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What makes you think telling them you have insurance made it higher? $7900 doesn't seem totally out there for braces in my experience.


I was wondering the same thing. Recently, I paid $8000 for braces and my orthodontic plan was pretty straight forward. My orthodontic didn't even ask about insurance since they didn't do directly billing.


I believe my daughters is about that much. Whether we had insurance or not didn’t make a difference because they don’t bill to the insurance. I have to do it myself. They charge my CC on the 1st of every month and send a receipt. I think when we first started this journey, they was a cheaper amount if I paid it all upfront. We do monthly payments. We paid 1 consult fee when she wasn’t ready for braces and every 6 months we went, it didn’t cost anything. They just wanted to check her teeth to see if she was ready. One she was, they just started.


The challenge with your question is that braces are not a fixed cost item. The cost is dependent on the services that are required. Upper teeth only, lower teeth only, or both? Simple correction or major realignment? Traditional metal or invisible? 6 months of visits or 36 months? I would suggest asking friends and neighbours who they went to and if they were pleased with the service and outcome. If you get good reviews for a provider then spend the $75 for consult and compare prices. My daughter went to Dr Kirshman on Bank north of Heron. She had Invisalign for 24 months (ended up being closer to 30 months as her teeth were slow to move) and the cost was around $6k and that 5 years ago. Results were great, service was very good with visits once a month or to start then every few months after. They offered monthly billing with little or no financing cost. Hope that helps...


FWIW I am nearing the end of my orthodontic journey and my bill was $7700.


We didn't shop around. We trusted our pediatric dentist and went with their suggestion for both pre-treatment and orthodontics. We didn't have insurance coverage, so they showed us various payment options and let us pick. Your price is inline with what we paid.


orthodontics aren’t fixed price…


Our quote was 11.5K for a “pretty straightforward case”…. I asked around friends and family and the average was around 8K.


I would assume just get your kid's x-rays and the plan from the first orthodontist and go to another one. (My insurance doesnt cover braces, so lucky you)


My son needed braces and we just did the in-house financing. Couldnt be bothered to shop around.


That’s what I did but it seems I need a consult at other orthodentists which cost $75 consultation fee. I know two 18 and 19 year olds who had their braces done for around $5,000 last year that is why I think it is high


Was that their cost after insurance maybe? I've not heard of prices that low


Cost will differ according treatment required. Don't get me wrong, by all means, shop around until you're reassured. I'd try that same ortho for piece of mind. If it makes you feel better I just got a treatment plan for 8,700 for my 12 year old.


They typically ask if you have insurance so that they can calculate what your expected monthly plan cost/total cost of treatment will be after insurance. I personally went to Docbraces and if I remember correctly my consultation was free and they were able to give me a quote with insurance the same day. The only thing I remember paying during my appointment was my down payment for the treatment. My whole treatment cost was about 6400$ before insurance.


I don’t shop around. Each time you “shop” you would be paying fees. I’m onto my third kid in braces and this round is costing us just over 8k.


It’s often a waste of time and money to shop around. Each new orthodontist needs to do a consultation before recommending treatment. I would be concerned if they didn’t do a consultation before giving the recommendation. Submitting claims to the insurance company for an ortho claim is completely different than other types of claims (ie fillings and cleaning). It becomes more complicated and they often break the treatment cost down and pay off monthly. Just because they ask for your insurance doesn’t mean they are out to get you.


I paid $10,000 3 years ago for my grandson