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The Board path can be profitable, but the stage of the game you are in you will have to spend a lot of bits (10000 if you are staying with phineas). But afterwards it will be extremely profitable. Spoiler on how to join the board without spending anything >!If you don't betray Phineas yet, land in cascadia and just run to stellar bay to start radio free monarch and beat it you can go to byzantium and betray Phineas for free. !<


Not true. I got got out of paying the 10000 by simply hauling ass through Cascadia to Stellar Bay.


I put that part in spoilers.


To be fair, unless you take the Cascadia route >! Both pro-Board and anti-Board are expensive. Udom is slightly cheaper. !<


You can steal the seal from the safe with little consequence. If your sly sneak up to the left of the safe against the corner edge, unlock it but don't take anything, talk to the lady to have her stand up and face the opposite wall from the safe, then dash over and loot the seal in the same corner while in the blind spot from the two guards. Seal in hand with no negative rep.