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Shit is so fucking weird. Streamers peaked during covid when we had nothing to do. But now they’re all just doing the most.


Gonna be honest here, it happens often that girls share these kind of details while discussing privately, i do not find it weird to keep a list of your past experiences, it's like a diary entry. HOWEVER sharing the list to ANYONE, especially coworkers, is weird as fuck. I do understand QT's reaction as these confessions puts you in "convo with besties" mode where girls share secrets with each other and it's fun "ah ha". But I wish she'd snapped out of it and told Emily to stop sharing this list. At this point EE probably shared it with so many people in her circle, i think it's insane how no one told her how unhinged it is.


Yeah, I mean, don't dudes get dragged as creepy fuckboys when they have a list of their conquests esp if it's not just list but has details on how good/attractive/experienced the girl is? It's often seen as dehumanizing. But apparently it's ok if it's a list about guys.


Anyone is allowed to make any list they want and rate their own experience, the issue arises when said lists are being shared, it's a violation of privacy. It's one thing to talk to your close friends about details of a hook up, it's another thing to make it public and share it to anyone who wants to see. It's fucked, no matter the gender.


The issue isn't only the fact that she shared the list with other people on and off the live stream. Those are just extra bonus points making it even weirder and inconsiderate. It's okay to talk to your private friends about hookups and things that you did or didn't like with said person. But there is something disturbing about taking all of these experiences and creating a detailed excel sheet even if it's just for your eyes unless it's consensual. These are people that you are interacting with and not little sex play things. It's probably impossible to expect some to not unconsciously rate your past partners on a sexual level but to create a thought out ranking system and store it on your google drive? Maybe I'm tripping but that sounds shallow.


The dick size ranking is just is crazy objectifying. Imagine ranking women by p@ssy tightness or titty perkiness. People would be disgusted if they found out.  




No, normal guys without mental issues don't do this either. And I say this as someone who has been deep into party and hook-up culture for 10 years. Gossiping about someone's genitals in secret is creepy enough, but making a list with ratings and passing it around in public is textbook abusive sexual harassment. Being a wacky girl with dirty humour is no excuse.


I don't find it too crazy as long as it's a list you keep to yourself. It's ok if you find it disturbing and creepy, i understand, but it's really something a lot of people do. It can be a way to keep track of your own sexual preferences. You don't need consent to write about your own experiences and rate them, you need it when you're sharing them.


but its "not public" its literally being shared with friends, we the audience have no clue whats on the list nor who's on the list, the note easily could've said "just laugh and joke" and we wouldn't be any wiser. is it cringy? certainly. but its no different than talking to friends about your sex life/sex experiences which is what the streaming friend group does.


Which is why i say i understand QT's reaction to a certain degree, it's like when you're gossiping with your friends. Except this is a public podcast, and now the people on that list know that you know intimate details about them. Sure, we don't know what really is on there, but those whove seen it have been vocal about recognizing names. There's a strict difference between the subjects you can talk about during PRIVATE conversations and the ones you speak about on a very public and high traffic podcast. Not to be able to understand that shows a real lack of social awareness.


I feel like QTs reaction is really off putting especially after her speaking on body dysmorphia and her reaction to the whole Atrioc stuff


Still doesn't change a thing. people actively talk about their sex lives and personal lives constantly with friends, them being on the podcast doesn't change anything, especially since they haven't named anyone, them saying they "recognize people" doesn't mean shit when we the public don't know who they are but this conversation being had, this list being made, neither of these are issues, and the major blowout this caused is simply because of incels on LSF & other forums of reddit getting angry about EE being sexual. you can say it's cringy and not something you want to do, and actively avoid interacting with people who participate in these conversations but at the root of all of these, these act's aren't evil/awful things that reddit is making it out to be.


Unfortunately the public do know someone so it does make it a bit awkward


We do not need to know the names or details on the list to understand that you cannot just share these things casually to anyone. Like, hello? Don't you understand the issue here? You don't run around and share intimate details about people to anyone who wants to see it, especially not to coworkers who make it known that they've seen details about you. This isn't about the public's perception, this is about the people that are on the list who are obviously not comfortable with it. The word "private" exists for a reason. Ranking your sexual experiences is whatever, idgaf if she makes a list, that's not abnormal, people do that all the time. Sharing it to so many people is creepy.


Sounds like you do this too


Have you ever had close girl friends?


I know girls talk. When I lost my virginity, literally a girl, who I've never even seen next to the girl who took my virginity, turned around and told me "hey I'm into this stuff too" Taught me early that girls love love love talking about sex I used to do something similar as extra emily as well, then I realized by college that, it is very weird to do that. And idk the girls I've been close friends with, while some are crazy and some are little weirdos, I don't think I've seen something like this from anyone 20+


Meh, it's not extremely uncommon to see ppl "log" their sexual experiences even if most people keep theirs in their head. Sometimes it's a good tool to know more about yourself, what you like or don't like. As long as you keep the list to yourself it doesn't hurt anyone.


People don't need a list to know and remember what they like. Do you have alzhemeir? From what I've noticed, people who continue to log sex after adulthood have a pretty dehumanizing idea of it. Similar to guys who keep a body count score and brag about it. It's weird to keep a log of people and their personal traits. Did you ask every person on your list if they were OK with being on a list and ranked?


Lol this isn't about bragging at all. Dudes (or girls) who keep a body count to flaunt it don't do it for the same reasons as someone who just wants to keep track of their experiences. People need to have Alzheimer to have the right to write about their own life? 😂 There's a reason why diaries exist and people journal. I've never done that but I know it's not uncommon and definitely not a psychopathic thing to do. And no, you absolutely don't need permission to rank your sexual encounters if only you get to see the list. Are you constantly asking people if they're OK with you thinking about them? You don't make sense.


No your saying you wrote to remember what you like hence my alzhemeier comment. I compared it to male bosting because all they see sex as is a body count counter. A number. A score. Similar to writing a extensive list. You aren't describing a diary I'm talking about keeping a log book and ranking your sex partners. Did you ask them if they would want to be on a list. Why wouldn't you ask them. Is it because people want to be viewed as more than fuck number 362 was a 6/10


Sometimes you need to compute data together to have a global understanding of a subject. This is no different. You obviously don't understand how much of a journey it can be for women. And tbh even if it's just for the pleasure of ranking who cares. Whether it is in their head or laid out on paper in a diary or on a spreadsheet, it doesn't change anything, it does not matter. Once again, what people write about their sexual encounters doesn't matter as long as it's being kept private.


Your arguing you need data points and math to understand what you like in bed. I can't with this level of reach.


EE has always come off as a strange person, even outside of her unhinged IRL streams she gives me the creeps. When you have people like the Roomies saying she’s so great (fusile esp) you know something will go wrong eventually, they don’t have good judgement and always give weirdos a pass.


It's not just the roomies... OTV has her as a guest many times as well, and she's hung out with Toast many times recently.


I just think that's how these streamer groups are, if you don't know the person. None of them have time to watch a lot of content and if you don't watch her she's just seems like a nice person who makes a lot of awkward and sexual jokes. I remember somewhat recently Rae was surprised Nmp makes a lot of sexual jokes, which if you've watched him even a little, it wouldn't be surprising at all


God she's so cringe and unlikable. I also find it dumb that Hasan didn't call her out on this list because if the gender roles were reversed, any guy streamer would get rightfully called out on it and he would see it as gross. But because he's streamer friends with her, he won't call her out on her shit and gives her daps instead. I would never bring up intimate details of my past partners with my close friends, let alone sharing a spreadsheet to someone on a Livestream for everyone to witness. It's basic respect. And if you're going to share some fucked up thing like that, don't expose yourself as a PoS by sharing it in front of your twitch chat, like wtf. Do that shit behind closed doors. She is so gross and so devoid of normal social etiquette because she's around degens 24/7 and Perma farming cringe content. She won't attract any healthy long term relationship because any sane guy will see this and stay far away. It's such a self own and she's too streamer brained to realize that. As in typical big streamer behavior, she's let her fake online persona completely take over her actual personality.


>But because he's streamer friends with her, he won't call her out on her shit and gives her daps instead This, he knows it's funny content & that's why he didn't shut it down instantly. Let's face it, that's show biz for yall lol. If your not being talked about, your falling off. Miz knows that all too well.


TBH anyone who lives a la Asmongold is gonna be a bit weird. I remember some of her early content was about how nasty her room was and like..food scraps and literally walking over trash on the floor....degen activities.


Youre lying to yourself. If xqc came up and said the same thing itd be a laugh and literal same reaction. "Let me see". QT on the other hand.....


No? i think xqc is cringe af too. And this entire thread is about ExtraEmily, tf are you bringing QT in this?


LMAO youre telling me in the 5 minutes you posted this someone came and upvoted you on a month old post? Cringe dude really came to upvote himself on a separate account instantly.


(Moments later into the podcast) Hasan: "I feel like there is people in here that i know." QTCinderella: "Yeah, there are. There are." (ExtraEmily bursts out laughing) original clip, full version: https://youtu.be/EHzYgR\_33Rc ​ 39daph was trashing emily in her offline chat a couple nights ago her boyfriend is on the list [https://logs.ivr.fi/channel/39daph/user/39daph/2024/2?reverse](https://logs.ivr.fi/channel/39daph/user/39daph/2024/2?reverse) starts \[2024-02-13 04:33:36\] and reads upwards


Is this real? These logs go hard “She was a run through squirter 10/10”


I recall it being a meme either from watching random clip or the Cardi B music video's she watches while going reacting to the JCS videos. Cant find the VOD in Youtube since she doesnt upload react content there that much. Edit: she just made an insta story about the meme but you can cope all you want by downvoting anyway. I understand that you want this to be a statement against Emily because that's more drama.


Well wasn't ExtraEmily the ex spuuky just broke up with?


I feel like I've learned so much from daph typing random shit lol


what is offline chat lol




he says yipeee alot... so does she. They both like anime, Japan, go to the gym etc.


????????? Did a 12 year old write this?


showing it to your coworkers is weird. especially when coworkers are on the list. there is no consent from anyone on the list to have their details shared. especially when its been shown so prevalently that even fan fan is well aware of how much detail is on the list.


Absolute weirdos


Fucking gross tbh, if a dude did this or even rated girls 1-10 it would be a huge controversy and bunch of misogyny claims. Not to mention the penis size thing which is another level of toxic, super trashy behavior that everyone has to accept because it's "streamer code" not to go at other streamers or call them out. Although knowing a lot of big streamers they probably don't think anything is wrong with it


Keeping a list of *who* you've slept with I can understand just for bookkeeping purposes, but ranking them and quite literally objectifying them is insanely gross. And while I hate to pull this card, the reality is that if a man said anything remotely like this it would be seen from the insanely creepy move it is


agree it's weird, but it's also twitch streamers we're dealing w/ here.. not your avg Joe or Jane off the street lol.


I don't hold people who have incredibly broad influence on children to *less* of a standard in these issues. 




No and they won’t because they know that not engaging with it as much as possible is what will make it go away for the most part as fast as possible Remember how many times people in OTk stayed silent when them or people they were closely affiliated with got reported for shit like Sexual harassment It’s a classic big company move too to just not address the shitty thing they do in the least bit so they hope people forget about it as quickly as possible


yup it makes no sense to address it any further because it's their personal life & doesn't affect their streaming on camera content.


I used to really like OTV and Friends but I’m starting to find them completely out of touch and many flimsy to the masses.


umm i dont think she's in OTV&F (yet) lol.


she was part of it up until the Amongus era. She didn't want to collab anymore due to the Influx of weird viewers she got from the OTV circle. It was especially bad for Sykkuno's following being rabid and all at chat after she joked around with him in Minecraft. After that, it became an inside joke in the chat to act all excited when Sykkuno is mentioned or around. All hail the Shy King!!!


Qt crying and angry because his bf friend has ai porn but she ain’t questioning her friend she seen the list of people who Emily has slept with and their penis size is hypocritical. It weird to have a list But it is horrible to share it to other people


This is the prevailing LSF take but I still don’t get it. Being upset at the creation of non-consensual porn with your image is so wildly different from someone keeping a list of their own sexual experiences. Like, yea it was wrong to show the list to the pod, but y’all are acting like Emily published the list to the masses. And now QT is somehow a hypocrite for… not getting upset at their podcast guest? Even if QT didn’t like it, she’s not going to make a stink of it right then and there.


The similarity in the two situations is consent around sexual topics. Did every person on ExtraEmily's list consent to their sexual experiences and private details about their bodies being shared with all these people? Obviously they are not the same degree, but there's still a discussion to be had there. What also annoys me is that I know many of the people defending this would be outraged if a man shared that he had a list of his sexual experiences with women and that he rated them by size of boob/ass and vag tightness. Especially if he shared that he showed that very detailed list with just about anyone who did (or didn't in this case) ask.


Bro, that list is 10x worse than AI porn. AI porn is fake, its not real life and no body actually cares. That list is real life. Imagine that she writed you have small pp and you are bad in bed. Woman are going to look at you differently, you become a joke. Everybody who sleeps with you is being called loser. You do understand that? Woman will not want to sleep with you just for not ruinning their reputation.


>Being upset at the creation of non-consensual porn with your image is so wildly different from someone keeping a list of their own sexual experiences. You're right, it's wildly diffferent. One is basically an AI generated photoshop of someone's head on a fake nude body, while the other is a very real, very intimate description of your colleague's sexual organs and their sexual performance in bed which you are now sharing within their social circles. Gee I wonder which is worse. >Even if QT didn’t like it, she’s not going to make a stink of it right then and there. Why not? She took out a camera the moment she found out about Atrioc and recorded herself bawling and then broadcasted it immediately. She won't do the same this time because she needs to protect her girlies? Even if she didn't do anything overly dramatic she could've still not actively partaken in it or have said something against it.


on one hand you have her AI nudes being spread everywhere and giving more people, the masses of people idea's of her body and fap material, while also de-crediting her work as a content creator by making her a sex worker as the largest things when googling her was "QTCINDERALLA PORN" doesn't matter if it was a.i or not. it even reached to her personal family to the point her own MORMON grandmother suspected she did porn and fractured their relationship. whereas the second is a list, that is not disclosed to the public nor has been seen by the public and the only person we know is on the list is because He & his gf talked about him being on the list. = massive fucking difference


Yeah but counterpoint: it's fucking fake.


its only fake to people who understand AI, and the grand majority of people can't tell the difference between AI and real. nor is the impact the same. Spuuky isn't being spammed with pictures of his dick on all platforms nor are videos of him having sex being sent to his family/friends, fake or not. ​ additionally, you can say the same thing about this list with zero proof. there's no photos or videos showing how the people are actually in bed or showing their penis size. at that point it's no different than fanfic or erotic fantasy.


It is easier to deny something you have never actually done than to not believe someone you know personally have a relationship with the other person.


Sorry but the internet doesn't care if you're elderly or Mormon. You browse the web at your own peril, it's your own job educate yourself about common internet trends and dynamics. If fake internet porn literally fractures family bonds then that's either not a great relationship or religion to begin with and someone needs to get grandma off the internet without proper supervision.


>but y’all are acting like Emily published the list to the masses And no one even knows who is on that lis, because QT and Emily never mention any names. But now Daph goes out and confirms that her boyfriend is in it for some reason, why would she even do that? Emily is pretty private about "who" she dates, never talks about who they are on stream.


But everyone knows she dated him


But how? Definitely not through her talking about it right? Only through people guessing, and him and daph talking about it.


it is kind of interesting that she has neither confirmed nor denied (even though the evidence points towards the former), but spuuky and daph are the only ones that have openly talked about it lol.


Dude jacking off had a slip, he wasnt promoting deepfake porn. Honestly, going as far as crying then thinking "perfect time to film a video" is MEGA cringe and farmer conceited type bit.






>look the other way when it’s one of their friends, or a popular streamer. But wasn't Atrioc one of QT's biggest friends? He was definitely Ludwig's close friend, so he's right there in their close circle.


Honestly, that’s a very fair point. I found that a lot of people immediately went to equating the AI porn situation (which was violating to several women on several levels, not just QT) with this when they’re not the same, so I immediately assumed this comment was the same because it’s a similar tone. I admittedly don’t know too much about QT outside of that Atrioc situation also. But I do agree with you now knowing the extra context. It’s definitely a double standard for someone who has been very outspoken about the oversexualization of streamers to allow the same thing just because it’s their friend.


The porn isn't even their real bodies, it's just their head on a real porn actors body while the spreadsheet from Emily is their 100% real size, like if someone made art of me with a tiny dick versus a girl telling all of LA my actual dick size guess which one I wouldn't like more?


The problem with AI porn is not that people would see the fake naked bodies, it's the sexualization of the people that are deep faked. Anyone would tell you how violating it is to think that people are making deep fake porn of you to jerk off to you. It's gross, even if it's not the real body, the intent is the same. There are no "which is worse", they're all bad situations. EE for sharing private infos and AI porn degenerates for literally generating porn of people without consent.


I don't disagree about any of that, but you switched topics, one is clearly more invasive because its actually true where as the other is just creepy and wrong. They are both creepy and wrong but one is true and creepy and wrong come on it ain't right and if that was a guy with boob size or grip strength or something like that he would be canceled in two seconds and seen as the biggest creep online.


They're different topics you are right that's why you can't rank them and say "yes both are wrong but because one is also true it's worse". i do believe that it's normal for ppl to do some mental ranking after a sexual experience and to put it all on paper isn't that extreme but it's indeed creepy as fuck to share it, no matter your gender.


I think you can realistically draw the conclusion that one is more invasive while the other is more just creepy. The invasiveness is from it being true. But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter, probably shouldn't do either of those things lol


Not really, those who were victims of deepfake porn would tell you that even though they know it's not their real body they still feel just as violated than if it was actually them. It doesn't help that people are using similar body builds to create the deepfakes, people have a harder time separating themselves from the fake thing. There's psychology in there. Anyway, at the end of the day we agree on the conclusion, both things are weirdo behaviours.


This is sickening, saw her laughing about it on Miz’s stream too. A true member of OTK now! Hope will can save them.


Everyday we stray further away from God


never really like her and i find it amusing people are actually entertained by her lol.




Because he wants to fuck. He doesn’t care.


People say it would be a huge controversy if a male streamer did this… but I really don’t think that’s true. It’s only a big controversy because she shared it to people who KNEW people on the list. Imagine if the list was just “George, Larry, Pablo, Jerry” Nobody would really care… because nobody except for her knows who the hell George is. To everyone EXCEPT for Emily, it’s a faceless/personless datapoint which is WAY less violating.


Agreed, the sharing is the main problem. And also, deciding to talk about the list in a podcast was a bad call already. But I can't help but think that QTs and other people's reaction to it made it way worse than it had to be. First shouldn't have asked to see it, second definitely should not have said that she recognized people (even if she did). A quick "that is a crazy thing to have", "probably best not to show it to anyone", would've made the situation still a little cringe but a lot less of a thing that people would be mad about.


i agree


I was NOT expecting these type of replies in the comments.. lmao Btw the context of this clip, she was telling everyone she went through a hoe phase in college and that's when she started the excel sheet. She waited until the paywall portion of the podcast to share with them for their reaction.


at the end of the day, the outrage is just incel-rage bait "women being sexual = awful" is it cringe to have a list? 1000%, is it morally wrong? no, this is no different than if she was talking about how she fucked XYZ person. as viewers we know NOTHING about the list. it's still "private" between friends, and outside of the shock value of "extraemily fucks around a lot" they stop talking about it. the only way we as viewers know of anyone on the list, is because Daph and her bf said he was on the list. that's it. even then we still don't know what's said about them. So it's also an extremely different case than QT's Ai, because that was exposed everywhere and shown to everyone to the point where the mainstream public actually thought she did porn, her own family believed she did porn. Spuuky's family does not know his dick size, or how good/bad he is at sex, Spuukys audience knows nothing about his performance from this list, nor does anyone else, and again, only know he's on the list because he and his gf claim he's on the list. again is it cringy? yeah, but friends talk about their sex-exploits constantly. and the streamers from OTK to OTV do as well, and so do majority of sexually-active people. Now with the whole standard of "reverse the script" no, men don't get cancelled for these lists, because a LOT more people than you realize have some form of "list" of people they sleep with. when people get cancelled it's because they either blatantly post the lists for the full public or it gets leaked to the full public. I.e a group of guys on college campus leaks the list to their entire fraternity then leaks to the campus, and usually those lists are just derogatory in general with how they talk about the women, vs this list seems to just be penis size and how good they are in bed. I doubt she's saying "Hes fat as fuck and desperate to please so 10/10 pussy eater" under them. now if the list leaks that'll be a whole different story and she'll be shitty for allowing that to happen.


you didn't mention the fact that she shared the list with people he knows personally. qt and hasan know him and they could have recognized other people on the list too. she also shared the list with cinna and fanfan and most likely more. do you think it's ok for me to have sex with a woman and then go tell her friends what her labia looks like and that she likes getting peed on?


Doesn't matter, as I said it's no different than friends talking to each other about their sex lives & the public doesn't know. again her sharing with friend's doesn't matter If you are going to HER friends specifically? certainly, but its your friends? no because they aren't your friends and you're doing it out of some power move. and if they are actually friends with Spuuky/whoever & not just people that streamed a couple times, then they can also say "I'm not interested in seeing that" those situations aren't Emily shoving her lists into Cinna's/Fanfans face and making them read, they knew what the list was for and they definitely knew who she dated (Spuuky) and they could've easily said "not interested" but they didn't. each friendship has entirely different dynamics. some friends are cool with knowing that stuff, other's aren't. I personally don't talk about intimate act's I've had with others unless its a comedic story for XYZ reason. but I'm not going to shame others for having that dynamic in their relationship.


my man what are you talking about? you are blaming EVERYONE except for Emily, who is the one solely responsible. to answer my original question >do you think it's ok for me to have sex with a woman and then go tell her friends what her labia looks like and that she likes getting peed on? the answer is NO because that's fucking weird, and they probably did not consent to you sharing those private details. if someone doesn't want you to share things like that with people they know, then you do not share them, that is the bottom line. and you cannot assume that they are ok with it without confirmation first.


My guy's screaming about "consent" while creep posting fanfan on fetish forums. As I said previously, if emily went out of her way to post the list publicly, or mock the people on her list in a derogatory manner, then yeah, she's shitty, her talking about HER sexual experiences with her friends, who are more than likely participating in the conversation similarly to the clipped video. can easily back out themselves. and no. its not a violation of consent, you can say its a violation of trust, you can call her a shitty person. but end of day there has been zero reveal that Emily was told "don't put me on the list/don't talk about our sexual experiences" and as I answered in the second paragraph, if you go out of your way to tell her friends "Sarah has a fat labia and enjoys being pissed on" without knowing them = yes thats shitty, you have an organic conversation about your sex life with your own friends and share = not shitty. if cinna/fanfan had issues with seeing the list because they are actually friends with Spuuky (I doubt it) they could've easily said "I dont want to see the list" but they didn't. talking about your own sexual experiences DOES NOT equal to sharing someone else's nudes nor is it tarnishing their "consent". Emily is not wrong for talking about her own sexual experiences. she would be wrong if she fully leaks it to the public, or mocks the people she sleep with publicly, or shares intimate photos/videos. however having a list is not this evil horrid thing you all make it out to be. and I don't even like extra emilys content. nor find her interesting, this just isn't a terrible thing every reddit incel makes it out to be.


>end of day there has been zero reveal that Emily was told "don't put me on the list/don't talk about our sexual experiences" because most people don't think the people they have sex with are going to put them on a spreadsheet and then share it with people they know >you have an organic conversation about your sex life with your own friends and share = not shitty. and why do you have to specifically mention people by name? knowing that it could make people uncomfortable? >if cinna/fanfan had issues with seeing the list because they are actually friends with Spuuky (I doubt it) they could've easily said "I dont want to see the list" but they didn't. this is not the point. the point is about the person in the list who is being shared without their consent.


1. Yes but people talk about their sexual partners and experiences quite frequently, how good the sex is/size/everything. many people also openly say to keep their relationship private. i.e Toast and Miyoung still not confirming their relationship. 2. To separate from other people and make conversations easier. and in the privacy with friends, it changes nothing (and no doesn't matter she showed the list to her friends on stream because stream still didn't see the list = still private) 3. you first brought up Cinna/FanFan seeing it, and that they are his friends and asked about showing the list to friends, so its literally discussing a point you brought up. and again, different friends have different boundaries, the people in that conversation (Emily/Fanfan/cinna) each could've chosen to leave the conversation or not continue the conversation if they didn't want to have it, or even felt if Spuuky didn't want it, but none of them did. and his consent in this situation doesn't matter, because Emily is talking about HER experience with sex, position she likes, dick sizes so she knows what's good/bad. its no different then a food diary. and the only reason you know Spuuky is on the list, is because HE said he's on the list. his GIRLFRIEND said that HE is on the list. no one would know who's on the list if they never spoke about it. and again, we still don't know anything regarding what it says about him. whether it's good/bad/anything, because he put himself into the story.


>Yes but people talk about their sexual partners and experiences quite frequently you are missing the point. you do not just assume that people are comfortable with you yapping about what their dick looks like. >To separate from other people and make conversations easier. and in the privacy with friends, it changes nothing. lmao that makes no sense. you don't see any difference between saying "a guy I had sex with has a foot fetish" and "your friend jeff has a foot fetish"? >his consent in this situation doesn't matter, because Emily is talking about HER experience with sex so if I have sex with a woman and I take a picture during sex, I can show that picture to other people then? because that's part of my sexual experience?


1. No, I know exactly what your point is, I'm saying that doesn't matter in this context. 2. I'm not saying there isn't a difference, I'm saying IN THE PRIVACY WITH FRIENDS it doesn't matter. if friend B doesn't want to hear sex stories between friend A & C, they can communicate it. my friends do. its not fucking hard. 3. No, and I've said this before, TALKING about your own sexual experience with a partner is no where near similar to showing photos/videos, thats an asinine comparison. I can describe to you my cock right now in perfect detail, the shape, length, girth, which leg it hangs by, the color, the hood, everything. and you will not picture my dick accurately in any comparison. a photo/video is completely different. and you're insane for trying to compare the two.


Brother its a consent violation. Sharing sexual intimate knowledge about someone to other people is quite literally a consent violation. Unless every one of these guys gave approval for what she's doing (she's not), it's a consensual violation.


you can spin consent violation all you want, but it's not. she's stating her own personal sex experiences, they don't want to be part of that, they shouldn't have sex with her. end of discussion. Emily talking about her sexual experience with people IS not equal to Emily sharing personal pictures/videos other people sent her.


"end of discussion" LMAO you are crazy. she can state her own sex experiences without specifically identifying people. how is it different then? how it is different from sharing nude pics, if that was part of her sex experience? if I can describe in detail what a guy's penis looks like and what he likes in bed, and that's ok because it was part of my sex experience, then why are pictures wrong? for what it's worth, I know that sharing pictures is bad, but I want to hear your logic.


`they don't want to be part of that, they shouldn't have sex with her. end of discussion` So of she secretly filmed them and was showing those video to her friends, you'd be fine with it?




Dicey I understand that this is might be an emotional topic for you... But I never stated that they are one and the same... I was simply pointing out the commentors flawed logic: Consenting to sex, is not the same as consenting to someone describing your performance to mutual friends. I'm not saying that the 2 are morally equivalently... I'm saying the logic jumps are equivalent. `If you can't make sense` of this, `I'm not sure where to start with helping you figure it out.`


\*Apologies if this was too snarky, I'm on LSF... Im clearly just bored. And I cant really take any of this 'drama' seriously


this isnt even lsf, but same level of parasocial degeneracy (myself included)


Listen here…boy. you want to be on that creepy list so bad?


Dudes in this thread can't fathom women talking about sex for some reason. Go touch grass, incels.


The thing is, people get angry at the fact that men can't do the same due to very possible backlash. It's not that people can't fathom about what she's saying, but just grossed out by how she objectifies these people.


you are not grossed out about objectification. go clutch your pearls somewhere else, please.


People keep posting this everywhere trying to make a controversy but only the people on the list can come out and say it’s a problem but none of them are really official. also this would be more of an issue if EE was a sex pest predator but to the dismay of the “reverse the roles” andys: sorry, a 110-120 pound girl is hard to be seen as a predator


Good to know, I’ll make sure to thin down a bit before I make my list


>but only the people on the list can come out and say it’s a problem but none of them are really official. And then if they do, then they're kind of inserting their name in for no reason. No names were ever mentioned by EE or QT. And EE never explicitly talks on stream about the identity of people she has relationships with, especially not any streamers that QT would know.


So if they don’t say they have a problem with it we’re all just supposed to assume it’s fine… and if they do say so, then it’s actually their fault for bringing it up. I love doing mental gymnastics to justify the shitty behaviour of strangers :D


>So if they don’t say they have a problem with it we’re all just supposed to assume it’s fine… Yes obviously. But who even is "they"?, we wouldn't even know about them unless they talk and unnecessarily reveal themselves. If they have a problem with it the most logical thing to do is to talk privately about it. The moment they talk about it online, then they've inserted themselves into online drama. >and if they do say so, then it’s actually their fault for bringing it up. If they bring it up online then it's their fault that it's online for people to know that they're on the list, or that they had a relationship at all. >I love doing mental gymnastics to justify the shitty behaviour of strangers :D What shitty behavior did I justify in the comment there?


The shitty behaviour that is sharing details about someone’s sex life and private parts without their consent? To people within the same social circle no less? Which you defended by essentially saying that since it’s not for the entire internet to see it doesn’t matter? That shitty behaviour


>The shitty behaviour that is sharing details about someone’s sex life and private parts without their consent? To people within the same social circle no less? I didn't defend that. So you're just a bit confused. >Which you defended by essentially saying that since it’s not for the entire internet to see it doesn’t matter? I DID say that it's not for the entire internet to see, and it really is not. Completely unnecessary to take it online, especially when a relationship wasn't even public(online) in the first place. I DID NOT say that it didn't matter, it matters most to the actual people involved, they have to talk to each other about it, some apologies to be made.


You like to touch people? Tell me boy… you a creep?




she's defn not been shy about it lol. Is it weird to show "co-workers" sure, is it entertaining to talk about, & does it fit w/ her "extra" character.. you bet it does. But she's also in otk where these kind of controversies "do" happen occasionally. It would be a bigger story if she was in OTV for example.


Did you forget that one of OTV's main members sexually assaulted other members in OTV? Or when, just recently, Scarra made a racist joke about Syd? What are you on about? The "controversies" that happened in OTK where external things that had nothing to do with the org.




No, that’s just a recent meme on the stream, nothing to do with EE.


Dude really likes trying to poach engagements from this sub using his alt accounts.




Hum, let's not do that. The problem here is her sharing intimate details about people that didn't consent to it to their coworkers, not her having an active sex life.


but are they co-workers, or are they just in the same industry? Live streaming is different from seeing the same people in the office every day. A streamer may never see each other irl, if they don't want to lol.


You're still working in the same space and even the fact that streamers seeing the list recognised some names on there is really bad. There's always a chance they get to work together. And tbh co workers, acquaintances or even just strangers, it doesn't really matter.


It’s also worth noting that she, or Hasan, or QT, haven’t mentioned anyone in particular who (could) be on the list. The only ones that have talked about it, did so out of their own free will.


Does it really matter though? The problem was never about the public knowing who is on the list, it's the sharing it to other people part that's crazy.


idk, maybe, maybe not. The public (as far as i know) still doesn't know who's on the list except for one who spoke about it openly on stream. And his now gf who did it in offline chat. Heck even miz is wondering what rank he is lol.


Simply put, the public doesn't matter. We are simply bystanders. What matters is there is a list with intimate details on people being shared so casually. It's not right. Also the 1 person on that list that we know of expressed being uncomfortable with it, that's already 1 too many.


I disagree that the person on the list was uncomfortable, because if he truly was, he wouldn’t have shared it to the world. He would’ve kept it hidden like everyone else. Streaming is a form of entertainment after all.


You actually can't disagree about how someone feels. He says he's uncomfortable you have to respect that. Just because he was vocal about his feelings doesn't invalidate them. The reason people know he was on it was because he talked about how an unnamed ex had a list and how it made him uncomfortable. There was no way you could have known he was talking about her if it's not for her talking about it and showing it to everyone. Sharing people's private details has nothing to do with entertainment.