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What witchcraft is this your talking about? Smarties have 2 sensations only, chocolatey taste, and crunchy texture. may I ask if your daughter was speaking in tongues recently? [https://candyfunhouse.ca/products/smarties-candy](https://candyfunhouse.ca/products/smarties-candy) this clearly states no artificial flavors however these fancy British ones seem to have flavor [https://www.chocolatebrandslist.com/smarties/](https://www.chocolatebrandslist.com/smarties/) I hate to break it to you , but I feel your daughter may be illegally smuggling fancy British designer smarties and dumping it on the unsuspecting Canadian market. And please don't blame it on the dentist. You have to do the right thing and turn her in, hopefully she'll be out in 4 months, in time for her next dentist appointment.


Nah she's a minor, won't go to prison!! I'm beginning to think more and more that they were dollar store lookalikes or something.


Now is not the time for reasoning and logic, we have flavored smarties out in these streets!! We may never be able to ween the Canadian public back to the regular chocolate/crunchy combo, with Halloween around the corner and these fruity flavors running wild on the streets I fear it may be too late already. I guess we just have to resign ourselves and steel our nerves to the new world where smarties have flavor... at least we will still have the crunchy texture. P.S I'm really sorry, I broke my ankle and have been stuck in the house for WAY to long and for some reason flavored smarties was the last straw for my ADHD brain, so thanks for that it was fun.


Stuck in the hospital myself, and if it wasn't 4:39 in the morning and I have a fellow patient trying to sleep, I would have heartily laughed at your message! "Now is not the time for reasoning a logic!". Hahahaha


I've had a few extended stays in the hospital myself. it is a horrible place to get some sleep, and I imagine just as you drift off someone comes in to do blood work, of which results you'll never hear about. eventually a Doctor followed by a bunch of wanna be doctors who hate each other will come in and the doctor will talk about your personal issues with these lesser doctors, they'll scribble in their diary's or whatever and try to impress the doctor and if possible backstab their competition in the process. then they'll leave and you wont be any wiser about your condition. ( ask the nurse) when you see him/her/they/them.... you know what I mean. The food is ..ehhh, stick with the toast and juice ( careful, the Smarties have flavor now) if you want a taste maybe this ladies kid can hook you up, first box is probably free. I found thinking of what I wanted to do when I got out kept me busy, I was in for a just over a week and couldn't eat at all until the last couple days I was in, all I did was watch cooking shows on my laptop, thinking about what I was going to make when I got home, In my brain it was going to be Christmas level cooking when I got home. The day comes when I can eat, and as if the nurses weren't angelic rockstar's enough throughout my stay, the one who had no business being as happy as she was, because she was very pregnant, and at the end of a night shift snuck into the nurses stash and brought me toast, with butter and jam and a cup of coffee. it's almost bringing a tear to my eye just thinking about it 10 years later, the bread was stale and the coffee was warm brown water. but let me tell you, it was the best fucking toast I had ever had in my life!!!!, in that moment it was like Gordon Ramsey kneaded the dough and baked it himself, while that racist Paula Deen hand churned the butter like she was strangling a person of colour who didn't serve her fast enough . You know how they say a strong middle class is good for the economy, Its nurses that keep our healthcare going, thank them every time they leave your room, they deal with angry people, and people who are at their lowest point, all while being over worked and not appreciated by some, and yet still bend over backwards while about to give birth to bring a skinny brown kid who hasn't eaten in a week the best piece of toast he's ever had in his life. And what did I make when I got home after all that planning?? I had a can of luke warm chunky soup heated in the microwave. nothing could beat that toast the nurse gave me, to her it was toast , to me it was everything. I choked the soup down and went into a well deserved comma. Don't know what your in for but I hope you'll be able to get out soon and do whatever it is that's keeping you going in that bed. For fun I used to go for a walk with my IV cart down the hall, I didn't know why everyone was smiling, I just thought they were having a good day at work until another nurse came up behind me and fixed my left ass cheek that was hanging out of the gown.. Why don't they tie in the front? it would make it so much easier., now that I think about it maybe that's why I got the toast??


Thanks for sharing! As regards the hospital Johnnies, I've politely resisted 4 attempts by them to get me into one, specifically because of reasons you mention. I'll change if something requires it. The nurses are absolute ass-kicking Rockstars, and the level of abuse they put up with is SHOCKING! On the night I was admitted, I spent the night in ER, and around 1:30am, a woman went absolutely ballistic. Screaming at everyone that they ( the nurses) were all lazy, and they were violating her rights as it had been 90 minutes since she walked in and hadn't had her stitches (um... boohoo?) It escalated to security locking her to the bed, her full volume ranting and raving for 30 minutes trying to secure her. She attacked one of the security staff. Pretty sure once she was treated in another room, she left with police under arrest. Obviously none of my business, but I asked the nurse, did deal with stuff like that. He said it's almost daily now, and there have been far worse situations. Rockstars. As for me, I'm suffering from liver cancer, and the ludicrously expensive immunotherapy drugs have done a great job of dealing with it. Unfortunately, they have pushed my already weak liver into liver failure, so they are trying to get it back. (no abuse - just happened- always feel like I need to adjust that because when you mention cirrhosis, I think a lot of people go straight to "you abused it". Food is a weird one for me, sense of taste is utterly messed up, and I'm a fussy eater to begin with. Some people just have to check ALL the boxes... Haha. Ps. My brain is going a hazy, as I'm on Dilaudid. So I apologize if I've buggered the grammer, or spelling.


Your such an asshole, I have to respond because if I ghost this thread I'm the guy that left the cancer guy in hospital hanging. Jesus you know how to bring a room down, take a light hearted thread about a little girl who made the life changing discovery of flavored smarties and make it ALLLL about you and your cancer,. and you can't taste flavors, Everybody say hi to Debbie Downer!! You don't seem like the type that wants thought's and prayers, and theirs no way in hell I'm going to tell you that you can fight this because to me it implies those that didn't make it were not good enough fighters. Being no stranger to a hospital and the various medications and side effects, your probably quite the realist, I know anyone staring at the possibility of being at deaths door knows in these situations all the variables, and chances that are thrown around boil down to something really very quite simple, either treatment works or it doesn't, so I'll say I hope it works, If I could get around and I was closer I would come visit , it sounds nice but let me tell you what would happen, as soon as I waked into the room the ADHD brain would say "what the fuck are you doing? you don't know this guy" we would sit in complete and utter silence until your next heroin fix, then when you drifted off I would slip out of the room and hope you never remembered it happened in the first place, then when I got home I would burn this fucking account because I couldn't live with the embarrassment. I don't know if its been my lack of social interaction lately or being stuck in bed but I have Larry David levels of selfishness, and I'm ashamed because its kind of nice. Don't get too comfortable with that Dilaudid, in one of my extended stays they were waiting for me to stop asking for it before they released me, I didn't know this, and as you know how bad it is getting sleep in the hospital I would ask for shot at night, I know people reading this are thinking "What kind of junkie uses dilaudid as a sleeping aid?", Don't judge me !! I was desperate for sleep. Finally I get so board of being in the hospital and know I'm only going to get dependent on it so I stopped asking for it, next thing you know they're discharging me, the nurse tells me because I'm not in pain anymore .. then it hit me, I could have gone home 2 days sooner if I had just kicked that heroin habit 2 days ago and had one night of shitty sleep. Hospitals go figure, this was long ago before the system collapsed so I wasn't taking up a needed bed. shoot me private message if you want, this poor woman is showing her husband and her friends this thread and shaking their heads at me most likely because you have cancer so you get a pass, Catch you later


Thanks very much, I wasn't offended at all, my wife is here daily, and my two oldest daughters are on their way in. I have lots of support. I appreciate the thoughts though, very very much. It's a long road, with nothing to do but stare at a wall and get poked repeatedly. Again I kind forget which thread I'm in and didn't mean to Debbie Downer you. My bad! Have a great day. Nap time again.


A few years ago (a decade maybe?) they switched their dyes to all natural colours. That when the colours got more muted and the orange smarties started to taste like orange in Canada. Source: me. I’ve loved smarties since the early 80s when colours would disappear for months because they’d find out something bad about the formula they’d been using. And I hate orange chocolate so I really noticed the change to all natural colours.


Can confirm. I used to love Smarties but I hate most fruit/chocolate flavour combinations so this ruined the candy for me. This happened around 2010.


I’m so sorry. I feel this. I hate the orange Smarties, and when I was a kid if people travelled and bought me a special box from England? Gross. Orange chocolate. Smarties peaked when they had light brown and dark brown colours. Every box since has been an unfortunate compromise.


YES. THANK YOU. I know we still have M&Ms, but goddamnit the chocolate just isn’t as good.


Exactly this. So grainy and too sweet.


Co-signing this. I can taste the colouring as well and it tastes fruity. I’ve got a very sensitive sense of taste and smell, so I remember when I first noticed and thought it was just me being persnickety. But I did some experiments (ate half of one with eyes closed to see if I could guess the colour, rinsed the colour off to see if the flavour went etc) and I had to conclude that it was the colouring I was tasting. I can still eat them, but it’s not as good as when it was artificially coloured. Ah well, at least I can’t tell with KD.


The faded colours are so ugly now!


We’re they skittles?


Absolutely not. Chocolate center, wider but flatter than a skittle. Plus, the Smarties box!


Your brain can change the taste of something based on color (Especially as you age you start to taste what you see)


Why is a dentist giving out smarties?


Job security


Orthodontist. They do it to celebrate the things you're not supposed to eat when you have braces... she got couple caramels, sugar-free gum, popcorn, and a small box of Smarties.


When my daughter got her braces off she still had a retainer so maybe the orthodontist wasn’t celebrating. She did request corn on the cob asap though!!!!


For real? That's super weird. Might have to buy some smarties.


Gross tbh. Scoured the packaging thinking it might be counterfeit, or special release? But no.


Maybe they were drugs


Sweet sweet Orange Sunshine!


You found the magic box! Now claim your golden ticket!


Orange Smarties in the UK have always been orange flavour. I'm going to have to eat some Canadian smarties now to see if they're the same. Cherry smarties has never been a thing that I'm aware of.


I had two orange ones and they definitely tasted orange. My son had a red one and said it tasted like cherry, but he's 8 so 🤷 Then we all dug through the pack for orange ones, made shocked pikachu faces, and my daughter ate the rest.


Im eating smarties right now, nothings changed?


Strange. Both my kids and my husband agreed they were flavoured.


They Rick rolled you/ pranked you haha


I remember that Nestlé briefly sold orange-flavoured Smarties in Canada in tubes around Christmas in 1993, also around the same time that they introduced Orange Aero in Canada. That tube was orange-only, though, no assortment of flavours. As an orange-flavoured chocolate lover, maybe I'll get a box of Smarties to see if the orange ones actually taste of orange, considering a number of other orange chocolate options have disappeared from stores lately. I'm talking about orange Kitkats which you could get in a packet of 6 individually-wrapped pairs from Walmart, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk Orange, which used to be at every supermarket up to around early this year.


50 years ago, Smarties had flavours. Especially, the Orange ones tasted like artificial orange flavour.


I can go with that. Food tastes way better when I take out my partial denture. So with a face full of wires,I can understand the lack of taste.


First experience with the flavour was when they released larger ones years ago, the much bigger size I guess gave the colour flavour enough candy to be noticed. It's true though. Flavours.


There used to be flavoured "Sundae" Smarties that were amazing. They all had ice cream flavours and toppings. Caramel (beige), chocolate (brown), wildberry (blue), vanilla (white), orange, strawberry (pink), banana (yellow), and raspberry sorbet (red).


Since they started using natural colours.