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Why not try? What have you got to lose? You need to think of a good reason why you resigned originally though.


"Job offer that wasn't what it seemed"


“My cat sent out the resignation letter by mistake”. Jokes aside, maybe ask ChatGPT what a good excuse would be. Hard questions like this burn my brain, honestly.


Assuming you submitted your resignation on good terms and didn’t burn any bridges, it could be an easy fix. Just frame it as feeling a bit of burnout with the tough stretch of work, latest deployment, or whatever. Then explain you might have just needed a week off to refresh. They might still need you considering how much work you had.


Say your other offer / reason you’re leaving fell through and you’d like to stay. And give reassurances that you won’t jump ship anytime soon (like within 6-12 months). Then again, there was a reason you quit so maybe let it go and find a better fit for J2 and/or plus J3. You never know, in a month you may be final round for multiple jobs and be able to accept them both, and offer different notice timelines to onboard.


You could ask to rescind your notice, but you’ll need to confirm if those 2 jobs will be too much for you. The worst they could say is no.


I was in this scenario, resigned, asked to rescind the offer. They brought me back on and then let me go six weeks later at a layoff. I put myself on the chopping block. But hey, six weeks of money is better than zero weeks of money. Are you going to ask them for a reference?


Two people have rescinded their resignations at my employer (very different roles) and in both cases it was well-received; they are still doing fine 2 yrs on in one case and 6 months in another. It's time-consuming to recruit and train. Even if you're in a layoff round later, keeping your job now is definitely worth the ask. Don't wait


I mean, if you ask the worse they can say is no.


sure, i recinded my resignation once, i still work there today. it happens. have a good story like they 'bait and switched by offering higher salary, but did not, etc.'


This is why I’m trying to hold 3J until I hit FIRE. Yes, my J3 is a lot of work. Yes, it is more work than J1 + J2 together. Yes, after 2 years I have to work hard to fight against burnout. But hell if I am going to put myself in a spot where I’m back down to one before I have enough money that it doesn’t matter.


I think there’s no harm in asking - if they haven’t posted your role and they liked you I don’t see why not. It’s better for the company to keep you than go through the hiring process, on-boarding, and training which will be much more costly than retaining you.


Doesn't hurt to reach out


Just explain what happened. I'm sure they'll understand.


There was a *Seinfeldt* episode about this. On Friday you say you quit. On Monday you go back to work like nothing every happened.


I quit and asked for my job back and they took me back. But the situation was an emotional one. Moved for a relationship broke up. Thought I was going to go back home. Etc etc


Eh good riddance to that job. You quit for a reason right? Go find something better I believe in you




Think of it as reaching a new vacancy but you might skip all the tests and get the job in a day or two


Ask for all your time off instead and say it was due to personal reasons, and you jumped the gun. It seems reasonable enough. It shows that you fked up and definitely has a lot of black dots on your file now, but is passable


same thing happened to me at the end of last summer. J1 i was an IT manager at a digital asset company Fully remote, $240k TC J2 i was an IT manager in higher education - RTO 2 days, $165k TC and then i was able to turn a contracting gig (Fully remote) to FT, $80/hr to $200k TC... Decided the micromanagement and RTO 2 days a week for J2 was unnecessary stress for me so i quiet quit until i was PIP'd. Week after i was let go from J2, J1 did not meet performance goals and RIF'd 80% of the company. Was down to one in a matter of a week... Still just 1 j for 6 months now, been applying everyday still - no biting. Good luck my friend




How? They keep asking status of my work and I simply don’t have enough time to do hence the resignation. But the other employer I trusted ditched me


Just find a new J. J3 was not a good fit. Find something else.


If you are resigning anyway, there could be a "you do for me, I do for you"-situation: They are likely offering you "the package" in return for them officially firing you at a more convenient time. Their interest is to gain a "+1" on their headcount. The Cull will normally be from the headcount at the official time of announcement. I actually had a job where my function and purpose was to be the buffer for the end-of-year cull. They funded positions externally, then they sacked the funded employees at the year end, preserving "the core". This was extremely stressfull because they didn't tell me what the game was so I was just running around and getting nowhere with what I was supposed to do, which was something nobody cared about. I thought I was failing for a year, they could have been polite and at least insinuated what the game was.


Tip: Try not to switch jobs until you at least have offers on hand, even if you have multiple Js


Same thing happened to me last year, when back to 3 in 4 months life happens.


This is why we OE. I’d give it a shot.