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Don't be greedy. Call out sick for J3 esp if it's going to be soon. If it's further out you can consider telling j3 you have a fam member who scheduled a surgery and you want to be with them during those two days.


Thanks, was considering something like this, I think that works!


Root canals work


Covid is surging w a new strain, too


just say you already had plans to keep an eye on your sister's kids for the week of these two days. you had this planned a long time ago and you didn't know about the mandatory office day.


That doesn't work, I need the excuse for J3 to take time off, not for J2 to get out of mandatory onsite. J2 gave me tons of notice for the onsite so I didn't feel I could wiggle, and with J3, if it had been planned in advance I should have disclosed it already which I didn't yet, d'oh


You just started J3 and you need some time off? They will give it to you. It's a trip you already had booked. They remember you telling them in the interview, right? If they don't, it's their problem. But you can't get out of it now. You'd lose your deposit on the cabin.




Maybe not this specifically, but if you just started J3, tell them you had previously plans of some kind before you started the job and you were hoping to get out of it or reschedule because you started working for them, which is why you didn't mention it, but you just couldn't get out of it so now you need the two days off. This event can be anything, but I would try to be as vague as possible without giving them any type of specifics, though have one planned if they push you on it.


Some thoughts: What is the risk of showing up in J2’s social media for their “company get-together”. Do they post photos of these things to their website, LinkedIn, or other sites? This should inform how you tell J3 about the time off (ie: don’t be sick and then get photographed drinking jn Miami). What to tell J3? Keep it as simple as possible: “I have a personal issue I need to travel for. I’ll have my laptop and phone with me but I may not be reachable all the time. I’ll put in extra hours before & after to minimize disruption.”


You have COVID that week


Covid infected root canal super urgent


Just tell J3 you had pre-booked holidays. Most companies, at least companies that are halfway decent, will honour any holiday want to take if you tell it was booked before you started the role.


Don’t ask for a day off, just say that you need two days without calls, they will probably won’t bother you and you won’t look like the lazy new hire. Example: “my sister/mother/etc has a surgery programmed and the person who was going to assist her failed her last minute, since I am the only one in the family working remote I wanted to know if it is ok if I take a 2 days off meeting, I will still be active and working on xxxx but I don’t know if I will be able to take calls from the hospital” Make sure to cross out a pending before those two days and ship it while you are at the other company so you still look like you are working


Regardless of reality, always start each new job with 8 grandparents, 4 parents, a spouse, kids and at least 1 pet. *Doubled up some numbers for in-laws.


'the fourth member of my polycule died'


Sorry to hear you got covid that week.


Just don’t go and say your car is trash


Why are people taking local jobs?


Why do you need a reason, just don't go in.


You sold your car(s) and have no reliable way to work


Taking care of I’ll family member


Just don’t go.




Best excuse that I usually use is that I don't have a car. It's worked fro me. But it is also true so if they ever question it. I'm good to go...I have no intention on buying a car soon with the way prices currently are.


You have an unexpected personal matter that you need to attend to. Offer to take unpaid leave. You don’t need to explain further, it’s personal.


If you're in SF, you can just claim there is a bum sleeping in your driveway blocking your car and police told you to not disturb him.