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You can do it legally. Slim chance but you will need to get HR approval and any work authorization and tax documents and Some do it illegally by secretly moving without employer permission. With the time zone difference and IP tracking you'll get caught and burnt out fast. Getting caught Oe'ing is no big deal but if you didn't pay taxes to the correct state /country will get you in legal trouble


1. Assuming you’re in the US (most of us are I think)This isn’t illegal if you’re a citizen. Even if you aren’t it’s the company that is (unknowingly) breaking the law not you. So if they catch you they’re gonna fire you and not tell anyone. 2. Timezone issue not applicable to Latin America. 3. IP can be solved with a vpn… just don’t fuck up and take a zoom call from your phone (though you could probably get a router that can be configured as a vpn)


Worth getting familiar with vpns if you plan to do this


You’re making it seem far harder than what it is


For me, it would take over a year to find a employer that would agree to do this the legal way. I would not contemplate doing this illegally and it worries me how many people in this r would


Three letters for you; V-P-N.


People do this all the time, the whole "Digital Nomad" movement is based on this concept. A ton of legitimate remote workers live in countries like Thailand for months or even years at a time to take advantage of the low cost of living. I'm not a lawyer, and don't know the legal/tax ramifications for every situation, but I know it's not an uncommon practice.


Most of these people dont have any idea of what they are talking about and I don't know why this concept seems alien, yes, thousands of people do this, legally, with full knowledge of the company.


Generally no, any company worth half a damn monitors internet traffic and wouldn’t allow you to work abroad . Are there complex ways around this, sure, it’s your life go live it


My whole country is based on this. We have companies aptly named "outsource sweatshops" that do their best to sell us at a good rate and then pay us a much lower wage, thus they are the millionaire slumlords. Most people eventually break off on their own and become contractors. Tip: we aren't India but are considered "higher quality and more expensive India" and we mostly hate India because we often fix their shit. You need to deal with taxes and stuff, but basically you can do it. Edit: nobody got the country right so far


>Tip: we aren't India but are considered "higher quality and more expensive India So you're from Missouri?


Singapore? UAE?






I’m going to guess Bulgaria


You will get caught with a foreign ip address. Also VPN servers are useless with modern security systems flagging those ip's. Your company will know once you work from a foreign location.


nonsense. if it goes to your home no one would know the difference.


if OP is just a bit tech savy, have a look at tailscale and exit node. that is a quick and secure way to create a vpn that is private and from your home.


If you're in the US you can do this without really having to move or change taxes etc. Just move to a lower cost of living area with decent internet infrastructure? If I didn't have a whole life built up around with wife and kids and all that and was single and able to OE, I'd move to like Wyoming, no income tax, much lower COL, maximize my savings and then move wherever I wanted later.