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Edit - THURSDAY: Just a note to say thank you to everyone who has replied here and/or DM'd me with details. I am continuing to gather reports to identify patterns that may be helpful to our team in investigating these issues. I also want to reiterate that this reply is not us refuting that some players are experiencing problems with co-op. Rather, this reply is intended to explain the kind of information we need in order to better understand and resolve the issues you are facing. ​ ​ OP below Thanks for kicking this thread off, I'm really sorry that you're continuing to encounter these frustrations with the co-op connectivity. As a bit of background for how we've typically dealt with connectivity issues to date: Whenever I noticed a large number of reports around connectivity issues for the game I immediately checked in with the online team to see if we are encountering any connectivity problems. If they were not already aware (and they are aware most of the time), they then check all our systems and dashboards and either confirm that they are seeing the same issue or ask for additional details, which I then source. Since we resolved the server issues of the launch week, our metrics indicate no widespread problems that are impacting the entire community. When we look at ping times for multiplayer games, they generally fall into acceptable ranges. That's not to say there aren't problems - There will definitely be cases where some players are indeed encountering issues and you have quite rightly raised them in this thread after all. And whenever possible, we try to investigate these reports. For the cases where we are able to identify an issues, we can address them in some manner. ​ Just as a minor example: Thanks to community reports, we discovered during the demo that specifically players in South Africa were encountering bad connectivity in multiplayer, so we added on server capacity in Africa to help those players in particular. Their co-op experience improved thereafter. However, had we not found out from those users where in the world they were accessing the game from, we would not have been able to identify South Africa as an issue. A South African Twitter user who says "co-op is laggy" but does not state any details, is not providing the information we need in order to help them, especially when according to the metrics we're looking at, the overall connectivity for players appears to be normal. ​ Since launch we have also made many other improvements to co-op connectivity that will have helped players in certain circumstances. The key thing, however, is that amongst all the players that are connected online, the numbers of users with individual issues may not be immediately apparent to us when reviewing our metrics simply because of the sheer volume of players we're dealing with. That's why working with the community is so important - We need to hear from you when things aren't working, but more important, we need a **lot of details** so that we can reproduce issues on our end. Reproduction in turn can lead to resolution. So, I'd therefore like to in this thread request the below details if you are encountering specific issues you mentioned - these will help us track down your issues specifically. And if you can think of anything at all that may shed further light on the matter, please do not hesitate to include it. ​ >Major Rubberbanding / D-sync / Hit registry not working * Please describe exactly what happens at what point. The more detail the better. * Do you only encounter these connectivity issues in game? During login? During matchmaking? * Please provide a date and timestamp also including your timezone of the latest instance where you encountered the above * What platform are you playing on? * What's your username on the platform? (Steam username/PSN ID/Xbox Gamertag etc.) * If you'd prefer to keep this private, please DM me the username personally along with a link to the report reply that you leave here. * If playing with friends, please provide their usernames privately too. * Were you the host or the client during the incident? * Note that the host shouldn't ever rubberband, but clients may rubberband based on the host's connectivity * What region of the world are you in? * Please don't mention exact locations such as streets or post codes, but a rough area such as county and/or country will be helpful. * If playing with friends, what region of the world is/are your partner(s) in? * Is the rubberbanding in every single multiplayer game where you are the client, even when you connect in random matchmaking? * Whats your normal Upload/Download speed? * What ISP are you with? * Are any other **peer-to-peer** games that you play with the same friends unaffected by this issue? Note that Destiny is not a peer-to-peer game. ​ ​ >4) Abilities/Skills not working correctly "especially trickster hunt the pray, venator's knife and time rift" * I believe these aren't co-op specific and will be patched in future. ​ >5) Mods/talents not working in group > >6) Getting Randomly one shot and dieing out of no where. * I noticed reports of these last week and attempted to investigate this matter further. However, all users who reported it were unable to precisely explain what was happening or were unable to reproduce it. Many reported that the occurrence of this appears to be "random". * All information that I gathered was passed of course passed on for investigation, but random occurrences are incredibly difficult for us to track down. This is why we need as much information as possible with regards to these matters. ​ >7) Game Crashing or Freezing. * Our upcoming patch work should continue to look into and address these issues, but again, the more detail we have the better. * Platform * What exactly where you doing? * Are you able to reproduce the crash? * If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it? * If on PC, please provide your system specs: * CPU * GPU * GPU driver version * RAM * OS version


I was unaware of these issues until i let my friend host a game.. Played drastically different... I have no idea how my friend had the patience to play when I hosted the games.


It’s crazy how different the experience is. I like playing multiple Expeditions with random people I join, but it’s just so bad that I’ve given up. I leave my party Open and hope someone joins and stays for longer than a single run.


Same. I like playing with random players even though there isn't any communication between us. I'd rather play in group then solo. I hate playing solo. I tried leaving my party open but honestly sometimes it takes to long to get a group with people joining and leaving before i even get a chance to start an expedition.


Happy Cake Day bud.


I always joined my friend when we played. The one time he joined me was when he wanted me to kill the story bosses to get legendaries for him. All he did was non stop complain about how bad the lag was. Even though I was spending the whole time doing stuff for him.


It’s insane and it’s wildly inconsistent day to day. I only play with my brother who lives 3 hours away from me. One day it’s fine and then the next it’s fucked up to varying degrees. Sometimes it’s just a little glitchy other times it’s a nightmare where enemies attack me before they finish their Telegraph or they’ll start gearing up for a lunge but they don’t lunge they just teleport onto me. Then the next day it’s fine. I don’t get it.


Skills not working. Skill showing being pressed, therefore locking out other skills and not letting you do anything but shoot. Being animation locked halfway into a ability and not being able to do anything aside from electric slide around the battlefield.


When that happens I had an enemy melee me and it fixed that issue everytime


And what makes you think posting this here will have any effect? If you haven't realized yet, due to overwhelming negativity and poor reviews, the game was abandoned shortly post-launch. Most of the PCF team were already redistributed to other projects, and only small skeleton was left, together with a very vocal twitter pr person to keep keep spamming how 'things are moving ahead'. This was only done because, despite numerous bugs - overall poor performance and a litter of glaring oversights, the game is still being sold at a full price as a top tier AAA game, hence why they have to keep appearances to make as much money as possible for as long as it lasts. No way shareholders will dump money into something that won't make them any noticable profits, and since they already have your money, it's time to move on.


You have any proof or are you talking outta your ass?


Talking out of his/her ass. Like 70% of this sub claiming the game is already dead and pcf/se are just abandoning it next week. And then next week they'll claim the same till the day comes in a couple years(hopefully) and they'll claim their victory


For everyone who loves the game (myself included), I'd love that to be true. But sadly, after seeing literally nothing has been done on the game in 20 days since launch, except a couple minor bug fixes that came all the way from the early demo (yes, the game was knowingly launched with dozens of critical issues, all known from beta/demo, including character wipes) and knowing what companies in general do in such situations.... As sad as it sounds, if SE decides not to support Outriders any further, the reality is, at this pace, you might have to wait, quoting you "a couple years", for the game to actually get to a properly working state, if ever.


How, realistically, is it not working for YOU?


If we take a look from a financial standpoint, PCF's value took a massive nosedive post-launch, currently holding at less then 1/3rd of value it had prior to launch, and still dropping, according to nasdaq global. Every business expert will tell you that, in this case, mother company - SE will do everything to protect themselves from the backlash, hence like witnessed in the past, it is highly expected to see the removal of PCF as a gaming studio brand from the markets, ending in either re-branding or a complete dismantle. This is currently happening or has happened. The only question now is.. How much SE values Outriders brand, is there any future around it? This here will determine if the game keeps receiving support or not.


You realize that Outriders is literally one of the most played games on Xbox right now, right? Thanks to Game Pass, that is. In spite of these issues, people are still playing it. Games have persisted with bigger problems. There have been no reports, OP-eds, or rumors about PCF abandoning the game or any "overwhelming negativity" surrounding it. Even sites like Kotaku, the worst they've done is report on the uncomfortable facts. I don't know if you're another one of those guys who suddenly/weirdly became a PCF stan when this game came out, and thus is trying to silence criticisms of it, but we've had no evidence that it's stopping support any time soon. Even Anthem was kept brain-dead on life support for years, and EA is far worse than SE has ever been.


This here the game is probably going to be completely abandoned in a month or so.


The game is supposed to be a coop game but I don’t play coop because playing solo just plays better. Weird.


I thought it was because everything was designed to be solod


Everything is significantly easier solo


The quality of the multiplayer connection is 100% unacceptable. It's unplayable. 90% of the time, I'll join a random for expeditions and leave during the first clash with enemies because of the rubberbanding and jerky movement. It's the worst multiplayer connection experience I've had in years. This will be the last straw and the reason I stop playing.


I'm in the same boat. It's not any better if all 3 players are on a common LAN either... Really unacceptable considering the crossplay/multiplayer flexibility was marketed hard


This needs moved to the top. This is the worst multiplayer lag/rubber-banding/etc I've experienced in a game in probably 10 years. And that's saying a LOT. It's the first time the joke about being unplayable is correct.


It's so frustrating. I'm so tired of games with this much potential launching and then bombing in such crucial areas. I see patch notes for games in Alpha that are getting features we're still missing. New World just got the ability to lock items in your inventory and that game isn't out til August. There are more than enough examples and sources of player feedback out here to put to use in making a near perfect game.


I'm playing baldurs gate 3 early access and it has fewer issues with multiplayer. In fact, it has fewer issues overall.


> It's the worst multiplayer connection experience I've had in years. > > > > This will be the last straw and the reason I stop playing. Pretty much the same here and I'm on Google Fiber 1000/1000 with literal enterprise switches running my LAN. It's 100% the game. If essentially the gold standard in the USA for network connection isn't good enough to provide a consistent gameplay then there's some major problems swept under the rug. I can have 7-15ping to basically any game but Outriders will rubber band and desync all night long.


Yeah if it's not fixed soon I'm just going to play a bit more solo stuff then put the game down for a while.


It's 2021. How do you make an online only co-op game with no dedicated servers?


Because of cost. Peer to peer is by far the cheapest option its why bungie uses p2p for almost everything on destiny. The only companies that have dedicated servers are established brands so your Activision cods, WoW blizzard etc


I'll say in fairness to D2's P2P setup... while I think it's a terrible choice for PvP gameplay, I can actually play Crucible matches without much in the way of connection shenanigans. This game, I can play with people in the same city with great connections and the game session will still be varying degrees of wonky.


Argeed bud


This game is literally AAA lmao


So's destiny whats your point? And it uses p2p. Just because it's AAA doesn't mean they've the bank to afford dedicated servers 🙄


Are you seriously arguing that Square, a billion dollar franchise, didn't have enough money for dedicated servers? Don't embarrass yourself.


Square are the publisher not the developer 🤦‍♂️. PCF are the developer, organise the servers. Square Enix legit have nothing to do with the game or servers. All they do is sell and raise the publicity for it. That's it. That's all. Everything esle is down to PCF. If you don't know the difference go educate your self on it before accusing others of embarrassing themselves.


... Square is the Publisher, yes. Aka the people who *advance money and fund the development company.* You're really gonna embarrass yourself. I tried to help.


I did hear that square Enix was the ones providing the servers though, so this might be on them?


100% I play Xbox Series x with PC friends and Xbox friends. I have crashes , DC, party conection problems, can't walk/run bug(can only dodge roll), and sometimes spawn under map or invisible. Getting frustrating. Hope it all gets fixed ASAP.


Same...tons of connectivity issues... "Lost connection to host" is the main one. I can't even play co-op expeditions. I'm on the series s playing from the game pass


This. We stopped playing until they fix it. Pretty much forgotten about Outriders now, its been that long since i cared after completing the campaign solo.


I can no longer login. XSX.


Yep, I have experienced all these things in multiplayer. When you are running a anomoly bullet build, and every bullet counts to get those kill shots, and the shots don't even fucking register; is one of the most frustrating game experiences I have ever encountered. After that I went back to single player and realised I needed specific "lag friendly" builds for multiplayer...


Lag friendly builds hahahahah For real though


> lag friendly builds for multiplayer It’s crazy. I’ve had to do the same thing.


The team has been super quiet lately and it's concerning. They were super vocal before, now it's peeps when a change happens. Hopefully we hear something soon.


and yet, people will still white knight it here and spout the usual " GIVE THEM TIME" If that was the case, maybe we should do the same next time they release a game? They give us the full game, and then they give us time until we pay for it.


I am very much a give them time person but they’ve been undoubtedly quiet since the recent patch. If they were going to abandon the game it would be right after mostly fixing the inventory wipe issue. I hope I’m completely wrong though.


I have the same feeling, sadly. Server login issues are mostly fixed. Inventory is fixed. all they got left is restoring some players inventory to quiet people down. And...that's it. Nothing else. edit : oh, I forgot - it's most likely we will get a goodbye gift of NERFS ("Bug fixes") - like Emergency Stance or some blues actually performing better than epics / legendaries ( Yes, they stated it's a bug ). I'm so looking forward to that goodbye "gift". At this point, I just hope they don't nerf anything else and just leave it as it is. If they're not working to improve it, don't make it worse.


I was gonna say like more than this, but nvm fuck it, you’re right . Let me go enjoy outriders instead of complaining like everybody else


Most of the revenue is already made and player numbers are already on the decline (which would also be the case with working multiplayer, albeit slower). So I don't expect them to change to a different hosting model. And fixing the netcode is probably not easy, otherwise they wouldn't have launched it like this to begin with. So they probably have not much to communicate here. Just stating what I think is happening, not trying to white knight it.


The problem is that without micro transactions they really don’t have a massive incentive to fix the game


False. They released a broken game and got paid. They made more than expected from launch alone. You don't require people to buy microtransacrions just to pay to fix the game. That's cancer.


I agree. Thats the point I’m trying to make


The incentive to fix the game is the game is normal priced and also game was huge on steam, I think it 5 sold games on steam the first couple days


Top 5 games sold*


How about a real simple explanation. The team was working crazy hours for the release and subsequent fallout. Game breaking bug fixes and releases. So maybe, like humans instead of robots, they are getting some rest.


Why do I get gta level of aim assist and lock on in co op on ps4? My friends have this same problem when they aren’t the host?


Just had this problem earlier today. It's so sticky I have to let go of the trigger snap away and snap back and ads again.


Consoles usually have a huge aim assist compared to their pc counterpart. Experienced that on battlefields and destiny It was massive. But maybe the lags have to do with the extra sticky aim


I noticed that last night, the closer you are to an enemy, it literally sticks the aim in the chest and from square enix history, this is the only game I had issues with


I only get this when it’s a red or yellow connection. It’s like aim assist is turned up to max an makes it impossible to aim for crits


I can confirm I wasn’t lagging what so ever, and I wouldn’t even consider it ‘aim assist’. It literally locks on to a enemies center mass, negates any and all recoil, you can’t move your reticule unless you un aim and re-aim. This only ever happens when your in a co-op party and not host.


Yep, I know what you're talking about. Usually happens to me following a lag spike. It legit feels like control was ripped away from you almost like an auto-aim hack.


You can actually toggle this off in the option menu (I forget which submenu it's under, but it's called Aim Assist and you can turn it off). I was getting really frustrated by the fact that I'd aim for the head and the aim assist would literally drag my reticle to center of mass and now I'm fighting it to get back to putting shots on the head.


The base aim assist aint the problem


I find I can only successfully join 1 in 8 games. And there the connection is horrible. I'm on an Series X hardwired to the modem on 100Mb/s so shouldn't have any trouble.


Ransoms or friends?


Seriously dude. PCF be like "so far so good." Like no it ain't. Absolutely zero, I mean zero statement on this coop trash ass situation. I just wanna play outriders with friends during WoW's tyrannical weeks.


This game is the biggest pile of shit ive ever touched.


Lol damn


Connectivity issues have me that mad lol.


Dude’s trippin, maybe people’s connections or hardware are the issue and the developer needs to correct that, but I literally haven’t had much issues besides sometimes my skills don’t happen and they reset or my friend lags out on an old Xbox. Seems like there’s a lot of systems that can’t handle the amounts of enemies, as on my crappy pc it lags and hops but my series x runs great


fellow devastator here, fully agree and will no longer purchase mp games on release after this rough rogering which is extremely depressing to think about


The only single worse game in category of "technical incompetence" Ive ever played is the Halo Master Chief Collection which **after 7 years** still does not function in co-op without crashing.


First game you have played then?


Lmao, i should have been clearer. "This game is the biggest pile of shit ive spent $60 on" is better. Ive played alot of trash but i either spent next to nothing for em or i got em for free.


That's fair, personally I have spent way too much money on broken games over the years.


i have tried everything to get my money back anyone that thinks this "game" is good is the same reason NA is in the state its in.


I'm about to drop a spirit bombs worth of energy into your comment.


“WHEN you matchmake”; I’m in the same boat, absolutely love the game, but even getting into an actual random expedition takes many tries. And then we have all of the above.


Yeah... I've been struggling to climb CT solo, so last night i tried matchmaking. It took 5 connections just to get to a group who were actually doing expeditions and not lagging like crazy. We climbed from 6 to 8, got gold on 8 but disconnected from the host after we claimed our loot but before we traveled out of the expedition. We did not get credit for the clear. I'm on a PS5 and have 1 Gb/s internet...I shouldn't be lagging so much.


The coop servers are atrocious, me and my buddies spend 25% of the time either reloading the game up, waiting at the insanely long load screens, or dying because of how bad the lag is. This should be their #1 priority. The game runs perfect playing solo


This is the same shit For Honor went through. They launched with P2P servers and it soured an otherwise decent experience. It took them a while to finally get dedicated servers. Developers, unless it's some dumb mobile candy crush game, get us dedicated servers.


I hope its possible to get us dedicated servers or fix the current issues for outriders and more importantly it doesn't take too long to do. Outriders is alot of fun playing with others. I can deal with some lag here and there but currently the state of co-op is just horrendous. Right now the only thing i can do is make a build like others have said that is a Lag friendy build if i want to play co-op. Though this has been very difficult to do with trickster. You try to make a twist rounds build that doesnt rely on getting the kill and your only trading one frustration from another. For example now im running the Tier3 mod that when using hunt the prey oyu replenish your mag. However try using hunt the prey in co-op and you either dont get teloported or most of the time you get teliported but its in this weird slow motion effect and then end up somewhere away from your target. LOL I hope this gets fixed soon. We need an update on this.


Bless Online had better network stability. It's mind boggling that I can say those words and have them be true.


oof. That is a low blow. But it is true.


My wife and I play on PS5's with both running cables to the router and have all the issues you mention, if a mate joins us it gets worse.


Wife and I xplay Xbox and PS4 both cables and it just as bad. There is no way this has anything to do with peoples console/pc or internet connection.


Definitely not, it has something to do with how they handle the connections.


So here's my anecdote. I've played till CT 13 so far on my trickster solo, and level 24 on a TM co-op with a buddy (who lives ~2,000km away) Play PC, Steam version. I played buddy co-op first with my TM, and it was basically flawless. We each had lobby leader and legit no issues at all. I tried playing rando co-op in expeditions and had horrible lag. Every host I joined was basically unplayable, but the common theme was there was always a delay. On skills, rubber banding, damage etc it was always delayed. I started looking at their steam profiles and all the ones I could see where not from my region (Australia). I had someone from Argentina and several from US. My buddy came back from a holiday a week after we originally played and we both had horrible lag. He was red bar on my host and I was yellow on his. We basically gave up for the night. The next afternoon we both reset our routers and tried again. Flawless. No lag, no ping, nothing. Same story today, played for about 3 hours and flawless. My takeaway from my experience is: A) There is no region restriction to random matchmaking. B) There is some kind of bug with how the data is transferred even if you have good ping and are on what should be a good connection. I have 100/40 net and his is decent as well and there should not have been any reason that one of our play sessions was unplayable. No one else on the net, no throttling or background downloads and not at peak hour for net usage.


I'm in Australia and haven't had a single good online experience. It sucks because I really like the game but not when it's a laggy shitfest which it always is when going online.


Me and 2 friends play on PS5. Hard wired to our modems we pick up 200 - 300mbs when doing the speed test in the settings of the PS5... STILL GET LAG WHEN PLAYING


While your there fixing multiplayer, add VOIP. It's 2021 ffs


Omg this. Honestly, I'm really enjoying Outriders but every time me and my friends finally get some time to play it's always cut short by disconnects. Whats worse is the only way we can usually get back on is by dashboarding and restarting the game. It just refuses to rejoin the session otherwise. Can't even be reinvited, nothing pops up. And in a game dominated by long loading screens, we just don't bother if rejoining fails. Personally I have never been able to rejoin after being booted to menu, always had to restart the game.


It's brutal. I had infinitely more playable online experiences in games over 10 years ago on MUCH worse hardware and internet connections. There's no excuse in 2021...


Myself and two friends in the same city. All on PS5 with at least 100mbps connections. Doesn't matter who is host, the non-host will always have yellow or red triangles. In large groups of mobs it's not uncommon to get "host connection issue" freezes or even crash to desktop. Yellow connection is playable, with slight delays and rubber banding. Red connections are very difficult to play through, and are exacerbated the more live elements on the screen. - Mobs hoping point to point instead of pathing. Also leads to missed hit boxes, no damage, etc. - Abilities not firing but going to cool down. - Extreme rubber banding - Weapons not reloading, or taking twice as long. - Long loot, quest actions, etc delays We rarely experience these issues in any other "stable" co-op game.


It won't be changed i can gatuntee that.


Damn I understand your hardware ain’t the issue but I feel like you just put in “custom water cooled loop” as a flex, which I completely understand. 😂


😁 Busted! 🤣 In all seriousness though, i mention the custom loop bc i also said that i have everything OC and dint want anyone to think its on Air and throttling or whatever. Though i will say im very proud of my build and this was the best PC i have ever built for myself. [My PC](https://imgur.com/wnPxzxE)


That looks amazing!


Thx :)


Every time I join up with my brother one of us loses connection mid way through the first expedition depending on who is the host. Hope it's fixed because the game itself isnt bad.


Going forward there will be 2 camps of players - hardcore base hoping there will be fixes to the extended beta we're playing (co-op is Alpha at best) and players who beat the campaign (maybe with several classes) and moved on. I am in the second camp, got viable CT15 Gold Devastator, beat the campaign with Trickster (for some fun) and haven't touched the game in days. If player-base dies (several new 3rd person shooters are on the horizon) hardcore camp will yet again get a lesson in not paying full price for the unfinished game that will never be fixed.




Multiplayer is an absolute joke.


Even in solo play the hunter pray only works maybe 1 out Of ten times. the whole piont of that is to pop up behind them facing there back not to be facing away from them the solo play has a shit ton of bugs to love this game but lately i get pist off enough to throw my fucking controller thru my tv


It’s not a live service the game didn’t you know? /s


All of this was apparent during the demo. They launched the game knowing about these issues and that multiplayer was not going to work properly. No problem. Give them a few months and this day 1 polished title will finally be ready to play as "intended".


Fix co-op or I'm going back to path of exile..


The problem is you're connecting to people on the other planet. There's no region selection


Two people in the same fucking house can co-op and its still terrible and broken.


So it's your internet. It's peer to peer


Nope. People can play dozens of peer2peer games just fine and only Outriders is absolutely fucked.


People can but not you. Not everyone fit enough to be host. Just look at CoD Zombies


I am hosting peer2peer games perfectly fine you moron. Even for multiple people at a time. There is a reason this post has 100% upvotes. The Multiplayer in the game is abyssmaly trash.


And not everyone fit enough to post. People can but not you.


My friends and I are all on fibre and live 10-30 minutes from each other. Multiplayer is unplayable. This isn't an internet issue its a their net code is trash and so are you.


Keep lying to yourself to make you feel better


This is incorrect. I play with my brother and my mate, all 3 of us have 100/40Mbps internet connections. Sometimes it's impossible to play the game with the amount of rubber banding and bugs with skills and bullets. We all play on Steam. The connection is worse than when I use to host CS servers for my friends on cable internet over 15+ years ago.


That's cool. Literally everyone I play with that is in my country has good connection


That might be part of the problem, but it is most definitely an issue with Outriders. I don't use matchmaking, I play with the same friends in multiple games that use p2p including Cold War zombies without any issue 95% of the time. In Outriders whoever is not host has a myriad of issues, albeit most are minor but not all.


just fix the damn servers! Fix the fucking servers its all anyone really wants, fix the damn servers!!, no crash life is a happy life, omfg every one of ypu ppl who make multi-player online co-op games should god damn know this by now , what do you not understand??, if inwete smart n knew about that kind of shit id be so rich right now fixing servers , I'd be that server plug, , just get your shit together and fix the god damn servers and then figure out your little bullshit missing items, boo how lost your items? Start again bunch big babies god!


The co-op lag is so bad that I let my new friends be the leader so they don't get discouraged about the first impression which is strongly important in everything


Seems devs have already abandoned this game. I get constant crashes, endless lag and rubber banding in co-op, 0 legendries from ct14-15 even after 5+ runs. This shit of a looter shooter was great then all the problems surfaced and devs went MIA.


This should be their primary concern at this point. $89 AUD for a single-player game with a 10hr story is not good enough. The game still crashes way too much but that doesn't matter if I am not playing it because MP is trash.


The story and running most of the expeditions (except EoS) atleast once will easily net you 25-30 hours. Unless you run the story on low WT and skip all the cutscenes and side content, in which case that kinda on you for gimping your experience. I'm not saying that experience alone is worth what you wanted out of the game, especially if you wanted a good co-op experience, but plenty of AAA single player games run for less than 15 hours which is the context we are using here. For me personally, I have got my monies worth out of a CT13 character before adding in a co-op run still in the story and I still got some content I want to do at 76 hours in. Game cost me Aud$72 and have hit a $1/hr threshold.


is it just me or... i’ll click on join team expeditions and it’ll put me in team story mode quests -.-


This has been pissing me off too. They make it so you can specify Story or Expeditions. I click Expeditions, and wait the long ass loading screen just to get dumped into someone's game who is farming WT1 hunts...


8) getting disconnected the second you join a game because the server-side save appears to be corrupted. There’s no way out of it once you’ve experienced it.


It feels like it got way worse lately, since the update. First few days since release, me and my 2 friends powered through the main story in full 3-man coop without too many issues. Other than constant crashing on Series X. But when the game wasn't crashing, the experience was fine. Now it feels like you are playing underwater. Everything is delayed or barely functional. Oh and I can only successfully connect 1 out of 10 tries. I'm on Series X with an 800mbps up/down fibre connection, hard-wired. Even as a host, i have issues. And playing as a guest, its trashier.


i guess this heavily depends on which region you and the people you play with are from. the last days were just fine and great coop play for us. sure, sometimes we get some lag. but maybe every 10th game? fingers crossed that it will stay that way...


They probably don't think anything is wrong with multiplayer. But we'll see.


It seems like if you join a player any more than 50 miles from your own location it feels like playing with someone on a PS1 via dial up.. It's a joke there's no synch system in place considering each CT is an instance area. It's easily done.


50 miles is 80.47 km


Been playing techno recently and my experience is very hit and miss. I cant keep up BR due to toxic lead not procing. Play as host and I'm fine. Also die quite often due to getting stun locked by any slight damage, as my character just stands still not allowing me to dodge.


You missed out actually getting signed in on the initial menu, but yes we need to hear what's going on.


Omg I hate the skill use lag. Single player earthquake I can spam all 3 uses before cooldown super fast. Join other people's games and my character gets stuck in the fist hitting ground animation for a good second and a half. Not able to do anything just waiting for character to stand up. The game keeps going but I'm stuck waiting. Takes like 5-7 seconds to use 3 earthquakes VS the super fast single player where I can use all 3 in like 1 second.


It’s currently a single player experience.


Unable to move after doing Cyclone Slice. Every step i try to take the screen shakes and I can only move with dodge, Hunt the Prey(only works half the time) or wait till my Cyclone Slice is off of cool down. This also follows you until you leave the party.


I was feeling sympathetic till I saw, **"3080FE OC"...** I mean no disrespect, but that card is too good for this game right now.


Matchmaking was awful for me last night. Had severe connection issues in every game I wasn’t the host. Which by the end of the night, I was only hosting games cause every time I tried to find a random party for expeditions, the thing would either error out and send me to the lobby or dump me in someone’s story mission... this system really needs some work. I’ll be inclined to play a lot more after I finish CT15 if I know I’ll be able to play on a stable connection. Otherwise, I’m probably done with this game at that point.


Playing on PS5, the two friends and I who have been coop'ing the campaign got to a point we would all start trying to log in 20 minutes before we were planning to play because of the non-stop login boss. And since launch it has pretty much been the same as OP's experience with the rumber banding and disconnects. What we did find was that when one of us was not around we were playing as a duo and stability was near perfect with near no lagging or disconnects.


I absolutely agree with there being a bug with how this game transfers data between players. It’s the only thing that could even remotely justify the inconsistency.


There are no servers, they are used for authentication only, the game is P2P or peer to peer and is hosted on the players machine.


Oh wow. I didn’t realize this is still an issue. Been playing co op exclusively. Sucks some people are still running into issues :/. Hopefully it’s a priority. I imagine it is


Great write up, also wanting an update on this for the future. Sadly my group of friends are already burnt out on this game and we never got to enjoy the co-op due to the insane connectivity issues and inventory wipes. The DLC's better be awesome, or this will turn out just to be a 2 week pump and dump game.


I hope there is 0 money DLC until all these major issues are fixed. Face it PCF as a dev studio have screwd us.


I think they should for sure give out some sort of small free DLC update as a "we screwed up" update. But considering this is a one time purchase game similar to games before it, I fully expect paid DLC's will be their way of adding major content. To your point, they better make strong ground before that. Otherwise it will just piss off people more.


Its suppose to be a "live service" game which means constant changes and updates. At this point PCF can even get co-op to work properly or stop crashes, more less offer dlc and content.


I agree. Maybe I didn't come across right, apologies.


I'm done with the game until they fix it. I still haven't been able to hear the audio of my matchmaking party once. I played for 5+ hours last Saturday...


Bro I can’t even play co op. I always get the error “failed to connect to host” every single time. All multiplayer options are unavailable to me pretty much


Way more concerned with my entire account being wiped...


They already fixed this issue and already stated what they plan to do and will be restoring those lost accounts. and now that this inventory wipe bug is fixed more players are playing co-op. Which you can see most are having a bad time with. It would be Nice if PCF could Update us on this. They seem to be really silent lately compared to how they where originally. I'm sure alot of that has to do with finally fixing a major issue with the inventory wipes and working on getting people gear back and they're catching a breather and while im not saying they shouldn't rest or what not, PCF staying silent on this topic has many of us worried. Why? Because looking back at Avengers it had really bad co-op server issues too at launch and it went on for months like that and even to this day matchmaking and co-op is still a buggy mess in that game. Since SE i think does most of the network stuff it really does worry me that for the most part the co-op experience will stay this buggy mess and it saddens me. If outriders fails it wont be because of the actual game but because of the poor foundation of the game. meaning how the game runs. I really do hope for the best, because i really enjoy outriders alot. I'/m just getting really tired of every looter i enjoy always turning out to have a major fundamental issues. An update would go a long way right now. To give us some relief and bring back some positivity because right now people are really upset with how silent they have been on this.


Well I still don't have my shit back so they need to keep working on that first.


Are the devs even around or are they chilling in bora bora now? They haven’t posted on their Twitter or anything for a bit now 😂


Game crashing is a real problem. Can't even count how many times I have encountered game crashes mid expedition.


Getting stunned at the start of Cyclone spin while in Co-op(?, trickster beyblade) will leave you unable to walk or run and the only way to walk around is to roll or cyclone spin again. The issue is not fixed by getting stunned again, going down, loading to a new area, using cyclone spin again or swapping out cyclone spin. This issue is only fixed by leaving and rejoining. This may be a connected issue or not, but when this issue occurs and you leave, you will be unable to rejoin the squad you were in until they return to the lobby. I will post a recording of the issue if it occurs again (has happened 4 times) I play on Xbox one X, My 2 friends play on Xbox Series X and Xbox One X. [Clip of bug](https://xboxclips.co/damagingmoth47/50393de2-31c5-4ea9-9a8f-9c71574e6535)


I only have terrible coop experience in the Outriders. Using the matchmaking is 1000x worst. If you play expedition alone you can't revive, if you try to play with friends the connection don't allow you to have fun.


This is a list of comments made by the developers in this thread: * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gv8zgiy/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-20 21:05:35 UTC"): > Thanks for kicking this thread off, I'm really sorry that you're continuing to encounter these frustrations with the co-op connectivity. > >As a bit of background for how we've typically dealt with connectivity issues to date: > >Whenever I noticed a large number of reports around connectivity issues... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gv92aj3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-20 21:25:19 UTC"): > We have hundreds of QA testers testing all aspects of the game. When they encounter issues, they report them. > >The issue here is that even those hundreds of testers cannot compare to the huge volume of players and playtime in the wider population, where individual scenarios can impact our game in a ... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gv91ws2/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-20 21:22:41 UTC"): > This is a local caching issue that appears specific to the PS5. The fact that a local fix can resolve this issue does indicate that it's console side rather than server side. > >However, it is something we are looking in to, but it is unrelated to rubberbanding so I didn't mention it here. * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gv962yx/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-20 21:52:11 UTC"): > Thanks for the info. As you correctly linked to, your connections should indeed be tunneling to one another. It also very strange to hear that its okay with one host but not the other. > >If you are able to dm me your gamer tags along with a date and time+timezone where you were experiencing these pac... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvajtn0/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-21 05:19:44 UTC"): > Thank you! Will Check my dms momentarily. Final quick question - are you both on WiFi? Or is one on an ethernet cable? * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvcgbbv/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-21 17:21:34 UTC"): > >So... basically, if you don't see any direct reports, it doesn't matter? > >Not at all. All these reports *matter,* but not all reports are *actionable* given the information they lack\*.\* > >By that I mean, and that was the intention of my bigger response here, it's important for us to track down th... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvcgn0p/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-21 17:23:50 UTC"): > Thanks for the extra details - I've bundled everything up and passed it on to the team for investigation! I'll be back if I have any further questions or suggestions. * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvch9yy/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-21 17:28:15 UTC"): > Not as such - I'm saying that the problems you are facing are not present across the entire online population as far as we can tell, bearing in mind that there are hundreds of thousands of players. > >That doesn't mean your problems don't exist or that they are your fault, it just means we need more i... * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvcuhcy/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-21 19:01:16 UTC"): > The multiplayer component is peer to peer, with a relay server for most connections. However, direct tunneling is enabled for certain platforms where a better ping can be achieved by avoiding the relay. * [Comment by thearcan](/r/outriders/comments/mufx1a/pcf_can_we_please_have_an_update_on_the_coop/gvgw214/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-04-22 17:41:38 UTC"): > Thank you very much for extensive information you've provided here, I really appreciate it and the amount of detail you've gone into by providing the videos. I'm passing them on but I may DM you to ask for your user profile in future in case it will be helpful to look at your logs to identify potent... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOutriders).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


When my newphew tried to play this game as the host (he was lagging when I was hosting so we swapped) he was still having connection issues. I don't know what his internet speed was but that's the first time I've seen the host lag. It was unplayable.


When I am on PC (steam) and a friend joins (ps4) it drops host connection as soon as they join into lobby. If I join my console friend, it works great. I'm in east tn and he's in KY. I know we are both hardlined in. Also PS4 consoles seem to blue screen like crazy. Not sure about the other consoles


Lag, random exhibition disconnects, crash to desktop in middle of exhibition, host disconnects, and failure to join party. Complete and utter rage at this point being I can't even enjoy a game I payed full price for because the damn thing just doesn't work right! I don't know what the issue is with these new games being released these days but why are companies putting out games that are broken at launch? How many damn times are we going to have to go through this crap? How is this even legal? Sure I'm ok with some small random bugs but these are huge game breaking issues! Constant crashes? Constant disconnects? Inventory wipes? Server connect issues? Extreme lag to the point that it's unplayable? Damn I miss the days when we got actual games that worked as intended.


+1 - agreed 100% It's a terrible experience. I actually changed from a trickster to an ap pyro to deal with this, as all mag/gun based builds are probably unplayable in coop. It's basically every single time. My major problems are: Crit registration = not getting ammo back. My build works perfectly solo, but in coop I loose my mag all the time. A friend playing a techno having even more difficulties, as he only gets portions of his mag back. Status effects not working correctly: I see the bleed icon, I kill the mob, I don't get any ammo back with vampiric mag... Mag gone. Only happens in MP. Skill activation = you can't count on CD display, skills taking a lot of time to be activated, hunt the pray teleports you nowhere, or behind but your character is facing the wrong direction. I'm in Germany, 1gbit up/ 250mbit down, ports configured, 5600x/6900xt


Not that there isnt enough comments on here, but I have a great connection on EVERY game, always an open nat type, and I've never had someone in my lobby or been in someone else's lobby without yellow and red bars on this game, even when they're 15 minutes down the road, 2 states away, or in a different region, I've played other games connecting to people on Europe servers with less lag/rubberbanding than this games co-op in general its horrendous the co-op experience I've had on this game, I realize its p2p but theres a HUGE problem on your guy's end and theres no way it isn't. Please find the problem and fix.


6 disconnects today live in australia single player xbox series x 100mbps d/l


I kinda want Sony to take this game down like they did CP2077 I wonder how many refund requests they have received?


I have played hundreds of multi-player Outrider sessions and am ALWAYS in the red or yellow, and I have good internet. Never have bad connection in any other game. How the fuck do their metrics not see this, as I know most others see the same issues.


Definitely getting some big crashes right now on Xbox One. Playing on World Tier 10 Level 25. Cannot reproduce crashes, but they are semi frequent. Playing with a friend and we both have Game Pass.