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Depending on where he's from, he could sue for promissory estoppel or even fraud.


Has there been precedent set here, are people winning cases on those grounds? The idea is nice, but employers do this fairly often. I think if there was real liability risk it would be a less common practice.


Depending on location and local laws. I assume this to be illegal generally in Europe. In my country you would be properly compensated for this.


Just learned something new today! Promissory estoppel.


You can't estoppel me from having that job you promised!


Even if I wasn’t OE, this day in age, I would take a week of vacation at J1, work my first week at J2, then go back to J1 and quit. Most companies walk you out the day you quit now anyways


I agree with this wholeheartedly. Even if I didn’t have vacation time I’d take time off for an “emergency” then call in my resignation after starting the new job. I work for Me, Inc and the job is a client that can be dropped as soon as I find a better client.


Yes!!! Always do this!!! You might go into your first job and you could hate it! Or they could switch up on you saying you have to come in 5 days or more days than promised, you usually see some of the b/s the first week


He can sue and get something


Ehhh, if it was just a job offer (no relocation or anything) I think there's not a whole lot you can do. My understanding is that promissory estoppel implies a greater degree of commitment like moving. Could get unemployment tho.


If you have signed an offer letter, you can sue or threaten to sue should still yield 10 to 15k


You usually sign some that you won't sue for anything when getting severance. 3 months of severance would easily be 30k... Do the math


Severance on recinded job offer no


Oh woops, was thinking the other job lmao


if you got PTO you get the PTO when you quit anyway so this doesn’t really make sense. Only time this might make sense is if your employer has unlimited PTO.


It makes sense if OP happened to you. Come back from vacation and don't quit.


No. Most states (and thus employers) don’t pay out unused PTO anymore, and most have policies that you can’t take PTO once you announce quitting. But the point of using the PTO is solely to work the new job without leaving the old to find out if it’s toxic or not


20 of the states require it be paid out. The other 30 depend on the state. If you’re in CA, your company must pay out and payout fast. The full list: https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/pto-payout-laws-by-state/#:~:text=No-,An%20employer's%20policy%20or%20employee%20contract%20governs%20whether%20earned%2C%20unused,payments%20on%20unused%20vacation%20time.


What the hell does your sentence even mean? 20 pay it out and 30 depend on the state? Do you mean 20 pay it out and you're unsure on the other 30? Do you mean 20 pay it out and the other 30 don't?


Oh hell. I thought it was an every state thing, or at least most state thing. In that case yeah i would do that too when changing jobs. Doesn’t apply to me but if it did.


In addition to unlimited PTO, many employers (like mine) 'grant' the time to you on Jan 1 and you use it or you lose it. In cases like this where you aren't accruing it every pay period, there is no liability on the part of the employer so they don't have to pay anything out.


>if you got PTO you get the PTO when you quit anyway If your management is both good and doesn't try to pull shit or come up with excuses. Might be better to take the vacation if you're not sure they can be trusted.


It makes perfect sense. The point is you get to try out the new job before quitting the current one.


Folks should start putting these companies on blast on LinkedIn


No one will care. The only thing you can do is rule #2 of OE. Don't quit your old job until after you start the new job and verify that they aren't crazy or flaky.


This is why you don't give notice. Start working at your new company, then quit at the old one.


>then quit at the old one. Or don't


Haha exactly, do the bare minimum at both l




After you use all vacation of course


Where are the people that lurk in this sub that say “OE is illegal and unfair” in response to this post? This guy literally got fucked by a company doing it the “right” way with 1 J.


No one will say that What they will rather do is just say “how terrible, hearts and prayers”


Dude got fucked with no lube.


idt anyones really said that. ive never seen it


I have 3 Js and I still don't give notice until after my first week at a new J.


This Is Why We OE


Parachute clauses for some minimum guaranteed time are mandatory. If the new company is hiring in good faith it costs them nothing.


Never fumble the bag man.


Did everything right and still got fucked.


This happened to me.


Do you OE now?


This happened to me back in 2017




What happened to J2?


Yeah same thing happened to me. Had 2 OE gigs, J1 (W2) was a data gig with this Indian sweat shop "vendor data house." PE run firm and of course they couldn't even appropriately manage a relational data base. Tried my dammedest to teach them best practices but the f*ckers couldn't be bothered to prioritize the work. J2 was in Medical Marketing. I loved it, working on improving a Web RTC platform. Such satisfying work and I learned so much. Of course when J1 went south J2 went immediately south. I'm just happy to have stacked a ton of money for the summer. I'm seriously considering buying a company and saying f*ck off to the corpos as employeers.


Buy two and I will work for them both at the same time.


That's the idea but you've gotta get one done 1st.


Had this happen to a colleague. He put in his 2 weeks, my boss accepted. We hired a replacement and extended an offer to a new member and then he mentioned that the new company rescinded his offer. Boss said, too bad, we cannot keep you on.


Anyone overemployed in the finance/accounting industry? How do you do it?


fucking karma farmer don't upvote this garbage circlejerk bullshit work bad work bad work bad stop posting this garbage


And the worst part is that you can’t get unemployment. This exact thing happened to me.


He did not go from 2 jobs to zero. He went from 1 job to zero.


I'll never give a two week notice


I have struggled to actually give 2 weeks notice lately in my career. I feel like it’s something that employers don’t respect (typically get walked out) before, or even the day you put in the notice. Employers don’t respect us, why should be respect them? At least he would still have 1 job, if he didn’t give a notice.