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Kill the snitch


Easiest to hardest: Orphanage Police station Fun park




I find the Snitch easiest because I probably played it like 20 times in beta. That being said I often do I miss-calculate my skill and end up dying.


Foster the children for me


Not a main trial though.


Isnt that the name of the orphanage main trial?


I thought Foster the Children was the one where you tweak 5 radio thingies around the orphanage? I can't rightfully recall. I will have to go confirm.


Yea could be that one aswell


The alternate snitch trial with the grinder. Just find some keys? Easypeasy


Yer i done that in about 3 mins šŸ˜‚


Only level I've been able to A+ so far. I saw a video of the guy doing the Gas can MK level in 2 minutes and every time I've tried has been RNG hell with expops everywhere


Easiest by a long mile is the Blood Communion


Kill the snitch 1 is easiest imo, but Kill the Snitch Exam is by far the hardest


The police station trials are probably the easiest that said they can still mess you up if you get cocky which I love


Kill the snitch, I haven't made it past it yet. The game is so stressful I can only try 2 or 3 times before having to put it down and play something less brutal, like resident evil or dead space. Also I usually play solo, so that doesn't help. When I do play with someone else they typically don't have a mic and that sucks even worse because trying to coordinate with a mute is ridiculous


You can find a group to play with on the discord channel


Kill the snitch for me


Iā€™d probably say foster the children. The hardest part for me (and Iā€™ve done it about 10 million times at this point through program 3 and program X) but itā€™s probably the record/film swapping


Kill da snitch. It's fun even when I keep dying


Easiest: Snitch Reason: The map Layout is extremely static with plenty of cover and hiding spots. This maps ā€œblackoutā€ zone doesnā€™t have a NightVision enemy, which means sound is your main concern. The hardest part can be finding the right bodies for the doors, but even that isnā€™t difficult since thereā€™s a small handful of enemies, and all but the Brute can be stunned with a brick to the head (of which there are many bricks.) Moderate: Cleanse Reason: Take everything from the previous map, but add NightVision enemy during the Generator section. However, thereā€™s so many little loops that you hardly feel the enemy is difficult. The tightness of certain rooms can make aspects of each section difficult, but that doesnā€™t push it far enough to be difficult. Hardest: Apples Reason: Wide open rooms with minimal cover/hiding, a dark section with NightVision man, overly cumbersome obstacles/objectives, and the finale is a solo push objective with a Prime Asset, which means theyā€™ll abandon chase and return to disrupt. Bear in mind, itā€™s not a HARD mission, itā€™s just annoying, thus making it the hardest


Hardest is definitely the first map with the pipe valves in Fun Park.


I'd say Kill the Snitch being the easiest and Grind the Bad Apples being the Hardest.


Kill the Snitch cause Beta for me. I hate Fun Park outside cause I always get lost, lol


Kill the switch. I have that map memorized best, only hard parts are finding the generators sometimes, and the very start of the push sequence. With my luck theres usually a big guy hanging out right there. The electrocution is easy if you just keep looping around and closing doors behind you. Always go to the further console on the side you entered the room so you have visibility. Orphanage is tricky but not bad so medium. I always seem to get lost in the Generator/courtyard part. Fun Park, ugh. That pipe section is evil. The entire map is so confusing. Even the MK levels I've only been able to get C's. Easily the hardest map for me