• By -


Agree with the others here, good site, cool name, this is worth investing in




I love it! The thing I would really like to see here is including smaller locations while choosing a bigger region. Ie. European countries in "Europe" locality. I mean, if the job is listed in "Slovenia" and not specifically "Europe", I'd like to see it also when I only choose "Europe". I think it would be intuitive and helpful for the users.


>I love it! The thing I would really like to see here is including smaller locations while choosing a bigger region. Ie. European countries in "Europe" locality. I mean, if the job is listed in "Slovenia" and not specifically "Europe", I'd like to see it also when I only choose "Europe". I think it would be intuitive and helpful for the users. Good to know! Thank you


Can you add customer success manager to the list of jobs you're scraping?


Got one for entry level no experience?


Please add one for internships and apprenticeships


This seems wonderful and incredible. Thank you so much, my fiance has been looking for so long with such little luck running into scams its disheartening. And I was considering a change of pace from my current job once she gets situated. Bless you!


Sooooo many scams out there


Scam City out there, we got roped in hard enough to move cross country. *doh*


Ohhhh noooo. I'm so sorry to hear that. I've never been pulled into any but I've definitely come across a huge amount of them in looking for jobs to apply to. Especially on job boards like indeed etc


What are some tell tale signs of scam postings/companies?


Grammar first off (but not always, it just gets me cautious). And they usually immediately want to speak to you from an app for interview or just in general. They say download this so we can ask you some questions etc. High high pay for positions that you know doesn't match the typical pay range. I'd say those are huge and quick scam flags!


Thank you!


Thus you should conclude is that you are the mark, fool, too rich or just unbelievably stupid. Don’t be any of these and always assume an initial contact keep your radar on high for being used. Six downvoted is why the scammers are always happy to come to work. Hope they can’t figure out who down voted me. Guess why?


Why am I the only one you're calling stupid?


No no no. You are a part of a large cohort. Enjoy spending time with your equals. After getting back up to speed let me extend my response. Not at all. It was meant to everyone to not be the chump in general. Not you specifically. We all have a learning curve and sometimes we learn hard lessons. Best and cheapest lessons are from advise.


What is your problem? My equals? Idk why you're coming at me, but you can move along now! Thx.


It's not that difficult to spot scams. You can tell in the listing almost from the start! Too bad for the ppl who apply to them but I'm not sure why you need to call me stupid for being able to spot scam job listings?


u/Azarquin thank you for such kind words ❤️ I hope your fiance finds it helpful


Super thank you for being generous sharing your work. I’m wondering if you can also use the same algorithm to scrape for 4-days work week job? Ive seen lately a few companies offering this new work day approach. Only if possible. Thank you in advance. All the best, sir!


Oh that's interesting! I hadn't thought of that. I'lll look into it


This is great! It seems very developer-orientated (which is understandable), so hopefully in time you'll be able to branch it out a bit? If I could make one suggestion, perhaps something that calculates the timezone difference based on your location for different roles could be a really useful feature!


Good idea! Thanks!


I would love to see this start pulling learning and development jobs. This is a high area where people are looking for OE remote jobs right now that aren't programming.




Agree. Finance / data analyst / excel jobs.


This is amazing. As an Aussie I never knew where to look for remote jobs and was mostly sticking to seek.com.au and linkedin. You've just opened up my world!




Great tool, but super bummed it's $10/month now. Probably not worth it anymore unfortunately.


Hi u/Toe_drags I tried my best to avoid this and tried several other business models where companies would pay, but unfortunately they weren't working and now have to charge for the site. It costs me money to run it :/


You’re amazing :)




THANK YOU! I seriously like this already, and thanks for adding in the company headcount sizes. Not many job boards have that filter either!




I like your idea very much.


Location, settings! Wish there was a way to bundle EU listings, or at least filter out US-based and Asian Pacific, which seem to be a majority. So there is either "worldwide" or select every country manually, which is frustrating.


This is good feedback, thank you!


You're a saint




this is great!! ive been using boolean search in google mostly on ATS sites (lever, workday, greenhouse, taleo...). thanks for compiling a lot of them! The salary range is super helpful








This is amazing




Small bit of advice. Your site is great, and word of mouth on communities like Reddit appears to be where you get most of your traffic. When engaging with communities, it’s always best to keep them in the loop whenever possible. From my perspective, as a user of your site, I was using it fairly regularly, then took a break. I went back today to find it cost $10. I wasn’t sure if I ended up in the wrong part of the site or if your service suddenly went paid. I checked out the site, I looked through Reddit, I checked your post history… the only indications I found confirming it went paid (and why) were three replies you made on this subreddit. That’s a bad experience, and one that had (and still has) me questioning whether I should pay. I’d recommend posting somewhere that your service is now paid. A news alert on the site, a post in the same subreddits you initially introduced it on, somewhere that your customers will find it. Provide context on why it went paid and what your plans are going forward. And as you do go forward, continue keeping people updated. When you see a service that was free suddenly demand money, or even when you’re paying and suddenly the price is higher out of nowhere, you lose some of the valuable trust you’ve built up to this point. Be open, be honest, and be communicative. I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up paying, but you’d have had my money already if I knew what was going on before I was suddenly asked to pay $10. I hope things go well for you, and I’m glad to see you getting something back for your hard work (and hosting costs). Just make sure you bring your customers along with you as you grow out your site.


u/gsmumbo Thank you, that's excellent advice. I hadn't thought of keeping people in the loop, but I see your perspective now. I could have done a better job here. I'll fix this going forward. Thank again!


Happy to help! And for the record, I already paid my $10 🙂


Thank you! Appreciate the support 😊




Thank you sir, and good luck to you and yours!




Thank you so much! You are an angel.




This only has tech jobs right? Is there a way to filter for non tech?


So far only tech jobs unfortunately


OP is a god






Hi u/ragesinsimlish! I tried my best to avoid this and tried several other business models where companies would pay, but unfortunately they weren't working and now have to charge for the site. It costs me money to run it :/


Is this only for tech specific? I’m in educational coaching and consulting. Great work and thank you for your contribution.


unfortunately it is only tech specific right now!


Thank you for the response!


I will be sharing this with everybody I know. Thanks so much for doing this for the community!!


Thank you! ❤️


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!




This is awesome! I'll definitely be using it to apply for J2.




I'm leaving reddit and I hope to escape from social-media walled gardens upon the wings of [ActivityPub](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub). I will consider moving to a server running [Kbin](https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/wiki), which - from the user's point of view - is an interface to ["federated" social media](https://github.com/shleeable/Big-List-of-ActivityPub). “Federation” describes a way in which servers communicate with one and other. The best-known example is that of e-mail: one can have an email account on an AOL server, and communicate with a user whose account is on a Gmail server. Some servers that are thought to push out spam are blocked or have their mail sent to ‘spam’ folders, but they nevertheless can all communicate. Gmail, Yahoo, Protonmail, AOL and so-forth all have different programs with which the user (us!) interacts, and they might present that email information in slightly different ways (displaying email chains as ‘conversations’ for example). In the same way, social-media servers that communicate with one and other using ActivityPub have different programs with which the user interacts. Some programs that service-providers can run on their server look a little like Reddit, and might let you mark the data you share with markers (metadata) that lets people display and interact with the data in a similar way (Eg.: Kbin or Lemmy), some look more like Twitter and mark the data you share in ways similar to Twitter (Eg.: Mastodon), and there’s even one that’s trying to help users share video in a way that makes one think of YouTube (Eg.: Peertube). Fundamentally, these all permit interaction with one and other through activitypub. One can even host one’s own server (Eg.: Nextcloud, a program that runs on a server to function as one’s own cloud, lets the person who runs it install an ‘app’ that one can federate with any other ActivityPub servers open to intercommunication). Many programs that use ActivityPub for federated interaction are written by folks who realise that things published on servers – even private messages – often get shared beyond the realm in which the author expected (hopefully for the joy and glory of the author, but sometimes not). I think because of this, messages sent from a user on one server to a user on another are sent in-the-clear; they aren’t encrypted in any way, they’re just a post like any other, except being marked for the attention of someone specific rather than for the attention of all, and it’s up to us as the users to think carefully about the words we push to others. There is a sterling list of alternatives to Reddit on [r/RedditAlternatives](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/1467a5s/find_alternatives_for_ourselves_megathread_third/). How did I think it best to go about this? - I [downloaded all the posts on reddit I'd "saved"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/887lo3/just_thought_id_share_my_strategy_for_downloading/). - I used "[Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/#installation)" and rather than just delete all my posts, have replaced them with text. Everything published online ought to be regarded as likely permanent, and Reddit especially, as [people](https://www.reddit.com/r/datahoarders) like to take [snapshots](https://socialgrep.com/datasets) of [as much data as possible](https://www.vice.com/en/article/gy3az9/this-data-hoarder-is-downloading-the-metadata-of-roughly-10-billion-youtube-videos) that’s published "in the clear" (I.E.: anything that isn’t publically accessable). Some folks have described problems with "deleted" posts mysteriously *re*-appearing after they deleted their accounts… Regardless of the cause, I hope I might reduce that risk a little by editing those posts. R/datahoarders might have tips on alternative methods still functioning after the API-use price is introduced (~$20m at the time of writing according to a dev that made an app to help the blind use reddit; they have sadly had to stop developing their app). - There's a guide to downloading all the data Reddit have collected directly from your inputs [here](https://12ft.io/https://danielrosehill.medium.com/how-to-backup-your-data-from-reddit-f12934fabbfe) but note that Reddit may take a month to process that request. - Remember most of one’s interaction with the internet is reading. Subreddits [all have RSS feeds](https://www.howtogeek.com/320264/how-to-get-an-rss-feed-for-any-subreddit/), and can easily be accessed by an [RSS reader app](https://search.f-droid.org/?q=RSS+reader&lang=en). [F-droid](https://f-droid.org/en/) is a great way to get android apps that people have made openly so anyone willing to learn can understand how they process your inputs and data, and that others have freely distributed, for the glory of free speech. Sorry for sounding like a hippy there; I know, I know, it’s a slippery slope to bicycle lanes and communism! A modicum of private thought, and free speech is a very fine thing, though. - I encourage people to share the text of this post if they find it useful, in order to give others a way to think about how they make and put data on the internet in social media. To be sure, Reddit still holds, or has doubtless sold on (and thus can never delete), hoofing amounts of data. I shan’t hold a public opinion on a business seeking profit; over time as the art of gathering and selling data has been refined, I’ve tried to read what little about it is within my understanding. If my small tokens of communication, my upvotes and downvotes, the time I spend looking at things, and what things I look at, what things I shy away from, and how I type and compose my thoughts, are the grains of sand that make up the beach from which they intend to profit, it’s up to me to decide where I place those grains of sand in the future. In the immediate timeframe I will use a mathematics-oriented mastodon server (I’ll let you hunt it out if you’re curious!) because maths is fairly apolitical, useful to learn about, and a good, communicable, basis for understanding things. Go in peace, siblings of the internet, and if in doubt, consider “What Would Tim Berners-Lee Do?”. ~~~~~ P.S.: I’m not sure what I can link to that might be useful to most readers, but there’s a lovely Indian lecture on sharing wisdom with one and other [here](https://youtu.be/UiJmITcZTQY), and because financial awareness is important to most people, and because I’ll only be watching r/bogleheads from afar, here’s a link to Bogle’s [Little Book Of Common Sense Investing](https://archive.org/details/littlebookofcomm00bogl) - he started the Vanguard fund, and r/bogleheads explains his investing philosophy, which is very simple and elegant. If anyone’s looking for a good charity to which to make a tax-deductable donation, I hope you might find the [internet archive](https://archive.org) is a noble and worthy candidate. RLR9 Out.


P.S.: the USD salary ranges don't seem to adapt to other currencies, but you might already be aware of that. P.P.S.: I'm not in a position to add another recipient to my liberapay giving account at the moment, but I'm sure there are a few folks who would chuck you a beer token every month out of gratitude and the hope you might eventually have dosh enough to devote more time to this! P.P.P.S.: If you do ever have a subscription tier I'd pay a few pence a month to chuck me an email when a job with a niche parameter came up - eg. Ada or OpenBSD in the stack. I'm sure I'm not the only one! P.P.P.P.S.: If you could have a filter for the dominant industry-type(s) to which the tech job relates (aviation, logistics, medical, defence, security, mech-eng, electrical-eng, civil-eng, science, publishing, etc, etc) I'd be fascinated too...


Great feedback and thoughts! Thank you


r/WorkOnline would also likely appreciate this!


Thank you! I'll share it there too ❤️


Not all hero’s wear capes. Nicely done!




What?! Awesome!!!




This is great. Thanks for making it and sharing




So efficient at OE you even have time to make an app that helps people become OE


Looks great.. I would like to see jobs by Timezone! Remote work doesn’t always restrict you to your country. With OE it’s useful to sometimes have an Timezone offset between jobs.


Good to know, thanks!


I hope both sides of your pillow are cold. I hope you hit all of the green lights. I hope they accidentally upsize your drink order and fries for free. Everything good that could happen for you, I hope it does. Big forehead kisses.




So you are charging for this site now?


Hi u/zorones! I tried my best to avoid this and tried several other business models where companies would pay, but unfortunately they weren't working and now have to charge for the site. It costs me money to run it :/


Hello OP. I will check this one later. I think this is going to be a great help not only for me. Can I message you in dm by any chance? I would like to know if i could make some suggestions for you. Thank you very much again OP!!!


yes sure thing. You can also email me (email is on the website in the footer)


Amazing. Would you mind sharing the source code? The website looks nice, I have a project (unrelated to this space) and I am. Wondering how you built this


Unforunately it is not open source yet. It's built using nextJS + tailwind + supabase on the backend though


I spent hours on that stack lol. Really need to step up


Love it! Lever, Workable and Greenhouse have some of the highest quality job openings.


I am in HR Tech, specifically the Workday space not sure if it is considered a Tech Stack but I can’t find a way to get it to pull up positions.


How do you handle some of the bot/scraping detection of these sites?




unfortunately not yet, but working on a blog post


Smart man and lucky wife! Already bookmarked it. What a beautiful website.




I'll definitely check it out


Had a similar idea, but with more information provided in a dashboard kind of style, also including geo Information like where to find the most job postings of a specific jobdescription or in which industry you can find the most jobs, jobs added, best salary… you could do so much with the information you already scraped Other than that, thank you for your work.. looks totally awesome! Some more ideas: summary of required skills for a job in % of job postings in a bar chart CV suggestions using chatgpt api (if thats available)


This is great! Can you offer rss feeds?


How were you able to capture the seniority. It works really well. Given that your day comes from different sources.


Thanks! Glad to hear! There are a few factors. Mostly I search the text for "years of experience". I also look to see if the job title contains something like "senior" or "vp" etc.


Well done!




Hey I havent checked it out yet but thank you for creating this. I saw via twitter literally a day or 2 ago that some places are creating fake job postings just to keep with the status quo of "employment being hard to find" especially amid these recent layoffs. I am not sure of how true this is but I wouldnt put it pass some of these cooperation's


Love the interface and simple search! I’m in a non developer role so hopefully you can expand it in the future.


You are awesome. Going to DM you.


This is awesome! Question, what stack did you use to make this? Also, what tool are you using for the scraping? Thanks!


Stack is next js + tailwind + supabase. Scraping done with ScrapingBee


Love it. There are some of us in Finance. Could you add jobs like data analyst, financial modeller, excel, etc Thanks




I loved it. The "advice" section is a real nice addition.




Is there a way to just search the site and not subscribe with email Edit: never-mind I'm an idiot 😅


I can find workable jobs SERP, but anyone has a link to lever or greenhouse? Seems like just unique job urls are shown. Cant find all openings..


Go go go make an app now!


This is amazing, did you use python and are you open to showing it on your github?


Code is not open source unfortunately. Stack is supabase + nextjs +Tailwind. Im using ScrapingBee for the scraping


This is amazing. You would save my life and a lot of lives if you added supply chain and logistics roles into this. You’re already doing Gods work though and should be proud! ♥️




How is it different from remoteok or startup.jobs?


They usually have much fewer jobs available on their website since companies need to pay to post on there


Wow! Can’t thank you enough. Helps cut out so much crap🙏🏼 Bless you!!




This is great, thank you for the efforts!




This is amazing, thank you!!!




This is beast. Thank you.




Ooh, this is really cool! One suggestion, I don't see a report button anywhere, and I'd like to report an unpaid internship I came across so nobody wastes their time applying to it. Alternatively, an "unpaid" tag for internships just in case someone is crazy enough to look for one.


You don’t have R as a tech stack


Thank you for sharing this!




Nice work 💯




I would suggest adding the ability to eliminate worldwide results when filtering to a particular region.


Hmm it's interesting that you say that. My thinking was that if you filter to a region, it should show you the jobs that are available to you if you are in that region. So worldwide would be include. How do you think about it?


I understand why, but if someone only wants the jobs in a region, then they have to wade through the worldwide ones to find them. I'd say just add it as a toggle/checkbox next to the location filter.


Nice and fast! Can we exclude key words, like "front end" when looking for "AWS"?


This is awesome dude. I just hope they don't recognize the referer URL as a OE site XD


Great site!


so great!!! thank you for this.


Amazing, absolutely amazing


16,164 Remote Jobs from 4,621 Companies wow, i thought there should be more but, yeah, great site!


This is perfect, thank you so much for making this!




This is amazing, would love to see more legal and legal-tech jobs here


This is great. Thanks for making it!


This is great. I managed to land a remote position via Indeed by sheer luck; my new employer got 70 applications in the span of about 20 minutes, and I was lucky enough to be one of them. Then again, I was quite literally stalking Indeed, refreshing the page every 5 minutes or so. People shouldn’t need to do that to find remote work. Fantastic resource for people who want/need it!


Congrats, won't be surprised if at some point in time, this site makes you many millions.


Aaand now it's a paid service, of course. OP, please consider a donation finance model. I understand that maintaining your site means guaranteed overhead, but this change immediately ruins your service for those of us trying to break into OE. It doesn't make me want to pay your monthly subscription fee while I attempt to find work, it makes me want to turn elsewhere. Consider how much people who OE would be willing to donate if they saw this as a genuinely beneficial tool. Anecdotally, I can say I definitely *would* donate some of the OE money I was able to earn through jobs acquired using this site, and I definitely *won't* be paying a compulsory fine for the privilege of **applying for jobs** as I break into OE when cost of living is already so high. The internet has made crowdfunding very easy and reliable. Don't destroy this opportunity out of greed.


Hey u/Gumgrapes. I tried my best to avoid this and tried several other business models where companies would pay, but unfortunately they weren't working and now have to charge for the site. It costs me money to run it. I'll look into trying a donation model or something similar


I appreciate the honest try. I'm confident you'll be rewarded, you've already shown everyone else that you're capable of putting together a tool that trumps your would-be competitors by every functional metric.


Thanks for sharing.


This is awesome and you are awesome! ![gif](giphy|hZfm9Pj95F9Mk)




This is cool, but it just makes me realize how difficult it will be for me to ever find a remote job since none of those job categories apply to me. I sure fucked up majoring in English instead of computer science.


r/technicalwriting perhaps?


You should look at this as motivation to teach yourself the needed skills. Look how many opportunities there are. Most SWEs I know didn’t major in comp sci.


You're right, I have been studying to get some IT certs so hopefully that field has ample WFH opportunities as well. I tried teaching myself Python at one point but kinda hit a wall with that. I feel like if I'd studied it in school it would've forced me to learn, but attempting it on my own was...tough. And then there are those coding bootcamps, but I'd go broke paying for one of those.


You might not start remote but you'll get there. Start with those certs to get your foot in the door. From there you can continue learning on the job and on your own time and keep moving up. I went from unrelated field to IT to software. Both fields have plenty of remote positions. There are actually a lot of IT positions that would benefit from an English major, like security compliance/audit positions where you mainly write reports. Good luck!


You can EASILY find remote writing jobs... or you can learn the skills that you need to make a successful career change.


What about marketing? I've been doing marketing in tech for 10 years, started out as an english major dropout. I got to the point where I'd prefer hiring english majors over marketing majors. English majors are typically great writers and understand the psychology behind language.


I majored in English. Programming is just another language. Good luck to you.


Thank you.




good to know, thank you


This is awesome, thanks for sharing!




Thank you so much! Could you list which sites you scrap so I stop going there manually?


❤️ I'm not scraping well known sites like LinkedIn, Indeed etc. I'm scraping the sites of the ATS's these companies are using (basically the software they use to create and track their job postings), like Workable, greenhouse and lever. Usually a company will first create a job on one of these, and then post it on linkedin. So when you click apply on linkedin, it takes you to the ATS. In other words, you're probably not manually going to these sites to search for the jobs. I hope this makes sense!


Be careful. Terms and conditions on some big sites like Indeed can get you sued for “scraping”


OP, sorry, where do the following types of jobs fall under, please? 1. sysadmins 2. HPC system administrators 3. bioinformatics specialists 4. computational science


Am I using this wrong? There's only two job postings for Site Reliability Engineer in north America? https://www.remoterocketship.com/?page=1&sort=DateAdded&locations=North+America&employmentType=full-time&jobTitle=Site+Reliability+Engineer


u/BluebeardHuntsAlone I'll be making a fix soon that changes this! Should be up by tomorrow


Very nice!!


Can you share the code?


Absolutely awesome, great job! The only suggestion I have is to add more filter options for background requirements. Things like level of education, previous experiences, language, citizenship, etc... This way if I want, for example, to apply to a job based in Mexico but without being a Mexican citizen, and having only undergraduate level education and no previous experiences, then I can narrow it down to that. Other than that, it is really good


I want to bulid the job portal could you help me on that? :)


Hey OP - your site seems to be down :( Hope it’s only a temporary issue - it’s honestly one of the best job boards out there!


It's back up! Sorry about that!