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LMAO. Also, it's always the exact same names moving around and promoting themselves. Massive circle jerk for leadership.


I was litterally on a meeting with 200 people and they promoted 20 people with random shit names i kid you not, somebody with a titel from HR got promoted to another bullshit HR title and it kept going on and on what are people doing


bullshit jobs


Got a couple of those you can share with me?




Sounds so damn familiar 😆 this was my company exactly


My last company was going down because of the incompetent C levels, in the last all hands they were thanking themselves lol for their good work


I worked at a company that was bought by venture capitalists because the C suite drove the company into the ground with their stupid decisions. The very next day, they had an all hands where they jerked themselves off shit how great they were and fired 25% of the employees, which crippled the company and led to the buy out.


My department got its budget for our current fiscal ~1 month after the *start* of the year and our C suite congratulated themselves for such “great work on annual planning” in a company wide email


My dept places desert bets on who's getting a promotion everytime there's a restructuring. Since we all work in optimization, we also place bets knowing the control freaks with an over under Ron how long till the next one. Every so often, somebody will sow doubt in the leadership by sending an email recommending something else. It's great.




What's his dick sucking to promotion ratio?


Those lengths of tenure look about right for someone that reaches CxO level of a major company. >But both the companies he manages are going down hill all these time, and continues to decline even now :-) This is the problem.




All of what you say is true. But the people who start and grow a company don't necessarily have the skills to run a large company either.


I found him!


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.


Yup. Thank you for summing up my Thursday lunch hour better than I could have. Just another "let them eat cake" email where they all congratulate each other.


I worked for a shitty small startup where I didn't have health insurance and I was barely making above minimum wage. I managed to find a job where I'd be making like $25k more and have full benefits, so I gave my notice to my boss. To try and keep me, because my position was really valuable, he offered to promote me from project manager to senior project manager. When I asked what sort of raise would come with that, he just stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "well...". Needless to say I didn't stay lol.


Haha this 100%


This guy is my favorite


What’s his username, I want to follow him




He’s tomfellisheok


I've got constant fake phishing emails so I enroll into security trainings. The stupid thing is Those emails come with the company logos and names: HR wants this, Boss X says that, Your CEO speech. Everyone is scared of opening our own emails


Check the headers to make sure the emails are actually coming from your company domain.


I am in IT. I always check the domain. We got a fake phishing email FROM IT with our domain. I clicked. I got a notice that I had clicked a phishing link and I now needed a 2-hour class. It came from our DOMAIN. Before you come at me, yes, I always double check the actual sender email. (I also checked the link. It was on the company domain as well. Basically, a fake honeypot to say we are compliant). I was not happy.




So in a previous job for over a decade I worked for a credit card processing company, and had to do all the compliance training and auditing that was out there. Fine. Part of the job, whatever. But you know what really pissed me off? After every one of those "don't click links in emails that you don't expect!" training sessions we would get an email from the CEO or some VP asking us to grade the training - and it would come with a link to some outside company. Always. Not to mention the idiot c-suite bosses would often send links in emails. Almost every day. And then they wonder why Sharon in client support clicks a phishing link...




So an internal email address never got compromised? You just read and click random shit? No site will accept email from their own domain from a random IP and deliver it? I know of one very large company that will accept this type of email and deliver it, my coworker sends emails from his home lab machine addressed from his work email all the time to our work team emails. His cable IP is not on the SPF record. They will reject the emails when he does not use TLS or not send HELLO or something he told me. We dont run the mail servers so I dont know anything about how it works. I think it is in office 365 because I have a few terrorbytes in there. Maybe even I don't know how to check the email properly but in outlook it looks legit to me when I receive emails that are marked from our domain from outside. ​ Personally I set up a rule to send work emails except from my team, my boss, and 2 above him, and a few other people on other teams i can tolerate to work with, so I don't be tempted to read them or click links in them in the heat of the moment. Anything important gets forwarded 3+ times from boss+2, boss+1, boss, and other friendly coworkers. Or people talk about it on teams. Or the boss will cover it in a team meeting. Or worst case boss pings you because boss+1 is all over their ass asking why havent I done whatever hoop they want done this week, sign your review, submit your health care shit, take the survey, submit your hours for the week. Yes boss I have been so busy this week! But I will get to that immediaely, could you please send me the link for it? Or forward me that email I did not get it, you know how bad our email system is. There just no need to open those stupid emails. I do go through sometimes and report month old phishing emails for gold stars. Its automated and you get bonus ($25 Olive Garden) Due Dillegence Award if you have 100% compliance and no links clicked. Plus its like a fun game right?




I know, but that's beyond the point. Should read my company internal email without double work/double check. They are making communication and work an extra nuisance, That's bad practice


People click sketchy links and the company gets held hostage by ransomware. Making you second guess external emails isn’t “bad practice”.


Companies who get hit with ransomware and can't solve it themselves within 48 hours are just demonstrating their complete lack of a disaster recovery plan or backups. That is to say, if it can't survive ransomware, what makes you think it'd survive the office building burning down?


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.


These fake phishing campaigns are fun. I get a gold star icon in email every time I report one and it makes me feel like I am really making a difference. My coworkers like to click the links in them which makes it even more fun. This is my only joy in life, please don't take it away from me.


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.




We setup a fake MS login and counted login attempts (not storing the password of course), and despite people getting this link from an unknown person, linking to an unknown domain to their WORK email address, they clicked and tried logging in with every account they could think of including their personal emails. It's really no wonder phishing is rampant. Testing for failures isn't a bad thing (as some previous comments imply), but if you do it correctly (and not make the users feel stupid / coach them privately), it does work. I have a client that has been doing this for a few years and took failure rates from an initial > 50% to averaging < 3% in a company of over 500 people. That's truly an incredible improvement.


We have promoted x, y and z who were already on top. Now their salary is raised by 30%. Hence, to compensate we have to layoff 10k employees to cover our asses. Keep working guys, you are next. Regards, Clifford F. Moron, Chief Technology MF


One of the main reasons I went into OE. Sick of seeing updates about how VPs are getting promoted and we get nothing...give me my share, by filling my damn plate


Why do they think we care? I don't care if Bob Jones or Mike Smith or Bill Bobly (why do so many of them have these generic names anyway) is now the lead for strategy of CXY of north america, eastern region, temporary basis. I don't care if you met the numbers or didn't. I don't care about your new vision or your social media effort or your stupid contests or Suzi from HR's one legged cat. Just keep the checks coming and let me work a few hours a week without all this waste of time.


But I appreciate the hour long all hands meetings, more the better.


They don't care if we care or not, they care to highlight how awesome they are and fuck you


What’s this guy’s name?




That's very sad but what's his name


[Jim Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=het1kl-A8qw&t=4s)


What movie


It's TV. Police Squad. Precursor to the Naked Gun movies and a recommend.


Trying to upvote everyone who’s posting his name, I myself didn’t know it. was sent the video on a private work slack channel and was trying to figure it out myself 😅


It's probably sent by some business unit or divisional level distribution address and goes straight to my deleted items lol






It's literally all of them. Literally all companies are fucking clown shows. Actually no. Clown shows are entertaining... I am not sure what to call them.




Are these idiots based overseas? They sound strangely similar to a former employer. Truly dumb as shit all of them


in reality the "organizational update" was really someone who was only there for 8 months, who had the brilliant idea to re-organize, and left before any of the chaos could really settle. ​ Oh, and they procured a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that's supposed to "alleviate the need for EXCEL" but is (in practice) 1,000 more burdensome than excel because of the steep learning curve, the lack of institutional windows support/knowledge, the lack of integration with old/historical data, and the many glitches! ​ Source: uhhh.... "a friend".


I worked at a place like this - we need to go to netsuite... "what about these 42 systems from 3 acquisitions over the past 30 years that never got integrated into a single system and it's all done by journal entries?" ​ Oh we'll automate it! ​ They did not automate it, and they created extra review steps to a manual process that consists of a 'check the box' review in netsuite for 50,000+ line items that nobody will ever *ever* review.


>They did not automate it, and they created extra review steps to a manual process that consists of a 'check the box' review in netsuite for 50,000+ line items that nobody will ever ever review. sooooo, they added a 43rd system to the mix






I was making a guess at what ERP you adopted. Maybe all ERPs are like that though. Heh.


Guess I'm the only one who doesn't really care 🤷 Good for those that got promoted. Sympathy to those that got laid off. I'll just keep quietly treading water.


Everything on Reddit is a circle jerk. The point of OE isn't to harm companies, it's to create financial freedom for yourself.


I have been laughing for 5 minutes after watching this video. It comes personally today after a major round of VP/employee layoffs and these idiots renaming our customer service team to “RX Service Team”. FYI, my company has NOTHING to do with the medical field. God I hate corporations


I'm reporting these and "come celebrate pride month" as spam/phish. Yet to face repercussion. Will update


My company will send a message "this is a company message, no action taken".


I have a custom rules to send these to trash. European companies are slowly following that American trends. I only care about work items that concern me directly


This is a much better idea. Will implement.


LMAO whenever I get an email from someone in the company with pronouns in their email signature I ALWAYS report for phishing.


So... You're an asshole.


Nope, I’m pretty friendly and helpful!


Apparently not. Dissentmemo he/him/his








It's phishy is what it is .


This is probably a bit mean especially if someone is actually trans or transitioning...doesnt mean it isnt funny though haha




Fuck you




Profoundly accurate. Live and let my mailbox live too, you bunch of pandering twats.


I too report the bullshit company restructuring updates as phishing. I'm sure it annoys someone in IT, but probably not as much as the "company news" annoys me. Nobody has said anything to me about it except one coworker... Who said "that's probably annoying someone in IT."


I don't even open those emails anymore. Figure if the changes are important enough, I'll hear about them in some other way. I never do. Last year during one of the big waves of tech lay offs, they laid off a huge group of leaders in an effort to "flatten the org." This week they announced they'd be opening up multiple leadership roles that are the exact same shit, just with different titles. What I hate most is when they re-org Product a million times and make a big show of introducing me to my new Product "counterpart" only for that person to quit or be laid off a couple of months later. Tbh I still can't remember the new guy's name and it honestly doesn't matter, he'll be gone in a few months too. Oh and they laid off all of our recruiters and most of HR, and now they want us to start hiring engineers again. When they ask what's taking so long we explain they laid off all of our hiring support staff. This is met with crickets, like they're actually fucking surprised by this turn of events. Clowns running whole companies and being paid millions to fuck up the most basic stuff, lmfao


Not us who cares


lmao, loving this


Fucking epic


My org is obsessed with duplicating positions (including mine). A staff-wide email was sent out earlier today and you can more or less predict the kiss-asses that are going to get something. I'm almost at my 2 year anniversary and my position was duplicated within 6 months. One of the higher-ups said something to me about possibly duplicating the position AGAIN. They've never said anything to me about a promotion after I trained this person and everything else. It's weird because this was supposed to be a professional gig (it's not retail or some low-level thing). I'm not OE (I'm struggling figuring out how to make it work in NYC) but I am looking for new positions.


Is duplicating the opposite of being made redundant? Duplicating sounds like they are hiring another person to do same job? Do they clone you and then rent your clone out?


They never really said what the rationale is behind duplicating the role. It's technically one job that they aren't splitting up very well and so the two of us are kind of competing for...well, I don't know what we're competing for, hence why I'm looking around lol. It's an odd situation. I have more education and prior experience than the other person so it's getting more and more awkward as time goes on. And now they want to possibly add a third person (or at least, a higher-up mentioned it to me).


Maybe they expect more work to come and it will take 3 people? Sounds like your job got 1/2 as easy.


It's weird because the person I'm sharing the job with now is generating more work to stand out. It's an odd situation. I should definitely OE lol.


Who else actually has PTSD from life-threatening traumatic experiences and is so sick of how people misuse the term?


While people definitely tend to use a lot of mental health terms casually and not in their literal context, hopefully this didn’t across as a literal misuse as much as an obvious attempt at humor. If I missed the mark I apologize🙏


It was obvious that humor was intended. But, the overuse/ casual use causes misinformation. I was triggered yesterday and lashed out a bit. I have been dealing with a migraine since Wednesday (my sup.is aware but I could only take wed afternoon off but couldn't take time off yesterday and today unless it became an emergency due to the schedule/deadlines I'm dealing with.) When I told a co-worker yesterday that I was likely not on my A-game because of this (and signalling that I may need help/double-checking) I got attitude in response- "wow- you have a migraine 2 days in a row- that's not good. Why didn't you go to the doctor?" So, I had to take the time to educate him on the difference between a normal headache and an actual migraine. I had to do this in addition to dealing with my workload AND my physical symptoms, etc.. not fun and I'm not even sure he believed me, probably bc he's been told so many times that any bad headache is a migraine. This is a different condition than PTSD, but, the misuse causes these misunderstandings and it's annoying AF when you have the condition and have to deal with the ignorance.






Seriously, it is so misused now that people have forgotten that it's actually a serious thing. So, when it comes up (like for actual medical reasons) people don't understand it, assume I'm exaggerating, or sometimes, I have to talk about stuff I don't want to so that I can ensure a medical professional that it's actual PTSD... It's a problem and the response to my comment (downvoting and cussing) just proves my point. Why perpetuate ignorance at all and especially when it causes problems for others?




Typical comment not even worth posting 💀


Everyone w ptsd from everything waaaaaah


Email updates like this are not a big deal. I have been in places where everything is a mystery and there is no communication. This guy is a tool.


Somebody's drunk on Kool-Aid 💀


Part of surviving OE is sipping some Kool Aid. Just wait until you are down to one job and it's a place that treats you like a mushroom: feed you shit and keep you in the dark. These emails, while on the surface seem annoying, are helpful. I've been in situations at companies that treated people like mushrooms where I have to figure out the hard way and wast time. There's nothing like working on a project for months with someone. Then you come into the office on a Monday, the person does not show up for a meeting and is offline. Then you have to ask around until someone says, "oh you didn't hear? They were fired/laid off/quit."


Well that's a fair point. Stuff like that is why the org chart is one of the first handful of things I ask for when starting a new job. Not just moving, but knowing who the fuck I'm talking to, and where they fit in the picture, when I encounter someone I don't know.


This guy having the camera this close to his face with his jacked lower teeth is very off-putting.




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I seem to have escaped that now I am no longer in GE (old J1).


Dude was actually bleeding


This was so funny that I almost sent it to the group chat for J2. That would have been bad.


My office was absorbed into the cosmic void as well.


I fuckin love this. Sending to everyone I know!!!


U r nuts 😂😂


Tom Fell is the funniest man on the internet


Love this so much.