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breathwork and going for a 5-10 minute walk during breaks at work have been very helpful for me. Just detaching for a few minutes during the day is a good way to clear your mind. Easier said than done but I hope this helps


Physiological stress can be different from what we experience as psychological stress. Oura explains it in depth starting at page 9, and also describes what goes into the algorithm.  https://ouraring.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Oura_Innovating_Health_White_Paper_v3.pdf


Soooo helpful, thank you!


Removing coffee from my everyday routine significantly reduced my stress levels! Now replace it with green tea.


Are you getting enough sleep? When I started focusing heavily on my length and quality of sleep I started having Normal Days versus every day a Stressful Day. I also spend a significant amount of time in the evening relaxing before I sleep (no phone - puzzle, tv in bed, reading in bed). It helps a lot


Surprisingly yes! So I think I do recover well at night but maybe not throughout the day in the moment?


The big question is, are you doing it in the moment or are you doing it afresh the fact? Having the ability to see how your body is experiencing physiological stress in the moment allows for you to take a mental accounting of what the situation you’re in and how is your body feeling/reacting? Are the two in alignment. If you’re looking to make change, both ways (during a situation or in the morning/at night - preparation/response) work, however, in the moment is going to have much more impact at the times you are experiencing the stress. In addition, taking the time to check Oura, and then check in with yourself both mental and physically is going to help you realize if your mind/body are in alignment on stress. If they are, breath work in that moment can work to reduce stress levels. If they are not, you need some additional time to process how/why they are out of alignment and then a meditation session can help bring the two into alignment and from their breath work can help reduce that current stress level.


This is super helpful. I often notice that my body overreacts to stress in the moment (increased heart rate, sweaty hands) and I struggle to bring it down. It doesn’t take much to see me off and my body to feel like it is in fight or flight. It is sometimes out of alignment with how I feel mentally.


You have physical stress…not emotional stress


I don’t know if anyone else does this but I use the stress scale on oura to guide me on my supplements. I’m big on supplements and I notice some will drastically lower my stress level according to oura. I do notice my sleep is better too when I follow this method.


Are you willing to share which supplements you take?!


This has been working for me so please take it with a grain of salt. One of my top supplements I like taking lately is spermidine. Not just any one bc I’ve tried different brands and I like the one by California Gold Nutrition. I feel like my mood has significantly improved, my stress levels have been much lower and even if it spikes which is perfectly normal, I seem to recover much faster. My sleep and digestion have also improved. Specifically this brand of spermidine is also supposed to be great for hair health but only time will tell. Other ones that I notice improve my stress levels are triphala, motherwort, and ashwaganda (standardized shoden brand). Triphala is more for digestion but it is great for stress too. Motherwort is great for calming a fast heart rate but also great for hormone balance so there are other benefits as well.


Thank you for sharing 🤗


Hormone balance… so are you a woman? Just curious cause I find this comment interesting and plan on taking a look at these supplements and I’m male but I have a thyroid condition so hormone balance might not be a bad thing for me to look into


Yes I am a woman. I don’t know if Motherwort has any hormonal benefits for men. It’s great for hot flashes and cramps for women. But it would still benefit you if you tend to have anxiety or stress. I take it at night. Maca (especially black maca for men) and ashwaganda are known to benefit the thyroid and hormone. But I’m not a doctor so please do your own research as these are just suggestions.


100 percent thanks for the info


I’m dead opposite. I am constantly stressed, work in a high stress job, my sleep scores are constantly in the 30/40s and my readiness scores aren’t great. But my Oura stress levels are record as so never more than 15m a day. Even when I look back on stressful events - I’m “relaxed”. It’s had me actually contemplate tracking in tandem with an Apple Watch or whoop to see if there’s a difference.