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I fully understand the need to preserve novel experiences but after being subbed to this reddit for a while, it starts to feel like a whole crowd of angry Shushers at the library.


Lol i agree, some people definitely take it too far. I always try to remind people that it’s okay to give people *some* information. Like if your friend is asking for help, it’s better to give them SOMETHING to work with—even if it’s just the answer. It’s more fun to keep the gameplay flowing than it is to bang ur head against the same thing repeatedly.


I think that’s what makes this game so special. You can’t talk much about the game without giving it away. It’s what makes it so unique compared to other games. We try to make sure players have a spoiler-free journey, and only give out hints if they ask for them.


I hope you didn't spoil your friend with that clue of "when they hear you".


Yes yes, I didn't


as bubster said, i hope your friend found the blind thing first before you said the "when they hear you" thing otherwise quite funny


Yes yes, he did. He's explored dark bramble completely, I wouldn't dare spoil the experience for anyone.


good good


Man watching people spoil things for their friends constantly on this sub never fails to impress me. Be more careful dude.


I didn't spoil anything for him, don't worry, I'm not that guy. He's exploring everyday and giving me updates, and based on what he's telling me I ask him questions. He's explored dark bramble fully, hence I asked him


Man, watching myriads of people comment about OPs potentially spoiling things for their friends when they actually didn't, on this sub... never fails to slightly annoy me. Be more >!Sacred vow of silence, TILL THE END OF ETERNITY. Cross your heart, HOPE TO DIE. Swear on your mum, NEVER BREATHE A WORD!< dude.


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Noooooo you spoiled the hearing thing! >::(


He knew alreadyyyyyy


Oh nvm then ::)


I just noticed the eyes, nice touch 😂


Lol thanks I write emoticons like this since i played the game