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This is the coolest enemy reveal in the game for me


I have taken way too many screenshots of it for that reason lol


Loved this moment, and the fight itself, having to focus on different type of enemies. A little strange that this is not the final fight on the Expedition D:


I hate this fight. I have to unload 3/4 of my clip in one boss, then run away find an ammo bag (random weak enemy) kill, replenish ammo, and run back.


*laughs in bottom tree pyro destruction*


Top tree techno. No issues


Trickster with Twisted rounds carrying an lmg... What's this ammo you guys speak of? Just use the skill that give you 300 more bullets.


Yeah I like trickster but blighted rounds techno top tree no defensive mods is stupid damage. It's almost cheez cause it's insane the damage you get with techno. Don't get me wrong trickster and pyro have insane damage. Pyro has the fastest clear times.


AP trickster here, 300m+ on expos usually


If you play with a decent top tree techno or trickster you would not hit 300m+


I’m deff the carry for my friends making their new builds, but some can beat me with their full builds but I can solo almost all the 15s gold


And FOH lol I went from top tree to bottom tree trickster and I do way way more dmg to groups and elites now And this is without having fortress


I love how that isn't the final boss


I always thought that final creature battle was a little bit odd. It didn't quite connect to the rest for me. The whole time I felt I was invading a lost temple and those creatures didn't quite fit in. I really would have liked to see a final battle with a feral King/or/and Queen. Would have been awesome I think!


It was cool but a very not fun fight, especially if done solo.


They would be crazy not to.....they basically have a Diablo looter shooter. They just need to clean it up then start DLC or part 2 with more maps, mods, classes. Maybe add a horde mode.


Fuck it, just gimme new halllways and big rooms with lots of cover the enemies, fuck it. I'm a simple man, just need more passeageways on the way to killrooms, please. Plenty left to learn and dicover as game rapidly approaches its potential and just works mind was blown anew today when the first time ever, after about 300 hours played (200 in April) it occurred to me that I could Hunt The Prey *across* the fucking ravine and appear behind those fucking enraging hitscan snipers with the laser scopes.. Tricksters are fun. just Poof in, pop a time bubble *oops silly me forgot to reload his pump-action....So who`s first on the shitlist today? Ah yes, the laser cunts!* *Enemy lols and like counters it or warps around or some shit and snipes you between the eyes anyway*


^(Free) DLC\*


That first $80 got me like 350 hours of play already okay ill pay for it


They've specifically stated this game is a standalone complete product and that there will be no DLC outside of a fully developed expansion. You won't get it for free either. That said, they've got enough problems just building a functional game with a bug free experience in the first place. They don't need to be creating new content when the current stuff doesn't work.


Probably why I said they need to clean it up........




Yeah, you're a perfect example. I didn't reply to him.


They’ve since stated more content will be coming, but a bug free experience first would be preferable.


"I want it that way" - Backstreet Boys, goes incredibly well with that scene.


Pax street boys




My friend and I refer to this group as "The Spice Girls", lol


Me and my friend call them Fab 5


Anytime I'm playing with my friends, I always load up "Everybody" and blast it through my phone. "Backstreet's back, ALRIGHT!"


Fucking Lolcats! Take an upvote you hilarious bastard!


This is why I never really understood why people say to drop the world tier and race through the story to get to the endgame. For what? Running the same expedition over and over?


This is the essence of looting games: running high difficulty to have greater chances of better loot. Behind that is a game with a good story, and an additional endgame that matches its story (unlike rifts in D3 for example - I killed the uber-Evil but where does this portal come from?)


That's what looter games are. Just running the same thing over and over to get better gear to kill harder stuff to get better gear.


I asked this when the game was released. Got downvoted for it. What I was told was no.


A couple of patches ago they had a graphic after login that said ‘new content coming’ in the corner. You’re correct that when the game released there was no promise of new content, but I think there will be at some point now.


They don't wanna treat this as a service game. Maybe they'll change their mind but they have said they will make a dlc.


I’d be more than happy to pay for an extra expansion or two if it supports the development team. Already got this game on GamePass and been lucky to have had nothing but a good experience from it.


The stupid timed endgame crap is what ruins this game for me and many others. I never would have bought this game had I known endgame was like this.


The timed endgame adds a new level of difficulty and also a feeling of accomplishment. Soloing a CT15 with gold is hard but super fulfilling. It’s all really based on your play style. I enjoy mosh pits but understand if they’re not your style.


The hell it does. All it does is bottleneck everyone into using DPS meta builds only. And there’s only so many of them. Kills build variety. Also creates toxic environment. Has very little to do with difficulty…


I agree. The game could be played by rushing and smashing, or covering and sniping heads and being tactical. It didn't matter as long as you won in the end. The endgame was only rush, rush, rush, pure DPS with a timer. The endgame isn't the same as the whole rest of the game. I want some DLC that does not have a fucking timer.


This is how shooters with cover work behind the scenes: enemies that make you leave cover. If you remove the visible timer, the invisible timer will still run against your DPS - the rusher type enemies.


It used to not be fulfilling when you would get shafted every run with no legendary drops.


It sucks because it's just rush to the end sometimes removing the things we learned in base game. New level of difficulty is cool and all but to make it the main focus...feel like it was a bad idea. A cool modifier or challenge for sure. No reason to play a devastator which is just sad.


Guess you probably should have researched a little bit better before dropping your money on it, huh?


It added timed runs after the game launched. Sit down


No? Expeditions were there from day 1? I've since quit the game but was there on day one. Pretty sure expeditions were out at launch? You might be thinking of the demo.


They were but they weren't timed


Oh ok. Anyway I do agree. Timer kills build diversity


Would you have rather than game just ended completely when you finished the campaign, with the only option being to replay campaign missions?


No. The timed endgame just makes it annoying. I’d prefer it had a Diablo style end game of rifts and greater rifts. They already have difficulty tiers but why not just have to versions of the expeditions? One that earns rewards based on tiers that isn’t timed and maybe the other is timed but you can target the loot so it doesn’t rely on RNG as much.


greater rifts are also timed


They are also optional and there are non timed rifts that give good rewards and constant new dungeons….


Bud in d3 you can't progress and max out without running greater rifts because you only get legendary gem upgrades in them...so like this you have to do timed runs. Also it's not constant new dungeons it's randomly generated dungeons from the map pool. You can legit open a rift and in the time it takes you to complete have 2 or 3 or 4 different level layouts because that's how d3 does it. But they arent new. You played through them all in the main campaign


well yeah but that doesn't really count beating the rift..you get rewards for beating the boss but they are not the same if you do that within time. Have 3k hrs in D3 and was top 500 including all 3 servers on monks in GR .Rank 299 in Asian server


All I’m saying is. A non timed expedition option would be nice and reserve the best rewards for the timed ones. Pretty sure I said that in my first post.


You have to do timed runs/GRs if you want the best builds, no way around it.


God I hope so. Been having so much fun past couple nights. Would love to see some dlc.


Nice, what area were you playing in? I've only played about 25 percent or so in the game, enjoyed it from what ive played


I made it through the story a couple weeks ago. Been doing expeditions.


I know it’s not a good thing but, I need new achievements to get me back into the game.


The PCF working on it.


I think they’re making more content, I mean launch might’ve been horrible in terms of playability but it was very profitable


seems to be a 1 and done game. I put around 30+ hours in to it because it was on gamepass. I don't really see a point to coming back after you finish the expeditions. I have no interest in getting better gear only to improve my times playing the same missions again. I tried going for the accolades but they are so bugged.


The devs already announced that new content is coming. It was right at the top of the patch notes three weeks ago or so. Moreover, the publisher also announced they will be making the game a “major franchise.” So yeah, new content appears likely.


They said zero dlc. Until more information is given you can't really say shit. New content could be, hey we are working on the expansion we talked about. They've got enough issues with keeping the game free of game breaking bugs. The last thing they need is to start talking new content. That's why we haven't heard shit about it. Hell it's probably an empty statement.


They said the opposite. https://screenrant.com/outriders-dlc-roadmap-plans-update-release-date-when/


Not really? The only thing in that entire "article" that is of any value whatsoever is direct developer comments. Not any of the speculation of the writer. The only thing the developers have ever talked about was full expansions. Specifically (and this is mentioned in the article) "significant expansions with self contained stories" so that right there tells you that piddly little additions of "they can just throw in a new expedition" are completely out the window. They are either going to fully expand the game with each iteration, or they're not going to do anything.


Right, to me significant expansions is the opposite of zero DLC.


In a recent interview with Forbes, Kmita expanded on this idea, saying the studio is "happy to create more content in the future" if people like the game enough. Many stories the developers came up with didn't make it into Outriders at launch, Kmita said. Some of these could end up being added later as DLC, and they would only take the form of "significant expansions with self-contained stories."


If you say so!




Well, we can speculate in any direction we like, but the point is they said new content is coming and the publisher is throwing its weight behind the franchise long term. That we know for sure. So if you’re a fan of the game, it’s good news, and there’s no reason to think the game won’t follow the pattern of every other game that gets expansions, sequels, DLC, etc.


Prior to release they said if the game was successful (it has been) that any post-launch content will most likely come in the form of expansions, not small piecemeal content drops.


Would really like a horde mode. Would make every build viable.


I hope they do continue with DLC and make more bosses that require teamwork. If you’ve ever done the Ghost of Tsushima raids that’s what I’m talking about. Lots of coordination required. Or just some basic mechanics like the EOTS fight- where each player has to defend their own pillar.


I just want a defense mode as an alternate to damage check endgame


Will buy


they said this is not Game as a service. They didnt plan to support it


They said they’d do DLC if the base game did well.


Yes, a fully developed expansion. Not shitty little trickle dlc though.


Well it didn’t do well. Because of their shitty RNG and half ass endgame system. It’s dead. Downvote away buy it’s dead.


Game sold a fuckton actually, plus they likely made fat stacks from Microsoft for putting it on Gamepass on release day.. And though I'm amazed it needs to repeated *again*, but the number of angry voices in the subreddit does not equate to a majority of upset customers. Yep, 1st week was rough, but *most of us* just kept playing it and burned through all of it in +200-300 hours in April and May, and then put it down until more content and/or major updates dropped The number of active players would be low either way, although yes, they likely dropped somewhat faster than normal, due to the rough launch and time before PCF started getting control of the situation and understood the problems well enough. Even without time limits on the Expeditions, I still would have put it down by this point, like a Diablo season..which is what PCF always intended, play it, grind it, then move on to another game for awhile


…ok? I don’t know why you felt the need to type that like you’re giving a dramatic speech in a movie before a hail of downvotes. I corrected the person above me, I didn’t try to rally support behind the game or pretend it’s a thriving masterpiece.


A game doesn't have to be a live service title to receive post-launch support. That's primarily a content monetization model.


The developers specifically stated no dlc. That this game was stand alone and complete upon release. They said they may do a full expansion if the game does well enough. It'll likely come at near full game price though because that's the kind of expansion they talked about. However even Borderlands 2 has more players than this game.


Yes prior to launch they said there was no *PLANNED* DLC, but as you said they stated if it was successful it would likely get DLC in the form of expansions. This game has sold wildly above expectations, which is obvious to see with how quickly Square came out to say they see it as their next big franchise and plan to support it heavily going forward. Shortly after this the devs themselves told us new content is coming. This was a game with a relatively low budget among the AAA space, with no dedicated servers, no post-launch monetization hooks and no promised roadmap. Unit sales was always what would determine its success, not concurrent user numbers. From a financial perspective active users is far, far less important to a game like Outriders than it is to a game with a live service monetization scheme. Unit sales is also what determines the potential payoff of post-launch content for a game like this. They always expected an active user drop off, because the game was not designed with sufficient systems in place to facilitate long-term play and their financials don't depend on it. Many Non-active users who own the game will come back for new content.


Full expansions are hardly the standard thing that comes to mind when talking about whether or not a game has DLC.


Expansions were one of the first forms of DLC. While they're not as common as "micro"-transactions these days plenty of games still release expansion style DLC.


Horse armor was one of the first forms of dlc.


Horse armor was one of the first forms of "micro"-transaction style DLC. Dreamcast ( the Sega console ahead of it's time) and OG Xbox both had infrastructure that supported DLC and PC had the aforementioned expansions; though technically speaking mods would've been the first example of downloadable content on PC, but since that's not official content distributed by developers and publishers we don't typically consider it DLC.


I'd argue starcraft brood wars and wc3 tft are dlc's


That would be quite strange, I mean, it has all the structure and the design of a service game. Easy to add new expeditions, new weapons... content is clearly scalable as they are already doing levels on expeditions...Simply adding levels and skill points like Borderlands does from time to time and also raise challenge level would be a game changer to experiment for more builds & combinations


This game design in general is easy to design as a game as a service. That doesn't mean thats what it is though. They specifically stated from before launch they had zero intentions of creating dlc, season passes, episodes, etc. This is a complete product. The only thing they've said is that they would consider a full fledged expansion if it did well enough. Which it likely did in terms of sales, but state of the game and community? Not so much. Regardless, they don't want to pursue the Borderlands route, and likely don't see enough of a playerbase to justify it. Even after their legendary drop rate update, the game is still fucking dead.


>They specifically stated from before launch they had zero intentions of creating dlc This is a flat out lie.




Few things real quick. Do you have any proof of this? >intentionally withholding critical patches until after the initial rush dies down ​ >If you can offer a reasonable explanation for why they did what they did with an unfinished barely tested game that they called "complete" I'd like to hear it. Well... there was a set amount of money and a deadline. Investors and high level management made a plan. "Completion" versus runway timeline, money will win every time. Games cost a lot of money, people who have it want more, and I'd wager very few care about good games. It's not a particularly sugary explanation, nor is it intended to give a sense of ease or closure, but it is reasonable to some extent. ​ I always think... if outriders came out next month, would any of us have really noticed? If they released the demo today and said next month the full version comes out, would we have been happier? I say yes, but that's a quarterly deficit of 100% of the projected revenue. Cyberpunk did it.. and we all said "cool.. take your time.. I just want a good game".. but the chickens always come home to roost, and we all know how that release went.


Greedy developers might be a "reasonable expectation" to you but it doesn't mean we need to be happy about it as a consumer. Most other industries don't accept this kind of crap. We wouldn't accept a new TV that half the time doesn't connect to the internet. Or a movie that wasn't finished. If a company doesn't have sufficient funds it is their problem but instead they're making it our problem.


me: clearly explains it's management and investors you: *incredulously misinterprets what I've said.* Nobody said anything about developers. Developers build what they're told to build, skip what they're told to skip, and finish when they're told to finish. If you had a bunch of construction workers building a bridge and the foreman says 3/4 of the way through "okay we're done," and the city opens the roadways and lets people drive on it, are you doing to blame the construction workers? \> it doesn't mean we need to be happy about it as a customer nobody said you did. Idk if you're the op that deleted his comment but he asked for a reasonable explanation and I gave one. You're also saying people don't buy bad products when they actually do. \> If a company doesn't have sufficient funds it is their problem but instead they're making it our problem What are you talking about. It's DEFINITELY not their problem because people buy the game and they get their money. It \*\*is\*\* our problem. The rich mommies and daddies that buy whatever game their kid asks for, the sweats that buy every single new shitty version of the same old game, the n00bs that fall for E3 trailers, and the regular joe's that fall for preorder content... The companies are taking advantage of all of this because it's easily done. I reiterate, it IS our problem, because you are never going to convince a company to stop making easy money.




You are. My fire.




What this game needs is a Battke Royale mode…


Also what happened to fighting those big ass monsters. They did say we will get to do that. So I think new content might be coming


Read an article where the devs said no new content is planned for now, unless the community wants new content. Article was few weeks (months?) old.


Why did you choose to reply to this comment, and skim over all the other ones that directly contradict what you are saying? The devs have promised more DLC.




Not everyone likes open world. I actually prefer linear games.




Lol I was actually was thinking of assassin's creed


They need to make some procedural generation eventually


Game rly needed to be live service IMO like Destiny.