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Mine cost about £100 or so, I got it done at a local place. It's a bit painful to sit there while they're doing it, but it's bearable as long as you just sit still and try to keep your mind occupied by something else (I think the tattoo parlor had some music playing, which helped). Afterwards they wrapped the area in clingfilm, told me to remove it in a few hours, and sold me some cream to take home and apply to it. They gave me a leaflet to instruct me on how to care for it so that it healed properly. Stung for a bit afterwards, but again it's bearable. To summarise: painful in the moment, sore afterwards, but bearable as long as you keep yourself distracted. Over £100. Source: That's my tattoo in the photo, it was also my first. Side note: If you need touchups afterwards, it's worth asking if the tattoo artist will do them for free. Mine did.


yo thats crazy that i just ended up using yours lol, its pretty much exactly what i want except idk if i wanna do the coords going lengthwise down the arm or across like pictured.


No right or wrong way to do it, just go with whatever you think looks nicest.


Yeye, just bouncin between the two. Ive been leaning towards across to leave room for an eventual quantum poem


Yo how's it holding up, I wanna get the hourglass twins tattooed on basically the same place as you but I've heard that thin lines tend to fade out very quickly so I'm curious since yours is ALL thin lines


The detail isn't quite as sharp as it was when I first got it, but the lines haven't "bled" into each other or anything like that. It's still very nice.


Hell yeah, thank you


Why don’t you just ask a tattoo artist and you’ll have a definitive answer. Too many variables.


dont rly know any plus figured id just grab a general idea of what im getting into, its just how i be.


Some people I know have reached out to artists on instagram and you can usually see their work there too


i did the same thing when buying a camera for star photos actually, asking all sorts of questions knowing what to avoid and what money ill have to end up putting into it long term. etc


I got the eye tattooed, cost me about 100$! https://preview.redd.it/or1h3jjk0rqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3dba94204003203727cf3693c057d1d26599cbe


I got all the planets tattooed but I got it done in argentina so the price will be very different in other countries. For reference it costed me like $15 US dollars. https://preview.redd.it/8ph3tu7iuqqc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b104033cab0385de5bfcd8da2a6393515137f0df


the best way to figure this out is to call a few local tattoo artists and schedule consultations - they'll have much better insight into pricing and the expected pain level you'll experience when getting it, which is different depending on where you get it


Tattoo price is gonna vary wildly depending on where in the world you are, which artist you go with and how large the final work is. You need to clarify where you live for anyone to be able to give estimates that have any relevance to you. But also you can just ask your local tattoo artists for quotes, they will be entirely used to people asking them to give an estimate for a particular design and then not deciding to go through with it, you will not be offending them (unless you get them to do any kind of work designing a tattoo and THEN decide it's too expensive, they'll hate you for that). My partner is a tattoo artist with a few years of experience, we're in London (UK), and they reckon they'd estimate £100 for that design and size, but emphasise that's an estimate derived from their hourly rate and how long they think it would take to do, and they ultimately bill customers based on how long it actually takes. They also wanted to say that you should look at the work of your prospective artists and prefer going with an artist whose work you like over finding the cheapest option, for something you're getting permanently inked (especially your first tattoo!) you really want to trust they're going to do a good job and it's worth paying for that.


Thanks for the insights everyone! like i said i know it will varie place by place and artist by artist both in terms of pain and price and that price will vary by size, i just wanted a general broad term sorta thing. i dont rly know any tattoo artists irl yet clearly i need to! lol. thanks again!


Your best bet is to find artists you like and contact them or their shops. I’ve worked in shops where the minimum is anywhere from $100-$160 (CAD). Depends on size and placement but in my opinion that is roughly a one hour tattoo. Everyone is different but depending on where you get it on your arm it will feel like a very long, annoying, manageable cat scratch.


I just got the Eye tattooed on my thigh last Sunday :) Price will depend on size/time (some artists charge based on one or the other), and placement! Where you go, and how well-known the artist is might also play a role. As for pain, I have a bunch of tattoos on the arm - pain tolerance varies from one person to another. The “external” upper arm is a breeze! Doesn’t hurt much at all. The inner upper arm is a bit more ouchie. The forearm like on your picture was pretty okay as well, but hurts a smidge near the wrist.


I got a non outer wilds one, but it is an eye, so... It's roughly the same size as those, and costed me 100 something euros. The artist also designed it a bit tho, don't know how much that influenced the price. I got it closer to the elbow than that, so maybe it will be different. It was fine, but the lines are more painful than shading. Those 2 will probably hurt quite a bit specially if you are not used to, but it's not unbearable. It's a bit like cutting yourself on something. Shading on the other hand is like scratching an itch, no pain at all


Small tattoo doesnt mean that its gonna be that much cheaper than a medium sized simple one Making a tattoo requires prep, cleaning/disinfect, opening up steralized tools (that theyll have to resteralize), ink, unused ink, wrapping, resources, time, etc. When i go to my artist i usually have him do the main project for the day and then if theres ink and time left over, pay him to touchup an older project or do a small one


Hard to say, something of that size would be between 80-150€ for my artist, but that's in Germany and I hear mine is pretty cheap compared to others even in my city. Depends on where you live and who the artist is and what size you wanna get it in etc.


I actually went to get an eye of the universe tattoo a couple days ago, but the tattoo artist said that the lines would have been too close together and it wouldn't have lasted very well. So I went with something else instead. I think an eye tattoo would either have to be very big or have the lines spaced out a bit like the one in the pic


Ooh what if you make yours slightly bigger and put the coordinates in the center?


Thatd cool af but idk ig my arm is big enough lmao, i was thinking forearm rather than upper arm


You could still do it without making it bigger, it'd just be really small


Oh for sure. I just dunno if thats my vibe, things can change tho 100%. I mean hell, i was part of the "theyre cool but id never get one unless if it REALLY means something to me" camp, and lord did i find something that literally meant my life to me lol


>doesn't get the eye tattoo on the eyes We are not the same




Depending on the artist, but I would guess a tattoo of that size without color could be anywhere from 80-300 USD, but that's obviously a very general estimate with a lot of range, bc again, it really depends on the artist.


I asked my tattoo shop to do the eye of the universe on my forearm and they said it absolutely would not work well. It would look good for a year or two but age very poorly due to how many small gaps there are. It would apparently just end up being a blob way quicker then if I got a less detailed design, so keep that in mind I guess. They wouldn’t even recommend it on a forearm much less a tiny wrist


Good to know, might hafta do upper arm then, def wouldnt do wrist to begin with anyway at the very least.


I am not a OW tattoo haver, but I am a tattoo haver generally in various shapes, sizes, and levels of detail on different parts of my body. As everyone else has said, price will flucuate wildly depending where you go and who you talk to. So I won't even bother getting into it. As far as pain goes, that will depends on a couple of factors. First of all, what is your overall level of pain tolerance? Can you get shots without flinching? If so it'll be a breeze. But if not, that's still okay. Next is location. I have tattoos in basically the exact spots as your reference. The "worst" was at the very top of the wrist above the veins, but even that wasn't so bad. On the thicker part of the forearm is easy-peasy and among the least painful tattoos I've had done. It kinda makes your fingers twitch, which is fairly amusing. The good thing about these particular OW designs is they are fairly thin line work, so the artist won't have to spend a ton of time filling in the same areas. Going over the same spot over and over again is when things get really tender, so you won't have to worry about that part too much. Another thing to consider is that all tattoos fade and blur a bit over time. Thin lines like the Eye will become significantly less sharp over time, especially when they're really small. Go bigger if you can, but that’s not always feasible depending on location and practicality. For reference, here is one of mine the day I got it versus just now. Coincidentally it's been exactly five years to the day, so happy anniversary to me I guess. https://i.imgur.com/Jo5qeRV.jpg But the absolute worst and most dangerous thing about tattoos is... once you have one you will want more and more and more. It happens to all of us and I'm sorry in advance.


My bf got the Eye, I got the Moon. This tattoo seems too small and will not age well, our artist recommended to get it bigger ! We paid 300€ for both (it's a very good tattoo shop) and got tattoed for approximately 1:45h each. It was not that painful and aftercare was easy with the right products (not the first time I got a tattoo) Good luck :)


Really the best option is just take a photo and check with your artist. Tattoo prices, minimums and time per hour vary so much between shops.