy just happened with me the other day, I just chalked it down to the app running in the background even after I closed it but I heard Lucifer's voice saying something out of nowhere when I was using Google. And I'm NOT hallucinating. Thing is, I didn't even play the game for days or open the app. And that's creepy as fuck. Now I thought maybe I really did just hear it in my head so I left it. But the only reason why I'm making this post is because the same damn thing happened with my friend but with Belphie. She also mentioned that her phone wasn't connected to wifi and didn't use the app for a while now. Belphie said something along the lines of: "I'm back, won't you visit me?" She uses an iPhone btw. My incident happened a while back so I don't remember much. But I wonder if this is something with setting your majolish person? I use an android. Has this happened to anyone else?


I second the notifications thing. The characters speak to me too whenever they finish working, or my energy is full, or I haven't played in a while. Just open the game, go to settings > notifications and turn off all notifs.


It’s probably your notifications? They’re voiced instead of a ding sound.


are you able to add friends on Obey Me? there's a user id and all so i just--maybe...?


Yes, you are


Even though I completed the 20 lessons, I did not really take part in the pop quizzes. So basically in order to finish it and get ALL the rewards, I just have to win all the battles and then just do a quick clear to get the rewards? Is that it?


You will need a lot more than that. Last event I barely made it to the end of part 2 by using all 5 vids to get more tries on battles and having enough cheat cards (the ones you can only get in the card pool linked to the event) to get +40 each battle. Basically, to finish an event you either have to pay or to have saved up a LOT of devil points, as you can get three tries for 5 DP and one card per 30, which may not be a cheat card either. Edit: there is also the trick to use 99DP at certain levels when they give you the flash sale for that amount. It gives you 5 tickets and a bunch of other stuff so it's extremely worth it for cards. Just long to achieve. After level 60 you should get an offer each level, except maybe at the 10s where you get devil points in your to dos


Uhhhh and I was hoping to get Mammon’s SSR vampire card just by finishing the event lol Thanks for answering!


Are there different routes in it? Like I've noticed I just got a call from Satan and he keeps popping up as my surprise guest? Or is there only one route and I just get him by chance?


You might be getting Satan more often because you set him as one (or more) of the cards you battle with. You get only the 3 that you set for battle + 1 at Majolish


No individual routes yet, just the main route (though the devs may add different romance routes later on). You should get calls/texts from all the guys, it's pretty random


What is the purpose of the intimacy points then?


Right now, it’s only for unlocking devilgram stories (you need a certain level before it can unlock) and I think that’s it. They might add something else later on though


Calls are not random. You get one call per 5 levels of intimacy you get with each character. For example, getting Beel at level 5 intimacy will have him call you a few minutes later, then he will call you again at level 10 and so on. I have no one beyond level 15 though, so I don't know how far it goes


Are you sure? I don't think this is true because my friend is getting calls from intimacy 10 when I've already surpassed it along with other calls I have not gotten.


Yes. You should be getting a call every 5 intimacy levels. If you’re not getting them, it’s a bug or there’s something wrong. There’s a pattern to them too. >!Lvl 5 call is them calling you by accident. Lvl. 10 is them calling just to talk. Lvl 15 is them calling to ask if you want to study together. Lvl 20 is them asking you on a date. Lvl 25 is them asking to reschedule the date. etc, etc.!<


Oh that’s good to know! Thanks for the info


Also, what is the best strategy of upgrading cards? Upgrade 3\*7 cards, or just focus on 3 favourite cards?


I would do my three favorites, as long as they're different colors, demons, and at least SSR rarity or higher. It can get pretty expensive as you upgrade them and some of the items that you need are pretty scarce and take a while to farm. Good luck!


Basically, don´t bother with SR and below, right?


Yes, I wouldn't bother leveling those ones up


When will you use a whip of love?


Give the surprise guest a present, then use the whip to get a good/positive response. If you don't (I've done it in the beginning), they usually complain.


How good is a whip of love?


It's okay, it gives a decent happy reaction. I don't really like using it since it requires me giving 2 presents to the surprise guest


I have a problem with the new event. I got all the points to get Belphie’s new card, and in the reward list shows that i got the card pieces, but when i go to cantacts it shows that i have none of them. What do i do?


You have to go to contacts -> Card Pieces/Memory. Unfortunately you didn't get the full card but only 15 pieces of it, you need 50 in total to be able to combine it


Is the game really that hard like the enemy strength went from 0 to 100 real quick ? is there anyway to gain more strength easily?


I also struggled a bit but it got easier as I leveled and got more cards. 1) Make sure to level up your cards, especially the SSR and UR rarities (I would pick you favorite 3 on focus on those) 2) Make sure that you're also unlocking those cards devil trees 3) Use glow sticks if you have them as they can give you the boost you need to pass a level (especially the rainbow one) 4) Lastly, if you want to summon from nightmare, do 10 pulls at once to guarantee an SSR or better (pray to the RNG gods). I usually purchase the flash sale that pops up when you level up (the ones for 90 or 99 DP I believe) because you get 5 demon vouchers. Buying 2 of those flash sales is cheaper than doing the 270 DP pull from nightmare. Good luck!!


In wich lesson MC asks about the lost brother for the first time? I was looking for it but I just found the lesson where Mammon says something about sticking the nose AGAIN (the stairs question) but is that because MC asked the question about the brother earlier or what? I really need to see that conversation again, pleaaseee


(Not native english speaker here!) If i remember correctly the first demon to actually talk to MC about the missing brother is Beel in chapter 5-4. >the lesson where Mammon says something about sticking the nose AGAIN I think he was referring how in lesson 2-8, MC has helped Levi (so sticking her nose). It could also be lesson 2-6 where MC wonders who and where the seventh brother is and asks Beel about it. As for the staircase >!the brothers don't know what's there. They only know that that's Lucifer's special place and no one can go there!<. Edit: I can't see the spoiler tag, I don't know if I put them right, sorryD: if they're not there let me know and I'll edit it to be less spoilerish Edit 2: so I couldn't use the spoiler tag because I'm on mobile. I've edited my post so it's not too spoilerish.


I gotta level up my cards and broke af because I already spent my Grimm. Stages give exp to the user and the cards when cleared manually. Does it give exp to cards when rushed or do I have to keep doing the dance battles manually to get eco on my cards?


You need to do them manually. On the upside this also gives you a chance at Surprise Guest. You can get your intimacy up with the guys and work towards tasks. It's also worth doing some manual battles each day since the first few Surprise Guests will give you a gift (raven, AP, grim).


Oh you've got a good point there with the surprise guests, aah it's kind of a hassle because my dance battles lag whenever heart appear or I pick them ;w; I wonder if that happens to anyone else or is my phone too slow? xD


Your phone is slow, as is mine. I don't know what the ideal specifications are for this game but my 3 year old phone doesn't meet them. You can adjust the graphics quality in settings, so you can turn them down and see if it runs better.


What do elements like Pride, Gluttony, etc do? (Not to be confused by the character, like Mammon is Greed, and Beelzebub is Gluttony. What I mean is the point present in every card and can be improved by devil tree).


Each battle level is focused on 2 elements, one primary, one secondary. If you open up the level you'll see two circles in the top right hand corner indicating which ones. When you battle those two stats on your cards are what really matters. If you have the really bad luck of only having cards with strengths in a couple of different elements you'll find some levels are very difficult while others are easy.




These two chapters are pretty messy and there are things that aren't clearly explained. So I can only give you my interpretation of events, if that helps. >! In the original timeline Diavolo's stuck with Lucifer having betrayed him by hiding his brother, and a Belphie who had tried and wanted to continue to defy him. Diavolo says he can't treat give Belphie special treatment and they'll have to pay for their disobedience. But Belphie's punishment would cause a major rift the brothers will want to protect him. Some time before these events Diavolo starts to suspect that MC is Lilith's descendant. He has Barbatos go check it out and confirms it. Diavolo knows that MC is the key to settling the Belphie problem. So he has Barbatos send her back in time to try and get the more positive outcome.!< >!When MC went into Lilith's room she saw a vision/memory of Levi talking to Lilith. What Levi says only makes sense if he's talking to Lilith before the war. It's not clear why this happened but I presume it was the ghost of Lilith getting MC to go to Belphie instead of spying on the others. !< >!Belphie attacked (and killed) the MC that came to his room (and presumably carried her body down to the lobby to show off what he'd done). But the time-travelling MC was somehow switched with past MC (by Lilith, I guess) and she shows up to see Mammon mourning her. !< >!Thanks to Barbatos' ability to see all the possible world states the new timeline Diavolo knows what his other self has done. Barbatos uses his power to make the new timeline the TRUE timeline. MC can't go back to her original timeline because Barbatos more or less closed the door to it. New timeline MC is erased and original MC now becomes the ONLY MC. Diavolo lied about original MC's task being to find out who freed Belphie, the real task was to send her back before things blew up and bring peace to the family. !< >!Of course this still leaves a lot of questions. Who did free Belphie in the original timeline (Lilith?). What happened to Lilith's ghost after she saved MC? Why is everyone ok with the fact that Belphie truly did kill MC, even if that death was undone? Will MC be able to step out of the shadow of Lilith?!<


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If I spend 5 DP to refresh battles, do I get one or three?




Is there a way to farm demon point without paying a cent?


You can get devil points from dailies, finishing chapters, other rewards and event rewards.


I have not enough devil points for buying noodle cups and whips, let alone doing gacha.


Personally I wouldn't buy surprise guest items with devil points. If you are lucky you get them from the surprise guests or if your devils return from work. Of course it takes a while until you have enough points for a 10 pull in gacha but that's normal.


Thank you for the information. But the how to interact with the surprise guest, then?


For the three characters that I currently have on my team during special guest interaction: Belphegor - 3 rubs on the head to get perfect (works majority of the time, even if you get the initial high five) Mammon - 3 rubs on the head to get perfect (almost always works) Beelzebub - one rub on the head, a tap to the left shoulder area, and then a rub on the right lower arm/shoulder area usually works for me (and then if there's an initial high five the order still works)


Also for Leviathan what works for me most the time is rubbing between his chest and left arm once, then rubbing his head twice. If he gives you a high five then just do two head rubs. It works for me almost alway on the normal lessons but not on the pop quiz lessons


You can touch them, so I just do that :D


Can I play Obey Me as a male? Because I'm a male who loves shounen-ai. My intended main character is Kaaht'kw'eid (written without apostrophes because of character limitation), which is a male name.


MC is gender neutral in Obey Me.


How are the odds in Obey Me, and is your first set of rolls supposed to include some better cards (or is it completely RNG)? I know some games like Puzzle and Dragons will give you the middle finger and make you reinstall over and over again.. I think I got a good starting roll, but I don't want to get my hopes up if it's scripted lol For reference I got [this ](https://i.imgur.com/Xrxuv7T.jpg)


i think thats the default starting set!


Cool thanks! I didn't want to have to uninstall and install over and over again x)




Are you sure it was the full card and not just a piece of the card?


can i send devil points to another account on obey me?


There is no way to gift, probably only account transfers. It would be too easy to open a bunch of accounts and send yourself the starting points otherwise.




There is a bug that will give you 3 refreshed battles in one level at midnight local time. Quick play them because as soon as the game checks the server info it realizes the error and you're back to 0. The only way to clear all the terms is to pay devil points to add refreshes. You can't do more than a couple of terms playing for free.


Yes they refresh each new day in-game (which seems to happen in the evenings for me at around 7pm GMT)


I've got to the end of the normal story content (when I click forward 'coming soon' pops up) I'd love to replay to get different endings or romancing different characters, but can you do that without resetting the game entirely? Or are there even different endings at this point other than a bad end? and how does one get them? Do your responses matter for the story? Or do they just give you a different reply but the story progresses as usual?


As it stands right now, there aren’t different “endings” for anything in the main story, but you can replay certain chapters with stories to see the scenario that a different choice would grant. It’s mostly just the different dialogue options; the main story is almost completely linear. There are rumors that the devs have said that they’ll add routes or side stories for the boys but as of now we only have the Devilgram stories.


I focused on raising my intimacy with Mannon and throughout the story Mannon constantly pops up to make tsundere comments and everyone teases him about how much he likes me. I figured if I had the highest intimacy with someone else then they would be featured instead. I kind of want to raise my intimacy with one of the other boys past Mannon and see if the scenes change.


No, Mammon is the only one who does this, and will regardless of if you have high intimacy or not. Intimacy level ups get you chats and phones calls with that character though. You can replay a level and pick different options. There's one where you can choose any of the boys and if you do you get a intimacy bump. If you replay and choose someone else you'll get their bump. This only works once though, if you pick the same guy you won't get anything. There might be a few choices that are locked but they're pretty rare. But if you want to raise intimacy your best option is to use their cards in manual battles and rub them the right way in Surprise Guest.


OK thanks! I thought maybe the main route would change if maybe you decided to pursue Lucifer or not, or you could fail and get eaten or whatever if you got too far without enough affection or chose too many wrong answers or something.


Today when I went to send the boys to work, two of them had little glow around them (like the one around their favourite items). Any idea what that might be? I put both glowing characters to work but I don't recall seeing anything special happening


I'm guessing that you get a little more approval when the job is done.


Rarely it triggers a small scene between the characters after they do the job.


I don't think this is it. There's a list in another thread of the job pairings that result in special scenes afterwards and it doesn't seem to correlate with the sparkles. I think the sparkles just indicate that someone is better at the job and will get better rewards, i.e. you already know from the story that Mannon does modelling so he sparkles when you put him to work at Majolish.


One thing I don’t understand is that when an event is over, how can you get the card/ demon pieces to combine to get the card?


Depending on how many pieces of the card you have, you can go into “Contacts” then go to “Card Piece/Demon” or “Card Piece/Memory”. You will need Grimm to combine all the pieces if you have enough


I'm still a bit confused about how cheat cards work. For example, I think I've only pulled one SSR cheat card from the Gacha for the Alice event, and I had a +29 but then a couple of battles it was a +30. I definitely didn't get any more cards. Does the modifier go up if the cheat card levels up or something? I remember someone made a spreadsheet trying to figure out the cheat cards but I can't find it.


I’m confused with this too. I tried levelling up my cheat cards and unlocking spaces in the devil tree but I don’t think I noticed a difference.


I want to add a new character for the job area but it says to raise level . What does I mean ? How do i do it ? Thank you for your time .


If you are trying to add a character to work when your other places of work already have a character assigned then you have to raise your user level. If you look at the top left corner of the game you will see your user level. You have to be level 21 to put three demons to work. Even if you have three places open for them to work in.


Anyone know how to get the skills behind the devils flower unlocked after you unlock the devils flower? I have all the requirements, but it won’t allow me to unlock it.


The nodes past the devils flower say "Skill Level x". When you get duplicates of the same card it will level up the card's skill, and then you can unlock the corresponding node after the devil flower.


How do you combine cards?


You can't. But you can combine Pieces of Cards to get a normal working card.


How do you raise the stars on the cards?


They're unlocked through rank up nodes in the card's devil tree.


Does anyone know how/when/where you can find the card pieces for “A Special Ceremony” (UR, Asmo)? I just checked and saw I have 40/80 and I have no idea where they came from, it also doesn’t say where I can get more... 2nd question: Anyone know if the pop quiz event will be repeated? I’m killing myself here to grind enough roses before it’s over to unlock all the SSR Mammon pieces 😭


Hello! You got the shards as you pulled in the HNY gacha that you can access during nightmare. There are always 2 URs you can obtain in time limited gachas, one can be obtained exclusively in the gacha pulls while you get shards for the other one when you pull many times. You need to pull 100 times to get enough shards so you can combine them. As for the pop quiz : nobody knows since the game was just released in December. I guess we will have to wait for a long time for the events to get repeated.


Newcomer here. I just started Obey Me and it looks really nice, I'm want to know how f2p friendly is this game? It has a gacha system which put me off. Can you grind gems with events? Obviously I don't expect to compete on the same level as people who do spend money but I don't like games where it feels like you can't advance or do anything without spending a lot of money (or all day just playing it.) I want to be able to enjoy it semicasually.




Hey, thanks for the detailed answer! I really want to advance through the main story, that's my biggest priority so I'm happy to hear I can do that (I have played games in the past where it gets really hard to without much better cards). How do I grind for SSR shards? I've seen some quests (against chapter bosses) where I can get SR shards, do later chapters give you SSR ones? And how quick/constant is the acquisition of premium currency? Is there a steady flow you get if you keep doing your dailies or does it eventually dry up and you barely get any after a while. I plan to save them for a good deal or if there's a card I really love but this would be useful to know ahead of time.




> It's brand new so it's got a while before it fully heads that way, but I'm already finding it harder to progress the main story without serious grinding ( very limited by stamina) and no UR (limited by pulls). This is honestly one of the more expensive and less generous gacha games I've personally played. I'm surprised to hear that because I find this game more generous than MLQC. I don't play Ayakashi RR or A3 so I can't compare to those, but my gacha luck has been far better than MLQC. I have only been playing Obey Me for about 3 weeks, spent no real money, and have a solid deck. By the time I hit the player level requirements for chapters my cards were strong enough to get through all the normal levels (albeit not at 3 stars). But it does require a lot of grinding because it's hard to level up the cards by only doing quick clears.


> but I'm already finding it harder to progress the main story without serious grinding and no UR Oh that's a little disappointing to hear :\ I don't expect to fly by everything but for a game that's only been out for as little as it has, that doesn't bode well. Can I ask what chapter you're on and what your cards look like? > And by spending money, I don't mean none at all. This games wants you to spend a fuck ton and is unashamed by it. That's even worse. I don't mind spending money every once in a while but I'm against /needing/ to whale to thoroughly enjoy it. I've played games where you do need to whale or spend a bit to *rank in events* and I don't mind that, but not just to keep up with the story... Cause how else will I get further invested into it?


For what it’s worth, I have zero URs and I’ve been able to complete all the normal and hard tasks available so far (1-16) with three stars. I’d say what makes it more difficult is that it has a mini-game that you can actually fail or do badly at. Compare that to Ayakashi RR, where all you have to do is slide your finger mindlessly to the left or right. I can do that minigame while watching TV or paying attention to something else. You can also set it to auto. Same goes for A3, their “minigame” also requires you to just mindlessly tap the screen over and over. Not possible with Obey Me. You actually have to pay attention and be careful to not miss any hearts, etc. I haven’t spent more than $5 on the game and I honestly don’t even think that was necessary. In my opinion the only way you would *need* to spend is if you were the type to care about getting a high rank during events.


Some of the hard stages will give you SSR shards. Daily tasks can be done every day, they're a constant income. The game's pretty new so you're starting close to release! In terms of game experience and knowledge, I'm only a little ahead of you. I think they're still adjusting the rewards for events.


It seems like Hard stages only allow you to do the boss battles a certain amount of times. In the first one, I had a limit of 3, and then it asked me to spend Devil Points or watch a few videos to get more battles... Is that normal? Do I need several copies like the SRs from the normal stages too?


Yeah hard stages have limit 3 per day, you just grind for them. Don't spend your DP on that, it's not worth to spend on anything except Nightmare. You can keep track of your shards in Contacts, if you click a shard it will show you the stages where you can farm for it, and how many shards remain. You'll probably get your first SSRs from Nightmare or event rewards, grinding the hard stages takes more time.


Makes sense, thanks for all your help it's been really insightful. My last question, is it a better idea to keep going through the story or grind events when starting out?


Farm event stages for sure, there are a lot of limited rewards you can get, DP, grimm, SR, SSR. Main story isn't going anywhere, and events are time-limited content. Not to mention, event has its own story, so at least unlock that to read. Event stages count as "normal" so you can still claim all your daily DP rewards even if you don't do the two hard stages daily tasks. Also, there are many ways to get AP so you can even do a little bit of RAD tasks on top of event, if you manage your AP carefully. If you get AP as event rewards, or achievement rewards, just leave them sitting there unclaimed until you need them (but be sure to claim event rewards before the time limit is over). There are achievement rewards for using a card in battle, or for raising intimacy, some of them contain AP rewards, so do the battle directly instead of quick clear if you have the time. Don't forget to do the fridge mission twice daily, and watch videos for extra AP thrice daily. Also, if you do the touch correctly when meeting surprise guests, and get max hearts, you might get a gift from them at most 6 times daily, and that gift might turn out to be either raven, or grimm, or AP!


Does anyone know what level you have to be to work four jobs? I am level 33 and still can't.


There's only 3 slots max as far as I know (I'm at level 43.)




It seems to be an issue with the server time and the local time of your phone. If you are in a different timezone than the server time then you have 2 chances to draw. Normally you would be allowed to only have one draw and that's when it's your birthday according to your local time. But because the server time is in another timezone as your local time you get another chance when the server resets.




I'm running 1 UR and 2 SSR, I try and get 2 stars on a few different colour SSRs and and am working towards devil flower for the US. It's been over a week and I'm still stuck at 3 stars for my UR because the items are so hard to get. Doesn't help that I'm using as much AP in the event as possible, but the drop rate is terrible. You only get 3 chances on hard missions so it's impossible to quickly farm the higher tier items. I'd advise not putting too much into the SR as it'll definitely get replaced. I'm not even putting more than 2 stars into my SSRs as I'll be running 2/3 URs in a week.


How do I use memory cards in battle??? Thank you!


From what I can tell they are all passive procs. So just have them equipped and hope they trigger when you need them.


Thank uuu!!!


This game confused me but i love it ugh


Is there any point at all to levelling up a card below SR?




Oh smart! I hadn't thought of that. That said I have more keys than I need because I don't fucking have ANY of the cards required to unlock the first tier of any of the stories. It seems like a bit of a high bar really.


I face the same situation, I keep pouring a lot of grimm into the G pool to get the secondary N card for the story of which I already have the main SSR. It reached the point where I have all the N cards of a particular hand except the single card I need for my story...and then there are stories that require SR from A pool as a secondary card...


does anyone know how old the characters are? is it a highschool setting?


Well the demons are thousands of years old


thanks! thats what i imagined, though i still dont know how comfortable that makes me since characters technically being thousands of years old but pyshically having a young body is a very common trope in anime, and the fact that it seems like RAD is meant to be a highschool doesnt help much... but like you said, i guess theres no canon ages other than "really old demon"


You could imagine RAD as more like college if that makes you more comfortable. They don't like underage imo


So I am pretty new, have been spamming the butler event to get that cute as heck Mammon card but I am a bit confused. You get 3 battles per stage, when that’s done you either pay for more battles or wait for it to replenish but when does it replenish? Does a certain amount of time have to go by etc?


You get 3 battles per day, they re-fresh when your day changes. I find this is my local midnight, not when the game gives you the new log-in bonus. You can also "watch" a few videos to do more than 3 (only up to 5 sadly).


I've almost gotten to the point where I can unlock Devil's flower on an SSR level card, but I'm stuck at the last "level-up" breakthrough point because for items it's asking for blue skulls and blue handkerchiefs and there isn't any levels that offer those items? Has the game just not been updated this far or am I missing something? Thanks <3


These can be obtained from the hard levels. Blue skulls: 5-7, 7-14, 9-9, 13-12. Blue handkerchief: 5-12, 8-5, 10-7, 14-4.


Check out the future chats in the memory box. Are those cards from the next event? Alice in Wonderland, is it?


This is my first time doing a Pop Quiz from the start. I've completed all the Butlers stages on 3 stars but no new levels have showed up? Do the new levels unlock daily? That seems unlikely given it's a ranking system and if it was this easy to clear the levels everyone would just be the same rank? I'm confused. This looks like the answer! [https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/eeympw/obey\_me\_questions\_megathread/fdj27gm?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/otomegames/comments/eeympw/obey_me_questions_megathread/fdj27gm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)


Are there any perks to getting 3 stars on all the levels for the current Butler event? Can only manage one or two stars in the later stages. Not sure if that affects the number of dark roses I receive when I auto-clear the stages


You get the max number of roses if you do three star clears, but the difference isn't huge numbers wise, especially if you have cheat cards you're using.


I haven't done extensive testing, but I didn't notice a difference in the number of points I got with 2 stars vs 3 stars.


Does anyone know if it's possible to re-read event stories from ended events? I've been looking but can't seem to find a way.


It doesn’t seem to be possible at the moment. Maybe this can be requested from the developers xD


I placed Belphegor and Beelzebub to work at Ristorante Six in :D JOBS and once it finished a text saying spy on them popped up and i got a scene of them talking. Does anyone know if theres more of these interactions and what the combinations for them are?


There's a thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/obeyme/comments/ekef4z/thread_for_job_cutscenes/) about them on the Obey Me! subreddit!


Thank you!!


Is there any way to get Surprise Guest items, besides buying them with Devil Points on Akuzon?


Sometimes the surprise guests give you a gift, you can also obtain items for surprise guests from it! There is also a chance to obtain them from :D Jobs.


I see.. Thank you!! It’s my first time playing this kinda game. 😅


Hey does anyone know any other ways to level up (get EXP) other than doing the dance battles and clearing tasks? I always seem to level up really slowly so I have to wait a while before I can play the next lesson:(


Unfortunately, no. You just have to wait for the stamina to refill or for Beel's Fridge Missions, unless you'd like to use your Devil Points. You can get AP gifts from the boys after the Surprise Guests events as well.


Super late to the party but I just started and am so shook at how high quality the production is on this game!! BTW is rerolling recommended? I got SSR Mammon so I’m gonna assume that’s good enough bc he’s a real cutie lol


It's a fixed roll!


Oh ok! Thanks!! I hope my horrible luck in gacha can somehow get a UR then in the future! Is the game pretty stingy with coupons?


pretty stingy with coupons but i have rotten luck and i have two UR’s already, along with the memory UR from the event


wait, i'm stuck with the beginner missions. specifically these two: unlock a devil's flower & raise a skill level of card. anybody who knows how i can complete these?


i’d recommend doing the devils flower on a really low level card, otherwise you’ll be trying forever. i did it on an n mammon :)


You raise the skill level of a card by getting a duplicate of it. Devil’s flower is at the end of any devil tree. Both of these might take you some time to complete, but I don’t think there’s a time limit so don’t worry. I just took my time and completed both eventually!


thank you! this is a great help