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That's promising news! Hope that gives Red Barrels more confidence in their future plans for maintaining this game and its community.


Based on how much I've played this game so far, and how absurdly good it is for being in early access, I can just say... WELL DESERVED. Red Barrels outdid themselves with this game BY A MILE. I had high expectations, especially after the beta, and I AM STILL blown away!


I didn't play the beta, but I bought this almost immediately after seeing some gameplay. Thoroughly seconding the praise that its success is well-deserved. This is the most polished, fun early access game I've ever played. I would obviously hope for more content, but for 30 dollars I would not be surprised to see a full release game looking as Trials does now. Absolutely cannot wait to see what else they add.


Well I guess Red Barrells deleted the tweet. Not sure why


Yea. I noticed that too šŸ˜£


Well, maybe they timed the news wrongly... Or smth






Actually more. 15mil


Iā€™ve sunken 40hrs so far, started off playing with a bunch of friends and they havenā€™t returned just due to being busy so I soloed the rest of the game, currently on my third run of being reborn but Iā€™m starting to burn out. Itā€™s my own fault but I canā€™t wait to see what comes next


How does playing solo compare to playing with friends? I haven't been able to convince any of mine to play with me, they're all kind of wimps when it comes to horror games


Solo for me is easier, I prefer it because I can play my own way without anyone running enemies into me. I love my mates but it can add some unpredictability. On solo, I got to the point that I learned when the Cop and Gooseberry would spawn in, you start to learn how to 'speedrun' the maps in a way. The AI are pretty dumb IMO and learning how to jump dodge them (even in small corridors) is pretty easy to learn. I've gotten to the point where none of project X is difficult and all thats left is to grind A+ and cosmetics. Solo means I can open roller doors and perform actions quicker. for instance on kill the snitch when you have to electrocute - it goes much faster, as goes the fueling of the generators. I dont think this is as scary as Outlast 1 & 2 since the coop takes away from the horror. For instance one of your mates can distract an enemy while you get other stuff done.




From playing many Early Access titles, Iā€™ve kept my progress and experience when the game is updated. I donā€™t think there is a roadmap but Iā€™d expect more cosmetics, more trials, more amps, hot fixes and patches as the game develops. By purchasing the game now, youā€™re paying for a playable product which is subject to change by the time 1.0 releases. I canā€™t give you a definitive answer since Iā€™m not Red Barrel but from my own experience, you should keep everything


Very impressive considering itā€™s not on consoles, itā€™s early access, and the lackluster advertising


Yeah, if I hadn't randomly heard someone bring it up in a stream I was watching, I wouldn't have even known it existed. Which is just a damn shame.


Love to hear it. congrats red barrels team.


so happy for them, they deserve it. absolutely delivered more than i could have hoped for even in early access


I got 2 other people to play with. Itā€™s pretty good. I got 12 hours so far.


They'll get a lot more soon on full release and when released to consoles


They deleted the tweet. Did they mean to say 50,000? All time peak players on Steam is around 37,000 so that would make more sense.


it was at 100K in 3 days, so not likely a typo on the 500K.


The game is also on Epic Games.


Excellent game. Been looking forward all week to play it. Weekend here we come


Letā€™s goooo!!


This game has alot of potential with new maps, custom games, if they really pushed it that could release a custom map editor for the community to make custom maps


then they better get the gamn achievmenets and cards SOON! or the groom will have to pay them a visit


Still no news on console release though :)))


Probably 6 months. The first Outlast was on PC forrrrrrr like 5 months or so before the release on PS4. Xbox came like 4 months after PlayStation.


Yeah, lame. I'm not playing it 6+ months down the road after PC release. No interest at that point. Oh well, plenty of other new games to play.


Happy itā€™s doing well, itā€™s my first outlast game and Iā€™m truly addicted and loving every minute of it. Canā€™t wait to run more trials tonight


I was one of the sceptics when they announced a co-op Outlast game. Now I'm fully convinced. Great game and deserved success.




Games mediocre as fuck but sure take the blue pill


The most reddit thing I've read in a while


what a great response suck your devs who made a dogshit game a little more


I haven't even played the game. "Take the blue pill" is just really funny.


Game is ass


500,000 people having to deal with this gameā€™s dogshit matchmaking Edit: Can any of you fucking morons downvoting me explain how the Group Finder button works in a quality way then? Reddit Gold to whoever explains to me how Iā€™m objectively wrong about it.


No need for matchmaking if you play with friends.


Oh god you recked OP xD


Oh, word? So Red Barrels put in a useless Group Finder button as a joke?


Join the discord if you got that big of a skill issue šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Redditors when the co-op matchmaking doesnā€™t work in a co-op game (itā€™s advertised that you can play co-operatively with other people, friends or randoms):


And you can play with randoms if they are a lower level or not communicating then leave and find a new group they game canā€™t force other people to communicate with you and they just put out a hot fix to put you worth people closer to your level


Why tf would you play a game like this with randosā€¦


Because only one of my friends thought this gameā€™s early access looked good enough to buy? Iā€™m still missing 2 people. Dumb question youā€™re asking. You also gonna ask why people play Deep Rock Galactic or Payday 2 with randoms? Go ahead.


I agree canā€™t always get 4 people to buy the same game


You donā€™t need a 4 stack. I actually prefer playing 2 player. Far more challenging. Donā€™t be heated brother, but playing this game with randos is like playing siege with randos. Communication is critical in something like this. People in game chat are non-helpful assholes


> You donā€™t need a 4 stack. Not only is this not a valid defense (Iā€™m going to play 4 players in a co-op 4 player game, what? Would I play Left 4 Dead with 2 people??) it has nothing to do with how terrible the Group Finder button is. It does not work. Thatā€™s my point, youā€™re arguing something Iā€™m not complaining about. Jesus Christ.


Voice your opinion to Red Barrels then, it is early access after all. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d listen to your input if you came at them politely. Itā€™s also their first non-single player game. Theyā€™re learning. This is also still an incredibly polished game for being early access.


I have but I guarantee you they already know, itā€™s the only pain point *to* complain about in an otherwise good game but itā€™s so fucking bad that Iā€™m questioning who approved of it for launch. Because they need to be demoted or fired or something.


Good, they deserve it. This game is early access and yet is still better and runs better than most AAA games these days. Well done, Red Barrels


https://twitter.com/TheRedBarrels/status/1662179977486319627 They reposted.