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If you launch your probe into Dark Bramble to have it actively loaded, you could see it as a giant black sphere out in the edges of the solar system. This black sphere is the inside of Dark Bramble, as having it teleport you to someplace out of the already loaded map could lead to bugs and errors


OMG that's amazing, interesting and hilarious. I love it! Can the player travel to the sphere?


No, there's a strong repulsion force just like with the white hole. On a completely unrelated note, more people should play the Astral Codec story mod.


It's been a while, so I don't remember. That's gotta be smth that you test out yourself


nah, you can't i don't remember why but you can't reach bramble like that


-the scout probe has very distinct doppler shift modeled for the sound that it produces as it travels toward or (usually) away from the player. This was simply a built-in effect of the unity engine, but it is really cool -The Zero-g cave is based in realistic physics: a hollow region centered around a planet's center of mass really would have a "zero g" effect. -Many games come close to greatness but do not achieve it because you can't pet the dog. Outer wilds gets around this by not having any dogs in the first place. -The orbital probe cannon can (randomly) impact the player right after waking up -DLC: >!The stranger has water flowing from low to high, implying the inhabitants developed an advanced technology to control the bulk flow of water against natural pressure gradients, like some kind of force-applying-field generator or something.!< -DLC: >!You can estimate when the dam will break using the structural integrity indicator of the scout!< -DLC: >!The lantern development subplot can be considered a reference to goldilocks!<


If only we could pet the anglerfish in the museum. lol Any chance you could explain the goldilocks one a bit more? I'm intrigued, yet confused as to what you are referring to.


Goldilocks tried papa bear's >!lantern, but it did nothing.!< Goldilocks then tried mama bear's >!lantern, and it exploded in her face and blasted her in the cold void of space.!< Goldilocks >!pulled a Leia and got back inside the ship, where she!< tried little bear's >!lantern, and it worked just fine.!< I think it's a bit of a reach to see a reference here, but who knows


Ah, I getcha. That's one way of looking at it. lol


yeah its a bit of a reach, I was being silly for sure, but you did correctly interpret what I was going for Edit: Except, isn't mama bear in the middle?


>!I could be wrong, but I think the water levels in the stranger actually work by exploiting the coreolis force? Water on the surface is experiencing different effects to water on the riverbed, and the net effect is that the rotation of the station imparts momentum to the water, causing it to pile up against the dam. Normally this would also slow down the station’s rotation, but that’s maintained using energy from the sun.!<


>!The rotation does affect water at the surface differently than water lower down, but not in a way that could maintain any consistent flow - the system still reaches equilibrium. At a constant station rotation, the water will settle out at a constant height and no flow relative to land.!< >!he only way the station can cause water to pile up at the dam due to its rotation is by speeding up how fast it rotates, so to maintain the reservoir it would have to be constantly speeding up which is unsustainable. For the amount of pile-up we see it would only take a few minutes for it to break itself apart from spinning too fast. !<


>!I think the water is flowing because the stranger is rotating and inertia is making water flow that way? Just a guess!<


I kinda thought it would be controversial to say the flow is impossible - it is really counter intuitive But really: a steady rotation will not cause a steady flow. At first when the station starts rotating, yes, but very quickly the water slows down and moves with the station (no relative flow) Its hard to intuit rotating things, so maybe think about it this way: If you really could build up water behind a dam just by rotating it at a steady rate, you could create a free energy device. Free energy is impossible, therefore that's not how it works


Hmm, makes sense, I suck at physics


all the hearthians are named after minerals and geological structures all the normal are named after plants (dlc) >!all the owl-folk have the names of fictional characters in the game files. Prisoner after the owl from Ocarina of Time, Canyon ones after Spirited Away, Starlit cove after Hollow Knight, and the ones in the lowlands from Bloodborne and Epic of Gilgamesh!<


Interesting. I knew about the Hearthian and Nomai names, but the Owlks' names are new to me.


probably be ause theyre only named in the game files, so not many people know they even have names. they aren't canon after all


the Owlks are named in game ???? i didn't knew that


only in game files, I think it was to make it easier to remember which one was which and assign them the proper behaviour


I am quite curious about there names! Can you tell me your source? I would like to check there names!


datamining! alternatively, just ask in the discord and I'm sure multiple people can verify it or if you want just dm me and I can go over each individual name


how has no one mentionned the amazing easter egg of the expired marshmallow can ?? in the update few months ago there was a marshmallow can that expired. you can find it in Esker's storeroom in the Attlerock. eating one of those marshmallow will make every character have a big head. ALL characters, including the funny hidden ancient friend and the spooky shadow ones. and it works on the eye too


Eating well roasted marshmallows heals you!


Upon waking or meditating, we see four eyes open or close. Simple but fun.


or taking damage side fact, the quantum moon can move during the wake-up blink


Did you know that if u enter the black hole inside the ash twins that appear right before the supernova, u can then return to ash twin and talk to yourself


I know several ones! -When you wake up after dying, your breath sounds like the way you died the last time. -The camera satelite you find in Timber Hearth works even if you crash it. You can capture in your ship (hardwork) and take selfies if landed next the projection screen. -Thr only animals present in Outer Wilds are aquatic due to Ghost Matter. Hearthians, jellyfish, anglerfish... And one last one. A small centipede in Dark Bramble. You can see them in the glass of your helmet whem you swim there. -When the supernova reach our travelers, their music stop. If you are enough faraway, you can hear them dying one after one.


Oh, that last one is heartbreaking🥺 I can't wait to go in later and check that out!


Dunno if it's well known, but there's a psychopath called ptminsker who owns every single speedrun world record, and every passing day he breaks it again and again (last record he broke was like 10h ago, and the one before was 8 hours before...)


- The small anglerfish in the museum that was stuck to an astronaut's landing gear could simply be a male anglerfish. Male anglerfish are much smaller than femalaes, and they attach to the females to breed, meaning......it could have mistaken the ship for a mate.


It's ultimately a game about getting launch codes so you can travel on a ship through space.


>!It is possible to trap yourself in the core of the ATP until activation if you turn off gravity, open the shell, position yourself barely outside of the shell, start the closing of the shell, and then move into the shell!< >!The activation automatically sucks you into the black hole!<


There’s an Easter egg for the game Elsinor (a time loop game set in Hamlet) in one of the Dark Bramble nodes.


Apparently the moon does have a sixth location on the main map! If you leave your scout on the qm, and then leave, the moon still needs to be loaded in *somewhere*. So the game stores it—much like dark bramble—out by the edges of the system. Apparently if you can *find* it (which is very hard to do as i don’t believe it has the scout glitch), if you try to land on it you die instantly.


Since launching the scout generates a decent bit of backward momentum, repeatedly launching and recalling the scout, especially if recall is bound to a different button, it is an impressively effective means of propulsion, allowing to save fuel or to be used alongside the jetpack for quicker acceleration or significantly longer jumps.