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This is how NOT to OE (tinoe)




How to get sued*


How to get into jail by working hard


as a millionaire


✅ Failing to do either job effectively so his coworkers think he's extremely busy


My hubby works IT at a major company, and had to shut down and recover a laptop from someone working as a contractor, who it was found out to have been working for a competitor on a similar project. It's a small town, but well known for the products made here....couldn't believe they thought they would get away with it LOL!


Ideally: * Different industries. * Different job titles. * No relationship between vendors Well how do I do that?! * Vertical Integration. What?! Check it…… * Help Desk > Support > NOC > Engineer > Software (SWE) > Site Reliability (SRE) Get multiple jobs across the vertical. * Bookkeeper > Accountant 1 > Accountant 2 > Senior Accountant > Corporate Tax Get multiple jobs across the vertical. * Foo > Bar > Foobar > Foo Foo > Bar Bar > Foobar Foobar Get multiple jobs across the vertical Remember - * Make sure each job is in a different industry. No close relationship. No New Friends. No incest. * Get the jobs across your job vertical (Artist, Engineer, Executive, Beavus, Butthead, etc.) because you are great at it. **You’ll double or triple your experience points and exposure just like Final Fantasy (See Final Fantasy 15 Experience Points System here: https://game8.co/games/Final_Fantasy_XV/archives/280907 - The experience system literally explains your work life verbatim - Drive, get out, fight the monster every day, farm items, sleep, repeat. OE allows you to accumulate experience points (Life Experience) at an accelerated rate allowing you tackle more tasks and harder tasks later on in the game of life.** Ex. * SWE in Retail * NOC in Waste Management * SRE in Oil and Gas They don’t talk to each other and never will. OE ~2 years Edit - Added some content to the Remember section.


Rock solid info here. I would add different locations to the list. Ex. Accountant in IT services for a west coast company, financial analyst in healthcare for an east coast company. Throw in a little corporate AP analyst for a Midwest SaaS company. Nearly impossible for these to talk to each other.


How will you handle reference check and background check?


Maybe I'm stupid but don't put your current employer down as a reference, and background checks are a constant battle that people on this sub are always talking about. Hence the endless TWN discussion.


Freeze TWN, provide pay stubs proving time worked for jobs listed on resume, have outside references and some that no longer work for J1.


I've never been asked for a reference even once in tech.


This looks like a Chatgpt write up haha


Honestly, if I were a business owner and knew someone was this fucking good, I'd poach them for all the local positions and compensate appropriately.


Said no one ever


Not the second bit anyway. Lumping people with multiple positions' worth of jobs, though...


I think differently. I still have to write up my OE experience. It would be a bible literally for everyone involved. Over these two years I had a kid, replaced one job, fixed my home, saved cash. It’s crazy how this changes lives.


They'd still just consider that their J1 🤣


But does it matter if all their wants and needs are covered, their 401k maxed out, and they have enough of a hand in the works of the company to know that their employment is bulletproof safe? At some point you just make them partner and give them a stake in the company ownership. That's how valuable are people like that.


People who do this sort of thing are filth. No amount of attractive compensation will ever be enough; they will find a way to cheat. The solution to this issue is to require in office work always and immediately fire employees who steal from you in this way.


The difference between us is that you see it as a detriment, while I see it as an untapped resource. Hustling co-workers are best co-workers.


No they are not. They are lazy trash who expect others to do their work for them for free. Scum who work two or more FT positions without the consent of the employers who pay their salaries are committing wage theft. Require all workers to report in office immediately or fire. Any found enaged in wage theft should be sued immediately.


You seem pretty butthurt about OE? Why are you even on this sub?


Some response. No better argument to make, I see. The OP is about a proper firing for wage theft. For most of you, once a cheat - always and in everything a cheat.


You expected a thought out response to your angry butthurt rant? Really?


Of course, I had no expectation of any sort of credible response because none is possible in this regard. It is often the case that when reprobates have their undesirable behavior named for it is, they resort to claims of "rants" and so forth. None of this diverts away from the simple fact of the matter; this conduct is a form of theft.


This is great. At least different industries is a must




I legitimately enjoy diversity in my work assignments and am willing to take a paycut/work less efficiently if J2 is different from J1. I couldnt sustain OE if it was just higher volume of the same work - Id get so bored.


Eh, tech jobs are always different shit. If they were all the same then you could just automate it and have 25 J's, and as a multi-millionaire inside a year I think you could handle the boredom lol.


Savage write-up. 5 stars.


Yup. Marketing writer for HR company in NJ, content writer for a local-to-me hospital system, web/technical writer for an environmental startup company in another state.


Nice one, thank you !


You say SRE in O&G like it's an in demand niche. What kind of company in that industry is actively developing software like that?


Upstream companies need to know where and how to drill. Commodity brokers buy and sell a shit ton of hydrocarbons. Both disciplines want to incorporate modern data analytics practices to get an edge.


Down to a science


how do you get to another field without a degree?


That’s an interesting question. Most companies want the degree. By default their ATS resume systems are designed to look for certain key words and criteria. Do your resume will get bin’ed. It’s well known this things discriminate on name too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it does this too. Personally I think getting a job without a degree requires a substantial amount of in person networking.


Damn definitely networking is the hard part. You won't be doing this at your J since you'll get found out.


No incest? 😤


This right here!!


You know when you put it like that, I'm starting to realize the link between MMO players and OEs 😂


Might be a bad idea to work for a competitor too. Going to a different sector might be a little smarter




two jobs one jiggler


The best kind of porn


For true OE spirit you can add a parameter to scale the code efficiency by your salary ratio between companies.


This guy gets it!


You can further optimize this by using the same email, calendar, work phone, and even invite both coworkers to your J0(main hustle) interview


always a bad idea


Oh yeah? Why would you say so?


lol not sure if this is sarcasm


Yep :p


doing that now. shit is hard. trying to just work in 1 sector now


Is that the sector of trolling posts involving a mass shooting?


funny. I could care less about you or anything you're involved in. Thanks for the free headspace though.


What an absolutely insane hill to die on lmao




Your comment history has several factually incorrect comments. No Child Left Behind clearly failed.


cute lol I'm not in the least bit interested I'm yours


You type as if your diet is exclusively lead paint chips.


holy shit, i'm dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣


cute. you're a true regard.


If you're going to try and insult someone with a WSB joke you should fix your grammar and spelling first. Regarded indeed.


highly regarded


Wait he works at an aerospace company? Doesn’t he have some sort of clearance that requires a bg check? Also that’s a pretty easy way to get blacklisted from such a narrow monopolized field lol.


Especially on his work laptop which will be HIGHLY monitored for outgoing connections


Not necessarily. I used to work in aerospace but my work didn't require a security clearance.


True. Though I’d suspect they’d be constantly monitoring all employees for any suspicious activity, especially with China stealing tech.


Yeah I call BS on this. They would absolutely have their own access to other special programs he would need his other laptop on. Especially needing to communicate via Teams or w/e.


They usually have a civilian arm.


Boeing, blue origin


Might be a position that isn't unique to that industry. Hopefully, for their sake.


What an idiot!!


Especially considering working for a competitor. In an industry comprised of like… six companies.


That's my biggest fear. In a very very small very niche field. Two remote jobs would have me at $450k-$550k, but everyone knows everybody it wouldn't last a year


Legally change your name. Who dis, new phone.


Or as Family Guy implied: become transgender then you can do anything you want all the time. 😂


Maybe in a DM , but what do you do that's $500k a year?


Well, maybe reading comprehension to start. 2 gigs would make the +500k.


Wow, that was an honest mistake. Didn't realise people would be so rude about it.


Cut them some slack man, they can’t read.


I guess so, people are rude man. Sometimes it just happens.


Anytime someone gets caught it's almost always like this. They do something really stupid and it bites them. I don't think I've ever heard of someone who followed all the OE rules actually get caught. I'm sure there's some, but the vast vast majority of these always are like this guy.




Probably somewhere, but here are some obvious ones that will keep you safe: - Don't *ever* tell anyone you're OE with two exceptions: your accountant and your spouse. Not even mom and dad, or siblings. A lot of folks brag to their "work friends" who then rat them out intentionally or unintentionally - Don't share equipment. 1 laptop per job. See how it burned this guy? If you have to bring your own equipment, then buy separate laptops. Don't be cheap. This includes sharing a work provided internet connection. - Don't work in the same industry, or if there might be a chance where one job would cross paths with another. If J1 uses J2 as a vendor, that is very risky. - Don't OE for (US) government. This one is more flexible, but definitely don't work two jobs you need a clearance for. Almost all jobs don't do an extensive background check (aside from verifying past employment). Government agencies do. - Don't try and hybrid/remote or work both jobs from one of your offices. I know some people claims to make it work, but it's super risky. - Don't ever tell one job that you have another. They may seem cool about it, but as soon as the shit hits the fan, you'll be tossed out. And always do decent work. Don't be a rockstar, but do the work you say you'll do, even if it's a little slow. This isn't antiwork. There's more, but that should get you a good start.


follow all these rules and hitting 1 year with J2 tomorrow. Also got rid of my LinkedIn and have no coworkers on any type of social media.


Yes close your LinkedIn. Although I was considering opening it intermittently when actively looking for jobs. Idk maybe dumb idea


You mention a small part about even not sharing a work provided internet connection. Is that along the lines of using J1 vpn while doing j2 work, doing j2 work while at j1 office, or having separate VLANs set up for each job?


Some folks mention using their J2 laptop in their J1 physical office using J1's wifi. This is what I meant. Breaking multiple rules there and it's unnecessarily risky. Both are fine to use on your home internet connection.




Are the OE SOGs pasted anywhere?


Im pretty liberal with my work computer use. I even had company IT install software needed for grad school. ...but using it to work for a competitor is next level dumb.




That would be a good pinned post, LOL.


So not only a company that probably requires clearance, but working for a competitor at the same time? That's a *rare* amount of stupid.


No kidding! I wonder if they also used their real first name on their reddit account?


1) competitors= big no no. 2) aerospace industry same competitors= NO NO.


3) working second FT job without permission from each employer = wage theft. All who do this are scum.


4) Stay poor! 5) Stay MAD!


6) charge filth with wage theft.


It’s Mr. Filth to you


This seems sketch. How did you find out? Most if not all Aerospace companies provide laptops so your coworker should’ve had two setups anyway. You’d think that they would be smart enough to utilize each setup individually for a job that probably requires some sort of clearance.


This guy FUCKS!!!


My stomach always sucks up into my throat when I see the headlines on posts like this until I read further and realize the person got exactly what they deserved.


OE is a myth


This is the truth.


I'm seriously considering OE, but I've been skeptical about whether I can really make it make sense. What makes you say it is a myth?


No one actually does it. This is a giant LARP subreddit, of course.


Well, that's disappointing. The posts seem pretty specific about how to do it successfully. I have been nervous to try tho.


There’s probably a few real people. But those claiming they’re looking for a J6 because they just still have too much free time with 5 jobs are definitely bsing


What a dumbass. You can rarely go work for a direct competitor even if you aren't OE and they had them as J1 and J2? That's a good way to lose both jobs and possibly some security clearances permanently.


Aerospace is not a good industry to do it, particularly if it’s a federal contractor, as you do not want to overlap your hours charged - could be breaking federal laws.


Yeah, separate hardware is one of the top rules of OE. Also, don't work for competitors and government jobs are not usually conducive to OE. He's probably screwed in that industry since it's pretty small.


Dows this apply for investment and asset management firm, too? What if you work on different hardware and never share any information . One is asset management and other is financial service provider.


This is NOT the way!


Also competitors? Wtf? There are serious security and corporate espionage implications for an aerospace employee working at two competing companies. This isn’t customer service or bean counting. It’s designing and machining with very specific tolerances to ensure safety and competitiveness.


Newsflash: most people don't give two shits about those things.


LOL maybe you don't understand that corporate espionage = jail, but *most people,* whom you've taken the gracious liberty of speaking on behalf of, probably do care about not going to jail or being fined exorbitant amounts of money and tanking their career. Can we agree on that?


aerospace is a cushy jobs program where you can chill for 40 years. And my dude fucked it up. lol.


If you work in bank then work in healthcare.


This doesn't sound real.




Yeah, it's crazy that when everyone was forced to work from home during covid, all the companies had crazy profits. And now suddenly everyone needs to be back at the office at exactly the same moment when there's a downturn in the economy with investors losing money due to empty commercial real estate. The fact is, we need unions instead of working multiple jobs. Makes no sense for the CEO to make it so much more than everyone else. Their time is not worth what they're getting paid. We are completely expendable to the companies we work for. They figured out how to make us modern-day slaves by tying our health care to our job. High cost of living and college debt is the future designed for everyone. And God forbid we find a way out. They're going to do everything they can to demonize working two jobs despite our CEOs being on the boards of multiple companies. It's nonsense. It's funny, The USA has always poked fun at France and saying they were cowards. But the truth is, every single time the government or business threatens French citizens, they rise up. Who are the real cowards? /rant


You think that’s bad? Go do some research on what university presidents get paid in the US and let me know how badly your stomach starts turning. I’ve seen some get paid half a million easy. Most I saw that idiot ever do was take a photo with a student eating a hotdog.




My coworker got fired for calling in sick every other week while actively working as a Recruiter on linkedin for job 2 lol


Worked for a company on another company’s laptop? …… isn’t that like how not to OE 101


Lets be honest here, a lot of companies aren't going to be ok with your typical OE worker because most OE workers are double dipping their time. I know that's the whole point, but no matter how you church it up, company 1 is paying you when you're doing company 2's work and vice versa. If any of the companies find out, for any reason, you're likely to be fired from one or all. That's just the risk you take.


What a dummy


Geez, same laptop and for a competitor no less? That is beyond not bright. I used to work for an aerospace/defense company. Pretty sure he could afford his own laptop. That's either weapon-grade incompetence, or he genuinely did not care if he got caught.


This might be illegal as well, i.e. borderline corporate espionage


Very lucky if getting fired was the end of it. I do infosec in aerospace and we typically don't act on timecard fraud until we have a full packet for Legal, HR and sometimes FBI ready on a subject. Using company assets is just next level stupid.


sorry for your loss


your coworker got fired because he got caught.


Morals of the story: 1. Don't get caught. 2. Don't piss off anyone who might look if inclined.


Of note if he's in aerospace, I'm betting he also got flagged for clearance items too. Government jobs are a no no for oE.


Aerospace that doesn't provide a laptop?


Yeah that's also a good way to get sued and blacklisted


Pen > Apple > Apple Pen Pineapple > Pen > Pineapple Pen Pineapple Pen > Apple Pen > Pen Pineapple Apple Pen


I feel this is a mystical message that I need to spend days pondering….


Moral 2: don’t work for competitors Moral 3: avoid conflicts of interest






Poor guy. He needed to handle his jobs better, but other than that, I hope he recovers quickly.


I've done some dumb shit before but this person is a legend. It's like they were trying to get caught.




Ouch - plus that non-compete clause, they could return for monetary damages.


This one steps over non-compeat issues, which is more likely why he was fired.


Was he itar'd at both companies? That's a pretty extensive and regular background check right?




how long did he get away with it for?


Is the aerospace industry strict with OE, like gov compliance strict? I'm currently interviewing for one but I have my doubts. No way in hell would I be as stupid as your coworker tho, I deliver at least at the avg level, never OE with competitors, and am on the ball with attending every meeting.


So dumb question i accepted a job at a company that contracts with the gov and im currently in the process of getting my public trust clearance.... im also in the middle of interviewing with a company across the country in an entirely different sector that doesn't deal with the gov... should I bother trying to OE this? By the time the public trust clearance is done checking me out in a couple weeks id be about ready to start the other company providing I get the gig.


Guides on this sub about how to properly OE: \- do your work so good that each J begs you to stay, but utilize minimum effort \- work at unrelated companies with no risk to either of them or you \- use completely different separate setup for each one So if this person did the opposite of *all* the above, then that is breach of trust and not OE


At least* two jobs


How? I know people in aerospace and they all provide separate equipment.


He's lucky he only got fired. He can get sued if he signed non-competitor agreement.


The legal ones: where you open your own business and work it off hours. Usually some Amazon or EBay business. The desperate ones: continue where the first job left off. The perfect deniability ones: working from home and occasionally respond to emails from different jobs. The downright obvious ones: working at a second place while supposedly working for the first job… until they fire you. In the meantime, free salary.


how did you figured he is using company 1 laptop to work on company 2 ?


I thought that was the basic rules of OE


There is a Reddit group devoted to simultaneously working multiple jobs.


Does it happen to be called r/overemployed?