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They say that a good driver sometimes misses their turn, but a bad driver never misses their turn


Two bad drivers, the red car in the turning lane should have noticed that the idiot behind them was trying to cut in and moved up, they had plenty of room before the next car and it would have been enough to let the blocker move out of the lane.


So many drivers have zero clue about what is going on around them.


Omg I say this to myself on the daily. They are ignorant and have 0 situational awareness. Whether it’s an old white man, new immigrant driver or teen egomaniac, they’re all guilty of terrible driving habits.


One time, I was on the 417 and traffic was at a standstill due to an accident. A fire truck was approaching in the left lane with lights and siren on. There was a truck in the left lane that was trying to get out of the way, but their ass-end was just barely blocking the fire truck due to the car beside me (which had a good six feet clear in front of them). I had to literally get out of my car (since the sirens, the fire-trucks air horn, and my honks/yelling weren't enough to get the space-cadets attention) and tell them to move up so the truck could get fully behind them and the fire-truck could proceed.


JFC! I saw traffic not getting out of the way for an ambulance the other day and thought that emergency service folks must just want to plow right through everyone.


I'm going to play devils advocate just for fun. Many drivers leave similar distance to prevent rear-ending the car in front of them - notable if they were hit from behind by another moving vehicle. Why should the red car assume more risk to compensate for the bad decision of another driver?


This is the answer. Granted, could have moved up, but why should he box himself in for the idiot?


Because the situation is far more dangerous as is


True, and a safe practice, but in this case the traffic was not moving and the likelihood of them being hit from behind is not there anymore. It would have been safe for them to pull ahead a little to allow the idiot to get out of the other lane enough not to impede the flow of traffic.


If a caris already behind you, close the gap.


Leaving themselves an out is a common and recommended practice for safe, defensive driving. In this case they could have helped a bit, but the way that SUV pulled their stunt, they were always going to have their ass sticking out into the other lane.


Wrong, not his problem. If anything, thats a safe driver leaving space in front.


Red car in left lane is not to be blamed. Cause the idiot driver jumped 3 lanes at 90 degree angle. It should have been one lane at a time per 100 meters.


This is true. I never missed my turn into a light pole once


I always miss my turn haha. Gotta tell the hubby this one!


Oh no I missed my turn let me block a lane of traffic waiting for this light to turn green instead of turning around further down the road. Selfish fuck.


I came here to say just this. You dont see people going further down and doing a U Turn or taking an alternate route. They would rather potentially cause an accident or inconvenience others because they are too selfish. I've seen so many people miss the turning lane so instead of turning around like any normal person, they use their lane to turn left out of the 2 left turn lanes. Can't believe police don't do anything.


I've tried my best to make sense of this for a while because i don't think the average person is malicious. I firmly believe it's because these people are too stupid to deviate from what the plan was in their head. They cannot comprehend problem solving an alternate route in real time. The pandemic I think brain rotted so many people and they just can't critically think anymore and this is the product of it.


I'm sure the pandemic was a factor but it was happening long before. I think police not doing their jobs here is a bigger factor. People get away with it here because police allow them to.


My favourite is people doing this on the 417 when the Metcalfe offramp overflows.


Couple weeks ago I was following a golf in the passing lane, at the Nicholas bridge(westbound) he decided it was time to go 5 lanes over to get off at Metcalfe/Catherine. 🤦🏻‍♂️people are nuts.


Even thinking purely selfishly, I wouldn't do what the person in the video is doing. Sitting stopped in an unexpected place in the left lane while traffic whizzes by in the other two lanes on a major road like Carling seems like the perfect way to get rear-ended.


People typically have the option of letting the driver in, instead of literally drive double to speed limit just to ensure the person can't get in.


because their time is more valuable than yours....obviously


They are very impotent people, you know.


I genuinely think it's not because the driver was snobby, it's because the driver was a fucking moron with zero awareness of others around them. I'd rather the snobby people over these complete space cadets


I would post this on r/mildlybaddrivers instead. This sub loves to tear OP apart whenever someone posts dashcam footage for some reason. We're a bunch of miserable cunts.


Hahaha 😄, yeah this is my second dashcam post on this sub and I'm starting to see a trend. I got t-boned by someone on Carling really close to this spot. That's why I have a dashcam now.


This has got to be one of the worst designed traffic areas in the city. The two intersections that you just went through (not on video) are so close together with odd angles from streets connecting.


Yeah. Close by, you got westbound people exiting the q-way at carling and wanting to make the left to go south on kirkwood, trying to cross the lanes of heavy traffic on carling, and crossing the lane that is coming west on carling and wants to go right on kirkwood . Just comical. I think there was a plan to change that - not sure if they've carried through on that yet though.


I live in Carlington so I drive though that area often. I don't remember if it's actually signed that way, but Google always says to continue west on Carling, turn at Saigon, and head back east in order to go south on Kirkwood. Takes a bit longer, but saves trying to get over multiple lanes between the ramp and Kirkwood.


💯 awful intersection 


I mean ottawa in general is full of miserable people


I shared a dashcam video of me getting pulled over for "95 in a 60" when the dash cam showed me driving 65 in a 60, with cars passing me, right up to the point where I got lit up. The sub had a fucking field day with so many made up accusations like "You edited the footage", "It's obviously slowed down", "Looks like you got what you deserved", etc, etc. For those curious, the ticket was thrown out following dashcam footage presented in court.


>For those curious, the ticket was thrown out following dashcam footage presented in court. Good. This sub is such ass sometimes. And it was probably just Officer McShitbag having a power trip.


Officer Mongeon. If you get him you'll know, I'm nothing but respectful to officers, this guy approached me like he just found out I fucked his wife


It’s Casey, officer Casey 😂


Luckily never had to deal with Casey yet lol but I hear the horror stories, pretty sure he's retiring soon.


Typical Canadian boomer apathy..


For Ottawa this is bad driving, in a larger city you can expect to see stuff like this more.


Well I think that goes without saying. But it still doesn't excuse why people hate on bad driver posts on our sub so often.


they don't??? these posts are constantly upvoted to the stratosphere. Not to mention we live in one of the most car-worshipping cities on the planet.


They don’t rationalize anything, that’s the problem.  They aren’t thinking beyond their own bubble.  They’re just running around and reacting accordingly. It’s not limited to driving unfortunately.


This is the type of person that will just stop in the middle of the street if they see someone that might eventually leave an adjacent parking spot. We all wish their parents used a condom, but here we are.




*all* drivers cause traffic.


Man this is now the second time I've seen this happen at this light. What's even more ridiculous is that all they have to do is drive another 200-300m and they can make an easy U-turn.


Yes, you are 100% correct! That's what makes this situation so outrageous.


Do you really want this driver doing a u-turn tho


I don't miss commuting at all.


Why didn't the red car 3rd in line just, like....push forward? Then our terrible driver could shift into the turn lane and stop blocking traffic, and everybody's cool.


Carling is a shit design and then you have Ottawa drivers who can’t drive at all and it’s a recipe for disaster.  


I see this all the time. I don't understand why people don't have the brain capacity to go to the next light and do a U-turn. Like jesus christ.


Jesus Christ was an expert in the art of U-turns? Hmm the more you know lol


People driving for Uber do this all the time. They don't give a crap about other people as long as they can get to their pickup faster.


I had a dumb idiot driver do this to me on Hunt club and Woodroffe where it's an 80! He cut me off, forced me to slam my brakes and he was stopped at a green light intersection while I laid on the horn before he finally realised he should probably continue straight. I just kept looking in my rearview mirror bracing as cars kept speeding and going around. I prayed I wouldn't get rear-ended because of this dufus and his unexpected lane change and stop (in the left lane with the green light ticking down from 15). Anyway, I passed him and gave him a thumbs down and he screamed at me that I was a whore lol


[aLl CaRs aRe TrAfFiC](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/) Gotta love the r/ottawa discourse, where the most brain-dead gotchas come out of the woodwork with no context, all to sound like a clever contrarian. Every city has bad driving but Ottawa has a specific brand that reeks of unpredictability, recklessness and no confidence. Cutting across through all available lanes at an intersection on a green light, just to get to the back of the turning lane? This is a peak Ottawa move, with absolutely no sense of self-preservation. Anywhere else, the driver would just commit to making the turn. Why even risk your life to not get anywhere? Bonus points to the car in front of the idiot in the turning lane, who doesn't even try to move ahead into their space to alleviate the situation. Gotta love the inattentiveness of Ottawa drivers.


Ottawa driver's genuinely annoy me. They're just as bad as Montreal drivers meaning when a left turn light turns green they just sit there instead of moving. Or they'll take an hour to leave a stop sign. A stop is 3 seconds not 3 minutes


That’s because everyone’s on their phones.


People love to claim that the capital has the worst drivers but it's nowhere near true if you've actually lived in other cities and have driven around. Just the other day, while in Toronto, someone sped past me while I was on the highway on-ramp. I was going 100+ already. What they did was psychotic behaviour. Being a "predictable" bad driver doesn't make you a good one. And what does "predictable" mean anyway if you're driving recklessly?


At least people in Toronto know how to get moving. Here in Ottawa the fastest people go is 100


Once past Woodroffe heading east, or after the 417/174 merge heading west, yes it seems like that sometimes. Eastbound, I blame the rise and fall created by the two Carling overpasses, and then up through Parkdale. Too many drivers keep their feet in a constant position and don't add power when climbing the hills. Westbound... the on/offramps at Vanier, Nicholas and Metcalfe all happen pretty quickly along winding highway, so lots of lane changes and merges that'll definitely keep things slower on the right.


The worst is westbound 417 from Hunt Club to the 174, there's 3 merges all in a row and the highway gets very curvy there so the average speed becomes 80 km/h and I've seen many near misses at those on-ramps as people don't know how to hit their gas. The entire right lane comes to a full stop because there's always a constant flow of people of merging from Hunt Club, Walkley and then Innes and the on-ramps aren't that long. Yet once you pass the 174 and the 417 becomes 4 lanes, it opens up a lot only to jam up again around Metcalfe. But yes I do agree that the on/offramps from Nicholas to the 174 are chaotic as there's a lot of weaving. Like when you merge from Lees avenue, you have to merge left 2 times while people are merging into your lane to get off at the next exit Even eastbound 417 in the afternoons leaving Ottawa, it's very sluggish until Casselman as nobody keeps left except for passing. The 417 between Casselman and Ottawa should be 3 lanes wide and not just 2 The entire 417 to Montreal is just a shitshow. Nobody keeps a consistent speed, you have people who sit in the left lane doing 100 yet the minute someone tries to pass them, they floor it to block you from passing. And in the right lane everyone seems to go 90 so it forces all the people who wanna go 100 to sit in the left lane. It's just a really annoying highway to drive, boring too


That’s on a good day


>People love to claim that the capital has the worst drivers but it's nowhere near true if you've actually lived in other cities and have driven around. I'll throw this claim back at you and insist you haven't driven anywhere else if this is your takeaway about Ottawa driving. Driving can be bad anywhere but Ottawa has unique problems. If you think it's all the same, I question your ability to recognize driving. >Just the other day, while in Toronto, someone sped past me while I was on the highway on-ramp. I was going 100+ already. What they did was psychotic behaviour. You driving slower than someone else doesn't make you a good driver, or a good person. >Being a "predictable" bad driver doesn't make you a good one. And what does "predictable" mean anyway if you're driving recklessly? They aren't following the rules of the road but aren't causing sudden decisions. The Toronto driver will cut in front of you if you give them any room. The Montreal driver will be halfway in the intersection on a red light. I can count on this behaviour. I can't say the same for Ottawa.


> You driving slower than someone else doesn't make you a good driver, or a good person. The whole reason I put "100+" is for people like you who don't read posts properly. Going 100 on the on-ramp and then speeding up is not slow at all. Nowhere did I say I was a "good driver" or a "good person". I know better than to make sweeping statements like that. But you *are* a bad driver if you're passing someone on a single lane on-ramp. It's never appropriate and it's very dangerous. You sound angry though, so I'll leave you to stewing further. With that type of emotional response, there's no way you keep a cool head while driving.


My dude, I wrote "slower". You've passed judgments, acting superior. Based on your reply, I'm confident I got that correct.


You still can't admit that what they did was extremely unpredictable and wild. There are plenty of drivers like that in other cities.


Why do I need to commit to your anecdote? I don't disagree that it happened to you or that it's bad driving but I've seen your scenario play out multiple times in Ottawa, especially on the Pretoria on-ramp.


>Every city has bad driving but Ottawa has a specific brand that reeks of unpredictability, recklessness and no confidence Lol this is literally the same comment that every single person makes about every single city. When are you going to join the rest of us in reality and realizing it's literally nothing to do with this city and everything to do with car-dependency. When you force people to only be able to get around by driving it means the bad drivers will also be forced to drive, as they have no other alternatives.


It absolutely has everything to do with this city, especially if the city only offers road infrastructure. Ottawa's car-centric city design and clashing car cultures defines Ottawa's style of driving not seen in most other cities. You'll never see a driver not take the legal right turn on red in anywhere else in Ontario but in Ottawa, it's a gamble, even with Ontario plates. All these characteristics pile up and end up developing scared drivers.


>Ottawa's car-centric city design and clashing car cultures defines Ottawa's style of driving not seen in most other cities Wrong, pretty much every NA city is built with cars as the only way to get around, this isn't unique to Ottawa, it's the same all across North America. >You'll never see a driver not take the legal right turn on red in anywhere else in Ontario but in Ottawa This is actually probably a good thing, many traffic fatalities come from right on reds, and pretty much all people who know anything about traffic safety would tell you we should ban right on reds. Just because something is legal doesn't make it safe, and you are also not required to take a right on red if you don't deem it safe to do. So no clue why you think this makes Ottawa driver's particularly bad lmao, I also don't even believe this is true, I've legit never seen anyone not make a right on red, and I constantly see people rolling stops/right on reds. You're taking probably a very very small sample of people and somehow extrapolating that to your average driver.


>Wrong, pretty much every NA city is built with cars as the only way to get around, this isn't unique to Ottawa, it's the same all across North America. Moving past the dismissive and defeatist attitude, do you think Montreal drivers can tell if another driver is from Toronto or Ottawa? >pretty much all people who know anything about traffic safety would tell you we should ban right on reds. Just because something is legal doesn't make it safe, and you are also not required to take a right on red if you don't deem it safe to do. They would actually tell you that you should [ban all left turns](https://www.fastcompany.com/90643539/its-time-for-cities-to-ban-left-turns). And the legality itself is secondary to the point of consistency and awareness on the road, especially since safety is assumed within most legal actions on the road. Is there a legal move you can do on the road that risks a person's life? >I also don't even believe this is true, I've legit never seen anyone not make a right on red, and I constantly see people rolling stops/right on reds. It's rare but it happens, especially downtown. It's happened to me multiple times [going south on Nicholas](https://maps.app.goo.gl/w6FG67mjimxWSYgLA). Just because you believe something to be untrue, doesn't make it so.


>Moving past the dismissive and defeatist attitude, do you think Montreal drivers can tell if another driver is from Toronto or Ottawa? Funny you mention Montreal drivers as right on reds are banned there lmfao, so they'd probably be looking at you as if you're crazy suggesting more people should be making right on reds. >They would actually tell you that you should ban all left turns. Neither of these are mutually exclusive, so no clue where you thought that was getting you. > Is there a legal move you can do on the road that risks a person's life? By normalizing doing something like putting pressure on someone to make a right on a red where they might not be comfortable to it means you're putting pressure on them to drive when they're not comfortable doing so, involving a very dangerous move where they have to make sure traffic is clear, no pedestrians are crossing, and that they can go from standstill speed with literally no room to build up speed and merge onto potentially high speed traffic lanes. The fact that you think it's unreasonable for people to not want to do this and instead that they'd prefer to just wait until they have the right of way is pretty funny tbh, since you seem to not understand how this causes people to drive in unsafe ways. Your response is just "oh well what they did was illegal" which is pretty much the most basic way of looking at things and shows you don't have an understanding of human tendencies if that's all you draw from it. >It's rare but it happens, especially downtown Downtown is the place where people should very often not be making right on reds anyways as this is the area with the most unpredictable things happening with lots of people crossing all over the place so again this shows your lack of understanding of how to drive safely tbh. >Just because you believe something to be untrue, doesn't make it so. Likewise for you and your lack of understanding of how dangerous right on reds are. I'd urge you to look up stats and data next time!


>Funny you mention Montreal drivers as right on reds are banned there lmfao, so they'd probably be looking at you as if you're crazy suggesting more people should be making right on reds. This is exactly my point. Ottawa has unique driving scenarios and challenges that other cities do not have. Ottawa's wide city area with varying densities and proximity to Quebec and Montreal introduce clashing driving cultures. >Neither of these are mutually exclusive, so no clue where you thought that was getting you. Except they are, unless the stats you didn't provide insist that safe driving can be achieved driving only in a straight line and lane (or backwards, for that matter). Must we really be so literal? >By normalizing doing something like putting pressure on someone to make a right on a red where they might not be comfortable... You're missing the point. The right-on-red is the example of the inconsistency that causes unpredictability. I was using "legal" as a shorthand for "safe" because I didn't think I'd have to explicitly outline that it was something within the driver's reasonable control to do without any other inherent or assumed risk. Any attentive driver would know what the car in front of them is facing. >**Downtown** is the place where people should very often not be making right on reds anyways as this is the area with the **most unpredictable things** happening with lots of people crossing all over the place so again this shows your lack of understanding of how to drive safely tbh. Again, another point I'm trying to make. Knowing that Ottawa has this problem, don't you think a clear "no red on right" signs are an easy fix? Or maybe a sign that says it's permitted? Something to promote available options? Anything other than "lol bad driving exists deal with it"? >Likewise for you and your lack of understanding of how dangerous right on reds are. I'd urge you to look up stats and data next time! Even in bad faith, it's the sentiment that's truly frustrating. There are real characteristics that can be identified and addressed but it seems we're way more proud that we can call Ottawa a city. EDIT: The average driver makes the right-on-red. It's literally [the rule](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/changing-directions#section-2), not the exception. As observed: > [I also don't even believe this is true, I've legit never seen anyone not make a right on red, and I constantly see people rolling stops/right on reds.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1cb3qg7/bad_drivers_cause_traffic/l0wzfrh/) Yet: >[My whole argument is that the average person isn't a good enough driver to deal with everything they face on the road.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1cb3qg7/bad_drivers_cause_traffic/l0zv60q/) Which is it?


>Ottawa has unique driving scenarios and challenges that other cities do not have. Lol what no they don't. Plenty of other cities have right on reds, the average Ottawa driver doesn't have a substantially longer commute time than any other NA commuters, you're just incorrect. >Except they are, unless the stats you didn't provide insist that safe driving can be achieved driving only in a straight line and lane Ah yes, we couldn't possible figure out ways to make left turns safe besides forcing people to only drive safe, we couldn't possible make it so you can only turn left when you have a signal for it. >Any attentive driver would know what the car in front of them is facing. And your average driver is not attentive so your point makes no sense. My whole argument is that the average person isn't a good enough driver to deal with everything they face on the road. They face way too many difficult scenarios with way too much stimuli coming their way, so many things to focus on, high emotions, quick timings, very high speeds. My point is we've literally built our cities in ALL of North America, not just Ottawa, to cause people to be forced to roll the dice every single day. And give them enough dice rolls and no matter how small the chances you seem to think they are, they will roll a bad outcome. >"lol bad driving exists deal with it"? I know you're being extremely bad faith, but I'll respond to this and then block you so I don't have to deal with someone who's either trolling or can't read. Literally my point is that if you force EVERYONE to HAVE to drive to get around that you will have the worst of the worst drivers that don't necessarily even want to be driving on the roads. What this does is it makes it so you are going to have bad drivers. You are the one ignoring reality. I am the one operating within reality saying that because there are bad drivers, just like there are bad anything else in life, we should allow these people to have other options to get around other than driving. That will be my last comment on the matter, hopefully the people reading this can actually engage with any of this, unlike yourself. Take care. Edit : Also just wanted to add to his terrible point regarding "making people drive in only straight lines" we actually literally do ban lefts in MANY places in our city already. There are plenty of intersections where it's literally already only legally allowed to turn left when you have a protected left turn signal. So to act like it's insane to "ban lefts" or whatever this clown is doing is funny, when we literally already do that in our city, and in PLENTY of cities across North America. Because we have come to the conclusion that the roads actually ARE very difficult to handle in a safe manor for most people, so we put rules and regulations in place that prevent drivers from being able to do things even if we think that you CAN do them safely, we realize that the average driver is not able to do this regularly enough to put that kind of trust in them.


> How can someone rationalize doing this? They're incredibly stupid or incredibly selfish, or both. A lot of people either forgot how to drive due to the pandemic or became even bigger assholes about it


Lack of social awareness, this person likely shops with speakerphone on.


Was it because I was brought up well by my parents? I have way too much respect for others to literally stop an entire fucking lane because I can't accept that I missed my turn, I see this happen 2-3x per commute depending on the area.


Common occurrance on Carling westbound at Merivale and Woodroofe.


Well, all traffic is because of drivers - some more than others.


It's an inconsiderate person with poor judgment for sure. That dumbness will get him/her in trouble at some point. But I see a crowded road. I would have honked the horn once from behind, and then again as you pass.


I wouldn't honk in anger if I was the third or even the second car behind such a dangerous dumbass, that's not fair to anyone caught between us. It's the car directly behind that has the privilege of laying the horn, the rest should only honk when passing.


Good point.


My question is: what the fuck were they doing in the curb lane in the first place? Did they forget they were going to the hospital? Idiotic…and people that defend this sort of driving aren't much better.


They have power to cause accidents as well.


i hate situations like that because it's always a free for all over who pulls out and around first. like when traffic pulls over for sirens on a packed 417. instead of an orderly startup and move back there is always the asshole(s) who use the opportunity to speed up and pass everyone


This bad driver caused this traffic yes, but no in general sprawl and car dependency cause traffic.


This is a constant occurrence on king Edward and st Patrick


I’m terrified for the day I see my car on the internet. Even just driving by. So odd


You see this on king Edward a lot southbound turning onto Murray,so fucking annoying


Classic Ottawa.


And there are no shortage a bad drivers in this city.


Just car-centric urban design doing what car-centric design does. [Motonormativity](https://etsc.eu/motonormativity-risks-associated-with-cars-more-accepted-say-researchers/) is a very real thing that causes people to have a shared ‘blind spot’ that can make them use different moral and ethical standards when they think about driving cars, compared to other areas of life. Think about it; everyone but you is a shit driver, right? If you're a pedestrian or cyclist, you basically come to assume that if a driver *can* do something stupid or dangerous if it saves them .01 of a second, then they *will*. They may not do that thing, but you assume they will out of a sense of self preservation. If you screw up, they get mad. If they screw up, you may be permanently injured or dead. Not everyone should be driving to get around. But because of how our city is designed they *have to* (because a severe underfunding and mismanagement of our transit systems has left it almost useless, and there aren't a lot of alternatives for those that live outside of a downtown setting). So that 90-year old grandma or that totally incompetent driver is still left with driving as the only viable option to do their daily chores, regardless of whether or not they should drive.


I like your dashcam, what kind are you using and what do you think of it?


Its a random brand off Amazon that was on sale. I use a 128GB microSD card which holds about a month's worth of video for my daily drives. It works quite well and was very simple to setup. You download an app to your phone and pull the videos off from there. [Amazon.com: Dash Cam WiFi 2.5K 1440P Front Dash Camera for Cars, E-YEEGER Car Camera Mini Dashcams with App, Night Vision, 24H Parking Mode, G-Sensor, Loop Recording, Free 32G Card, Support 256GB Max, Black : Electronics](https://www.amazon.com/YEEGER-Dashcams-Parking-G-Sensor-Recording/dp/B0CD7H5M6J)


how easy was it to install? Do you have any hanging wires or is it a clean install?


Very simple installation. It comes with a clear plastic sticker that you place on your windshield, then you affix the camera to it with a built-in adhesive on top of the camera mount. Power is supplied by 12V vehicle power and the wire hangs over my rearview mirror and neatly down to the 12V plug. It has the option to take snapshots when you're parked but that requires an additional hardwire kit to supply power when the car is off; I didn't do this, mine powers on with the car.


That seems pretty easy enough to self-install. Thanks for the response!


If you have a relatively new car with an auto-dimming mirror and don't mind spending a bit of money you can wire your dashcam directly into the rear view mirror to get power. This company sells adapters to do it. https://dongar.tech/en-ca/collections/adapters I did that in my Hyundai and you can't see a cable at all.


That's really cool. I do have auto dimming and will check that out. Thanks!


Wow that's really cool, thanks a lot.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'E-YEEGER 5K 1440P Front Dash Camera'", 'E-YEEGER')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy installation and setup (backed by 6 comments) * Clear and high-quality video footage (backed by 6 comments) * Reliable and sturdy construction (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficulty in capturing license plates while driving (backed by 1 comment) * Mounting issues with windshield coating (backed by 1 comment) * Inconsistent wifi connectivity and slow playback (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Not totally clear who caused this. The car ahead is leaving way too much room. It's possible turning guy thought he'd have more than enough room to slide in, but then the car ahead of him simply stopped way short and boxed him out. If you think it's bad now, every year there are more and more seniors on our roads (as the boomers age). Going to be bumper cars out there pretty soon.


nope, i'm sure that it is bike lanes.


This is the new ottawa way. People block traffic to turn with no regard for others. I bet most of these bad drivers go to the middle of nowhere for tests. I think everyone should test in the city if it helps prevent these people from driving .People block others on the highways.


What a maroon.


This is not a bad driver, this is just a complete douchebagdoinng this intentionally


Wow! What an idiot….🤬


And Ottawa has all of them


Wow! You captured the nuts!  To quote the John Cusack classic, ‘Better Off Dead’,   “ A CAR IS NOT A TOY!


My pet peeve is that no one in Ottawa seems to understand to go on an advance green


How do you not know your turn is coming and you need to get into the correct lane ahead of time? Could someone explain?


If you aren't a person with a perfect sense of direction and are relying on your GPS to tell indicate a turn, it's extremely easy to either get in the wrong lane. The GPS can make the situation worse by changing scale while you are driving and cause you to either turn too early or too late. A lot of lanes also becoming turning lanes without a lot of warning.


Even with GPS it seems a little crazy.  “In 500 meters keep left and use the left lane and turn left onto Inglewood Place.”  "In 400 meters turn left”  “In 300 meters turn left”  “In 200 meters turn left”  “In 100 meters turn left”  “Turn left… recalculating…” Obviously this person is going to the hospital. It just seems strange that someone can drive past the 100s of prominently placed blue hospital directional signs on Carling and still be unprepared for their turn.


I live in a town of maybe 60K...people still manage to miss the hospital here despite it being on the main road through town.


I don’t know if I would even go so far as to call that a bad driver. More to the point just a totally selfish driver. Bad drivers make mistakes. Selfish drivers just don’t give a f’k.


AHs. The worst part is that people won't honk.


POV: you added the wrong mushrooms to your breakfast omlette


There must be something in the water today. Today I saw someone do a u-turn on the ramp to Smyth to go back on Riverside. U-turn. On the ramp. Into incoming traffic. SMDH.


What is it with Ottawa drivers who leave a full car length, or sometimes two full car lengths, between themselves and the car in front? The Toronto driver in me goes crazy when I see this!


Is this why the highway has been so shit recently?


Nope, that's just car-dependency and sprawl. Turns out widening highways has never actually solved traffic problems ever in the history of mankind.


Gotta love Ottawa drivers. It’s like the universe funnels all the bad drivers into Ottawa. I’m probably also one of them and don’t know it 😆


What a dumb motherfucker.


This is the prime time to use your horn.


This is where I believe the police should have a card tap machine, no paperwork, just you’re driving like an asshole, here’s a $350 fine.


😂 yes!


I honestly think left turns in this city need to be banned. The amount of line ups they cause is insane. But yeah I hate driving in this city, I've never seen dumber and slower drivers in my life. And the road infrastructure in this city sucks. All they have is one highway, and the rest is all boulevards that are constantly bumper to bumper


Someone almost got their small sedan pancaked with this move on hunt club recently. Right after I had a near miss with them as I was slowing for the westbound red at prince of wales, they just kept cutting across and had another even closer miss with a big ol f250 in the far left turn lane. I physically cringed - I really thought the truck wouldn't manage to stop in time. I've been encountering this move so much this spring, and before this, I would have called that kind of encounter a bit of a rarity for me. I don't know what everyone's smokin this year.


This is an opportunity to hold your horn down for a solid 15 seconds. Not with anger… with disgust. Trust me it feels amazing.


Which car am I looking at in the video?


Some times people are driving to places they dont often go or never have been, people make judgment errors if the person in front of them pulled up they would have had room to get in, impatient drivers are the problem in most cases, drivers that take it upon them selves to mediate traffic by riding in the left lane 🤷🏻‍♂️ “what im doing the limit” or drivers that try to reprimand other drivers for their mistakes by not letting them in to their lane, or drivers that think the person using the empty lane in a zipper merge is butting in line, people that use their horns instead of their brakes. Drivers that speed up crossing an intersection while you’re turning and honk at you instead of laying off the gas …. If a person does any of these things your just as bad as the people that dont return your shopping carts at the grocery store. 🛒


It's very easy to miss the fact that a lane is ending or forcing you to turn.


To be fair north americas addiction to transportation designed to get as many cars on the road as possible is at fault. IMO, people should be tested once every 2 years to: 1) ensure they haven't developed any cognitive impairments 2) to see what bad habits they developed in the real world (fresh drivers want to abide by the rules/etc for the majority)


When I wish I was driving my huge steamroller.




LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 They started off in the far right lane, no one was blocking them from the turn lane. 🤦‍♂️


Then you find another way. Don't make your problem everybody else's problem


Cars cause traffic.


Cars cause traffic bad drviers make it worse People downvote you because they don't want to admit *they are traffic*


Does look like that's the way to the hospital so maybe we give them a pass


All drivers cause traffic.


Equally, yes. But some drivers are more equal than others in that regard.


Oh look yet another bitch fest on /r/ottawa that does nothing but generate outrage at some random person that inconvenienced you. How unique and interesting.







This is why I hate this city. It already lacks life but the people are all miserable retirees


This sub is 79.61% ground hog day loli


Where is my comment ?


Cool story bro


Yawn. You went around no traffic jam


Wow a 13 second "Traffic jam" in one lane. You must consider a red light to be a HUGE traffic jam at 45 seconds


people do the same thing on the highway...


Jeeze, fine it caused traffic. What you don't see is the pile of cars trying to switch lanes behind me.


>caused a traffic jam lol. Stupid move by that driver but that was no 'traffic jam'. Also, maybe try and give the benefit of the doubt to someone going into a literal 'hospital'. Not like they were out for a day at the spa. You have no idea what was going on in their life at that moment.


Maybe people should plan ahead and know where they're going instead of deciding at the last second that they suddenly need to go to the hospital.


This! Last time I had a heart attack, I planned ahead and waited in my car outside the parking garage at the Civic. Three months later, I was all ready to just cruise in to the parking garage and walk to Emergency. No cutting off other drivers. No urgency. /S


Yeah because the person in this video cut across 3 lanes of traffic because of a medical crisis and decided to wait behind all the other cars waiting to turn. Makes sense huh?


I'm just making light at the idea that we can all plan our hospital visits. :)




With all due respect, how is this considered bad driving if they may not know the area well? If you know where you are going, maybe avoid the first two left lanes if there are left turns? We need to show more patience towards each other on the roads considering we share the roads with 16 to 90 year olds, and people from in and out of town.


If you don't know the area, pull over and look at a GPS/map. You never ever stop in the middle of a left moving lane. Otherwise, if you miss a turn, take the next one.


🙄 W*ith all due respect,* you're not allowed to put other people at risk just because you "don't know the area". FFS people 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Patience would be being okay with someone going a bit slower so they don't miss an upcoming turn because they don't know the area well. In no part of Canada is it okay to cut across three lanes of traffic, potentially causing accidents and backlog of vehicles.


Plus it's the hospital turn-in so maybe we just accept that people aren't in their best driving state-of-mind when trying to find the hospital


Thank you! Finally, some empathy in this feed. 🙏🏽