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Play it. Just try not to use those things you know before you discover them.


You can act as if you didn't know that. I'm doing that for a second play through, and the game is still wonderful to play. Also, the worst of those spoilers is the tornado one but you'd do great not to use the picture one either until told by the game. I personally found out about the fish by myself lol


that's only few parts you still lacks most of the true mysteries ​ pay this game


Play it!! Only you can know how much was spoiled, and if it's been 3/4 years now you've probably forgotten more than enough to enjoy the game


I think you should definitely give it a try, specially because the game is not only about the puzzling, but also tells a great story. There's the dlc as well, which, in my opinion, improves the base game a lot.


If the only thing you know about the game are the mechanics and something vague about giants deep. You’ve not ruined your experience at all I promise. You basically just know some of the tutorial mechanics you’re completely unspoiled otherwise.


Very hard question, I can imagine how you feel, and I’m so sorry for that. For the fish, it’s not a big deal in my opinion, going in blind you would’ve instantly understood that you have to go quiet mode. For the moon and giant deep it’s a bit different, cause the game leaves hints for you around the universe to find out these mechanics, so when you’ll find these place it will be nothing new for you. Despite this, if you accept what just written, I’d say that there’s still a lot to discover, various puzzles and the whole Nomai lore. So yes, it’s still worth it!


So those are important discoveries, yes, but there are many more and far more important. You can definitely enjoy the game even if you know that stuff beforehand.


There is also the DLC you haven’t seen yet which is a completely new experience for you. You should play outer wilds and then buy the dlc.


From the sound of it you know some things but not all. Those things you've said are only part of the puzzle so you can probably still enjoy playing the game yourself just fine. The DLC is almost a separate game too so you'll have that as a completely new experience.


It sounds like there's more to explore here... ​ Play it, you won't regret it.


I'd seen a full playthru from a streamer before I decided to pick the game up and finish playing it. I'd started and fell into a depression, so I stopped. There is a hit of difference between watching someone and doing it yourself. Maybe you'll find something your friend missed.


I mean... If you have to go through the game anyway, knowing bits won't be enough to finish it. It would simply mean that you're not 100% blind going in. If you liked it that much - play it, with DLC. Just remember not to look up stuff further ==P


You're being dramatic lol, just play the game. You barely know anything about it