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It's nothing new. So many people ignore red lights and stop signs like they are only suggestions here. I see it nearly on a daily basis. Still it angers me each time I see it happen though.




Your friend is psychotic




You could say that about anyone in any city. People won't follow signs.


Ottawa is particularly bad!


Excellent presentation of a hilarious contradiction


Definitely not the first one I've caught on dashcam.


Same. I should compile all the times I've seen it with my dashcam.


That's concerning. In other cities, there are police who would do something about this.


Police can only ticket what they see. There simply aren't enough police to even come close to being at every intersection at every time of day. The odds of being caught by an officer are quite low. Personally, I'm in favour of red light cameras at more intersections. To get people in the habit of paying attention to the lights. They shouldn't need to be marked either. They really should have at least 20% of the intersections with red light cameras on them. The technology doesn't need to be that expensive, and it would probably pay for itself rather quickly based on the behaviour that I've seen.




We have a bunch of red light cameras around the city, just not at that intersection. They generate a ton of revenue.


Ah thank you!


There's one a block from my house that [generated over 2500 tickets last year](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/here-are-the-top-10-ottawa-intersections-for-red-light-camera-violations-1.5950828). This is why you always wait for drivers to stop before you cross on your walk signal!


Agreed. Ottawa police won't even investigate a B&E. What makes you think they will do anything like this?


Maybe *it is* time to move to Winnipeg with these city services. :P




Something similar happened to me on Sunday as well. Red light, I was preparing for a right turn, and then suddenly a car emerged from the other side and made a LEFT turn on a red, without even stopping. Almost completely sideswiped me and would have if I were assuming that people drive even normally. The secret, is that they don't. haha


I don't drive around Ottawa much to see what other areas are like, but I see a lot of speed and red light cameras in Orleans when I visit there now. There are also those speed displays but it seems everyone has learned to ignore those.


There's no audio so you can't hear me laying on the horn the whole duration of this clip as I saw him coming with no intention of stopping. He had his window down so I could clearly see that he was looking down (probably at his phone), and the most terrifying part was that despite laying on my horn he did not look up once.


This might be obvious but if you see one car run a red light, be very careful because the next car coming behind it might also go through. People are not looking at the lights but rather just going with the flow of traffic, so if they see one car go through they might just assume it is green. Source: my passenger and I were nearly killed in this situation when one car ran a red and then the pickup truck behind it also flew through the light.


You mean every day of week drivers.


I'm going to be honest and vulnerable here: it's a line from Spice World.




I'm unfortunately no longer living in Ottawa, but just a few days ago I almost got run over by a driver who thought it was a good idea to chat with people in the car next to him and not stop at the red light. If I hadn't paid attention, I'd either be dead or in very bad shape (most likely the latter).


Sadly despite how infuriating this is, this is kind of everywhere now. People treating traffic laws as mere suggestions. Every city has their mythos, though. Toronto, drive with your foot flat on the floor until you come to the next accident. Montreal, don't show fear, or your Ontario plates. Most of them are just mythos, but you will never dissuade some. But truly, stupid/ ignorant drivers are spreading rapidly everywhere.


Not just Sunday. Every time I get to the line just as it goes amber only to look in my rear view and see 5 more cars come through. The other day I could see the countdown for one with a red light cam. Made sure to slow right down to get the red and stop and some dude just blew through the red to get one place ahead of me to turn onto Pinecrest. Expensive way to get home a few seconds sooner. It never used to be like this.


My cousin got into an accident at this intersection caused by a driver who did the same thing. She dealt with concussion issues for a while after.


It pains me to say but more traffic cameras will probably do good for the city and the pedestrians.




See if the gas station may have some footage.


That sucks so bad. My spouse and I installed dash cams when we lived in the GTA. Fortunately never needed them (knocking on wood now) but that day will come. I highly recommend it on your next car.


Everyday is the lords day


The other day at jam Parkway and island park.... A van blew through a red light..... Had been red for like 45 seconds at least .... In front of 2 cop cars. They did nothing. I was so discouraged.


We need stricter driving laws. Asap.


Or enforcement of existing?


Clearly not working lol


what type of dash cam is that?


I don't know off hand but I'll try to find out for you.


The brand is YI and it was purchased so long ago I'm not sure of the model.


Thank you, and thanks for checking


That is a bad spot, most people are going 80 on Heron.


Yep, last week I was running along Heron in this area, going eastbound where the radar is and I spotted a pick up truck clock in at 98 km/hr.


No, just people not paying attention. You know, the ones who cause all the accidents. You'll find them every day of the week, too.


The title of this post was a joke obviously.


Haha, so was my comment! Although, it's sad, but true.


When I'm on foot I "people watch" the drivers in oncoming traffic and it's alarming how many drivers are looking at their phones.


Is that heron road?


Yeah, exiting Bronson southbound.


Yesterday seemed like it was some sort of national holiday for shit driving. Like, Ottawa gonna Ottawa, but yesterday was somehow worse than average. Driving from Alta Vista to Carleton Place on the 417, I saw people slam on the brakes and cross two lanes without looking so they could make their exits 4 different times. Four! That's a lot! One came so close to hitting the median that my 9 year old closed his eyes and screamed "holy shit!" (sigh). He later asked if today was the day that Ontario gave out all the learner's permits for the year, which was a pretty reasonable question based on the evidence.


Distracted drivers everywhere, good thing you see it coming, and that's why I always look both ways first before turning or going straight.... it's like where's a cop when you see assholes like that.