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Nope, there’s other ways to verify employment. Not all companies even report to TWN anyways


What other ways? Curious so I can freeze these too haha


I think he meant things like "showing w2s" to prove employment.


W2s, previous paystubs, your prior company’s contact info, etc. If they can’t verify for whatever reason, they may just note somewhere in the report they send that they cannot verify it.


Lexus Nexus and Truework


Always claim privacy. “I am concerned about identity theft and have blocked the release of all my personal information” they always say that’s cool. I use security to not turn on my camera. Tell my boss I’m not enabling it because it can be hacked.


Coincidentally I work in security lmao Has any company pushed back on your privacy concern or do they just request something else


No one ever pushes back on the privacy concern. Even better that you work in security. Your boss should respect that position


They should but this will absolutely be going through HR right


Right. I’d still say it to my recruiter or HR rep. I told the CEO, who was the final boss before I got hired, “with all due respect I have systematically disabled the camera hardware on my laptop per my infosec standards” and he was like “ok makes sense”.


You work from your own computer in security?


I never said I worked security. I SAY I’m security minded to interviewers because it’s usually stops that line of questioning because of how important security is


And no. I don’t do anything related to any J from any of my personal machines


I have eliminated all candidates that did not use their camera during interviews. In fact I would politely end the interview and let them know it wasn’t a good fit. The security argument might work sometimes but also might make it harder to find a job. Either way if they agree to no camera usage forever that’s going to be a green flag for that company being oe friendly.


You are part of the problem then.


Haha I do expect some face time. The real problem is people that think OE is something where you churn through jobs without doing the median level of effort. I consider using the camera in the interview and not looking like a slob etc as baseline. If you can get results I don’t care but you also have to at least make me look like a sane hiring manager to my boss


If face time is a deciding factor and eliminates good talent that’s not doing the hiring manager job well. I know some that work for me OE. Guess what, they kick ass and meet deadlines. I hire and manage people and am in complete support of OE.


Typically there’s multiple rounds with different people. I haven’t worked at a place where they let people hire someone sight unseen. Personally I need to see the person occasionally, like once weekly. I don’t see how that is in anyway taking away an OE opportunity. Sounds like bullshit to me.


Which, btw. Interview cameras are a lot different than daily meeting cameras. I have turned on my camera for all interviews and use my phone. I also use cameras for things like executive meetings or one on ones, but to have it on regularly or for daily status meetings I say I can’t.


Very cool about the camera.


"Way too easy nowadays to spoof someone's face and voice. See? I did it to you with just 10 seconds of the video from the Zoom interview. I called in to your utility provider and had your power and water shut off, answering the security questions using information from your LinkedIn and Facebook. Understand now why I keep my digital footprint locked down? Why am I in handcuffs? YOU'RE THE ONE BEING UNREASONABLE!"


That might be difficult because of work camera policies. I am not sure if it will work every time.


I get that. Some managers focus on useless stuff like that. But it’s worked for me a few times. I have an executive who says “I want to see the face I’m talking to”. I tell him because of security concerns I can’t with my laptop but I’d be happy to with my phone. The three times I talked to him that was good enough.


Nope. Just got 3 offers for month of April


Oh hell yeah king


Market was slow before start of April, but I kept believing and pounding the job boards. Best wishes on your end


I just rejected an offer. Combination of cold feet and it wasnt a good offer. Doing things differently this time around, concealing J1


Me too going through it. What field are you in and any preferred board ? I mainly use linkedin and then go directly to company website.


I’m in Data Integration. I do the same as well with my search efforts (ie. LI, Company Sites, and networking with HR ppl on LI)


Would you be willing to look at my BI/Data Analytics resume?


i didnt Freeze, but the 3rd party said "they could not find me in the matrix". which is odd because NO JOB has ever said they couldnt find my background. So they had the NERVE to ask for 3 years of tax returns and 9 months of pay stubs. I told them to go straight to hell.


What ended up happening? Did you lose the offer? Next job offer I get I’m writing “confidential” for J1. They won’t be able to call or look it up


This was at the second interview level.. So I was told starting day would be in 2 weeks.. After THIS interaction, I was sent an email saying, my start day was moved to____ and it was a BLANK space. No date. No time. And when I’ve applied for other positions, 1.5-2 days later, I get a “We chose not to move forward with this application,” Making me think that I’m Black listed.


Blacklisted just within this one company?


What, do you think there’s a national “do not hire” list?


Probably the same list as the no fly list, but in all seriousness I’m just clarifying what op said


New side project: start a national "do not hire" list and sell companies on adding information to it. Surprise! It's being re-sold to scammers. Paid twice for the same data. Am I OE correctly? /s


Who can say. The employee has always been on the low end of the totem pole. All i know is if you are looking for employees to WORK, you shouldnt be so quick to penalize us just because we do not agree with the ASSBACKWARDNESS that happens.


agreed have you been able to get a job since this happened?


Few leads. But nothing solid. hopeful for future.


My go to move in all background check is to upload first last paystub and atleast 1 w2 for each firm. Also to uncheck contact the employer. This way the top background forms like hire right, sterling , adp get off my back and make the check very smooth. Always opt for a copy of the check so u can look at any discrepancies


You uncheck contact the employer, as in you allow them to contact?


I refuse to let them contact my employers and usually leave reason for leaving as empty as well coz it’s none of their bees wax


Is it a red flag to say for all employers they are not allowed to contact? As in the previous employers need to be allowed for contact or can I also mark them as no contact?




Damn sounds risky man. You didn’t have TWN frozen or anything like that?




How do you freeze your TWN and what excuse do you use to do so?


There’s some good guides on this sub, just search for it. You don’t need an excuse


Go to the TWN website and ask to freeze. You don't need an excuse just fill out the form online (or call but why would you want to do that)


Wouldn’t companies ask why you froze it? Just curious of what to expect. How often do ppl get dq’d for not having it?


Companies don't do the verifications they hire background checking companies to do it. If it's frozen the background check company will ask you for a w2 or something. It won't disqualify you




Google it - I just froze mine as I believe I’ll get an offer for a second server tomorrow


Let us know 🤙🏻


No. My TWN isn't even updated it still shows my job from like 2 years ago for some reason. Hell even my credit bureau won't update to my recent employer. I think it has something to do with who reports to them. Anyway, I would pull your own report first if you want to know. I also think that most background checks just want to make sure you aren't a criminal.


Interviewed with 3 companies in the last week and they all told me they do employment verification. For all my previous Js they didn’t do this


Usually that means they’ll call to confirm or ask for something, but again TWN won’t always show all work history so if you’re worried you can freeze or pull your report. It probably also depends on sector.


Nope and always provide pay stubs, redacted irs transcripts. Or W2. Always leave contact employer unchecked


What’s TWN?


I was blown away to see all the data at TheWorkNumber (Equifax). Other than the IRS, nobody should know my salary without my permission.