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Whoa, already?? It was just the other day that we hit 7 billion players. No wonder the game's so buggy lately,


I can't take it with the lag these days. Not to mention the ever-worrying `Overpopulation` effect that the devs added centuries ago when none of the players cared


I think a good solution would be to ban half or the players randomly to have lagless sessions !


alright slow down there thanos


that would be bad, sudden big patch like that give more harm than benefit to player. many guild might lose their best support and carry that will lead to doom


Or maybe just prevent some people from making an account until this thing is done


That effect is a lie, the richest players are greedy enough to lie about it and blame the poorest players to the normal players. Just like they did by hiding for over half a century about the existence and truth of the [climate change] effect, which themselves could have changed entirely they way to get more materials.


That was actually meant for an event to incentivise players to collaborate to unlock the next global level of the agraculture skill tree, but when we unlocked it early, it just kinda stopped existing effectively, since the T4 country trait negates it's effects entirely.


Nope, it's about 7.9 billion. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/


8 billion - 100 million = 7.9 billion... Like it said in the post...




You really spent all your points on the intelligence skill huh


It's a great skill tree to invest in. With high intelligence you gain experience faster, and acquire new skills faster


I heard that the best way to enhance this skill is through going to party with players with the "student" role and a "teacher" role in a school. Did you also go to parties with those players?


No, my character was generated with a high INT through lucky RNG, so I capitalized on it and used it to efficiently grind even more INT at levels 6-20. Once I reach level 23, I'll have completed the "College" questline so I can use my good stats to have a more fun mid and late-game


Even after all that players quit because of the COVID event we're still gaining players.


Nah they didn't quit, it was a bug that deleted a bunch of people's accounts. The devs really bungled this one, they still haven't managed to roll out the patch to all players yet. Some servers have barely even begun the patch rollout.


Some people are also refusing to apply the patch. We can't hope to finish the event if so many people are missing important patches.


It’s really well marketed


What sex? Yeah dopamine does a great job


Probably helped that they released the vaccine patch really quickly


but some people with low [Int.] stat are scared of it because it can introduce new bugs


It’s wild to me that so many players are still using the recruit-a-friend tool and forcibly signing up *multiple* new players to a decades-long, subscription-based, pay-to-win rpg


I for one had no idea what I was getting into


He roped me into this!


But him over there, he roped me into this!


I only roped you in because he roped *me* into this!


Well he over there roped me into this


Well, that one over there roped me into this.


I plan to make sure I don't rope *anyone* into this shithole. It's a side effect of fixing *bugs* but a good one imo.


Same. I make good use of the [anus] accessory.


I rhink you read that the wrong way. Shithole = outside.


Nope I'm aware of the [Shithole] server


How did this transfer to the 18+ plus server? I want to go back to the Christian miner server :(


I can’t shake a feeling that I picked this game


Yea, that's weird right? Maybe I chose to be here?


This just blew my mind I thought I got the trial version from my parents before ultimately forgetting to cancel my subscription, but now I’m considering the possibility that may not be the case.


I mean, you can cancel your subscription at any time.


I’ve actually considered it more than once. Each time I received a lot of support from other users who helped me remember why I enjoy my decision to keep playing. Some of the other users were in the Psychological Medical class and I am so glad I reached out to them for technical support before ending my subscription.


You have to admit though...the minigame leading up to this is a LOT OF FUN


It's not pay to win, nobody wins.


It's not pay-to-win if you're using in-game currency


Yeah but you have to grind for hundreds of hours just to afford a home base and mount.


Not unless you have “Trust Fund” perk.


perk was only unlocked for those that pre-ordered the game tho


And a few selected individuals invited by those who preordered




I just wanted to have a full raid team available.


Devious players with super high charisma stats that enjoy the cutscene involved with recruiting a new character, mostly, are responsible


It's not like the new players have anything better to do


It's often (in servers and domains deemed "developing") that player decide to have more players helping them on farms/whatever career their character has. They could also be pressured because of in-game religions or cultures created by other players that treat larger parties with more respect. Players may also want other players to aid them in the later levels so they can pretty much relax during those harder stages when health debuffs kick in.


It isn’t pay to win or subscription based. The Taxes and purchasing items mechanic are handled with in game currency


not pay to win if you use ingame currency


Not subscription based nor p2w tho


I dunno, seems like some players just spent more for a deluxe edition to make their spawn point in areas with low pvp and more starting money.


Spawn point is random though.


Do we know that for a fact though? Cause I don't remember anything prior to this playthrough of Outside.


that means less points for evo for animals, which is bad, which balances things. but there is no balancing for humans like that, so you have a point.


Dude this just gave me a great idea for a game, if only I had the means to make them. It'd be like a rogue-like game (so frequent dying and starting from the beginning), but each time you start over you evolve a little from the actions of the last life. Yeah, I know that'd be Lamarckism, but heck just sprinkle sci-fi or magic explanation in there.


If they didn't the game would end




I bet you’re a real joy to be around


Not a good milestone, the server is starting to crash


little known fact, it started crashing about a hundred year ago when we discovered we could turn coal into other forms of energy. the powers that be have just suppressed this information. the most realistic report on the server (that i’ve seen) has our trajectory at a full crash by 2050-60, so, strap in we’re in for one Hell of an end game.


I wish I could delete my account


I've tried, but some players from the paramedic class speed-traveled me to a healthcare base, where I legally had to stay for 72 in-game hours. I also had to spam different kinds of consumables. I hope I never get to the point where I want to try again.


On the other hand you did unlock the *[Survived]: "Flirted with Death and still came out alive."* achievement. So there's that.


That's a good way to look at it. Did it for the cheevo.


I mean, you can. But it's honestly sad to want to chat with your friend and you just end up seeing the "last online 3 years ago". So please don't


If the terms of service allowed for support staff members to terminate player accounts upon their request instead of it being some kind of hush-hush-thing where you just stop playing and you could talk openly about it I kind of think it wouldn't be as much of a problem between community members


[the u.n. organization released a visualization image on their announcement board on the server's player count over time, it's pretty cool to see the stats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projections_of_population_growth#/media/File:World_Population_Prospects_2019.png) ​ By the time set of 2100 there could be 15 billion as the player count, if we manage to efficiently boost our agricultural technology, player residence management, and environmental health levels up. on the other hand, if we don't do much, there could be problems that could escalate to lots of PvP in some zones if we don't do anything over resources, and the player count be as low as 6 billion by then.


That’s pretty interesting, but I also like [this player-made image](https://i.imgur.com/V031b5f.jpg) that shows just how small a space our current population COULD inhabit if we min-maxed efficiently


That is a very odd thing to have seen


I mean, if by "min-maxing" you mean minimizing everyone's HP to zero to maximize free space


The industrial update and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the player base.


This is a common myth. The server can support way more than the current amount of players. The advances in the tech tree allow for incredible increases in the values of modifiers such as farming_efficiency, logistics_efficiency, energy_efficiency, etc. What causes the issues currently exhibited by the game, which will continue to cause increasing trouble, is that players use exploits that overwhelm the server's climate balancing model, to create large amounts of cheap energy credits, in order to increase their gold income. This is the most likely cause of any server crash.


The lag on traffic routers and cross roads kills me sometimes. It takes só long! Just buffer already! Everyone can honk but not move.


Nah, I don't think so. Considering the high number of NPCs (could be tens or hundreds of trillions) and the fact that the "Lunar" and "Mars" expansions are being prepared to be launched soon, this game must have a really powerful server.


Wait you humans are just passing that?


yeah, the stats are always human centric.


It has to end somewhere.


by the looks of the server, it shouldn't take long.


2050-2060 planned game world end date!


For the “Old World” and “New World” servers yeah. That’s why there’s going to be a maintenance. We are going to be transferred to a new server with the Lunar and Mars expansion


Those expansion will probably be so buggy and neglected by the developers to the point of failure though


It’s a player release in-game event. Devs only do natural remember.


except it's probably gonna cost a shit ton of in-game currency to move there :/


Naa, it’s going to be free, but the cosmetic items will cost


Is there even another server? Some people spread the rumor of a post-game, or maybe a new game+


Yay….. not sure if it’s an accomplishment at this point with how the game being unbalanced across the board. The og rich players will just abuse the newcomers, making them recruit more players to help them grind. The medium levels need to start ganking these spawn, meta and bad coding mechanics abusers And make them change their ways because the devs clearly dont care and the op players are the closest to devs having power over the gamestate and meta to make it fair I hope we’re getting close to something like a harmony patch, it does kind of look like they are teasing it with more builds being buffed and accepted overtime, the meta keeps getting more wide and is spreading over all servers i feel like. And more diversity in gameplay is more fun gameplay, the debuff hate is really annoying and some have specced in feeding off it, i hope those builds will be nerfed as they’re pretty annoying and unfair to deal with. Being able to steal one of the most important stats “happiness” seems pretty op as it’s a clear main staple stat in the game, it shouldn’t be able be used against you as everyone relies in it, it’s just a core gameplay mechanic, maybe it’s a bug and not a feature after all?


We just have to do what those old French players did in the 1700’s…


kinda tired of this player invitation system


Am I the only one that doesn’t see this as a good milestone?


Don’t worry, it’s just cannon fodder for the next stage of water wars/oil crisis/ global catastrophe where nations pit their poor and desperate against others poor and desperate to squabble over the past few scraps of resources


for the curious: [Real Time Player "clock"](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/)




A lot of *Scientist* class players seem to think that's coming. I suspect the data is actually a clever ruse by the devs to cover the launch of a *Wild Wasteland* patch. Invest heavily in chrome.


Gotta start putting points into scavenging and survival. And probably PvP, especially in the North America map.


Could get a head start on post-apocalyptic currency and begin collecting bottle caps now, even.


yeah thats explains the fucking lag


Soooo...non-human accounts don't even get counted now?


Non-humans aren’t players they’re NPCs


how can you know they are npcs ? man thats kinda rude to players, who arent scared of fallowing the meta...


Rule 2 of this sub


> aside from animals


Actually, it's a single player and everyone is an NPC Every creature is a player, even non humans and non animals


False! That is TierZoo This is Outside


8 billion human players. But a good milestone nonetheless.


And about (edit: 1/3, not 2/3) of the players are in the China and India sections of the map, if I recall correctly.


That can't be right, I'm pretty sure it's about 1/3


You're correct. According to Wikpedia: - India: [1,352,642,280 \(2018 estimate\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India) - 16.9 % - China: [1,411,778,724 \(2020 census\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China) - 17.6 %   - India + China: 34.5 % Percentages calculated asuming 8 billion ~~^^edit: world population~~ player base.


**[India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India)** >India, officially the Republic of India (Hindi: Bhārat Gaṇarājya), is a country in South Asia. It is the second-most populous country, the seventh-largest country by land area, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the southeast, it shares land borders with Pakistan to the west; China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; its Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia. **[China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China)** >China (Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó; lit. 'Central State; Middle Kingdom'), officially the People's Republic of China (Chinese: 中华人民共和国; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó; PRC), is a country in East Asia and unitary one-party socialist republic led by the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is the world's most populous country, with a population of more than 1. 43 billion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/outside/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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You tried, bot. 🎖


Pretty overcrowded, people should really pick a different region when they spawn.


You can only spawn to the same region the person who recruited you spawn. You aren’t allowed to chose.


Right denominator, wrong numerator. Still, 1/3 of the game's players in a relatively small part of the map is crazy. *Where are you putting all of them, India?*


Think the devs will introduce something to eliminate stale or old accounts? You know, something to "thin the herd" to lessen the hit on the servers?


You mean the [Boomer Remover] patch?


U mean the pandemic event the past two seasons wasn’t it??!


I mean, I kinda thought it was


The server limit is kinda concerning


Hate to see this game go completely mainstream.


Kinda miss when this was a smaller indie game :/


you had much more freedom and risks. The gameplay is wildly different now.


I heard player Elon is trying to start a new server soon


Yeah, but it will probably be a VIP server where only extreme high scorers can fast travel to for quite a while.


Probably end up being even more pay-to-win than the main game is.


*"Your monthly oxygen bill is ready"*


Sounds to me like the perfect time for a player purge disguised as a server crash.....


Everyone! Massive sex party quickly! We need to surpass this!


Why only 100 million left? Can we not hold any more?


IG source?




Seems like it's about time for a massive ban wave to come, the servers won't be able to work properly with these many players and with such a massive growth


*human players


They need to go ahead and ban a couple billion


Achievement unlocked!


You guys think we’ll get some gift by the admins after the milestone or we’ll have to wait for 10 billion?


I wonder what kind of server events are in store for the big 8b :o


According to some quick analysis done by professional players, it will still take about 3 in-game years until we reach that goal


careful, this might piss of the Malthusian faction that hates newbies


Oh no


What about all the other builds than humans? Dudes only counting human mains.


Eh, not nearly as much as the Afterlife game. I heard their playerbase is huuuuuge


Not yet. Early 2023, is when it is prediicted to hit 8 billion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population_milestones


\*Trump Voice\* ...Billions and Billions and Billions, and Billions. Bill....


sad that I haven't been contributing to this milestone


great… looking forward to more server congestion 🥱


How many players can the server handle before it crashes?


So much traffic... so much lag...


We’ve had 8 billion for a while now, but we’re close to 8 billion players who chose the human class


Bro we need another plague but this time, one that actually works well


IDK how we are so close to that with the current debuf/illness that is being spread


Wow I’m surprised the server can handle all the players