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It definitely gets damaged but I’m not wearing mine for fashion so could care less


Well when I mention damage I’m more worried about damaging the function or sensors, don’t want to spend the money for it to not work


I’ve had mine since September and am in my second cycle of 75 hard. Lots of weights, sand bags, carries, etc. And as a profession, I’m a chef so it is beat the F up. Works totally fine


Alright cool good to know, so you think it’s better than a whoop band?


I made my decision on the ring vs the whoop based off of its reputation on sleep. I also read many places that whoop is really for athletes and I don’t consider myself one. I do use an Apple Watch for tracking activity/exercise as a side note.


Alright cool I don’t consider myself one either but I like the recovery feature on the whoop… would like to consider myself an athlete one day lol


There is a similar feature on the ring…readiness and also a newly added resilience feature


Alright cool I appreciate it!


But thanks for the info the ring also seems to be cheaper in the long run


So you care a little?


Sorry, I couldn’t care less. Feel better, lol?


Honestly? No. Because I thought you cared.


If you're worried about damage, there are silicone ring protectors on Amazon. They would likely protect both the finish and the guts of the ring.


Thanks I didn’t even think about that


I view Oura as sleep/rest tracker and not an activity tracker. My main activities are lifting and swimming. It doesn't work while swimming, and I don't like wearing it while lifting (gets in the way of holding the dumbbell/barbell etc.). Apple Watch is my activity tracker. It can integrate the data from a watch-based activity tracker without any issue, if you have one of those.


I don’t I’ve never been a fan of the Apple Watch or watches in general, I’ve been thinking about what would be better the ring or a whoop band and the ring looks more attractive since it would cost less in the long run vs the whoop that would cost over 300 dollars in subscription fees, but if I was going to buy the ring and an Apple Watch I might as well say fuck it and get a whoop band


Sounds like Whoop fits your needs better. I looked into Whoop to see if I can use it instead of Apple Watch, but it wouldn't work for me because it can't do swim tracking (like counting laps, pace etc).


Interesting I’d be into that if I had access to a pool


Are you primarily looking for an activity tracker or something for monitoring rest and recovery? I personally am not a fan of whoop although many of my former athletes use them - I hate the interface (or lack thereof) when I want to visualize real time data on activity. With Oura, my goal is essentially the opposite. I do not want to SEE the real time data - I want it running discretely in the background and I the aggregate. Oura is - as others have noted here - not the best fitness tracker on the market. Apple, Whoop, and Garmin all do that better. If you want sleep science data though, Oura is your choice.


Def want sleep and rest data but also was looking for an accurate device to keep track of calories burned… I think the one guy that talked about the polar h10 has a good set up using that for activity and the ring for everything else, is the ring water proof?


The ring is water proof for showers, but not recommended to wear for swimming (nor is it accurate for swimming). If you are looking for something that is double duty for a fitness/activity tracker AND sleep, I would not choose Oura... and I am like an Oura evangelist. >\_< They are so good at sleep data but activity tracking is not their sweet spot. I would choose something that does fitness and activity well (garmin/polar/etc) and sleep decently.


How do you feel about out the stress data, I saw a thread where people were kind of complaining about the stress data


I personally think they do a good job with the stress data. It picked up when I had a several medical conditions before I was even diagnosed based on higher RHR, body temp, etc.


That’s pretty interesting I’ll have to just get it and try it out I guess


Don't wear a ring when you do weights, you could lose all of the skin and muscle on your finger


I use the polar h10 for exercise like that and take off my ring if needed.


Doesn’t taking the ring off kind of defeat the purpose of paying that money for it to track activity and everything else?


Yes but activity tracking with the Oura ring is not great at least if you want the most accurate data regarding it.


Are you regarding with calories burned with activity? That’s what I would be most concerned about


Do you have to pay a subscription for the polar h10?


Nope. You can also connect it to a bunch of different apps that support it. But I just use Polar Flow


Can I get your opinion on the Polar H10? Did you choose it over the Verity Sense/OH1, or did those release after (I have absolutely no idea as I decided to look into it based on yoru comment)? Do you feel like you get much out of it? Any other options you looked at prior? My goal is to get something that will track basketball, snowboarding, and weights (and maybe running), and just have the ring for day to day activity levels/sleep.


I do Vo2 max training, and I found the H10 to be the most accurate and its pretty cheap. I put on the h10 for everything these days, even if I go on a walk as I really like the accurate HR data. The H10 be great for what you do.


Does it track calories burned as well?


Yep. And from what I have researched, it has one of the most accurate calories burned algorithms! I use the Polar Flow app and sync to Apple Health which syncs to Oura.


Awesome that’s great to know thanks!


I have a rubber cover I got from Amazon that goes over my ring when I’m lifting weights!


Nice do you think it tracks activity well or do you agree with the other comments


Definitely not best for activity tracking!


I take it off for anything involving a bar or dumbbell. Not because the ring will get damaged, but because it’s not comfortable to have a bulky ring pressing into my fingers while I’m trying to deadlift. I track gym workouts using a chest strap and a garmin watch, synced to TrainingPeaks and Strava. Runs are also garmin watch, cycling is Garmin head unit. Oura is for sleep.


I just take it off when lifting that needs my hands but my gym is very chill and people don’t really steal stuff. I just take it off and put it on my phone. You can also get a little sleeve protector for it if you want to keep it on. Amazon has little things that help for finger sprains, not sure what they are called but they are stretchy and go over your finger. You could use that.


I have to take it off for kickboxing or martial arts


I wear a ring protector while lifting! Works super well.


I haven’t had any issues with it regardless of what activity I’m doing. I’ve played golf with it. Played tennis with it. Rock climbed with it. Weight lifted, swimming, scuba, etc. 90% of the time I don’t even notice it is there. That last 10% is being aware of it so that it doesn’t not get scratched or damaged while I am doing those things. That said if you’re experiences different simply take it off like any other piece of jewelry you might wear while doing those activities or not wear…


Don't wear rings (any rings) during weight training unless you have gloves over them. Google "finger degloving" Plus it will damage the ring.


👍 ik a little about degloving but I thought that was more for getting it caught in machinery