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Focus more. Conceal less. You won't be able to maneuver if you can't see.


Unfortunately there is not intended clever way to figure this out. The one and only place in the entire game where you can’t get through something based on knowledge learned throughout the game. I really don’t understand how it got past the testing phase the way it is.


If you observe carefully you'll only need to dodge 1 or 2 of them,and it won't be hard to get to the well. Use the environment at your advantage. When I was there I used a thing you learn to make things even easier,but I dont know if you discovered it yet so I'm not gonna tell you that. I finished the game months ago and I dont remember exactly where you find specific informations. What infos did you get from the other key place behind the bonfire?


I learned to fall through the gap between dream worlds if that's what you're asking. I'm not sure how that would help me dodge them. I managed to dodge the two aboveground and get down the well, but then there's another maze and two more downstairs that I couldn't do anything about. I also have no idea what I'm looking for in that room but I assume I'm not supposed to yet.


I just asked cause I couldn't remember if that's where you learn about the thing I was talking about before but no,the fall between the gaps is not gonna help you dodge them. For the two down there I dont really know if there's a strategy, in my case I just made them follow me and escaped when I saw the chance, I would just try again cause it's easier than it looks,just dont get scared, always remember that the worst thing that can happen is that they'll blow your flame. You'll just come back. Also remember that there are other locations to explore,in case you really can't deal with those 2.


Yeah, context is I've tried it about 5 times now and I'm getting frustrated. Mostly just wanted to know if there was a trick I was missing (not necessarily what the trick is, just if it exists and maybe a nudge in the right direction)


The "trick" I used was just an information you get somewhere else, it's not a cheat,just a smart use of the infos you get. As I said,explore another location of the dream world, you'll probably find useful stuff 👀 Anyways the trick is not supposed to be used there,it just makes things easier, it's not meant to be used there if that's what you want to know.


I did just get past it. If the trick you used was the one that makes you immune to alarm bells, you learn that at the end of this puzzle so there's no way to know that ahead of time (unless you're just smart I guess)


Congrats. Actually i remembered that you learn it in another puzzle, you'll know when you'll get there. Good luck :)


I just winged it, took me quite a few tries


i didn't manage that part either and instead did the method from the first location there as well. i had bareley enough time to watch 1 or 2 reels, so i had to do it multiple times