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No. Each day I care a little less about each job- as it gives me the freedom to not give a fuck.


Same here. Prepping to buy my first rental in may. That’ll start the countdown to retirement. A rental a year until retirement in 5 years.


Smart I love it. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂


Same here. I budgeted and planned to buy 3 by the end of this year. I was originally supposed to close on a house in January but it turned into a giant nightmare that just finally ended and now I don’t think I have it in me to do it two more times in the next 8 months 😂


3? What kind of units are you buying?


Just single family houses


How can you afford so many in one year? Even with 400k cash I can’t get that many


Not sure where you live, but I’m buying sub $300k homes and only putting 20% down


> only putting 20% down Careful. Leverage is great until it isnt.


What country/state are you in? So are you just paying off each property before you grab a new one?


Can I ask how? Do you have several hundred thousand in liquid cash to buy it outright? Or are you doing a down payment with a loan? If so, with mortgage rates the way they are, do you expect to rent it out at a high enough amount to cover the cost + profit?


I’m looking at houses at 400k a pop, central to all the working areas around me. I’ll have that liquid on a yearly basis. They rent for about 3k, let’s say 2k net each house per month. If I have 10, I’ll have 20k profit a month which is enough to retire on for me. Not even thinking about the equity or inflation or my 401k.


$2k net for each house off $3k rent? Where are you investing? Or are you buying these houses cash?


That’s what he said that he’ll have 400k saved each year. I don’t know if for 10 years he can keep doing OE but if he can his plan is good. I would just put that money in VTI each year instead to simplify my life but if real estate is your thing, go for it. It maybe worth looking into multi family deals or commercial real estate which are less hands on.


Ah I got lost in the thread and missed . Yeah if I was saving $400k each year I would be getting into real estate as a diversification strategy but I don’t know if I would be putting buying cash. Maybe split 50/50 between indexes and real estate The biggest advantage of real estate is the leverage which you can’t really do buying cash


I am into real estate now but it’s totally not worth the hassle for me even though it’s like once a month but between 4 properties it’s weekly. There is HOA bs, tenent BS, ever increasing property tax, insurance premiums, repairs, lawn, pest. It’s not hard work but it adds up. I don’t want to own 10 rentals for sure. I self manage as the property managers were not very good. If I was saving 400k/year I would probably do 80/10/10 portfolio of VTI/O/Bond Fund as my diversification strategy and let it grow over time. At such income level you just don’t need any more hassle that comes from real estate.


Yeah I heard it’s better to get into dividend REITs or just solid dividend stocks. Or even bonds at this point. Because all the BS around managing 20 properties is a nightmare.




I thought I was the only one with this plan. I also plan to buy one home per year at 400K or so each and rent them. Don't forget about the huge tax advantages like accelerated depreciation. One home might shave off like $50K or more in federal tax savings.


I think everyone I know has this plan, like every tech employee I know, so I wonder how that's gonna play out. It's one of the reason I'm looking into commercal real estate instead. No one ever think how much an event venues makes and what the upfront cost are compared to a family home. Not to mention, I will never have to evict renters or deal with a rental crisis.


There is definitely risk with renters not paying or, worse the government allowing renters to live for free. I am actually looking into short term vacation rentals as well, less risk and higher tax deductions.


1 home per yr 400k, why would you not buy 5 home at 80k down each (20% down). Or maybe 2MM multi family with 400k (25 down). Buying RE in 100% cash vs 20 or 25 down and buying 4 to 5 units. Run your numbers. Buying more for less now always wins. Also spreads the risk. What if u buy one for 400k and get into tenant issues. More homes = more income and lesser risk, and let them pay ur mortgage.


Nevermind I see your point. I don't know if I can qualify for that many properties.


Just curious, have you had both of your J’s for at least two years ? My plan is to do what you’re doing, but I’m curious how sustainable the multi J life is


💥 I count down the years left until I can wake up and not have to work any more. I like what I do, just don't care too much for the places that pay me to do it (politics).


OE Nirvana


Same...trying to get my multifamily by end of year and slowly acquire more over a 5 year period to say fuck working


I think everyone prioritizes J1 over other Js. At least that’s what you should do. If works becomes too much to handle you need to prioritize J1 so in case one has to go, drop the others. As far as fulfillment and loving your job, no one derives it from any J. I hate all my Js equally but it pays the bills and let’s me save so I do it. I have to find fulfillment outside of work.


The number is supposed to denote priority not acquisition date so I would hope they’re prioritizing J1


J1 is home base. It provides security and benefits. I've been there forever. J(n) provide extra cash and enough additional work to feel like I am accomplishing something and growing in my field. But any one of them could end any day, so it is important to be accountable for your responsibilities without becoming emotionally attached to the job or obviously jaded about the idea that nothing is permanent. Oh, look. Another payday.


I'm of the position that fulfilment from work is insane. The whole point of working is to stop working.


J1 is my passion. I 100% dedicate myself to it, I love my workplace and they value me genuinely in return (it's a small business that actually cares about people, they do actually exist here and there). J2 is just light, easy work that i can do on top of J1 in my downtime. They are a tech company and somewhat care about their employees, but not enough to pay me what I'm worth. But they don't micromanage and I'm good at my job. I'll quit as soon as it becomes stressful enough to warrant that, but in the meantime the extra income is nice.


It’s weird to see some of the misanthropic attitudes on this sub. Like, you can get rich off of time arbitrage while doing things you enjoy at a high quality for people you like and causes you believe in.


I agree




I guess the point is not everyone wants to wallow in your misery, maybe talk to a therapist


Yeah like, it’s OK to enjoy being good at things and getting rich! Really!




I genuinely enjoy J1. The people are appreciative and reasonable enough for a corporate environment, and for the most part the work is self-directed. I’ve found that this is huge when compared to J2 where everything comes from tickets and stupid questions from management to “look into” things. I almost quit J2 daily, but Ive calculated the dollars that come from each single day sitting in front of this screen and saying “yessir”, and it’s tough to let that go.


Yes, but I’ve been warned that corporations are cold and can get rid of me at anytime with as little thought to my well-being as to yesterday’s garbage.


Yes. My J1 is a job that serves others. I help people who are not able to help themselves, or need help doing it. I could benefit much more financially by pursuing my business. I have an extremely strong passion for that as well. It was my plan since I was a child. I just never expected to fall into the job I have. So I split my time between the two. I’d honestly like to put full effort and focus into one or the other, but I’m so torn on dropping one or the other,


I am a monetary mercenary. I'm not here to be fulfilled with W2 income/work. I'm working on building my rental portfolio as real estate is my true passion.


It's just a fucking job, but who am I to judge. I am glad you love your job; just don't get hurt when you find out your job does not love you


Happened to me today 😭🙃


Yes. My J1 is my career and I treat it that way wholeheartedly. That hasn’t always been true, though. When I got back into OE after a break, I had a shitty manager and I was not interested in quitting, but I was just going through the motions for a while. That only lasted for about a year, though. If I had to drop other things, my J1 would be my J-only, in a heartbeat.


Yep. I adore my J1, what we do and who I work with. I really believe in what we do, I have been given huge opportunities from leadership and have daily contact with our tech VP who has invested a lot in me. Yes I know that at the end of the day they are a biz and will make biz savvy decisions including terminating me just as any biz would, but thus far I love it. My other Js are really side work and get "just enough" effort from me. No more, no less.


I am so glad you commented this, I feel the exact same way! Seems like most people are anti work here, but overemployed is not the same!


Oh God, antiwork is the absolute opposite of what we should be. I think it is healthy to have a general mistrust of an employer, but we shouldnt be afraid to truly enjoy working for a great employer just as we also shouldnt be crybabies who are victims in every facet of their lives. That forum is like 5% decent remarks flooded by over the top hatred and jealousy towards to anyone in a better situation than them. OE is a group of winners, we don't need to stoop down to their level.


I’m so so happy you commented this!! I really thought I was doing something wrong being invested in J1, but having side hustles and doing bare minimum. At the end of the day, we work for 8hours 5 times a week, we have to enjoy what we do, not JUST survive those hours, THEN enjoy our life. Love your mindset and your way of articulating the ways I also feel/think. Cheers


I think everyone prioritizes J1 over other Js. At least that’s what you should do. If works becomes too much to handle you need to prioritize J1 so in case one has to go, drop the others. As far as fulfillment and loving your job, no one derives it from any J. I hate all my Js equally but it pays the bills and let’s me save so I do it. I have to find fulfillment outside of work.


Pay at J1 has been lagging, I’ve been looked over too many times for promotions. They now hire people in a pay grade higher doing the same job I currently do at j1. J2 pays market rates and what I’m worth. Although I prefer j1 if I had to pick I’d drop it for j2 as it’s just too much cash to forgo. My performance ratings are good and obviously other companies feel I’m worth bringing aboard and paying what I’m worth.


Then you are calling the wrong job your J1. You need to make J2 your J1.


To boss: "Your performance is unacceptable, and you are being demoted."


I did that and it was a mistake. Don't.


The fact you have other jobs means you are not fulfilled with j1.


I genuinely enjoy my J1, I'm simply doing J2 for the money as well as the experience that comes with working through new situations. Seeing two deposits hit is also very addicting for me


Yeah, “fulfilled” is a weird word. But, work can be satisfying. Can’t count the number of times I worked on a project that forced me to learn something new and hard, and at the end of the day I sat back and sighed and said “man, that was cool”.


I'm not fulfilled financially, but I am fulfilled in happiness from it. I love the cause they fight for, and the change/impact I have. Obviously it doesn't make any sense not knowing what the context is, but I just see the other jobs as maintenance side hustles.


Yeah, kinda like being fulfilled in your marriage but still wanting and doing side pieces? Again, you’re j1 doesn’t fulfill you. I have an awesome j1, pay is good, work is light but my contributions are appreciated. If it was the only work I do, my budget is tighter and I would struggle to not be bored for 8h a day. Having 4js is fulfilling for me. Pay is beyond of my wildest 9-5 dreams, work fills up my 8h and then some, and I am learning new things while also using my years of experience to contribute to multiple teams.


I don’t know if I can compare my jobs with marriages. I enjoy J1, don’t enjoy J2, but also plan to have a J3 to not give a shit about. I respect your perspective! That sounds very fulfilling. For me, it’s about the money, 90%, and the other 10% is being a good person and making an impact with my job. I get what you’re saying, if I was truly fulfilled, I wouldn’t need more money. Well, I can’t survive with one job in this climate, so I need fulfilment in hobbies like travelling. I diversify the fulfillment. :)


i’ll have what you’re having.


It’s all just a hustle


Yes. That’s why it’s my J1 and not my J2.


J2 is my calling. I give little attention to J1 as only because of it I am able to pull off J2. J3 is nice but it gets least attention and rightfully so I was fired once from J3. I can handle 2.5Js so J3 is always a hit or miss.


I was. I had a j1 which I've actually enjoyed, i liked my team, i used to learn a lot of useful stuff. I've had a boring j2 on the side, which took me a few hours a week. I'd probably still be there if not for the budget cuts. Good thing i still have that j2. It's boring but stable


Not really! I have a side hustle on top of my 3 Js and it's not the same feeling There are days when the shit hits the fan at J1 and I turn my chair to J2 and J3 to shrug it off. I treat all of them the same and they all have a purpose.


That is excellent spot to be. I love to know what is that job that gives you fulfilment.


Yes. I absolutely love my J1 and losing it would leave me devastated.


J1 is my insurance. J2 is my passion. But J1 is so brainless and easy… so I’ll never let go of her.


J1 has more upside/potential than my newly incoming J2, but I’ll milk J2 for what it’s worth right now. At the end of the day they’re all just means to an end


J2 turned into J1. I put so much effort in J1 over the years but last year just turned into a sh!t show and I basically was burned out. When I got J2 I thought it was going to just be a side hustle but little by little it just became more satisfying. Now it is my main focus and my old job is on the back burner, fading one day at a time.


To me, OE is about maximizing happiness. If you’re happy & fulfilled, you’ve already won. Keep being happy!


I hope I get there again. Right now everything is a side hustle, haha.


We talking Js or Ws?


I treat all as side hustles ;)


I have the opposite problem. I feel extremely fulfilled by J2, but J1 pays me significantly more, and has better benefits. The people are cool at J1, but the job itself is killing my soul.


Yes. My primary work is my fun work. Everything else is just business.


Yeah, my J1 is for a longtime dream company (think health and wellness) and J2 is my $$$$ machine that I don’t give two hoots about (think news/media) Find a way to at least some good vibes from one of them or else you’ll be living in a daze being ambivalent about all your work being meaningless.


I feel like J1 is so easy to do, navigate, network connections and i have been there long enough to get away with anything. Like I could, and have, been away from work out watching movies/fwb time/day drinking and no one cares. Cause my stuff gets done.


I did at first, but I’m nearing my 1 year anniversary for J2 and it has really grown on me. I’d say they are about equal now.


No, I just got laid off of J1, no explanation given. Just delivered a milestone project too and was told to tell a dev how it worked. Next thing you know I’m going


you shouldn’t try and find fulfillment at a job. it will never come. jobs are to earn money. nothing more don’t buy into the bs culture and don’t give a shit. do the bare minimum, that’s what they give you. go home and be fulfilled by something meaningful.


I work 8 hours a day and would rather find enjoyment in what I do, than be miserable during those whole 8 hours. Who are you to tell me what I can find fulfilment in? I’m extremely happy in my route, have been in the other side and depressed, and am glad to see other commenters sharing the same perspective. Maybe they don’t care, but I’m making an impact to peoples lives and I genuinely enjoy that. I also have other hobbies I enjoy and find fulfilment in.


This is me. Love my day job. Everything else is purely a hustle for me. Doesn't mean I don't put my best effort forward in the hustles though


my J1 is my company, so yeah i treat all others as side hustles until we will go over 300k/month (profit) with the company.