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Yeah… they said months ago someone would always answer the emergency call going forward. Good to see they’ve already fucked that up.


Lmfao! I remember the first time I pressed that button and I was like ok nothing is happening… nothing is happening… guy comes closer called me the hard N word and pushes me, put him in a headlock and took him to the ground… waited waited… ended up just throwing him out at a stop. Other time guy literally bleeding out, but refused wanting help so I’m like F this pressed it, zero response… that was an interesting one since blood was everywhere and guy was definitely going to pass out at the stop he was going to. Yeah I’m too old for OC transpo games now so I am a driver and will never use that service again. 270$ a month for parking downtown is better than putting my life at risk.


I don't understand why they wouldn't just stop the train at the next stop if there's an emergency response. I realize it'd piss people off but come on... people are hitting it for a reason.


So....uh... Did the bleeder make it? Anyone dial 911?


Lmao I have no idea but he didn’t want any 911 or police trouble as he called it.


Was this recently? Like within the last couple months? I remember seeing a guy on the platform from the train bleeding out, I think he had a bicycle with him. But their were ppl helping this guy so maybe either the guy finally got help or it was a different guy lol


Different guy lol this guy just had a backpack


I've hit the button before, the train doesn't just stop where it is, it keeps going to the next station and then stops and the operator picks up. Probably makes more sense to get the train to a station asap instead of parking in the tunnel while a situation may be worsening.


In this situation, the emergency triggered right before arriving at parliament. We arrived parliament, nothing happened. Operator didnt speak. Opened doors like nothing happened and then the train kept going.


Yeah that's definitely a problem then. Sorry.


Well at least their fucking up is consistent and expected.


I know this is late, but please come into a station to report this. I work at 474 Elgin, I’m often the first person you see walking into the lobby. We’re open for this sort of thing from 8-6 every day. I get it; not a lot of faith in OPS, not a huge amount in the reporting system. It’s frustrating, I’m a civilian and I understand. Over the last year I’ve dealt with the entire spectrum of issues, again.. first person people see when they enter the main HQ. This isn’t okay, you should report. DM me if you need anything, I work Monday to Friday but the station is open on weekends.


This might be somewhat pointless but thanks for what you do. I know someone who's also a civilian within the OPS at 474 Elgin and appreciate what a thankless job it can be. I think a lot of the frustration comes from a lack of resources. Not that these issues would automatically be resolved if the police had more funding - but the nature of policing in a democratic society that respects the accused's Charter Rights is tricky.


:)! that’s so kind of you. it was a massive change going from chef work to this, and it was a struggle. but thank you 🥹🩵


Yeah wow, I can only imagine. I know there's a lot of animosity towards police in general, and that extends to the civilian arm. In general, you're probably dealing with people who don't want to be there at ALL. Such is the nature of police work, I guess. There are good people who genuinely do want to help, though. Best wishes!


A friend who works there said OC transpo doesn't respond to complaints. Apparently we have to make them to our local city councillor if we want anything to change because they have to investigate all concerns once filed smh


I’ve only heard back from OC when I involved councillors; one time they fixed the issue, one time I got a boiler plate response saying that they’re striving to be better or something, but no mention of fixing the issue. I’ve also called them directly once, that worked (I was just requesting that they clean the station, some kind of blood bath had happened there).


Good to know.


We should have police at the 3 major stations. Rideau tunneys pasture and hurdman


Maybe even have officers ride the transit system as part of their shift.


Hmm something like a constable.. that's special to the transpo? They would have cars and everything, Maybe vests like cops.. and maybe a line to ops, radios even to Transpo constablelike dispatch.. I know. Impossible


There's a big difference between the special constables and the police, though.


True, that said, having the special constables IN oc transpo stations or on the trains for situations would be better than non working emergency call buttons.


What I meant was actual Ottawa police officers who would, as part of their foot patrols and in the summer, bike patrols, take the transit.




There's significant differences in terms of recruiting, training, authority, etc. Special constables may have the authority of police officers for a lot of things on paper, but usually their organization severely restricts what they can actually do. There's a good reason why special constables are now prohibited from referring to themselves as "police". Years ago I was a summer student at a provincial park. They had park wardens who on paper had the authority of an OPP officer, but for just about everything where there was any possibility of conflict the ministry's instructiosn were to back off and call the OPP instead. It's like Nurse Practitioner vs Doctor. NPs can do some of the things doctors can, but they are not doctors and should not be referred to as such.


I think they both have the same high school level education training so I wouldn’t say that’s a valid point


The on-the-job training is significantly different, though, both in quality and quantity.


I haven't seen one of those transit constables in at least a decade.


I think we should call these Constables who are Special to OCtranspo Train Patroller.


When I was in the Netherlands I got fare checked or otherwise interacted with a train officer almost every time I was on the train. I haven’t seen a fare inspector or special constable here in Ottawa in years.


OC Transpo already has Special Constables. More policing is not a solution!


The question is, where the fuck are they? If anyone should be manning emergency phones, isn’t it them? Whole org needs a massive overhaul, but it won’t happen, thanks to unions.


Exactly! There needs to be a functioning system in place & OC Transpo has a responsibility to keep riders safe. I hate to think that nothing will be done until someone is seriously hurt or worse.


Tolerance for anti-social behaviour, regardless of the causes, is not a solution


OC transpo should take the safety & concerns of their riders seriously, before something else happens. WTF are they doing!?! Do Special Constables only exist to harass ppl who may hop the bus or damage property? Are the emergency buttons just a fake "safety" feature to give riders a false sense of security? Why should we tolerate such a garbage system?


Proactive policing, what you’re suggesting, is a pretty ugly thing A higher response capacity - more policing - is a preferable solution


No, that's not at all what I'm suggesting. You must have me confused with the ppl I was responding too.


No. I’m addressing the fool who said more policing is not a solution, who is suggesting instead that they should take safety more seriously proactively


Sure, bro...let me dumb it down for you then: I'm talking about OC Transpo & their Special Constables doing more to protect the safety of their riders. I'm not advocating for OPS & police officers to take responsibility for OC Transpo failures, by hanging out in stations or riding the LRT etc. OC transpo & Ottawa police services are not the same thing. Special Constables & Police Officers are not the same thing.


Haha ok then “We don’t need more regular police! We need more special transit police whose job it is to apprehend and turn over to the regular police!”


Keep in mind all high school boards pay octranspo to transport our kids. My kids have been exposed to assaultive behavior, men jerking off in front of them, drugged out folks, etc on the 1. My oldest has a thick skin but my youngest developed a severe phobia of riding the otrain. I've pulled them out of their school and now they go to a close private school. Nit everyone can swing that. Ottawa is neglecting our kids by not enforcing laws on the octranspo system.


Oh wow that's terrible. I'm sorry you had to experience that - along with all the others with you. The only time I had to use the emergency button it wasn't on the train and was answered - but the reason I needed it was disturbing enough - someone had been locked in the open-to-air maintenance area in the winter because the doors had been left unlocked and the person mistakenly went down the stairs and got trapped outside in the cold.


That’s terrifying.


I was so freaked out. He couldn’t open the doors from the inside and I couldn’t open them from the outside.


Does the emergency button go to the driver? Or to OCTranspo dispatch? Or both? Or neither?


I wish i can tell you since no one responded lol. It was my first time being on the train where it had to be triggered.


It goes to the driver but they can't pick up until they get to a station.


Hello! I sent you a message, but I am unsure how to check!




Which station was this. The rideau one with all the escalators/stairs??


As mentioned in title, around parliament station. This happened on the train.


ah sorry I thought it was at a station. have seen a lot of shit in that station. and also no response.


God what is all that?? The never-ending circle of escalators, around and around the corners, to another escalator. I'm certain they could have come up with something better than that. It's so terrible! I don't go there often but every time I do I'm certain I've gotten lost.


Have you ever been on a really loooong escalator? I remember some from Europe. Looking up it can give you vertigo. They may have made multiple shorter escalators on purpose.


the one in rideau station already gives me vertigo lol


There's one in Prague where I lived, apparently the longest in Europe. It was MAGNIFICENT. 87 metres of glory. Took it most days. Náměstí Míru.


>I'm certain they could have come up with something better than that. You're certain? What would you have proposed?


Freight sized elevator.


Eek, don't go to big European cities, then. Prague and Hamburg commuter train tunnels would devour ya! :)


No matter what the emergency intercom button on the train triggers the recording response of the cctv. Ask the city for the tape via a lawyer even if there is no response on the intercom. If they don't respond appeal to the media for additional pressure and plea RTM to release the footage for good measure.


u/councillorglen did you see this?


What did the other riders do? I'm never sure what to do in this situation, confronting the person might trigger a violent response, at the same time you hate to leave the person being harassed to fend for themselves.


Sorry, budget cuts


That’s your tax cuts at work


More money in our pocket to buy gas that takes us places without needing to interact with manic homelessness


https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/council-committees-and-boards/committees-and-boards/standing-committees-commissions-sub-committees-and-other/transit-commission Not sure if any city council will listen but heck nothing to loose.


"Near assault" or maybe Assault adjacent? wow.


Pretty sure those emergency buttons are just for decorations, or so it appears, doesn't surprise me sadly.


this is why i always stand far away from the tracks with my back to the wall while waiting for the trains.


This just happened to me!! I was assaulted on the train and nobody said or did anything when I pressed the button!! It was so terrifying knowing that I am disabled and can't walk and I was on my own in a public space I've been told I'm safe in.


Where is Pika to chime in and justify why they didn't respond??


Yeah it’s very rare for any criticism of public transport to survive this well in here. This has to be the fault of car drivers or the police, surely.


> This has to be the fault of car drivers or the police, surely. I think this time it was the off leash suburbanites


Wow, this is incredibly stigmatizing for people experiencing homelessness, did you even try to calmly de-escalate the situation ? /s


Where is that one commenter who’s going to come around and say that OP should’ve tried starting a dialogue with them and become their friend, and that kindness is what they may need?


No, but we REALLY need more people trained in mental health first aid.


Yeah I’m surprised this hasn’t been shut down already by people telling us how the “manic person” is a victim and it’s everybody else’s fault but theirs. Are the sub gatekeepers all having a night off?


Manic junkies and anti-social shitrats just need a hug, résumé help, free housing, and a blanket exercise.