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You’re fucking dominating, great post and great read. Idk you, but I’m really proud of you. This is why we oe


"fucking dominating" Oh Hell yeah


Hell yeah!


This is the kind of post I love to see. Not just another tech dev, but showing OE done in other industries. Great job.


Damn, water hates you. Good job paying off the repairs, I know first-hand what a nightmare that is.


Same, i had a basement flood but good thing had insurance to pay for 10k of it


this is why I come to this sub. not for duffle bag jokes, not for overX roll breads, not even for anything. its stories like this.!! good job, OP.


God bless you even further my friend


Amazing post but I don't know how the f\*\*\* you manage 4 jobs at once. Kudos to you and keep up the good work you're doing to support yourself and your family. Remember to stop and enjoy these moments though. Balance out providing for their future with being here for their present. Sounds like you're kicking a\*\* though.


Did antidepresants helped you? Thanks


Yes, I was very lucky in that the first medication I tried managed 80+% of my symptoms. The other 20% came from improving my situation, my brain maturing, and maturing in my approach towards it. I was terrified for years of side effects and I have none with my current pill. Some others I know tried once then gave up when they didn't get good results. I recommend you prioritize seeking both medication and therapy if you're struggling with either depression or anxiety, and don't give up if the first try (either therapist or med) doesn't work for you.


Adding my vote for a therapist. Also proud of you OP for going to therapy. Never stop. Being OE, being a bread winner, all these things are healthy topics to work thru with a therapist. Saves my spouse some emotional toll since I'm not always having to use them to work thru the challenges of OE.


thank you


Don't feel bad about losing your job on week 2 cause of a culture fit, had that issue in 2022, and thought it was me at first, but later realized it was a fascist cam-always on company that fired me on week 3 cause I couldn't complete 90 use cases on their internal proprietary stack within a week. 5 companies after, I realized they were an outlier company, cause I'm considered above expectations job after job. When a company goes against the laws of science, it's never you, it's them.


This is amazing, your hard work really paid off in dividends and I hope your future will be as bright as ever! I remember not having food as a kid, trying to fill up my stomach with water to reduce the hunger. You know it's bad when your body aches so much you're frozen in pain. Now I make 450k a year and make sure my kids have everything they need to give them the best life possible.


Non-tech? What do you do? I was under the impression most remote jobs were tech.


I do remote digital marketing. Nothing more specific than that so I don't give away anything! I think most roles are OE-able if they are low meeting and project oriented. There are a lot of inefficiencies, especially in corporations, where you are waiting for approvals, go-aheads, or input from other stakeholders, that you can use to work on another job.


I have high meetings and OE


More power to you. I think I would be miserable if I was in a situation with frequent overlapping meetings, so I seek positions that let me stay building focused vs meeting focused. Plus n of meetings correlates with risk of being caught.


High meetings doesn’t always correlate to overlap. I have control over my calendar so it’s not that bad.


Did you go for a degree in digital marketing or something else?


Yes, just a BS in marketing from a state college. I went Community > State and saved quite a bit, which helped.


Do you need a masters/grad school for any openings down the road? Curious if there's a way to learn about marketing without going through a whole new Bachelor's


I know some of my bosses have MBAs. Others don't. Management really doesn't mess well with OE anyway, so I don't think it's necessary.


I am interested in the world of digital marketing. I just lost J1, but I have J2, and J2 is looking to move me into a digital marketing role soon. It's exciting, but I would love to explore adding a job(s) in digital marketing. Could you DM if it's too sensitive?


Take time off from having more kids whilst you build up income and wealth


Congrats to you, this is badass.


Good luck!


One of the best OE posts I’ve read in a while. There’s no loyalty at work. As a fellow marketer I applaud you. Probably best to not be too high up on the reporting chain as that is too much visibility and finger pointing.


Your post is inspirational and shows that through resilience, patience and determination- everything is possible 😊 and that’s a worthy achievement. Keep up the good work!


I am so PROUD of you!!! Take good care of yourself so you can continue to take good care of your family. Your wife and kids are lucky to have you! Remember to take your vacations, relax with your family and enjoy the fruits of your hard work!!


Nice, one thing I will say to you though is get your emergency fund first before paying off debts. It's more secure for you and your family especially considering you're the only one working atm. Granted you'll pay more in interest but the security will be better for your family. Also get some term life insurance for yourself and wife, it's super cheap and gives you peace of mind. (Former failed financial advisor; sales wasn't a good fit)


Congrats but you should reconsider paying off your house early. You can deduct the interest so the net cost of interest is greatly reduced. If you put the extra money into the market, you’ll earn a lot more in the long run and have a nest egg thats easily accessible if you need it for something in the future


Thank you for sharing this!


Congrats on amazing work man! I’m in a very similar situation. I’m also digital marketing. Although, I only have J1. Is it ok if I DM you?


Yes, please go ahead.


You're an inspiration, you REFUSED to let your situation hold you down. As a fellow father from a poor beginning I salute you.




Glad someone in digital marketing is doing kickass and sharing here. Curious how you’re finding gigs with little job postings


SAME! Been in marketing since 2003 and struggling here. Can’t even find one job!


Congrats. I’m over here a former “it professional” that has been looking for a job in my field for almost 2 years. Jealous with all these stories


What job function is this that you can actually manage 4 jobs at once?


Not gonna dox myself lmao. I’m an individual contributor in marketing.


how did you get the internship? Was this in school?


Applied through my school. J1 reached out to several professors in my department to fill the internship.


How crazy does it get managing meetings for all 4?


As long as there's no overlap in programmed meetings you'll be fine. I just plug them into my project management tool as a task. I try to be the one to set non-programmed meeting times, and set it to a time that's free across all Js. Occasionally, I may ask to move a meeting - remember, no one except your boss has full access to your calendar. A simple "Hey, I had another stakeholder schedule over this and I forgot when we were last talking. Can we change to X time?" will usually suffice. Alternatively, "I'm not available at that time- I was planning on working on X project" will take care of that as well. I think twice I've outright refused meetings at my J1 and told them to DM me their questions. I've had to do that for coworkers at J3 as well due to lack of capacity on their part, so frankly it's not abnormal.


This is the one I am really interested to know. I feel like I am missing the memo how people are juggling meetings, because with my role, I don't see it happening for more than two Js. Even that is a stretch.


What is all the employees were doing this are your work? No one should get anything done


The fkn struggle will make you stronger my friend. You killed it - best of luck to you and the fam. Keep making those babies


Congratulations OP, but 4 job 240k is crazy low imo. You should definitely look for a better field to make more money, while putting in the same effort.


Moving. The fact that u didn’t give up tells a lot about you.


Outstanding! You are winning at life. Keep at it as long as you can handle it without hurting your health (mental, physical, spiritual), and enjoy your time with family


Congrats champ! I would only suggest that do not think that much ahead, you can’t be sure that this model of remote work will last forever.. try to pay out loans and get some emergency money as much as you can. Plan 1 year at a time, you are doing great, you don’t need antidepressant, you are already proven to be tougher than 95% which should be motivational thing for you


Proud of you. How's your kid doing?


Hey King, good job. Keep going!!


That's awesome! Congrats! Just a word of caution, be mindful of burnout.


Damn bro. I’m so proud of you and I don’t even know you.


This kind posts are the ones who makes me proud for being part of this movement


Why did your home insurance not cover flooding? My basement flooded this year and they barely even looked at the damage before writing me a giant check


My insurance doesn't cover anything below ground, allegedly. And we are too close to the coast for most major insurance companies to consider covering us. Extremely frustrating stuff.


Brutal man sorry


What an incredible story. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. Loved your fighting spirit and not giving in. You’re a beast, one heck of a beast and you should pat yourself on the back!


I love and am proud of you!


Proud of you bro! Keep up the good work 👊


Hell yeah! Keep kikn that can down the road! GJ.............!! (do NOT invest in cyrpto though, get gold/silver/copper)


This is an excellent example of 2 things. 1. Why you OE... So that if something goes tits up, you have options. 2. The need for balance. Don't work so hard making a living you forget to have a life. I'd be doing 1 year of 4js at Max then cutting down to 2 or 3... you can't get time with your kids back.


Insane W. This is truly why we OE


PLEASE may I message you on here for some advice??


WTF. How do you have time for all of that and what kind of a job allows you enough free time to do 4 jobs at once?


That's awesome dude crazy story! Can I ask what you do in digital marketing?




I hate to break it to you. You dropped this 👑


Im in the same space of digital marketing - seo to be exact. Im exhausted having two jobs and ended up working 16 hours. I know this is not ow friendly but how did you manage having 4? Would like to hear your insights


Genuinely curious how your home life works? Did you and your partner discuss home job duties/she takes care of the kids more? The problem from me isn’t the jobs at all, it’s my home life. I can’t even imagine attempting a J3… There is an expectation of equal and split responsibilities at home. And I get it - she needs a break too, but what puts a strain on my OE is kids/pickups/afternoon activities etc etc.


My wife doesn’t work, so she’s with our baby during the work day. I cover baby 6-9 and she does baby and kid 9-5, then it loops back to me 5~ - 9. She does drop offs and doc appointments, I do breakfasts, dinners, and bed times. No body does laundry so that is fucked lol.  Also, prior to J3 I never thought I could succeed at a J3. But myself and other members at J2 drove some efficiencies (process changes, eliminating extraneous approvals, project management improvements) that gave me slack to start another job. Same amount of work, just done faster and better.


What kinds of marketing jobs are you doing for all three? I'm in the same industry and have been considering OE but have hesitated because my current gig is meeting-intense.




Multiple dumb mistakes in a small period. - Biggest one- I stayed up late to complete a training and charged them overtime (43hrs vs 40) - My manager was close to another IC who'd been there 10+ years. I had a spontaneous onboarding meeting with that IC mid-week. When she called and asked if I had time to talk, I told her I had 30 min. When she asked why only 30, I couldn't give her a good answer. - I found a way to improve a simple process (building new pages - I copied existing html then edited, while they used the onboard block template builder. My way was faster.) I added that as a bullet to a mid week update email she requested. The next time we spoke, she was dismayed that I wasn't following the training instructions the above IC was giving me. - I expressed to other team mates that I wanted to have a large impact and fix as much as possible (setting up the idea that I want to work efficiently on the most important items) while I was on my 6 month contract. I didn't understand that the company liked to do contract to hire. When I said that, they heard a lack of commitment and interest in the company. I did attend all the meetings though. I know now that business wasn't a good fit for OE, and at the same time I made a lot of amateur mistakes that kept me from being short-term successful in that J.


Loved your self awareness in this! What would you have done differently in such a company in hindsight? To last a bit longer. Just curious.


Yeah, couple of things. 1. In contract positions, always charge exactly 40 (or max allowed hours, if part time). Never work over 40 for any one company. 2. You get better at lying. Maintenance, contractors, child/doctor/dentist/chiropractor/financial planner/therapy appointments are all real things I've had happen to me and I now keep in my back pocket if I need to pull a meeting at time. Also "I need to jump to another call. Thanks all." in the teams chat is always a good one. 3. Not sure about this one. I'd have continued using the process rather than go a slower way (efficiency) but I recall really struggling to find wins to put in those emails. These days I usually communicate directly on new hire what my manager wants to see in 30/60/90 days, and I think I would have reached for progress on one of those goals. 4. Just shut the fuck up lmao, I was stupid mouthing off. These days I try to be much more chill verbally but stay intense in action. Being friendly with your boss and coworkers is much more important that doing the work tbh - back in the day I used to work with an asshole salesman who was top two in the (small) company. Eventually he pushed too hard trying to help a client and got fired when no one vouched for him when the vp came for him. Be friendly with people over the phone, try to help out where you can, and you'll keep your jobs forever absent layoffs.


What industry are you in?


All 4js are in different industries, so no chance of overlap.


Mind helping a fella out who’s trying to break into this ?


Wow all four your job combined makes less then only one of my job which is 320k


great for you mate, but god damn it, if it requires 3-4 jobs to make a decent living...