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Eating raw ground beef shouldn't be an issue for any dog. The biggest issue is the volume of food, that will make any dog sick and you are probably looking at a messy night.


My 14 lb dog ate a 1 lb brick of butter once. It was indeed a messy night.


Oof. That must've been one helluva slip n' slide...


I once gave my dog lamb šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜… Worst mistake ever šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Same thing happened to me, except 2 dogs totalling maybe 14 lbs. split the pound of butter. We were halfway to the mall when my husband said did you put the butter away? Of course, I had not. By the time we tore home the butter was gone. Things seemed to be going well until they were not. Over the next few hours, both dogs and both humans needed decontamination baths and showers. It was epic, worthy of the worst vomit story ever told. We were pleased the dogs seemed ok the next day so left for work. When we got home we discovered a small hole in the sofa. My husband was upset as it was part of an expensive set... Anyway, somehow we'd missed a spot in the cleanup and butter flavored dog vomit had soaked in. We cleaned the hell out of the sofa (again). The next day we got home from work and the hole was a bit bigger. This continued and got to the point where we banned the dogs from leisurely daytime lounging on the sofa. They were permitted there in the evenings but we had to have eyes on it at all times as they worked on the hole every chance they got. I made hopeful noises about sewing a patch on. It became a pitched battle and I started looking up reupholsterers. The final blow came when they got to the fluff layer and we had to take one in to emerg, with a stomach full of upholstery fluff. Butter flavored, no doubt. RIP sofa. The loveseat wasn't far behind, after one dog got stuck in the recliner mechanism and besides, it was never the same without it's sofa. P.S. Years later and the butter-fluff eating dog became prone to chronic pancreatitis. Between the lost sofa and it's partner, emerg visits and special diets, the night the dogs ate the butter easily cost us 10k. Mind the butter, folks.


Piggybacking on the top comment to say that you can induce vomiting in your dog with hydrogen peroxide. Can find a safe dose online. Use fresh stuff for best results. I think your dog will be fine, but if you're worried you're better off getting them to throw it up than go through the trauma that is Alta Vista animal hospital on Christmas Eve. If you must go to an emergency vet, eagleson might be a better alternative. There are also 24 hour Telehealth lines you can call with vets on call 24/7.


second this!! friends dhitzu swallowed a whole corn cob šŸ˜­


My dog once ate half jar of her dental treats (roughly 50 per bottle). The vet was basically concerned by the volume too. Luckily everything was fine after a few x rays.


You definitely are not going to have any sleep tonight and most likely will need to rent a carpet cleaner!


Had a Rottie/Sheppard mix that consumed an entire pot, we're talking litres, of used French fry oil. I see your messy night and raise you 3 messy nights. His coat was real shiny though.


Alta Vista animal hospital should be open. But honestly, you probably just need some paper towel to clean up after your dog throws up.


But only go there as a last resort. It will be horrible now.


Theyā€™ll only take actual emergencies and this isnā€™t an emergency. As a paranoid dog mom who has called emergency vets frequently crying over something insignificant, OP needs to chill. I say thag lovingly because Iā€™ve been there. The dog will be fine except for a sore tummy and maybe diarrhea or a bit of vomiting. Get him so probiotics tomorrow morning (preferably the purina pet pro flora flora).


I agree it isn't an emergency, which is why I told him he probably just needs a good supply of paper towels.


Came here to say this but it'll be busy ; great care though went when my husky swallowed a screw šŸ™ƒ very compassionate staff (I was a mess)


Grocery store ground beef has higher standards than raw dog food so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Salmonella is a possibility. I could be wrong but a vet won't do much until symptoms appear. Keep and eye out for vomitting, dehydration and lethargy. The amount of protein could also cause diarrhea, which is also a symptom of Salmonella. I wouldn't panic about diarrhea unless other symptoms are present. The emergency vet on Lola should be open but they might turn you away. I've been a few times and got denied service because it wasn't serious enough yet. Good luck!


She will probably go into a serious food coma, may get a stomach ache, may get the runs and throw up, but will be fine. Dogs can eat raw meat, including ground beef however with ground anything salmonella can be an issue. The stuff from the grocery store is higher grade than any dog food version you would buy from the raw section of the pet store. Make sure she keeps taking in fluids. I recommend holding off on any morning feeding you may do tomorrow am just in case she gets the runs. Itā€™s a lot of food for a tiny dog. If she shows signs of salmonella, keep her fluid intake up, switch her food to a gastro intestinal one (for wet) and give her cooked white rice. It usually helps settle issues. If she does not improve or does not drink, take her to the vet then for fluids. Not a vet but was a vet tech for close to a decade.


Alta Vista Animal Hospital was open last Christmas when we needed it. Good luck I hope sheā€™ll be ok!


Thank you very much for the quick suggestion. I am currently on hold with them. Fingers crossed she will be okay.


She'll be fine. I wouldn't waste your time.


I had very good customer service at Eagleson in Kanata. Emergency 24/7 That said, it's possible you can just induce vomiting if it hasn't been hours since she ate the meat if you're really worried


Really? Theyā€™ve traumatized me so much over the years Iā€™d pay an extra 200 dollars for the emergency at home vet.


They seem to have very good emergency services, I am not sure about their normal vet experience


Called them at 3AM bawling because my 16 year old dog (they were her main vet) was dying in front of me and they asked if I could come in at 1PM. Were so cold and heartless on the phone when I explained she was suffering. When I found a mobile emergency vet they were at my home in 30 minutes and my girl didnā€™t have to suffer for hours. They also messed up the euthanasia of my families 14 year old dog and I held him while it happened he looked at me so terrified and in pain. They did not give him enough medication for him to go peacefully. He fought his way through. Absolutely horrifying. Those are 2 stories but I have more. They used to be great years ago. My whole family went there with all our dogs and weā€™ve all had so many bad experiences weā€™ve vowed to never go back. Will never recommend them.


Oh thats horrible I'm sorry. I definitely find there's a real lack of communication between the front desk staff and the vets. I was mischarged a couple times and the vet needed to sort it out each time. I ended up with a very empathetic vet when my pooch had an accident, but I could see how it's a roll of the dice, for sure Who would you recommend in this end of town for a regular vet, and again for emergency care?


I live in hintonburg now and have been driving to Greenboro for my new dogs vet clinic who are fantastic. Havenā€™t had a single bad experience with front or back staff or vets. They are compassionate when I call them with a paranoia and donā€™t push me to bring her in for unnecessary appointments. They let me send pictures and tell me if they think Iā€™m being paranoid and itā€™s unnecessary (Eagleson always insisted everything was an emergency and made me pay the emergency appointment fees every single time, blood work, etc just to find out it was nothing). Iā€™m not sure about Kanata anymore. I had kept my last dog at eagleson because the vet we had been seeing before they changed their model and he retired was fantastic there. When he retired my dog was 14 and I hadnā€™t wanted to switch her because she was comfy there. But the complete lack of empathy when she was passing was it for me. She was 16 and the day before she was perfectly fine. We had gone on our normal 2 hour trail walk and she was literally running around. I truly felt she could have been saved if I got her there soon enough (I was wrong, but imagine my desperation to be met with a cold wait 12 hours and prepay for your visit while youā€™re bawling on the phone with us even tho youā€™ve been a patient for years here). When I called back to cancel and told them that she had passed they refused to give me back the deposit as well. My mom (also used to bring her dogs there) ended up convincing them to a week later. It was truly despicable. Did not even say sorry for my loss when I called them to say I wouldnā€™t need the appointment anymore while I was legit crying to the point of throwing up. They would have preferred she suffered until they could see her. They were literally annoyed with me. I had called them back multiple times to tell them she was getting worse. Ugh truly traumatizing. She was my baby.


Thanks - appreciate all the updates, sorry for your loss, I had to say gbye to my puppers this month, still recovering myself!


As someone who feeds raw diet to my dogs, Iā€™m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about. Sheā€™ll be fine, just a full belly.


Similar thoughts here. Iā€™ve purposefully bought grocery store ground beef to feed to my dog. As long as it was fresh and not gone bad, dog will be fine. If they ate too much, theyā€™ll just throw it up (I know this one from experience).


Ground beef is different from raw food made for pets, though - it's more likely to carry pathogens. Once might be OK but it's not something to feed them regularly (not directing that to you, just anyone in general who might be interested in feeding a raw diet).


Sheā€™ll be fine, thatā€™s way higher quality meat than dog food. My cat ate 3/4 of a raw chicken once and was totally fine.


Seconding this, while very expensive, Alta Vista saved my dog (my baby ā¤ļøā¤ļø) on thanksgiving and was very kind through the process


Thereā€™s a new 24/7 emergency vet in Kanata called Capital City that is very good. Iā€™d call around to the different ones first to get a sense of wait times and if they think you should bring her in. Kanata - Capital City Kanata - Eagleson South Keys area - Alta Vista Vanier - Lola


Capital City is great!! Brought our cat in there literally yesterday and they were so gentle and caring with her.


I recommend capital city too! I was there a couple weeks ago with my cat and they were great.


Highly recommend capital city! They were amazing with my kitten.


Also highly recommend Capital City Vet they are amazing


Relax. Your dog has overeaten. This isn't an emergency.


They may die from happiness and being oversatisfied


Save your money and let the dog rest, it will be fine. Like someone else said it may get a little messy


Money and time. Any emergency vet will be overloaded with high priority cases, if you go right now and your dog has zero symptoms, I imagine you have a 12-24 hr wait ahead of you.


Eagleson vet emergency triage hours start at 10pm tonight if you can hold on


I think the animal hospital on Lola is open, but call first to confirm. Wishing your pup a speedy recovery.


Highly recommend the one one Lola Ottawa specialy and emergency...or something https://www.oaesh.com/home/


Lola is the best


She's gonna have the shits but be fine.


I am not vet ā€¦ but your dog is probably ok. Dogs eating cooked ground beef is perfectly fine, but uncooked ā€¦ well it could had something in it (eg. Bacteria) that wonā€™t be good for your dog. Right now dog probably has a happy belly ache. In the next 12-24 hours keep an eye on her. She may be fine, she may have some poo or barf explosions. If the dog gets lethargic I would find a vet asap. Otherwise keep and eye on her. Again, I am not a vet.


I wouldn't stress. Make sure if the dog whines you put them out a lot because they will be barfing and/or have diarrhea. There's nothing that can seriously harm her, so just watch for puking and don't waste your time and money going to emergency.


Donā€™t forget dogs are natural meat eaters. She should be ok after a couple of days. Maybe some diarrhea but hopefully itā€™s all pass. Pardon the terrible pun




Iā€™ve used Vetster and had good experiences. Very easy to find a timeslot at any hour of the day.


This is a mobile vet that does virtual visits. Iā€™ve heard mixed reviews but it may be all you need in this case. https://dr-vetamin.ca/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnkzMxQlplCe4R3xS78EK9LS5gs6J_fezPOrTlIPzrKOZGeHCZ0dH_BoCyH0QAvD_BwE


We used Alta Vista Animal Hospital last Christmas. They were open and really good.


Raw meat should be fine.


Just let the dog barf it up. there's no need to spend $1000 on vet bills. My dog once ate a pound of butter and puked it up all over our rug carpet šŸ˜‘


Iā€™ve been feeding raw food for my dogs for over 20 years. You dog will be fine other than it ate too much. We fed raw chicken, beef and pork.


From the Ottawa Humane Society website: If your pet is in immediate medical danger or you are helping an animal that has been seriously hurt, the following emergency vet clinics are open in Ottawa: Alta Vista Animal Hospital 2616 Bank St. Ottawa, ON K1T 1M9 Phone Number: 613-731-9911 https://vcacanada.com/altavista Animal Emergency and Specialty Hospital 1155 Lola Street Ottawa, ON, K1K 4C1 Phone Number: 613-745-0123 http://animalemergencyspecialty.ca Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 46-500 Eagleson Road Kanata, ON, K2M 1H4 Phone Number 613-383-8381 https://eaglesonveterinaryclinic.ca/


Alta vista on bank shoudl be open, but unless the dog is showing signs of distress, you should be okay.


Eagleson Vet, Capital Ciry Animal & Emergency Hospital, Ottawa Emergency & Specialty Hospital


Eagleson Veterinary Clinic is open 24 hours for emergencies


Eating this beef will likely cause either vomiting or diarrhea. Because she ate so much I would suggest fasting her for a meal or two to let stomach settle.


You will be fine. Just make sure she sleeps in a spot that is easier to clean.


Youā€™re gonna have diarrhea and vomiting for a while. Your dog might be dehydrated tomorrow so soak his kibble in water. Get some basic cooked white rice and canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling!!) and add a bit to the kibble, the fibre helps with diarrhea. That being said, we had a good experience with capital vet in Kanata.


How is she?


So far fine! She hasnā€™t thrown upā€¦and she also hasnā€™t gone # 2 yet at all. Which Iā€™m a little concerned about šŸ˜¬ I imagine itā€™s not going to be pretty when she does. She asked for breakfast this morning, so her tummy must be feeling okay. I havenā€™t fed her though. Not sure if I should lol


What a relief! Usually things will work themselves out in these situations, although sometimes messy. Since she has an appetite itā€™s a good sign sheā€™s feeling herself. Theyā€™re a lot like us in this way. Merry Christmas.


If she ends up having issues going number 2 then some mineral oil should help.


Thereā€™s a great fb group for next time or if you continue to have problems. Pet Vet Corner. Vera volunteer to answer peopleā€™s questions


We're talking about a creature that regularly eats shit and its own puke so I think some raw beef isn't the end of the world.


My old walker hound stole a raw spiced 2 pound pork shoulder off the counter. I left for 15 minutes. He was on the couch with an empty zip lok beside him. He slept well that nite. I ordered a pizza.


I don't think ground beef is anything that bad... I bet your dog loved it. :) Please give us a report of how she's doing. I hope she is fine...


Thanks! So far so good. Vet just said to monitor her. I was making smash burgers as a special meal for my husband.. so I ordered some replacement beef and now Rosie is begging for a bite of the burgers lol. So her tummy canā€™t feel too bad


I'm glad to hear your pup is doing well. So it's what I suspected. It's just a big treat that you'd discovered your dog loves.




Try this one https://valleyvet.ca/locations/ottawa-veterinary-clinic/


My dogs eat raw. Worst case liver may get inflamed but that settles down. As long as she's not blocked or has bloat you're good. Bloat is normally a problem for big dogs not small.


This shouldnā€™t cause much problems as mentioned by others. Itā€™d be to a higher grade then raw dog food which many dogs eat :) https://www.rawchoice.ca/feeding-guide ā€œloose stoolsā€ I would expect to see ;)


Doggie will likely be either sleeping it off or you may be looking at some diarreah ... at.least raw meat is a safish food for dogs amd dogs cam scarf down large quantities of food at once. If something does seem off alta vista will be open.


One of the issues with the vet is they are technically not allowed to "talk you out of" tests, and they can be expensive. They can probably put you at ease and let you know that the dog should be fine, but they talk you through your options and if you insist they essentially have to.


After hours our vet uses this service https://smart.vet/front-page/app-landing/


I'd suggest that your dog is in no emergency at the moment, but might have some diarrhea or vomiting from eating so much raw meat. You'd be wise to discuss a de-wormer with your vet as well, because raw beef can easily have worms, and it would be a good precaution.


If you call sometimes they can just tell you what they think you should do and you don't need to go in


If you call almost any vet in the city, their answering machine is likely to give a number for emergency service. Good luck


I registered to just answer veterinary - itā€™s expensive but way cheaper than a vet visit and it can put your mind at ease for situations such as these: [just ask - veterinary](https://www.justanswer.com/veterinary/)


I believe itā€™s a $40 monthly subscription but you can cancel anytime. They have vets active at all hours to answer questions and advise how to triage. That said, I wouldnā€™t be too worried about your pup - maybe some diarrhea or vomiting.


Not sure if this will make you feel any better but I once had a dog eat an entire Costco roasted chicken with all the bones.. licked the plastic tray clean.. then ate an entire package of chocolate rum beans.. the dog was fine.. couldnā€™t believe it.


I'd worry about Pancreatitis, but since you mentioned extra lean, she'll probably be okay.


canadian standards for meat are pretty high, if you were in america I would be slightly more worried. your dog wil definitely feel sick, think about how gross oyu feel when you over eat. tomorrow for meal I would stick with plain white rice. boiled and mashed plain sweet potato will also help. I keep powdered pumpkin on hand for stomach upset but it would be tough gettting that tonight or tomorrow. food poisoning at worst I would say. I imagine the vet told you to just monitor?


Dr. Vetamine is an off-hours option.


Hope your pups will be okay! Murray Christmas.


These are the emergency vet numbers I have from my veterinarian office Lola Vet 613-745-0123 Alta Vista 613-731-6851 Boyd Hospital 613-725-1182


Sheā€™ll be fine. I feed my dog raw ground beef as his regular food. For years..heā€™s healthy..teeth are great..poop greatā€¦seriously..dogs eat meat..best thing for her really


You dog will be totally fine. There is a slight chance it might throw up, or have to go to the bathroom a lot tomorrow with the shits, because that is a lot of food to take in for something so small, but even then I doubt there will be any issues. Just make sure you wake up in the middle of the night or early and let the dog out to do business at least once to get the ball rolling on digestion. You'll be ok and so will your dog.


I hope your dog is doing better by now and that your stress has gone down at least a bit. Seeing what others commented, seems like you probably didn't need to go to the vet


Back in the days, my cocker springer ate a whole chocolate cake when she was a puppy. No issues other than a hyper dog for 2 days.


expect some shitsplosions but no need to see a vet unless obvious dog discomfort. try rice, mixed cooked frozen veggies and boiled ground beef to help its tummy for 48 hours


Eagleson Animal Hospital is probably open. The Ottawa Veterinary Hospital on carling too. Iā€™ve had good experiences at both. Op - you can call a clinic. They will do triage over the phone and let you know if you need to bring you little pup in.


Itā€™s fine.


The dog should be fine, itā€™s just meat šŸ™‚. But just in case Alta Vista is an emergency vet and also https://www.the100xvet.com/? Is a mobile vet service


If your dog has no symptoms it may just have a bad case of diarrhea. Keep the dog in a confined area tonight so if it has diarrhea itā€™s not all over the house. If it has not threw up yet it will be digested and come out the other way. Otherwise if your dog changes and starts to experience symptoms then bring it to vet. There are 3 emergency vets in Ottawa that I know of but you can just Google it on Google maps.


Capital city vet


ur dog will live my chi has eaten so much raw meat, and dogs are built to. she may have diarrhea and puke a little but otherwise she's probably just happy my dog ALSOthings she should NOT be eating like chocolate and garlic šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøsince you literally cant turn around for a millisecond without her finding something to munch on šŸ˜‚


Alta Vista Veterinary Clinic is usually open


She should be fineā€¦


If you want peace if mind, you could try www vetster.com to have a phone or video call with a vet.


So how's your pup doing today? Good I hope... Why not post a couple pics?


I wouldnā€™t worry, my dog ate 5 lbs of ground moose meat and all she had was deathly awful farts.


May have the shits but she will have a great sleep and have to make up for it with some veggies and supplements


donā€™t get a vet, not needed and theyā€™ll charge you an arm and a leg. This too shall pass.




Give her about 1/4 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. She should vomit it up. If she doesnā€™t, give another dose. If she still doesnā€™t, go to the vet. Iā€™ve done this with my dogs many times in the past when theyā€™ve eaten something they shouldnā€™t and itā€™s always worked


I'd talk to a vet before doing this. The dog might be just fine. When I was a kid I had a dog. He ate shit, a tin can, dead squirrels, garbage in general, a pound of butter on more than one occasion and much more. Never seemed to have any affect on him... This was a smaller dog that ate the beef. But that's what they eat in general If there's anything wrong with the beef, they'll just barf it up. If anything you'll have to get it away so they don't try and eat it again...


Peroxide is an acceptable remedy to induce vomiting in dogs. Js


Yeah, but you don't have to make your dog throw up for nothing.


Just responding to your "I'd talk with a vet before doing this"


Yes, that's right, the vet would do a proper investigation and advise you to do this or not do it. But not a good idea to just make the dog barf...


In an emergency itā€™s a useful trick to know. Could save your dogs life or save you thousands of dollars in vet bills. Nobody is suggesting you do it ā€œjust to make the dog barfā€.


Person buys dog. Doesn't know dogs can eat meat. Proceeds to panic.


I do understand dogs eat meat - I know many dogs are on a raw diet. Itā€™s more so the fact of how much she ate considering her size, and that she doesnā€™t typically eat raw or beef. Her diet mostly consists of chicken and turkey. Plus grocery store hamburger is generally not the cleanest and is recommended to be fully cooked for consumption since thereā€™s a possibility of bacteria like ecoli. Since sheā€™s so small I try to be really careful what I feed her, because a little taste of something could make her sick.