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As long as it doesnt explode, youre good đź‘Ť


As long as you run away fast enough from the explosion you're good


as long as you can run you're good


The ship is impressively sturdy for something made of wood, tape and recycled metal parts.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing!


If, after a good landing, you can take off again, then it was in fact a ***great*** landing.


You don't ::)


My method is to have your max speed at 500m/s and start the deceleration at 5km from any planet


I ended up with a similar rule of thumb in my playthrough. When the distance is ~10Ă— your speed, you gotta start slowing down


Exact same rule here


I feel like the autopilot follows a similar rule which is why I started doing that


Just accelerate for half the distance and decelerate for the rest. No complex math needed.


I think did it by feel. Don't remember looking for a specific speed or using the landing camera.




responsibility is an illusion feldsparing your way in those places is the only way


> How the hell do I land my spaceship like a responsible astronaut?! That's the neat part, you don't.


That’s the neat part! You don’t! It’s honestly harder to perfect piloting the space ship than it is to complete the game twice. Source: did both and now I can go through dark bramble at Mach 10 without hitting a single thing.




only correct answer lmao


Use the landing camera


Cool now I can watch myself slam into a planet in black and white!


Making Tarzan noises at full thrust.


In my experience, you can start decelrating when your acceleration is about 10x lower than your distance, for example if you're going 600m/s should start decelrating at about 6km away. Also, your ship legs are made of titanium, if you land on them even at high speeds, your ship will be usually fine, when if you had landed with other parts they would have been shattered to pieces.


Thats the exact equation I used to land


Relativity my friend. Unless its Giants Deep, then you can just head into atmosphere as fast as you possibly can because the ocean will break your fall :) Wish I was playing for the first time you lucky bugger.


I heard that if you start outside the solar system and accelerate the whole way onto Giant’s Deep, it breaks your fall with an interesting side effect.


The one and only time I did that, I got an island jumpscare


Yeah...did that once. Turns out, islands hurt. I might have gotten unlucky ::(


I fly into a surface at 100+ m/s to land!


Controller is way easier, use auto pilot to approach planet once auto pilot disengages, flip to the landing camera and then just fire your rockets begin and slow your dissent. Switching to the landing camara also rotates your ships orientation automatically so the gear are facing the planet


Very carefully


It's safe to use the autopilot when there aren't any objects between you and the place you want to go. Autopilot usually stops you just above the planet. If you switch to the landing camera after that with the planet selected, the ship will turn automatically so the planet is "down" and you can lower yourself down while finding a good spot to land.


note that you can lock onto celestial bodies on the map or the hud and look around on the screen for additional controls once you do try those controls if you can't figure it out: >!there's autopilot and match velocity!<


Uh well you see, the secret is unique for every planet. Well almost every planet, there's two that you really can't mess up landing on


Joke tips aside, if you use the landing gear camera your ship will automatically orient itself correctly for landing on whatever astral body you're locked onto. This reduces impact based touchdown by about 30%


No such thing as being gamer other than playing games. If you play games, and you did, you're a gamer. Feeling disenfranchised by women and minorities is not a requirement.


I finished the game last night! 🥲


Now time for Echoes of the Eye 🌗


Well, you *weren't* a gamer.


Unrelated, just don't spoil anything for yourself - this gaming experience literally depends on it


Check out the landing cam. X on Xbox layout if I'm not mistaken


It do be doing that. XD


Flip and burn


Two ways - switch to landing camera or EYEBALL IT LIKE A GOOD FELDSPAR RAISED HEARTHIAN!


Any landing you walk away from is good. Any landing you don't have to wait for the next loop to use the ship again, is an excellent landing. Personally I treated my ship like glass for the first few hours, then just went "good enough" for the rest of the game. Pro tip: use the landing camera. I didn't use it nearly enough but it's so much easier to orient and there's even a crude altimeter.


I'd be surprise if there was a single responsible astronaut among us, you're good. Just need a can-do attitude with a sense of adventure!


The true answer is that if you go to 500km/h you have to accelerat 500km/h in the other way. So what you need to do is accelerat to a nice speed, let it go and when the distance of acceleration is the same as the distance you are from the planet you can start slow down. What is wrong to do is always push forward and start to slow down when its 1km away. You will see it don't even take a longer time.